Sera esta la buena


The Second Phase is Getting Close!
Ryann, 25/01/2005
We are finalizing the preparations for the second phase of the Final Beta and will soon update the Account Creation pages. A large, limited number of players will be added into the game on a first come, first served basis when the second phase starts. To register an account, you will need a generic authentication key, which we will supply on this page, so stay tuned for updates during this week.
To support even more players, we are pleased to announce a new data centre in Frankfurt which will be ready for the start of the second phase. This new centre, together with the existing centre near Paris, will be dedicated to World of Warcraft and will enable us to provide additional Realms for the European Community.

Segun comentan los chicos de blizzar parece ser que esta misma semana tendremos la oportunidad de crear cuentas :) esperemos que no se demoren y podamos viciar un poco antes de que salga el juego .

pd: suerte a todos a la hora de coger una cuenta :)


Vais a tener que andar muy vivos, las cuentas estan demasiado limitadas para la multitudinaria demanda.

Como dice #1 suerte a la hora de cogerlas.


SIIIIII, Ya iba siendo hora


i en que link se podran crear cuentas ? en la pagina oficial ?


Usuarios habituales

  • Shephirot
  • Drchurra
  • Ertulkas
  • DescarteS
  • mcdrim