Calcula tu karma


Mi resultado:

SnarlingAmble, Your Karmic Alignment is: Optimistic!
Optimistic Karma
Score: 6 In general, you tend to create poitive actions. You have a caring personality which gives you positive Karma. Every now and then you slip up and harvest negative Karma. But, all in all, you follow lines similar to the Monks on their way to enlightenment.


Your Karmic Alignment is: Zen Intuition!
You Just Scored a: 19

You have a direct perception of truth. You are very keen and don't use it to take advantage. When you commit positive deeds, you don't do them to get ahead, you do positive deeds simply because it makes you feel good. Your intentions are almost always meant well and all this positive karmaic energy is bound to come back to you in a great way!.


Positivo (score: 8).

Falla de mala manera. Soy neutral tirando bastante hacia negativo.


Mi resultado :

Your Karmic Alignment is: Optimistic!

Score: 10 In general, you tend to create poitive actions. You have a caring personality which gives you positive Karma. Every now and then you slip up and harvest negative Karma. But, all in all, you follow lines similar to the Monks on their way to enlightenment.

Había algunas cosas que no entendía del todo.


Your Karmic Alignment is: Optimistic!

Score: 11 In general, you tend to create poitive actions. You have a caring personality which gives you positive Karma. Every now and then you slip up and harvest negative Karma. But, all in all, you follow lines similar to the Monks on their way to enlightenment.


no se tanto ingles :(


En el mio ponía:
Your karma is 999, you must FOLLATELAH!


Score: -8 You have built up some karmic debt. You must remember that by harvesting a lot of negative karma it will come back to you in negative ways. The more suffering you bring to others will form into suffering upon yourself. Although you tend to go after the darkness, there is still a yearning for the light


Rafyel, Your Karmic Alignment is: Optimistic!

Score: 12 In general, you tend to create poitive actions. You have a caring personality which gives you positive Karma. Every now and then you slip up and harvest negative Karma. But, all in all, you follow lines similar to the Monks on their way to enlightenment.

Puessss vale


Score: 3 You have a neautralized Karmic Energy, your Yin & Ying is balanced. This is not a bad thing. You might sway a little more positive or negative, but you don't hold a huge debt accumulation. Dont forget, it is very easy to let your karmic energy sway more negative or positive depending on your actions and intentions.


Score: 10 In general, you tend to create poitive actions. You have a caring personality which gives you positive Karma. Every now and then you slip up and harvest negative Karma. But, all in all, you follow lines similar to the Monks on their way to enlightenment.


de primeras va a estar mal por que el karma no es eso.

gg no re

Editado: solo es un test de moral combinado con la filosofia budista.

sigo diciendo que eso no es karma

pd: 27 jose, Your Karmic Alignment is: Enlightenment!


Resultado 12: En general, usted tiende a crear acciones positiveas. Usted tiene una personalidad humanitaria que le da el Karma positivo. De tanto en tanto usted mete la pata y cosecha al Karma negativo. Pero, en general, usted sigue líneas similares a los Monjes sobre su camino a la aclaración.

PD: Voy pa monje :/


joder que trozos de pan estais hechos xd
Your Karmic Alignment is: Yin & Yang!

Score: 4 You have a neautralized Karmic Energy, your Yin & Ying is balanced. This is not a bad thing. You might sway a little more positive or negative, but you don't hold a huge debt accumulation. Dont forget, it is very easy to let your karmic energy sway more negative or positive depending on your actions and intentions.


CArma-Guedon... ?


Joseph, Your Karmic Alignment is: Optimistic!
Score: 11 In general, you tend to create poitive actions. You have a caring personality which gives you positive Karma. Every now and then you slip up and harvest negative Karma. But, all in all, you follow lines similar to the Monks on their way to enlightenment.


Score: 4 You have a neautralized Karmic Energy, your Yin & Ying is balanced. This is not a bad thing. You might sway a little more positive or negative, but you don't hold a huge debt accumulation. Dont forget, it is very easy to let your karmic energy sway more negative or positive depending on your actions and intentions.


Score: 12 In general, you tend to create poitive actions. You have a caring personality which gives you positive Karma. Every now and then you slip up and harvest negative Karma. But, all in all, you follow lines similar to the Monks on their way to enlightenment.


Javi, Your Karmic Alignment is: Optimistic!
Optimistic Karma
Score: 9 In general, you tend to create poitive actions. You have a caring personality which gives you positive Karma. Every now and then you slip up and harvest negative Karma. But, all in all, you follow lines similar to the Monks on their way to enlightenment.


Rarely y sometimes son términos muy ambiguos.

pd. Un 7.


Score: 0 You have a neautralized Karmic Energy, your Yin & Ying is balanced. This is not a bad thing. You might sway a little more positive or negative, but you don't hold a huge debt accumulation. Dont forget, it is very easy to let your karmic energy sway more negative or positive depending on your actions and intentions.



yo no tengo deso


Score: 3 You have a neautralized Karmic Energy, your Yin & Ying is balanced. This is not a bad thing. You might sway a little more positive or negative, but you don't hold a huge debt accumulation. Dont forget, it is very easy to let your karmic energy sway more negative or positive depending on your actions and intentions.

En esto del karma, es mejor ser muy positivo o balanceado? o.O


Score : 15 You have a direct perception of truth. You are very keen and don't use it to take advantage. When you commit positive deeds, you don't do them to get ahead, you do positive deeds simply because it makes you feel good. Your intentions are almost always meant well and all this positive karmaic energy is bound to come back to you in a great way!.

PD. Lo ha clavao xd


LG4, Your Karmic Alignment is: Optimistic!

Score: 8 In general, you tend to create poitive actions. You have a caring personality which gives you positive Karma. Every now and then you slip up and harvest negative Karma. But, all in all, you follow lines similar to the Monks on their way to enlightenment.

Q tiendo a hacer acciones positivas estoy de acuerdo, pero mis pensamientos sobre las cosas suelen tender al negativismo.


David, Your Karmic Alignment is: Optimistic!

Optimistic Karma

Score: 12 In general, you tend to create poitive actions. You have a caring personality which gives you positive Karma. Every now and then you slip up and harvest negative Karma. But, all in all, you follow lines similar to the Monks on their way to enlightenment.

La verdad es que si preguntasen mucho más, tendría un karma distinto, más tirando a lo balanceado... buenas acciones frente a malas acciones... ademas, es que fallé en lo del "homeless" porque no existía la opción "Algunas veces los ayudaré, otras los ignoraré" así que opté por lo de ignorarlos que no es lo que hago siempre, pero si muchas ocasiones.


Tipico post donde ni dios lee las demas respuestas xD


Me ha salido lo mismo que a #25


-SoNiC-, Your Karmic Alignment is: Zen Intuition!
You Just Scored a: 16

You have a direct perception of truth. You are very keen and don't use it to take advantage. When you commit positive deeds, you don't do them to get ahead, you do positive deeds simply because it makes you feel good. Your intentions are almost always meant well and all this positive karmaic energy is bound to come back to you in a great way!.



Yin & Yang!

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