Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning #HG | Private server


Sip... Así no llego a 40


Bueno al menos piensa que tu barra de descanso estará al maximo

1 respuesta

Creo que es la vez que mas tiempo ha estado caido, antes sólo eran unas horas, ahora son días, esto no tiene buena pinta.

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He leido en el foro del juego, que con el server offline las barras de descanso no se activan... :(


#1383 El año pasado hubo un poblema parecido y no se pudo entrar en una semana mas o menos

1 respuesta

#1385 Parece que estan cerca de levantar los servidores. Ahora aparece el server up, aunque no funciona el loggin... :)


Pues les esta costando


cada vez que veo un aviso del hilo me da un vuelvo el corazon pensando que ya esta online XD

1 respuesta

Jajajajja menuda ansia no? Nada a mi eso no me pasa yo cada vez que le doy al launcher tengo asumido que no va a funcionar


#1388 Total, para que nada más conectarte te empieces a quejar de todo xD

Yo pensaba que había timeado bien las vacaciones cuando me dijisteis que estaba off... pero no, me quede corto xD


lei ayer que estaban migrando los server y que les habian estado dando problemas, que con suerte el domingo estaria funcionando, asi que sin suerte para la semana que viene deberia ir ya.

1 1 respuesta

A ver si se dan prisa porque esto ya pinta marron oscuro porque de tanto esperar ya estoy mirando ofertas del Eternal Crusader :S



I had no doubts, but unfortunately - as per our Twitter - even though everything's set up "correctly" since the last three days, something is preventing us to run optimally. DaScoub has been working on it to no avail so far. We've already moved hosts, set-up all the needed protection, and due to unforeseen circumstances the config isn't working right on our new machines - so far nobody has been able to pinpoint exactly where the issue lies. Had this weird thing not appeared, the server (along with me keeping my trustworthiness) would already be up. I might have to eat my words in the end, but technically speaking the server was already up for about ten to thirty minutes when we figured out it doesn't work right.

I'm still hoping we'll have it running until the end of Sunday, but that's just my personal hope speaking and not an official stance. Believe me - we aren't keeping anyone in the dark, nor are we intentionally not giving you any updates. Anyone that is able to do something about the current server status is working hard on it, but if there's no update to provide you guys, then there's nothing to post. We'd love to bring the server back already, and as soon as we will be able to have it stable an announcement will be made.

We understand your desire to play and it truly is a shame we aren't able to provide you with the server to do so, but we'll be back soon™. Fingers crossed.


#1391 Pues de momento suerte no hay


A este paso vamos a terminar jugando al Warhammer 40K con el tiempo que estan haciendo las cosas :P


A este paso vamos a vivir en algo parecido al warhammer 40k jojojo


Nada que no hayy manera


:f5: :qq: :cry:


Aquí se aclara un poco lo que está pasando...


pues vamos apañaos


Esta tarde ha sido la primera vez que he visto en youtube a warhammer como uno de los mejores juegos pvp desde que empece a jugar. Ya era hora, claro que no es un video de ningun español

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#1401 Pásalo! quiero verlo


A ver si lo encuentro ahora colega




Para ver la parte del video donde estaba el warhammer cuanto sida he tenido que ver por dios (antaño graficazos de la ostia pero ahora son bazofia sin fin) lo bueno de todo es ver la progresion grafica de los mmos.


No podéis hacer nada, este juego está maldito. DEP por segunda vez.


EDIT 29_07_2016 : Nothing new will happen until sunday 31th/monday august 1st (don't take this as an ETA please).

After many tries and exchanges with provider it appears the new hardware doesn't fit to our needs and our actual provider doesn't want to make asked modifications or understand which kind of configuration we need.

As precised ealier, IRL obligations doesn't help to be quick and none can actually replace/assist DaScoub in this very specific part. We are gonna change another time (...) the hardware (and maybe the provider) which causes some unexpected extra delay.

We could have restarted the server with the exactly same config as before and you would be able to play right now. This would have been an half solution, exposing you and us to the same problems we experienced some weeks ago, which isn't expected. We are looking for stronger solutions and sadly it is much harder to manage.

I would be very glad to announce you precisely when Ror will come back, but like you, i can just cross fingers and take my pain with patience.

inutiles y encima se ha ido a joder todo el chiringuito en agosto.


Entonces funciona o no el server ahora?

Nunca jugué este juego y me gustaría darle duro.

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en breve, esta semana volvera el server, no se sabe cuando exactamente.


Se supone que sera en breve , esto es lo ultimo que comentaron

EDIT 01_08_2016 : We are actually waiting for the new config. It will be delivered in the next 48h. This config is MUUUUUUUCH more powerfull than the previous one. If all goes right ( pray, cross fingers, sacrifice chickens...) you will be able to connect in few days.

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