Bungie podría dejar de pertenecer a Microsoft


#59 si miras en el post de arriba tuyo, puedes encontrar cosas como:

"...tanto relacionados con “Halo”, cuya propiedad intelectual pertenece a Microsoft"

"Nuestra relación con Microsoft nos permitirá expandirnos tanto creativamente como en cuanto a organización se refiere para conseguir crear más juegos de primera clase”

“Continuaremos desarrollando títulos enfocados fundamentalmente a las plataformas de Microsoft, valoramos mucho nuestra relación con Microsoft Game Studios y queremos mantenerla, a través de juegos como ‘Halo’ y muchos otros más”

Con lo cual:

1.No veras Halo en ninguna otra plataforma a no ser que MS quiera, dado que "Halo" es propiedad de MS, no de bungie.

2.Siguen muy relacionados con MS, y como puedes leer, “Continuaremos desarrollando títulos enfocados fundamentalmente a las plataformas de Microsoft, valoramos mucho nuestra relación con Microsoft Game Studios y queremos mantenerla, a través de juegos como ‘Halo’ y muchos otros más”, con lo cual no van a dejar de hacer juegos para la 360, seguiran haciendolos casi todos para esta.

Por ejemplo,Bungie hara 10 juegos exclusivos para MS, y luego 2 multiplataforma. Asi que tan palo no creo que sea. Me parece mas palo lo de Bizarre.


Lo podre en mayúsculas.


Es tan de Microsoft como Windows

¿ Ahora lo entendéis ?


Antes MS les "ordenaba" hacer Halo y ellos lo hacían.

Ahora MS les sugerirá hacer Halo y Bungie lo hará pero como ellos quieran amen de algún que otro juego exclusivo para X360 o para DS.


Eso es ahora, sois como Rapel por lo que veo. Yo desde luego no se lo que pasara dentro de 2, 3, 4, 5 años...

La posibilidad existe, que sea 1 entre 30kkkk, si, pero la posibilidad esta ahi.


Ahora Bungie hara Halo, para vender como venden sus juegos, y Microsoft los tendra cojidos por los huevos xD.

Vaya al tema principal, ya puede hacer Bungie todos los juegos que quiera, que Halo es de Microsoft.

Lo que significa que si no hay presion por parte de MIcrosoft, los proximos Halos, van a ser un autentico bombazo xD.

#64 Pero que posibilidad ?? xDDDDD

Estais demasiado cegados por vuestro afan de ver Halo en Playstation 3.

Para ver Halo en Playstation, y otra consola que no sea made in MIcrosoft.

Veras antes Apple distribuyendo Windows.

Tu te crees que Microsoft es una compañia en la que no se aseguran los cuartos?

El filon de oro de Halo es mucho como para perderlo.


#64 pues que Halo seguira sin aparecer en ninguna otra plataforma. Igual dentro de 3 años, Sony compra Bungie y hacen la saga Falo, quien sabe.


En 4 o 5 años MS le encargará a algún estudio un Halo y Bungie hará Jalo en Wii 2 HD Extreme Tamy Edition


#65 si a mi me da igual que salga o no en PS3, porque tengo tb la 360 ¬_¬


Siempre podrían resucitar la saga Marathon, que no deja de ser Halo en esencia, para otra consola.



1UP: What was the reaction internally when the rumor appeared online? You guys had to laugh a little, especially given how many people dismissed it as crazy talk.

Jarrard: Yes, it was a little amusing to see the various reactions online, mostly the people who were absolutely certain it was completely unfathomable and anyone who thought so was a fool. Ha. It was also a little nerve wracking though, since we were still working with Microsoft and neither of us was quite ready to publicly say anything.

1UP: Did the rumor's traction end up pushing up the actual "officialness" of the deal?

Jarrard: No it did not. The original timing for the announcement was always going to be right after Halo 3 was out the door so everything worked out according to plan.

1UP: What was Microsoft's first reaction when you guys realized this was a move you wanted to make? Backing out of an acquisition isn't exactly the most sane idea we've ever heard of.

Jarrard: Well I wasn't in the room for those discussions but it seems that both groups quickly came to the realization that this was a mutually beneficial evolution of our relationship.

1UP: You guys have talked about the frustrations around finishing Halo 2. How quickly did that fast track the idea of Bungie splitting off, and did that create any tension during Halo 3's development?

Jarrard: Our frustrations surrounding Halo 2 were purely our own doing - it was a matter of our team having to make compromises to our initial vision based on our own planning and development stumbles. Halo 3 was quite the opposite - in many ways, our hardships finishing Halo 2 inspired the team to do much better this time around. We hired some great people, we worked really hard during pre-production to agree on solid concepts and a realistic scope for the project given the resources we had available. Dare I even say that the bad taste in our mouths from Halo 2 made us do an even better job than we may have otherwise on Halo 3. Maybe. :)

1UP: What if Microsoft had simply said "no, sorry, we're keeping Bungie internal, that's that?" Part of this deal seems to be covering Microsoft's end -- if they pushed you guys too hard, people would just leave, anyway.

Jarrard: It's hard to say what could or would have happened. Who knows. But it's definitely true that this newfound relationship with Microsoft will help to reinvigorate and energize many of our elder team members.

1UP: Is Bungie now contractually obliged to give Microsoft first-look on future titles, Halo-related or otherwise?

Jarrard: We aren't at liberty to discuss the specifics of this business arrangement but suffice it to say that we look forward to continuing to work with Microsoft as a great partner and world class publisher.

1UP: For all the super fans: does this mean Bungie won't work on whatever "Halo 4" turns out to be?

Jarrard: Well we are already at work on another Halo game -- I wouldn't call it "Halo 4", but it is based in the Halo Universe and represents a collaboration between Bungie and Peter Jackson. Halo 3 was definitely not the last Bungie Halo game.

1UP: And perhaps most importantly, this means we're going to finally see some progress on Pimps at Sea, right?

Jarrard: Fortunately, Bungie LLC does retain ownership of the Pimps at Sea franchise so anything is possible!



el que quiera jugar a Halo que tire de 360, que las pajas mentales no son buenas.

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