LCK/LPL Summer Split 2015

Toda la info de los playoffs de la LPL en #3018
Toda la info de los playoffs de la LCK en #3879

Stream en Chino




Bueno, escapamos de EDG.


1 respuesta

GG. Vaya final de split que se ha pegado LGD, a ver que tal en los worlds.


Corriendo a por el trofeo jajajajaj q cracks


que guapo el trofeo


¿Los dos puestos que quedan se juegan por regionales?


menuda serie , gg LGD merecidisimo triunfo


#4262 Tal y como está jugando EDG últimamente creo que es mas asequible que QG xD

1 respuesta

#4268 El EDG que espero ver en los regionales es el que da miedo. Y a QG ya le pudimos ganar en semis.

Lo prefiero así.


EDG supongo que espabilará de la pajara que les ha dado con las 2 series perdidas, y si despiertan bueno, todos sabemos el miedo que dan.

QG deberia ganarle a IG, despues de la pedazo de serie de hoy no veo a IG a este nivel.


En dos semanas los regionales. A ver si EDG vuelve a la normalidad .. la verdad que cualquiera de los cuatro tiene opciones de llevarse un seed (quizás snake menos por el impacto que tiene el jungler en el meta).


Esperó que EDG vuelva a su nivel. Por cierto, una pregunta para los que más seguís esto, ¿que equipo os parece más fuerte, el actual LGD o el EDG de antes de tener estas malas series?


Entrevista a los integrantes de LGD


Edg antes, y seguramente el edg de regionales. Aunq lgd es un equipazo y me encantaria q ganaran ellos o fnc, pero edg creó que es todavía mejor equipo (el mejor de todos de hecho)


cuando son los regionales de corea y china?


Verás tu OMG...

Parece que Lovelin y Cool ya no se aguantan mas y el primero se irá. Lovelin queria que jugase North y no Uzi, Lovelin apostó por el y Gogoing, un lio interesante

1 respuesta

Una pena porque es uno de los grandes veteranos de la comunidad. Pero siendo sinceros, si es por nivel tendría que haber parado hace tiempo.


#4276 Dejar que un tio como Gogoing se deje y alejarlo más si cbe del juego es pecado mortal. El mejor top de la pasada season y el mejor adc. Que mal han llevado las cosas por alli


Me encanta China y los dramas que se montan allí joder xd

El follón con el nuevo (ya ex) coach de LGD (Chris, ex-coach de SHRC cuando llegaron a los worlds) es interesante tambien:

Sacado del weibo de PyL:
First you ditch the team before the match for money, then you post a statement on Weibo and let your friends fuel the argument for you, now you create another big wave of drama? The three of us Chinese players never played on the Worlds stage. This time we finally have the opportunity and all we thought about were preparing our hardest for the matches, so please do not bother our teammates. We were already put into a difficult situation before the finals because of your Weibo post, and we worried a lot because of this. Our team struggled but finally won the championship, so whatever happened before does not need to be brought up again, but you issued another thread to continue the drama. Is this because you can't go to S5 Worlds so you use our team to attract attention? That night when you returned, you said that the coaches in other teams get paid so high and you wanted to get paid millions of RMB a year. Why would the club that did not sign a contract with you because you have only been with the team for 10 days reward you for one victory? The next day, you agreed to stay after your pay was raised, but the same afternoon you stopped spectating scrims and constantly chatted with someone on QQ. Did your friend convince you again that you deserve 1million RMB salary? And threaten to leave again without discussing? All I can say is, good thing that our players did not force you to stay. I believe that karma will get you for ditching the team last minute before the game. Lastly, I want to say that please let our team practice properly and adjust our conditions for S5 Worlds. Please do not come bother us, ok? Thank you!

