DF: La realidad de los Hacks en DFO


Este post es de de aqui http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm?post=2842134&bhcp=1&bhhash=1#2842134

Existen y despues de leer esto no creo que a nadie le queden dudas. La esperanza es que AV lo está detectando y continuamente baneando:

El post se llama "confesiones de un hacker de DFO":

Wall of text, but worth reading if you are interesting in a different perspective, or want information in regards to the topic. Hell, if you just came to troll and yell at me good for you.

I would first like to let people know that I don't give a rat's ass how you perceive me. I play the way I play regardless of what other's think and have played this way in the entirety of all my gaming.

The only reason I will give you a background to where I am coming from is in hopes that you understand that I am not retarded like a small portion of the hackers that are out there, and to personalize myself to the game to show that I am not coming out of left field with what I am presenting. But, as always, this forum is fickle with teenage angst and extreme personalities, so your opinion is your own. Good for you.

Gaming, as far as its existence in my life, is not high up on the list. Does this make my actions correct or worthy of doing so? No, I know that my actions can/have hurt games.

I hacked, I macroed and I exploited. I was not the obvious hacker. I hacked/exploited for wealth to fund my macroing. I rarely took part in PvP, using my time rather to macro up skills. No, I did not take place in rigorfests. No, I did not take place in Acid Pool exploits. Those exploits were in clans (which are heavily ridden with exploiters/hackers) so I missed out on those. I spent my time in Darkfall going solo; doing my own thing. I learned everything about the game by myself through my own actions and through seeing things. I never stole other people's mounts and the moment someone came to my spawn I teleported out of the way and let them take over the spawn.

In the hacker community there is a constant battle of the "good" hackers and the "stupid" hackers. The "Good Hacker" goes unnoticed to the general population. He never uses speedhack, he never uses aimbot or sticky to his advantage in PvP and is non-conflict when it comes to other players. The "Stupid Hacker" group consists of either teenagers or players who hate DF and don't care if they get caught. These people are the ones you see stealing boats, jumping from out of ground to kill you or steal your mount. They also attack the "Good Hackers" even knowing that they will just teleport away.

But that's besides the point of this post. I am throwing this out there to let people know a few things, ask questions, or just hate on my with nerd-rage until this thread is locked and I am banned.

First, let's give you a background on the cheats used and how. Most hackers (in DF) have two accounts. One clean, one for hacking. This is what I did and this is nothing new to the DF Forum community.

How the hacks work:

  1. Teleport is loaded up after you are logged in. You can move with the direction keys on the numpad section of your keyboard. This hack allows you to teleport instantly anywhere in the game. Yes, you can teleport inside buildings, rocks, trees, under the ground, you name it.

Repeated use of this will give you the "Out of Virtual Memory" error, so next time you see all the people with this problem, keep that in mind. I see people post from here to the hacker forum all the time.

  1. Darkfall Physics - This one is the good one. This hack encompasses wallhacks, radar, three different forms of speedhacks, player (and GM even if they are invisible) detection, graves/nodes wallhacks, sticky to player (popular for the hackers that like to steal mounts), and of course the infamous aimbot.

Wallhacks drop almost all of the current things you see unless you have certain wallhacks turned on. You can drop all the scenery and just see players (highlighted in purple if they are behind something, green if they are in front of something), mining nodes, or simple things like chests or gravestones.

Speedhacks have three different settings from Sprinting all the time without loss of Stamina (if you pay attention closley when people use this function THEY DO NOT LEAN FORWARD WHEN THEY RUN) to obvious speed hacking.

Aimbot and Player Sticky are similar. Sticky you can be a mile away, throw your cursor over the mob/player/mount, hit F1 and be RIGHT on the guy, stuck to him. This gives the player a look of scrabbling around your back as you try to run away. Aimbot does what the name says. Snaps the cursor to your guy so you have less of a chance of missing.

Radar shows + on the screen of locations of players, mobs, and NPCs.

Proximity Alarm sounds off when someone is within distance of your radar. The only problem? That the radar detects things way off the radar screen. So players sometimes don't know if it's an invisible GM or a bug.

  1. SECURE Physics

This hack is like the regular Darkfall Physics, but minus the tools they are not sure are detectable. Guess we will see!

Other factoids:

1) They are banning accounts again. Yes, get excited! They have been banning accounts since yesterday and it's picking up again. They banned my CLEAN account, not my hacking account. What does this mean? It means they are going about it some other way. They must be detecting item transfers or something as I NEVER ran a hack on my clean account. Yes, I did macro, but was never warned or booted by a GM. So they could be coming down on macroers, no idea.

