James May’s Man Lab


""Good news! Killing time between Top Gears, James has recently embarked on a personal mission – to stop you degenerating into a whining, spineless, useless sack of fluid and bones.

His new TV series – James May’s Man Lab – aims to transform from you from a needy, weedy weirdo into a fearless frontiersman capable of opening a tin of beans without slicing off important digits.

From his Man Lab HQ, James tells us he wants to help modern man relearn vital skills, such as defusing an unexploded bomb, serenading ladyfolk, and transforming a fishfinger sandwich.

Frankly, we’re intrigued… The first episode starts this Sunday (31 October) at 9pm on BBC 2. Well give you the iPlayer link on Monday but, meanwhile, here’s the first trailer. Grrr.""

""From Man Lab HQ, James leads a team of today's lost male souls on the slightly muddy but invigorating path to enlightenment. They face an array of inventive practical tests, learn how to deal with the mysteries of romance and reclaim the notion of teamwork in a series of daunting challenges that demonstrates to the world that men can be a dependable and admirable bunch rather than the tepid receptacles for sperm many now assume them to be.""

Vamos que James May nos va a enseñar a ser un hombre como los de la antigua usanza. Esta claro que para este habrá que verla en inglés porque eso de subtitulos será una utopía y espero que alguien suba.
A mí me agrada la idea, el humor inglés, James May y las disparatadas situaciones que saldrán.

La verdad es que el trailer en sí, no se lo han currado mucho xD

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