En el post de Reddit hay mas cosas:

From Chinese Forums: There was no Chris on LPL final venue. There was no Homme on LPL final venue for LGD either (VG Coach Homme was not, and cannot be the formal coach of LGD in LPL Summer, doing so will violate the single ownership rule, he can only give advices after VG is out of worlds, and he's now back in Korea, whether he'll come back to China is not certain).
LGD was without a coach in LPL finals. You only saw the analyst (which GODV praised as did great to help Chris in semis)
I'll inaccurately translate meaning of Chris's post yesterday:
LGD found Chris and wanted him to coach LGD. Chris is then Newbee (LSPL team) coach and did not sign contract, said he'll only go to LGD after Newbee is promoted.
For a week LGD had tough schedule, but Newbee only got 4th in LSPL, no autopromotion, promotion is in August, so Chris himself ate his words, betrayed Newbee and went to LGD anyway. LGD end up went from 7th to 5th that week. (Note: Newbee eventually got crushed by WE 3-0 in promotions)
2 days after I celebrated with my friends (Note: probably refers to Tabe and Linko), I intended to sign a contract with LGD so I asked general salaries of other team's coaches. The rest is history: I got drunk, said something inappropriate on Imp's stream, probably asked too much from LGD, everything I did then I got drunk, I'm sorry for that.
The next day I talked extensively with LGD's manager, they were willing to provide 30k CNY/month, but the 100k CNY prize for winning S5 qualification they promised get delayed to the end of season, I couldn't understand it, what's more important, they benched me to secondary position in favor of Homme, Homme came to LGD base and taught roster the very day (Note: Is Homme still coach of LGD? Is this a violation of single ownership? Riot pls investigate), I'm very salty, people said I done nothing substantial in S3, said it's Korean coach's credit in S4, I don't care, I want to prove myself in S5, I didn't get SHRC keep their LPL spot, I didn't get Newbee promoted, I bet my everything on LGD, if LGD choke I have no reputation. Now LGD get S5 ticket but Homme is now primary, I'm salty, wanted to leave, LGD manager talked to me, I gave in, decided to stay until after Worlds.
We scrim that afternoon, I think Homme and my style are drastically different and incompatible, and roster is listening to him, I felt I weren't being respected, so decided to leave, LGD manager approved. That night TBQ wanted to keep me, I don't know how to explain to roster, nor I want to have competition with Homme, I won't win. I got out without my luggage, at my friend's home I got emotional so tweeted without anticipating such drama, I'm sorry for that. Neither LinkO nor TBQ's arguing were wrong, but neither of them knew what I really thought. I want more a chance to prove myself than money.
LGD didn't give what they promised (referring to 100k for winning S5 qualification) yet, they were in the finals so I didn't say anything, until people speculate and spread rumors poorly, so I want to clarify that, don't put blame on anyone, wish LGD do well in S5. Thank you.
LGD roster is not amused. In addition to Pyl's weibo, GODV and TBQ retweeted to support Pyl:
GODV: (Chris, you) drunk yesterday, want so many inappropriate things, I don't understand, winning is a team effort, our analyst feed you so much information in B/P, our practice of Vi is also credit to him.
TBQ: Wtf so much drama, we didn't comment about you first, now you are manipulating public opinions...

1 respuesta

lo de China ya es Next level.Madre mía la de dramones que se montan ahí xd


#4279 resumen?:s


Mas info sobre lo de LGD de #4279

El Chris este es un liante de los gordos.


¿Puedes poner resumen para vagos? c:


Es muy largo como para ponerme a resumirlo, es lio entre un coach y el equipo, leedlo si quereis saber mas.


El Chris ese tiene una pinta de niñato que flipas... grande PYL y el manager.

Adivina quien NO es un maromo:


la final de la lck es este sabado?

1 respuesta

#4286 Tu vives en corea ¿No? Deberías saberlo >.<
Sábado a las 10 horario español.

1 respuesta

#4287 k tendra k ver xDD pensaras que vivo en corea por y para el lol o algo xDD by the way thanks

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#4288 No, no era eso, pero allí que los e-sports tienen mas presencia imagino que será fácil estar al día tema horarios, cambios en rosters, etc xD

1 respuesta

#4289 tienen mas presencia pero no ponen cuando es la final en la parada del bus a ver si me entiendes xDD y hace tiempo k no le doy al juego asik estoy desinformao

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