VSH: Los nuevos Tanques


El Game Update 3 fue el primer paso en la igualación de los tankes pero sobretodo de su distinción.

En Vanguard hay 3 tipos de tankes: Warrior, Dread Knight y Paladin, y la idea siempre ha sido k tengan virtudes de tankeo similares. Esto más o menos se había conseguido pero faltaban los elementos diferenciadores, aunque siempre ha habido distinciones en esencia eran muy parecidos, tras el GU 4 acabarán de definir las definiciones.

K es lo se viene? Básicamente se trata de los Weapon Shields de cada tanke, cada tanke estará especializado en un tipo de tankeo, la idea es k el warrior luche con un arma en cada mano (dual wield), el Dread Knight con armas de 2 manos(2hand) y el Paladin en Espada y escudo(1hand+shield). Los weapon shield dan bonos a cada tanke cuando usa el tipo de armas en k esta especializado.

De momento ya está implementado el Weapon shield de warrior y ya podéis ver a los warriors tankeando en dual wield, tras el GU pasará lo mismo con DKs y Paladines tankeando con sus especializaciones.

Los cambios en los tanques no solo se reducirán en el Weapon Shield sino k además habrá un revamp de skills añadiendo de nuevas y cambiando de antiguas.

Para k vayáis viendo los cambios k se producirán os dejamos las PRE Patch Notes de los futuros cambios en los 3 tanks:

*Puede ser k se hagán retokes en estas pre patch notes antes de llegar a los servers oficiales

Dread Knight :

Dread Knight – Bane is now instant cast, down from 4 seconds.

Dread Knight – Bleak Foeman is now usable only with a 2 handed weapon equipped.

Dread Knight – Black Wind is now a cone melee attack. It deals melee damage plus damage and adds hate. This ability can only be used with a 2 handed weapon.

Dread Knight – Devour Strength now drains dexterity instead of Vitality.

Dread Knight – Increased the damage on Torture

Dread Knight – Increased the damage on Incantation of Hate.

Dread Knight – Lowered the duration on Incantation of hate to 24 seconds.

Dread Knight – Lowered energy costs by 10%

Dread Knight – Removed the increased endurance costs on the Ebon Blade combat form.

Dread Knight – Ominous Fate no longer triggers global recovery

Dread Knight – Ominous Fate I-III now stun for 2, 3, 4 seconds respectively

Dread Knight – Ominous Fate now has a 30 second refresh

Dread Knight – Vile Howl now has a 5 minute refresh

Dread Knight – Vile Howl now snares.

Dread Knight – Vile Howl is now instant cast.

Dread Knight – Vile Howl No longer requires DC 3+ to cast.

Dread Knight – Added new ability line Mutilate at level 20. Upgrades every 10 levels.

Dread Knight – Your forms no longer grow in power as your Dreadful Countenance increases. They start off at the old max numbers. This does not affect Dreadful Countenance.

Dread Knight – You now have Weapon Shield while wielding a two handed weapon in defensive form. This ability is innate and gives you block chance that increases over levels.

Dread Knight – Added new ability line Hex of Ill Omen at level 18. Upgrades every 10 levels.

Dread Knight – Added new ability line Hex of Impending Doom at level 28. Upgrades every 10 levels.

Dread Knight – Symbol of Suffering has been changed to Anthamine’s Charge. This ability is no longer a Symbol and is only usable with a 2 handed weapon.

Dread Knight – Increased damage on Anthamine’s Charge.

Dread Knight – Lowered the cast time on Abyssal Chains to 1 second.


Paladin - Healing Touch has had its cast time lowered to 2.5 seconds and refresh time removed. Energy cost has increased by 2% and
healing amount has been lowered by 6%.

Paladin - Aura of Replenishment has changed. It now increases the power of heals by 30%, lowers energy costs by 4% and reduces casting times by 8%. These bonuses only affect the paladin. The frequency of the regeneration pulses has increased to 10 seconds, up from 5. Because of this, the amount returned has increased.

Paladin - Courage has changed. A new version has been added at level 48 and previous ranks have had their levels changed to make a
more gradual curve. This changes the values of the armor class portion of the buff in the mid levels. The Courage I and Superior Courage both retain their original values for armor class increase. The hit point portion of the ability have been slightly increased and will now stack with all other buffs. The new rank of Courage is available at trainers.

