Beneficios para NC SOFT (this quarter)


I don't think anybody on the planet doubts that Blizzard makes a ridiculous sum of money from their disgustingly popular World of Warcraft.

However, most have usually assumed that everyone else in the market is being crushed under Blizzard's giant plate armored boot with +25 stompage.

NC Soft posted their earnings for the second quarter of the fiscal year and let me tell you that things are definitely looking up for the company behind many other popular MMOs(elsewhere in the world that is.)

Their profits were up 533 percent this quarter with sales of $82.2 million, but operating costs of only $11.5 million.

NCS has been the driving force behind Lineage 2, Auto Assault, Guild Wars, City of Heroes, City of Villains, and the upcoming Tabula Rasa. They are also currently involved in projects for the PSP and PS3.

En el ultimo parrafo aparece la lista de juegos los cuales les reportan los mayores beneficios. Algunos con cuotas y otros sin.




en serio? :/


/move Foro Juegos

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