Yo-kai Watch 2 llegará a Europa en la primavera de 2017


Con fecha de salida confirmada en Norteamérica para el 30 de septiembre, Nintendo confirma su localización en el viejo continente y nos llegarán ambas versiones: Yo-kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits y Yo-kai Watch 2: Fleshy Souls .

Algunas de las cosas que traerá que paso de traducir son:

+ Embark on an all-new adventure in Springdale with more than 350 new and returning Yo-kai to discover and befriend—each with a unique look, personality, and Soultimate Moves.

  • Assemble your team of six Yo-kai on your Yo-kai Watch to battle trouble-making Yo-kai, solve people’s problems, and end a civil war between competing Yo-kai factions.
  • Touchscreen-based batle actions initiate powerful Soultimate Moves, purify inspirited YO-kai, and heal your Yo-kai.
  • Ride trains to new surrounding areas, such as the countryside village Harrisville and seaside town of San Fantastico.
  • Travel back in time to discover the origin of the Yo-kai Watch and meet Classic Yo-kai from 60 years ago, while you ensure the Yo-kai Watch Model Zero is created and your timeline is preserved.
  • Team up with up to four players in an all-new action-based local multiplayer mode (additional games and systems required for multiplayer mode. Sold separately.)
  • For the first time, challenge your friend’s team over the Internet in addition to local wireless in two-player multiplayer battles.
  • Get one of three special Yo-kai (Buchinyan, Noko, or Komasan) by using data from the original Yo-kai Watch game.
  • Will launch with two versions—Yo-kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits and Yo-kai Watch 2: Fleshy Souls—each featuring Yo-kai that can only be befriended in their respective games.
  • Collect, detect, and connect real-world Yo-kai Watch Yo-Motion medals (each sold separately, available late 2016) for use with the Hasbro-produced Yo-kai + Watch Model Zero watch (each sold separately, available late 2016), and scan the codes on the back of the medals to get in-game content, like new Yo-kai, items, or other bonuses.
  • In addition to the games, Disney XD has acquired a second season of the Yo-kai Watch animated TV show, which will premiere this summer.

El primero me defraudó un poco. Había un momento ya en el que tenías que repetir una y otra vez lo mismo, y llegaba a aburrir. Y los Classic Yo-kai no es que me hagan mucha gracia.

0 hype, la verdad.

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  • LucaBlight
  • Astara