Wii rebaja su precio - 199$


Al parecer tras casi 3 años en el mercado liderando ventas día tras día, Nintendo ha decidido hacer una pequeña rebaja a su consola, para tal vez así no hacer dudar a la gente con los últimos precios de Sony y Microsoft.

La rebaja en principio solo está anunciada para USA, pero es de esperar que no tarde en llegar a Europa.

Efectiva a partir del viernes 27, por 199$

The rumors were true, and Nintendo's knight in shining armor is finally about to see its first-ever price drop. For nearly three years now, the console has sold briskly at $249.99, but beginning on September 27th at Best Buy (and everywhere else, naturally), the happy-go-lucky machine will be offered for just $199.99. Interestingly, it appears that suits at BB expect Nintendo to make an official announcement on the drop this Friday, yet retail stores won't begin selling at the discounted rate until Sunday. Something tells us that won't go over well, but we guess we've but a few days left 'til we find out exactly how the Big N plans to play this.




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