LCK/LPL/LMS Spring Split: Playoffs


No lo echaron de QG?


Lo que no se entiende es lo de Uzi.
Todo el mundo afirma que con uzi, QG juega mucho mejor y ha jugado mucho mas el otro xD.

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Tabe en invictus gaming :O


#62 Tiene una lesión en los hombros por el estrés y prefieren dosificarlo.


El formato de playoff de la LCK es el mas acertado a mi parecer, recompensa mas tu posición en el regular.

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#65 Opino igual. Tal vez el de la LPL sea el más equilibrado entre justo y espectáculo.


#65 Podría ser, pero creo que sólo está bien colocado en las regiones más fuertes (LCK y quizás LPL). A las regiones medias (TW EU) y bajas (NA IWCI) creo que está bien que los 1° seed jueguen semifinales, para asegurar nivel y que al mismo tiempo jueguen más partidas.

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#67 La LMS y EU actualmente están sobre la LPL.
En la LMS por cierto juegan con el sistema de la LCK para PO y no creo que les vaya ir mal, total siempre ganan los mismos.

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#68 Si, pero antiguamente no era así. Quizás si G2 demuestra estar al nivel del último FNC u Origen de los worlds, podríamos considerar a EU como la región que le puede plantar más cara a Corea. Taiwan como siempre, es un misterio.


Taiwan para mi no es ningun misterio, para mi TW esta igualito a NA, nada mas que viven del pasado, algo asi como EU hasta el año pasado antes de que FNC y OG llegaran a semis.

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Esperate que aún tenemos drama con Dade-Doinb, nada confirmado:

source (Doinb's microblog)
Background: Doinb suddenly got benched and QG started losing a lot
Rumour 1) Doinb spent too much time with grill and got kicked by swift for attitude reasons.
Rumour 2) Doinb asked for higher share of stream money and got benched by the boss.
Doinb came out and posted the following 40 minutes ago, to clarify the situation.
Main text translation: Recently I didn't want to talk about this and wanted to wait until this split ends, because I thought I still have chance to play. But today I am angry. Someone vilified me and my team. I never asked for a raise and never went on a strike. Boss is nice and raised our salaries before this split. I have been pleading to the team to let me play. I didn't want to talk bad about swift. He never listened to the coach and BP by himself, which cost us a lot of games. I confronted him and he started arguing with me, and said as long as he is in QG, I won't see any minutes. I got benched, which is a fact. I just want clarify that I wasn't benched for asking for a raise. So stop vilifying my team.
Then he posted a few chat screenshot with QG's boss:
Doinb: Sorry, boss, our record isn't good recently. The team atmosphere is bad. We two Koreans argued. But I want to focus on the game and go to MSI. Sorry, I will adjust and work harder, won't be like this next time
Boss: Adjust well. I don't want any of you to have any conflict. I hope all of you consider the team as a family. Add oil (chinese phrase for encouragement, like "keep fighting"!)
Doinb: Thanks boss for trusting us. Next time I will make sure to prevent this. Add oil!
(Next day) Doinb: Boss, sorry, yesterday we agreed on adding oil, but I may no longer have any chance now. Swift told XXX (Doinb covered this name from screenshot) that he won't play with me. I must be benched, or he won't play. So team has already taken a backup player to photo op, and decided to use that backup. I don't want to disturb you, but you are the last person that can help me as I can't think about anyone else!
Swift and I argued for BP reasons. Every time we scrim, the BP coach would prepare a composition, but swift always changes his mind before the game, and pick whatever he wants, whatever he feels like playing. Then he would blame the coach after losing. This happens much more frequently nowadays. Last time we lost to LGD, the coach predicted all the picks correctly 100% and prepared counter picks, but he refused to listen, so we lost.
So I confronted him in the after-game meeting. I asked him why he feels he isn't to be blamed, and why it is reasonable to blame the coach. The coach is 12 years more senior then us. Swift told the coach "no matter what you prepare, I won't listen. Leave me along, let me play by my own style". I have been playing with swift for 1.5 years. I don't want to give up on him and don't want him to continue like this. But he now hates me and wants to kick me. I think I played well. I got up at 7 everyday, and started training at 9. After evening scrimming, I would solo queue to midnight. I cherish this team, as I spent the whole journey with QG from LSPL to LPL. I feel I am being wronged.
Boss: I will coordinate this.
Doinb: Thanks boss! I will cherish any oppotunity.
(Next day) Doinb: Hello, boss, now I don't know how the team will treat me. They say I must stay on the second floor. Can't train with the team, and can't stream. They refused to talk to me, but this situation must be resolved sooner or later. I want to know the team's thought!
For what happened, I felt sorry. I want to play. I wish you do not question my heart for playing. If you could forgive me, in the future, I will play without complaint and my objective will be the worlds. If you have time, I wish to talk to you face to face.
(next day) If you have time tomorrow, can we talk. I want the champion!
(next day) I really want this team to win this season. You refuse to talk I don't know your thought. If you want to bench me after the spring, I can understand, but this is during season. When I played the team was winning. Now the team is losing which hurts my heart. If you won't reply. I will have to wait for the team's arrangement, either terminating my contract or transfer me.
Boss: tomorrow 2pm you come to the game house, we will talk
Doinb: OK
(next day) Doinb: I am here, when will you come?
Boss: Linko will take you to my place
Then Doinb also attached a chat screenshot with peco, he asked peco to duo, but peco never replied to his message.