Paladin - Aura of Divine Power now grants a 6 to 12 percent increase in accuracy as levels are gained.

Paladin - Both Hammer and Might of Valus now deal 400% weapon damage.

Paladin - Strike of Gloriann now increases block ability by 14% in addition to its previous effects.

Paladin - Stroke of Conviction now deals 300% weapon damage, up from 200%.

Paladin - Stroke of Fervor now deals 350% weapon damage, up from 200%.

Paladin - Stroke of Conviction and Stroke Fervor both function correctly with shield consecrations.

Paladin - Shield of Solace now heals the group (but not the paladin) when the paladin is struck by an attack. The base value of this heal is now displayed in the ability text as well and particles have been added to help identify when it is working.

Paladin - Shield of Resolve now returns endurance to the whole group. The values returned have increased and particles have been added to make it more apparent when the effect goes off.

Paladin - Increased the damage added by Blood Oath and lengthened its max duration to 5 minutes, up from 60sec. The description has been changed to explain the duration details.

Paladin - Increased the range of Smite to 45 meters and lowered the refresh time to 6 seconds.

Paladin - Increased the damage of Judgment of the Impure.

Paladin - Increased the damage of Judgment of the Bloodthirsty.

Paladin - Zeal now costs 3 virtue, has a 2 minute refresh, lasts for 30 seconds and no longer incurs global recovery.

Paladin - Zeal is now trainable at level 12.

Paladin - Fury of Valus now costs 6 virtue, has a 5 minute refresh and no longer incurs global recovery.

Paladin - Paragon now lasts for 2 minutes and has a 4 minute refresh time.

Paladin - Succor's refresh timer has been lowered to 5 minutes.

Paladin - Lay on Hands now has a 2 minutes, 30 second refresh timer, down from 5 minutes.

Paladin - Final stand now has a 5 minute refresh timer and requires a shield to use.

Paladin - Dictum of Valus now has a 10 second refresh and no longer incurs global cooldown.

Paladin - Sunburst now only affects one target, costs one virtue and adds an amount of hatred in addition to the damage that it does.

Paladin - The damage caused by Sunburst has increased slightly.

Paladin - Blessing of Life, a new Gift of Virtue (group heal over time), has been added to trainers at level 30.

Paladin - Righteous Supplication has been added to trainers at level 12. This ability will restore all virtue points and can be used every 20 minutes.

Paladin - Increased the damage of Guardian's Assault.

Paladin - Increased the damage of Aegis Strike slightly.

Paladin - Virtue will now regenerate at a rate of one point every two minutes

Finalmente las Patch Notes ya en los servidores oficiales del Warrior:


