Raza alianza confirmada: The Draenei


pos eso, en la E3 ya blizzard dijo que esta es al nueva raza.

"With the opening of E3 in Los Angeles today, several new pieces of information about the up-coming World of Warcraft expansion, The Burning Crusade, have been revealed. First among them are the details about the new Alliance race: the draenei. The draenei, also known as the "exiled ones," have joined the Alliance. You can learn more about this mysterious race by reading our Burning Crusade FAQ. We have also posted a new gameplay trailer, new screenshots, new artwork, and several new wallpapers, all featuring the draenei. Along with the information about the draenei, we have posted the history of the blood elves.

Last, but not least, we have published a new gameplay trailer featuring content from Naxxramas, a new raid dungeon coming in our next content patch: Shadow of the Necropolis. You can see some of the other changes coming up by checking our Under Development section. "

Fuente: wow-europe


Llegas un poco tarde


No te preocupes la proxima vez sera jejeje


Son Eredar no los Draeni :D



Son Draenei pero MUY retocados xD


que yo sepa son estos no?




New Alliance Race Revealed at E3!

Daliniya & Xiliris, 10/05/2006

With the opening of E3 in Los Angeles today, several new pieces of information about the up-coming World of Warcraft expansion, The Burning Crusade, have been revealed. First among them are the details about the new Alliance race: the draenei. The draenei, also known as the "exiled ones," have joined the Alliance. You can learn more about this mysterious race by reading our Burning Crusade FAQ. We have also posted a new gameplay trailer, new screenshots, new artwork, and several new wallpapers, all featuring the draenei. Along with the information about the draenei, we have posted the history of the blood elves.

Last, but not least, we have published a new gameplay trailer featuring content from Naxxramas, a new raid dungeon coming in our next content patch: Shadow of the Necropolis. You can see some of the other changes coming up by checking our Under Development section.


Es una mutacion d Draenei con Eredar rara (d Eredar solo tienen aspecto, no son demoniacos ni nada). Han creado 2 clanes o 3 d Draenei para lavarse las manos para evitar q les llueva la mierda de los frikis historiadores del WoW xD


y los draenei, cuando los sacaran, cuando saken la espansion???

PD: Perdonen mi ignorancia xD


Si junto con los blood elves y toda la pesca.


#2 yo no llego tarde, me lei ese post antes de postar el mio y en el decia que la nueva raza era "Eredar" aunque por ultimo alguien dijo que era "Draenei" pero le queria dar mas importancia en un post para la confirmacion de la raza ;)

Los Draenei , si os habeis leido su historia (http://www.wow-europe.com/en/burningcrusade/townhall/draenei.html), son los Eredars Exiliados de sus Tierras por una Traición de 2 de los 3 líderes Eredar, si os leeis la hiistoria vereis mas detalles :P

#8 si, saldran con la expansion junto a los blood elves :D


nueva raza y ke pasa con las viejas q retoken las habilidades de los trols enfinorz


The Blood Elf racials are:

Arcane Affinity - Enchanting increased by 15
Arcane Torrent - Silence all enemies within 8 yards for 2 sec. In addition, you gain 20 Energy, Mana or Rage for each Mana Tap charge currently affecting you.
Magic Resistance - All resistances increased by 5
Mana Tap - Drains 50 mana from your target and charges you with Arcane energy until cancelled. This effect stacks up to 3 times.

The racials for the new Draenei race are:

Blessing of the Naaru - heals the target of 50 damage over 15 sec
Gemcutting - Jewelcrafting skill increased by 15
Inspiring Presence - Increases chance to hit with spells by 1% for all party members within 30 yards
Shadow Resistance - increased by 10

Lol, horde ez mode


Sin horda

Por cierto #12 no dudo de la veracidad de eso, pero de donde lo has sacado? Curiosidad




Mas +5 de resis a todas las magias, mas un silencio (lol es mejor k el de mago sin talentos muhahahahahah) mas una cosa k te da mana,energy o rage si antes de eso has usado otra cosa...joder esto es muy over no puede ser...Imaginaros a un mago k se hace elemental, con la puta mierda de la skill esa puede joderte el casteo y silenciarte, ademas sigue teniendo el counterspell...

Reroll horde


Tranqui pase lo que pase un mago siempre aguantara 3 ostias, mas miedo me da un warlock con perro , 2 silences por la cara uhhhmm.


+60 energy instant FTW ... muahahahahahahah


Blessing of the Naaru - heals the target of 50 damage over 15 sec
Gemcutting - Jewelcrafting skill increased by 15
Inspiring Presence - Increases chance to hit with spells by 1% for all party members within 30 yards
Shadow Resistance - increased by 10



Igual el Blessing of the Naaru este mejora gradualmente segun subes de nivel, porque si no vaya timo.


pues no, no es fake.

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