2) The Mercs, Rainbow Ninjas, Pain, NME, Blood, Bad Boys for Life, Shadow Syndicate, Collations of Character Killers are the plethora of hacking clans. Some are better than others, but they hack and try to act like they don't. I know this by going under their cities, seeing who is teleporting in, who looks at me, going to their spawns and seeing their responsiveness to my location etc.

3) The game economy is fucked up by greedy exploiters/hackers. Some of these people have one account, some have multiple. They buy low, and sell high, driving prices higher while they get a profit. This is terrible in how it makes it so the low be/new coming players cannot afford certain items. Other players exploited a Mount Dupe trick in the early days to attain HUNDREDS of mounts. Then by selling them they got quick gold in the beginning launching them to the riches (All the people who suck Styyled Enrolled's penis for thinking he's some uber gamer are kidding themselves. There's a few in the other Alliances as well).

4) Yes, Ky Ky hacks. Yes, sorry, the infamous Dread Og hacks. How do I know? From sharing the same spawns/locations as them. Ky Ky obviously hacks, where as Dread Og may not hack in PvP, but he does have a second account (named King Khang or something in that nature, it's in the same alliance as Dread is) that he has near his main account, using hacks to teleport to get his goods, take them to the bank, and scout other players entering in the area.

(Sorry Dread! Guess you better make another YouTube video of yourself talking in that spit filled voice of yours!)

5) Deathless Mages/Hooded ones are THE primary source of income for most hackers. Hit up the map sites and hit those spots, people will be there. Just target Harder Level spawns and they will be more than likely exploited, but after the last ban some smart hackers started hitting up Hard/Medium level spawns that they could kill fast and in 4-5 mob numbers.

6) Some hackers teleport to the Bindstones thinking they will go unnoticed. Check above a person recalling in and see if they have the Shield above their head. If not, yes, they teleported in. Others use rocks/houses in the nearby area to teleport in to then walk out. This is a tricky one as you can actually log out and sometimes get stuck inside a building and walk out and not hack.

7) Most common used method of hacking is to teleport inside a building and use a mount to kick through the walls of the building. Most popular used mounts by HACKERS are the Drakes as they have a tail that reaches further and has a wider attack range from side to side.

Names given in this statement are true, take it or leave it. The names in this post were not thrown out there because I was wronged by the people in any way as I was pretty much left alone with my tactics ingame.

That's all I have for now. We will see how long this post lasts. Again, feel free to ask any questions you'd like or rage/troll me, I could give a fuck.


Bien podria alguien hacer un rpv? XDDDD

y cuando nombra los clanes falta serenity now


RPV? Estos textos si te interesan los lees. Sino, no los lees... La raza humana se está voviendo muy vaga...


TheMercs y Rainbow Ninjas hackers?????




#4 En realidad los Rainbows Ninjas usan tecnicas ninjas como aparecer en tu culo todo el rato o bien la montura no jutsu que te llueve una montura del cielo por no contar la camuflacion tecnica que te metes dentro de un edificio.


Joder Toran te explicas como el orto xD

_Jode leer esto, pero da esperanza saber que AV esta baneando lo que puede, esperemos que centren sus esfuerzos en intentar mantener el juego limpio..


#6 Que no entiendes de mis jeroglificos?


tios no hago RPV porque soy el mas V de todos xdddd y ademas toi en el curro y notengo tiempo !!

Pero en resumen:

El tio explica lso tipos de hacks que hay, que hay hackers listos y hackers pkts, que los hacker lsitos usan los hacks para farmear sin dar la nota pero en pvp no los usan, mientras que los hackers n00bs dan la nota y lespillan.

Hay muchso tipos de hacks, wallhack, speedhack, teleport, stiky, aimbot , etc y uno que los engloba todos.

Tb dice que en los foros de hackers hablan que desde ayer estan baneandoles, y que incluso a el le han baneado una cuenta que no usaba hacks pero con la que hacia trade con su cuenta hacker .. y bueno muchso detalles de guild sy personas con las que el se ha encontrado bajo tierra etc ...


encontrate bajo tierra no es un hack tampq xDD ai un sitio en el mar q ai fallo de textura y t puedes meter debajo de un isla sin ahogarte y la gente macrea alli indiscriminadamente xDDD es un canteo.

Y los serenity ni van tan dopaods como decis( excepto en magias y arco pero eso es algo normla ) en stats porlomenos el ky ky es normalillo.


#9 bien kyky no es el unico de serenity now, lo de bajo tierra es un exploit que tambien se puede usar mas bastamente con un hack a si que es lo mismo ademas la gente que usa el exploit de ponerse en la piedra dentro ahora caes en un agujero infinito hasta que te sales o te kikea

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