Arena Tournament Qualifier 1 Global Winners


After weeks of fierce competition, the winners of the 2008 World of Warcraft Arena Tournament’s first qualification round have been determined. The following teams represent half of the field competing at the live regional events that will be held in the following months.

North America

Set to compete at the North American regional final in Boston, Massachusetts will be Dude I got it on Fraps, duelists going for glad, Frag Dominant, and Dynamo Gaming.

Rankings and primary lineups for each team:

  1. Dude I got it on Fraps: shaman, warlock, and priest
  2. Duelists going for glad: rogue, mage, and priest
  3. Frag Dominant: rogue, warlock, and druid
  4. Dynamo Gaming: warrior, warlock, and druid

Dynamo Gaming was actually tied for fourth place with gc and his dad; the two teams competed in a special playoff for the final qualifier spot. Dynamo Gaming fell behind early by losing the first game, but came storming back to win the next three to beat gc and his dad in a mirror match and earn the right to advance to the live regional.


Competing at the European regional final in Madrid, Spain will be HERCULES, Sapped cows can’t say moo, Improved Clicks, and Pure Cartoons.

Rankings and primary lineups for each team:

  1. HERCULES: warrior, rogue, and druid
  2. Sapped cows can’t say moo: rogue, mage and druid
  3. Improved Clicks: warrior, druid and priest
  4. Pure Cartoon: rogue, mage and priest.


The Korean regional final in Seoul, South Korea will host a battle between sjkegrter, Council of Mages, 오덕후삼인방, and Arena Champion.

Rankings and primary lineups for each team:

  1. sjkegrter: warrior, druid and priest
  2. Council of Mages: rogue, mage and priest
  3. 오덕후삼인방: rogue, mage and priest
  4. Arena Champion: hunter, warlock and priest


Fighting it out to represent Taiwan at the regional final in Taipei will be: Made in Taiwan, 小嵐洛, 黑貓是白目, and十粒證明一切.

Rankings and primary lineups for each team:

  1. Made in Taiwan: warrior, druid, and priest
  2. 小嵐洛: rogue, mage and priest
  3. 黑貓是白目: warrior, rogue, and druid
  4. 十粒證明一切: rogue, warlock, and druid



El de europa no era en Alemania? :S

gz a los 3.



Sí, nosotros estamos igual que tú, al parecer lo de hamsburgo (alemania) son las finales globales (o eso creemos).


#3 pues mejor, asi no pilla tan lejos, no? (:


pd: que equipos son los españoles? (estoy pez en esto soz.)


Los primeros de Norteamerica SHAMAN warlock y priest?? SHAMAN?


Es shadowpriest, y esa setup es mejor con shaman que con otro healer por el BL. En una leadder esa setup triunfa, porque si tienes una racha de 10-12 deletes te pones 1º fácil, lo malo de esa setup que igual de rachas de +12, tienes rachas de -12. De todas formas, el shaman esta guay, en la MLG los sk usaban shaman también mele.


joer ningun ekipo con paladines ? son negros ?, bueno ni chamyS tampoco...


La verdad que con purges, mass dispel, silence x2 y fear al RMP como se descuide el mago le pueden meter un delete de la ostia xD

Los españoles si no recuerdo mal eran improved clicks.

La verdad que es raro no ver un team surefooted como shamy, pala, warrior.


alomejor los de Korea y Taiwan reparten.



El team de shamy-pala-warr para una leader no funciona, suelen jugarla como setup secundaria, por la simple razón de que cualquier combi con mage-rogue (las más populares y más usadas) les ganan 100%

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