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#71 podrias hacer un resumen en español, que con mi poco nivel de ingles veo ese tocho y no puedo

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Lawl, sólo con leerme las primeras frases ya estoy flipando del BAYLIFE que se pegan en CN. A poquito que traigan metodos de KR a NA... CN se queda atrás. Es demasiada pasta y putas en manos de críos.
Es otra dimensión.

Sigo leyendo xD.


#70 Igualito a NA. Cuando AhQ se paseé con ROX por la IEM hablamos. (¿O te recuerdo que el FNC de el año pasado perdió la mayoría de sus enfrentamientos con AhQ?).

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#74 Desde que TSM Gano la IEM Katowice, la competencia perdio total respeto :psyduck:

EDIT: Respeto y validez *

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#75 quería poner MSI XD

1 comentario moderado

Doinb: Boss, sorry, yesterday we agreed on adding oil, but I may no longer have any chance now. Swift told XXX (Doinb covered this name from screenshot) that he won't play with me.

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#78 No, si Swift parece una buena pieza xd

Swift and I argued for BP reasons. Every time we scrim, the BP coach would prepare a composition, but swift always changes his mind before the game, and pick whatever he wants, whatever he feels like playing. Then he would blame the coach after losing. This happens much more frequently nowadays. Last time we lost to LGD, the coach predicted all the picks correctly 100% and prepared counter picks, but he refused to listen, so we lost.

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#79 yo he resumido más que tú, soy la próxima esperanza foril para la moderación.

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madre de dios....xD uzi tiene un puto mal de ojo loco xD


#80 si ademas de resumir lo traduces tienes mi voto

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#82 Swift no quiere jugar con Doinb y lo ha dicho al equipo así que Doinb se quiere quitar de en medio en vez de liarla...

Yo la liaría xD


Luego Uzi los flamea y él es el malo. A ver si en PO saca su mala ostia y obliga a swift a jugar lo que diga el coach. XD


Plan para mañana:
Levantarse a las 7. A las 8 LPL con el VG vs WE. A las 10 partidazo de la LMS M17 vs TPA. Entra en paralelo a las 11 la LCK con SKT T1 V JAG. Y por último, y probablemente más interesante, a las 12 el partido SneakeQ vs EDG.
Mañanita movidita en la scene asiática.

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1 comentario moderado

#85 WE - M17 - SKT - EDG

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RPV de #71 para #72 y el que lo necesite:

Swift suda de la cara del coach y hace lo que le sale del rabo tanto en scrims como en el stage, además culpa al coach de las derrotas, Doinb cree que el coach tiene razón y confronta a Swift por hacer lo que le sale del rabo en PB. Swift le dice que no va a volver a jugar con el equipo, amenazando con que si juega Doinb no lo hará el, lo que resulta en que a Doinb se le benchea y se le aparta del equipo. Doinb acude al jefe del equipo (no sé si será el dueño o qué) explicando la situación y pidiéndole una solución. Doinb se va de la gaminghouse a otro sitio donde vive el jefe (esto no sé si es algo pasajero o lo apartan definitivamente de la orga, ya que no aclaran mucho más).

También niega los rumores de que el bench ha sido por abandonar sus obligaciones para pasar más tiempo con su novia y exigir un aumento salarial. Dice que ambas son mentira, describe sus horarios de entreno y dice que el sueldo ya se lo subieron a principio del split y está contento.


Por cierto, los horarios están mal, la LPL ya ha empezado, para el que esté interesado.


En serio, me cago en Leaguepedia, desde que estamos en CEST, están todos los horarios mal.

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