¿Cuanto vale vuestra cuenta de Steam?


Over the last 7 years, you've spent 540.7 hours playing this selection, which includes 69 items, is valued at $581.55, and requires 263.8 GB
Puto lol y wow, el steam ni lo toco casi :¬¬:


Over the last 4 years, you've spent 2682.4 hours playing this selection, which includes 59 items, is valued at $1066.44, and requires 407.4 GB


Over the last 11 years, you've spent 1263.6 hours playing this selection, which includes 57 items, is valued at $773.54, and requires 318.5 GB


Over the last 23 months, you've spent 412.2 hours playing this selection, which includes 330 items, is valued at $3871.44, and requires 1219.6 GB


Over the last 2 years, you've spent 1757 hours playing this selection, which includes 100 items, is valued at $1323.14, and requires 573.1 GB

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