PoE: Patch Notes 0.10.0C (27/01/2013)


Patch note publicado en el foro sobre el parche que han metido a las 5:30 A.M del día 27 de Enero de 2013.

Version 0.10.0c
-Hotfixed a complete realm crash. Please be aware that if the realm does crash, players may see no characters on their account if they immediately log back in. If this ever happens to you, just log in again.

  • Fixed a bug where setting a premium stash tab's colour back to the default brown resulted in you not being able to edit that premium tab again.

  • Fixed a game server crash that could occur when using Shield Charge.

  • Fixed some bugs with the Act Three boss fight including one where it would pause from time to time in its Avatar of Fire form.

  • Fixed a bug where items in trade would appear too faded out.

  • Corrected a problem with the quest rewards for the Merciless difficulty "Intruders in Black" quest for the Witch.

  • Slightly brightened the purchasable weapon effects so that they stand out better in dark areas.

  • Fixed some problems with microtransaction effects on staves.

  • Fixed some confusing quest text related to the Merveil quest and the Maligaro's Spike quest.

  • Added more videos to the shop to complete the range for purchasable weapon effects and skill effects.

La verdad es que no han tardado nada en arreglar esos problemas de sobrecarga de servidores y caidas, además de bugs en misiones e items. Me gusta que tomen cartas en el asunto de los problemas ingame tan rápidamente

EDIT: Me equivoqué en la fecha del título, alguno puede corregirla?


Mientras quiten las colas perfecto. Mola que vayan arreglando cosas poco a poco.

1 respuesta

#1 Son buenas patch notes sobre todo el primer punto.

#2 Siempre son así de eficientes :P

Usuarios habituales

  • Prostyler
  • SamaWoodo
  • xTwisted
