Omar Montes: Tiny Desk Concert


Pues eso, Omar Montes con su banda en NPR.

Grata sorpresa del polivalente artista, que como te hace un reggaeton numero 1 nacional te versiona su tema con una orquesta clasica, y ahora se echa un par de temas con sus gitanos.

Omar Montes walked into the building on a video call with his grandma — one of the most important people in his life. He closes out his performance with “Conmigo,” infused with the kind of romance you’d imagine his abuela taught him. “For you I would bring down the moon,” he coos. The Spanish artist exudes tradition and soul as he centers his barrio, his people, his familia in his show — bringing a little piece of Spain to the rest of the world.


Hay ahí más órdenes de alejamiento que en el vestuario del Barça.


Usuarios habituales

  • tute07011988
  • AlunaGeorge
