Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#1350 Hahahaha, that's some writing exercise if you ask me, they are ingenious indeed.

Don't worry too much, I too messed up in the writing section a few years back in a similar test because I thought the 2 writing exercises shared the timer that was counting down in the first one, and so when I got to the second part I noticed the timer reset, which was quite the stupidity boner. I explained in the second part how I wasn't aware of how much time I had in the first one, and it seems like they took into consideration the fact that it wasn't properly indicated. I think I still got an A in said exam.


Hey Kartalon! Glad you did good!

I just got out of my listening test and, ironically, it was the one I found most difficult. I think it was due to the fact that I had such little sleep last night and after 4 h of exam I was beginning to fall totally asleep :(

Reading and use of english were good, quite easy, no problem at all for me. I only had to guess a couple things :) I agree with you about how ironical was the last text of the use of english part!

Writing was also fine! I did option 3 and wrote a text titled "Why not visit Lugo?" describing the wonders of my town haha. The other exercise was fine too, I think I did good there :)

My speaking test is at 17.20 and I think I'm gonna have 5 coffees so I wont fall asleep lol :D

Pd. "easy peasy" TOTALLY NATIVE!

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#1352 I'm finally over, since I did the speaking last saturday :D

The listening was easy, although I was falling asleep too, but I didn't have any problem understanding it. I was kind of afraid the sound quality wouldn't be good, but the room we were in had a perfect sound. I only had a bit of a trouble at the beginning, half because I wasn't still really into the listening and half because I wasn't able to listen and read the question at the same time (and since I was half asleep I didn't read the questions in advance, lol).

The second part (the one about the seaweed and everything) was really easy for me, the others were not so easy but neither very difficult.

Oh, I did the same writing, but in my case it was about Salamanca :P I think 90% of the people wrote that one lol. It will be boring for the examiners to read about the same city over and over.

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#1353 I think our listenings were different, they had several options (they made us mark "D" in the top of the page). It's not that it was too hard, but I had a hard time keeping my eyes and ears open and my mind focused :/

I'm over now too, I just did the speaking with a Latvian girl. I think I made a couple little mistakes, but she talked really good and the both of us soon were chatting as if we had known each other for ages :D I believe that's what matters!

I am soooo tired after 7 hours of tests... I want to sleep until sunday :(

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#1353 #1354 Congratulations to both of you then. I've never heard either of you speaking so I can't judge accurately, but I'm sure you performed brilliantly.

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#1355 Thank you!

I was just watching this video, it's hilarious \o/

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#1350 In my FCE examination, the writing part was better for me but i just had 12 minutes to copy both parts to the sheet examination. I was worried If i didn't get it, but i did it in time haha.

For each part i had been writting two good task. As I said, it was better writting becasue i liked it. For me, like an amateur writer, is easier because i know exactly what i want to write. So then, i had made four documents (como se dice escritos en ingles?)

But don't be worried about this: you know that you are so good that you really thought about the writing of CPE.

PS: Be happy

In the second task: Which did you choose? I chose the story :D My story was about when i met my neighbour. In the story i told (or wrote) that was a girl, i was pathient to try meet her... But suddenly appears her dog. I used past, futures, continous, conditional forms to explain my funny history.

I closed the story with this phrase: And this was the way that i had met your mother...

PS: Hahaha

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#1356 Just watched the video. Hilarious indeed =D
The Indian and southern English accents were by far the best.

The farmer English reminded me of Magicka, the videogame xD


#1357 Please use "I" instead of "i" when using it as a pronoun because it really looks bad. I hope you don't do it in an exam because it will count as a mistake.

You could have closed the history easily by saying: "And that's how I met your mother", though what you said is not bad at all.

Oh and "escritos" o "redacciones" are called essays.

#1361 thank you so much, fucking little mistakes :u

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#1359 When I'm writing it doesnŽt look like I'm typing haha.

PS: Thanks for your respond about my doubt :)

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#1359 an exam and what you said is not bad at all also count as mistakes :)

pd: Though

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"When I'm writing it doesnŽt look like I'm typing haha."

I think you wanted to say "When I'm writing, I don't look (or I don't pay attention) at what I'm typing". The phrase you wrote means something completely different.

And you usually use "answer" instead of "respond", even though I don't think it is incorrect :)

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#1362 Honestly, the second part of the sentence i didn't think it too much... This is the correct sentence:

When I'm writting, it doesn't look like the same when I want to type (I hadn't thought as well as inside on my mind haha)

I used respond because i thought it like a phone call


PS: I never want give excuses, but everytime i'll try to explain inside all inside of my head: my thoughts and my mind :D

Kiss me, then love me D:

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#1363 It's a bit hard to understand some of your sentences. You could put the text in spanish too so someone can correct you.

I never want to give excuses (you missed the "to" )
Honestly, I didn't think too much the second part of the sentence ( you may need to change the structure of that sentence too)

Btw, I have a question. What does really means "though"? I mean, I know how to use it but I don't really know if there's some translation into spanish ...

#1365 Thank youu. :)

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#1364 Though = "sin embargo" or similar.

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#1364 I will not type in Spanish... There are and there will be some difficult sentences and If I type in Spanish, I'lll never find my mistakes :(

PS: Don't punish me :(


It's all right to make mistakes, so long as you learn from them and dont keep on making them, so pay attention to the corrections other people make, and if necessary write them down on a notepad or whatever you might use to take notes.

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#1367 I can't give you šmy likeš about your post haha

PS: +1



my name is sagha.

i am 31 years old.

my tailor is rich.

y no me acuerdo de muchas mas frases echas xD

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#1369 You just still trying man! Don't be worried about what cares

PS: I've started to play angry words in English haha

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#1370 "You have to / should keep tryng, man! Don't worry about it, who cares?

I've started to play WITH angry words in English"

I've started to play angry birds
I've started to play baseball
I've started to play with MY balls in your face TROLOLOLOLO (Just kidding haha)

Do you get my point? :P

By the way, It's been raining like hell since yesterday here. This weather's starting to be annoying. Man, it's almost July!!!!

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#1371 Ok: I should try to use opinion and/or order sentences: It will be better to make it, because I want to be successful about this task (Yes sir, for me is a task haha) :D

PS: Thank you! Where do you live, in Galicia? Trololololooo

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Tonight I dine in hell!

Well, really not, I just had my dinner here, gotta go out and have some fun with a fatty girl.

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#1373 In times of war all holes are... (hehehe)

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#1372 I wish ... I live in Trier, Germany.

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#1375 Envy building up. I would love to live in such a rainy country.

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Hello everybody, I join the thread.

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#1372 I do live in galicia, and its not that bad :c

#1377 welcome!!


#1376 I'm living here since January. I came with the first snow, and it was sooo cool.

The cold is not a problem, at least for me , you get used to it. But the rain is different. After almost five months raining every day (except 1 or 2 weeks in April, I guess), it's a pain.

But you're right, you have other benefits like the landscapes, the forests and, in my case, the Mosel river! (it's so beautiful) and it's great 'cause you only have to spend like five minutes to be in the middle of nature.


#1374 Are we on war? What the fuck! :P

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