  • Warrior - Shout of Defiance no longer enrages your offensive target. It now increases your damage for a short time.
  • Warrior - Reduced the hate bonus on your defensive for to 20%. This is being done to compensate for the dmg increase that has been given toe defensive form.
  • Warrior - Coercion no longer incurs global recovery
  • Warrior - Stinging Cut should now chain to Blade's Bite in all circumstances.
  • Warrior - Cleave now has 36 second 100% diminishing returns. This means that it cannot be used on the same target more than once every 60 seconds.
  • Warrior - Increased the damage of Overwhelm and lowered its refresh to 20 seconds, down from 45
  • Warrior - Cleave is now available at level 40.
  • Warrior - Destroy is now available at level 38.
  • Warrior - Enrage is now available at level 28.
  • Warrior - Charge II is now simply Charge. It increases movement speed by 75% and critical hit chance by 20% for 1 attack or 10 seconds. Can only be used outside of combat. It can now be trained at level 12.
  • Warrior - Raise Defenses II is now called Barrage. It increases spell and ranged attack damage by 20% for 8 seconds and can be used once per minute. It affects your entire party. it can be trained at level 24.
  • Warrior - Raise Defenses I is now simply Raises Defenses. It increases mitigation of all forms of damage (spell, melee) by 30% for 8 seconds and can be used once per minute. It affects your entire group.
  • Warrior - Press The Attack II is now simply Press The Attack. It now affects your entire party.
  • Warrior - Orders have now replaced some of your older group commands. Orders are buffs that have long durations and affect your entire party. You may only have one Order active at one time.
  • Warrior - Most commands now affect the entire party instead of an individual. Withdrawal still only affects one target.
  • Warrior - Charge I is now called Volley. It increases spell and ranged attack crit chance and damage by 5%. It can be trained at level 16.
  • Warrior - Press The Attack I is now called Advance and Attack. It grants a 4% critical hit bonus for melee attacks.
  • Warrior - Form a Line II has been removed from the game.
  • Warrior - Grim Determination has been altered. The effect not depends on what form you are in when you use it. In offensive form it will return energy for 6 attacks (you attacking your target). In defensive form you will benefit from a small heal for 6 hits (you getting hit).
  • Warrior - Disarm is no longer restricted to humanoid targets. It now reduces damage by 12% for 15 seconds and increases your targets hate by 20%.
  • Warrior - Warder's Bulwark has been altered. It now increases mitigation by 6 to 8% and block chance by 12 to 14%. A new version of the attack has been added at level 50 and WB II is now trainable at level 40. Due to the changes in scaling and levels WB I and WB II now deal slightly less damage, while WB III deals more damage than was previously possible with this ability line.
  • Warrior - Weapon Shield has been added. This is a passive ability that is active whenever you are in defensive stance and dual wielding. The effectiveness of this ability increases every 10 levels. Please note: You must be dual wielding to gain this buff. While in defensive it will become active when 2 one handed weapons are wielded and will become inactive if one of those weapons is replaced by something other than an alternate one handed weapon.
  • Warrior - Shield of Carnage and Shield of Maiming have been removed from your ability line up. Their effects have been moved to other abilities.
  • Warrior - Increased the duration of the stun portion of Stunning Bellow, from 7 to 14 seconds, depending on level. It now breaks in 2 to 3 hits depending on level.
  • Warrior - Cleave has changed slightly. It now deals damage over time and causes all melee attacks against your opponent to be critical hits for 3 seconds. It no longer incurs global recovery. It still lowers mitigation by 30% for 60 seconds. It is also now available at level 38. It is also now available at level 40 and has a 36 second diminishing returns timer.
  • Warrior - Defenseless has been replaced by Cleave. Cleave is now a single step, primary finishing attack available starting at level 40.
  • Warrior - Taunting Strike is now called Sunder. Sunder is an attack similar to Brutal Strike in damage, but it hits your target and one additional nearby target. You must be dual wielding to use Sunder.
  • Warrior - Shield Bash is now called Pommel Smash. It has the same exact properties as shield bash except that it requires you to be dual wielding.
  • Warrior - Commander's Presence is a new passive ability that is earned at level 1. It provides a constant buff to your group. This effectively replaces Battle Frenzy in your lineup.
  • Warrior - Battle Frenzy has been removed from the game. This has been replaced by a new passive ability called Commander's Presence.

para mi gusto, tank = shield, ahora igual no, pero con el tiempo, no habrán paladines..


La verdad es k estos cambios bajo mi punto de vista no eran necesarios ya k los tankes estaban mas o menos igualados pero mucha gente se kejaba del DK estaba over y de k el War de cara a soleo ( y tb de cara a grupo ) era irregular.

Pero weno el tener 3 tipos de tankes especializados en armas diferentes lo hara mas variado y da mas opciones ya k el escudo se puede seguir usando, basicamente lo k te da los weapon shields es k con el arma en el k estas especializada tiene un 28% de block con un mob 50.

El problema k veo yo es mas en el loot k otra cosa, las armas 2 hand y 1 hand drop no dan ac, y un escudo de raid blockea mas k el weapon shield, el weapon shield es 28% contra un mob 50( aprox un 24% contra un 53) mientras k un buen escudo de raid es 28% contra un 53 con lo k los wars/Dks perderan AC y blokeo respecto a cuando usen escudos y si se deciden por usar escudos perderan algunas skills y chains con lo k puede convertir a los paladines a los mejores tankes en raid.

La clave será el loot, si ponen espadas con bloqueos y con ac se igualará el tema, sino ya veremos sino son los paladines lo k salen favorecidos de rebote jeje :P

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