VSH: 1 noticias del fan faire


We'll be gathering information from around the net, some info from uberguildsradio.com, some info from soe's official forum, others from our own VN staff here. We'll try to keep this thread updated to give you the latest from SOE Fan Faire. They just had the "Vanguard State of the Game" session, here's the info we've gathered so far:

  1. Game Update #2 will go Live within the next week or week and half.

  2. Server merge will happen roughly a week and half to two weeks after game update #2.

  3. Raid content is high priority, but focus is not just raids, but they will be working on other highend zones.

  4. Over 1,000 bugs fixed so far.

  5. They are building better internal tools so they could churn out content quicker.

  6. Trial island is for lvl 1-10, the first art pass has been done. 20-50% framerate improvement just from the new art assets implemented. In the next few weeks they'll start applying these new art assets in areas.

  7. APW is the first dungeon where diplomacy is involved, and there will be npc's there that will provide buffs to your groups.

  8. "They have 24 man targetted NPC's, these are the BIG targets that are VERY challenging that players shouldn't be able to beat. 2 of these will be on thestra and 1 on Qualia."

  9. At some point in the future they will have a relaunch, it will be a giant marketing blitz. This is where they feel the game will be "retail quality".

  10. Dave Gilbertson mentioned they will reward players that have stayed with them for a good while, some sort of perk, nothing too huge.

  11. Sony is VERY committed to the future of Vanguard, nothing is going to go away.

  12. Instancing is not on the radar in the future, so don't bother asking.

  13. Quest exp is not shared in the Brotherhood system, just adventure exp.

  14. They want to integrate all 3 spheres so quests are enhanced by having other spheres, not necessarily needing other spheres.

  15. Spam filter is being worked on right now and the code is going in very soon.

  16. Any new trial keys they send out will not have the ability to send tells, they said this is mostly how spammers send tells to players.

  17. Everything in APW will be better than everything we have in the game world right now.

  18. Crafters will be able to craft legendary items from components they get in APW.


Umm bastantes cosas interesantes, lo k no encuentro la fuente :P Cuando puedas ponme un link de donde sale esto.

La buena noticia sobretodo es k parece k ya hay un tiempo estimado para el GU #2 y el tan esperado merge.


Ufff... yo respiro aliviado al leer esto:

"12. Instancing is not on the radar in the future, so don't bother asking."

¿Será verdad de la buena?. ;)



yo lo sabe de otro sitio que me llevo a este , y este creo que lo saca del foro oficial

hoy hay muchas entrevistas con gente del vangaurd y van a decir muchas cosas

y si hay muchas cosas interesantes, como las fechas

para los que les interese, este enlace pone, el video en stremen de la conferencia inicail de soe, en la fan faerie


a lo mejor tienes qu rellenar algo, peor son 4 choradas, el enlace neta mas abajo


Por lo que veo es una mezcla entre info del foro oficial, info de ubberguilds radio y sobre cosas dichas en la fan faire. Esta bastante bien la información que dicen.

Una de las cosas más interesantes es el tema de que los que jueguen de trial no pueden enviar tells, esto sin duda tendrá un impacto en los gold sellers que suelen usar este tipo de cuentas.


habeis visto el punto 9

al final si estan opensando un relanzamiento

bine haber silo hacen , y que se venda en todso los paises y traducido a los idimos que mas se pueda

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