Yakuza 6 terminará con la historia de Kazuma Kiryu


Palabras del productor Toshihiro Nagoshi a través de una entrevista en la cual ha confirmado que Yakuza 6 será el capítulo final para nuestro héroe Kazuma Kiryu. La pregunta que nace de aquí es que siempre se ha dicho que sería el final del protagonista en cada nuevo título.

“I’m not lying when I say that this is the final chapter in the legend of Kazuma Kiryu, however. Those are my true beliefs right at this moment. Usually – for example, right around this time as we’re making RGG6 (editor’s note: July 2016) – the staff generally have at least a bit of discussion amongst themselves about what we might do with RGG7. This time, though, there’s been nothing like that at all.”

Toshihiro Nagoshi además ha comentado el hecho de contar con Takeshi Kitano en el reparto de Yakuza 6

“I was actually friends with Takeshi from before this, to the level of drinking companions, but I had trouble taking the plunge and beginning business negotiations with, “Would you appear in our game?” I really wanted to ask him, though, of course. I didn’t think it would be easy to get my wish, and sort of felt like he would get mad at me (laughs). It took years before I could say anything.”

Podéis leer la entrevista completa aquí

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