Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

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1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#1320 I think its the Proficiency test that costs 200 euro (that's what I paid for mine), but the other exams cost less.

The speaking part... well, I don't think it's that bad. You are matched to some other person and you must talk about some subjects suggested by the examiners - normally some pictures. It takes like 10 or 15 minutes. The thing is that you have to be able to talk about no matter what picture they show you, even if you don't know anything at all about it. I think I'll go for some tequila shots before the speaking part :D

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#1321 Oh, nice, now you got me curious.... So, do you have any ideas where I could check out where exactly in my city I could take the test? I remember there being a website where you could make appointments and so on, but I can't, for the life of me, remember the site and can't seem to be able to find it on google ( to my shame ) :D

Thanks either way, this thread comes really in handy, :D

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Somebody has any kind of docs like the Cambridge books, english grammar.. etc etc?
I need more than tests, im reading too but i think is not enough


#1322 Try here


#1314 Thanks a lot for your confidence, but I'm not so confident :( I haven't been able to review some grammar topics like idioms or the most uncommon phrasal verbs.

#1317 Good luck to you too :)

I hope the use of English won't be too fucked up.

#1321 The exam just cost me 180€ , I guess it's cheaper in some cities.

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#1326 Don't worry, if I pass the exam I'll invite you to come over to Salamanca and I'll buy you 20€ in drinks :D

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#1327 Deal.


#1327 Sorry Karta but I don't get what's the point of this kind of exams :?

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#1329 Well, getting your skill certificated by a trust-worthy organization like Cambridge University. This can be specially useful when you want to get some grants or jobs (specially as a civil servant, or at other kind of institutions).

I signed up for the exam because I was on the dole and I didn't have much to do. Now that I got a job I don't need it so much but since I paid for it... I'll take it. Anyway, it can be useful in the future and Cambridge exams don't get outdated like other certifications do.


#1329 Certifying that you can speak proper english

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#1331 The best way to prove that you can speak English is speaking English.

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#1332 Yeah, and I am certain that during a job interview they will go through each and every person, taking their time as you prove them how in-depth your English is... sorry, but even if I am certain they do check your "skills", a certificate does more good than you , apparently, believe.

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#1331 - #1333 that


#1333 I don't have any certificate from any official organization, but I had almost 20 interviews in English in the last months.

I have a C1 according my resume and nobody has ever asked me to a certificate that proves my English level.

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#1335 I've been doing the same and that's how I got my last job, but the thing is, including a certification in your CV can't do any harm at all, and sometimes is the only way to get grants, or to go through some processes.


Now I'm playing a game called šFootball Managerš Will you know tell me what team Am i playing right now? (it's correct this way, isn't it?... I should tell that i'm too bad making about long questions)

But, ok, the answer is herer


PS: GG and HF :D


well basically my problem is that my listening skill is just rubbish, i know right that we all master reading and writing skills and so on but when trying to pick up my hear i keep hearing noise. ive tried going abroad for a year and i did improve a bit, nevertheless the english i listen to must be pretty clear, like the BBC, the received pronunciation and shit you know? since the very instant in which a couple of teens gathered in the tube i got completely lost, like they were speaking german or something. yeah i do get some bits but the communication itself is impossible. and ofc we can take the proficiency or whatever one wants but in my opinion i won't ever be able to get that fluency. any ads?

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#1338 Watch series and movies in original version without subtitles, or if thats too hard for you, with subtitles in english, and try to remove them when you feel able to understand without reading. Even if you dont understand EVERYTHING they say, the point is getting what they are talking about in general lines, and you'll go getting everything they say little by little. It also helps getting used to the speakers accent, so series are quite good for this.

Vaughan radio is also a good choice, he speaks very clearly and explains some things in spanish.

I am now heading to watch all Harry Potter movies in original version to practise my understanding of the brittish accent :D

In my case, listening and speaking is much easier than writing and reading :P


Hi, I join this because I really think I will need a high level of English for my future. I hope I learn a lot here. I always try to watch all the TV shows and films in original version to improve it, if I read any interesting discussion I'll join it ^^

#1341 Fuck you bitch

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1 comentario moderado

This week i'll try to watch TV SHOW called Sherlock in VO: I've never tried with šenglishš language (we know that american is more easy than england D:)

So then, i want to improve my skills about complicated tasks

PS: See you later

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#1305 What is the vaughan radio about? it looks like interesting.

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#1343 It's a radio conducted by a canadian man; he talks about many different things and some days he has guests. He teaches english expressions and, since he also speaks spanish, he translates them and points out the differences between both languages and the typical mistakes spanish people do. I think it is quite useful, and he is very easy to understand with his clear pronunciation.

Check it out:


#1342 You have several errors but be specially careful with "easier" rather than "more easy". You just have to add -er to turn short adjectives into their comparative form.

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#1345 Hahahaha, damn it: How Can i be so stupid? Thanks for the help :) As i said a long time (not so much haha): I'm rusty

PS: Thanks for the help


i go to bed, iŽm so much bored and "have not friends" (epic fail?)

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#1347 was pretty bad hehe
i go to bed, iŽm so much bored and "have not friends" (epic fail?)

I am going to bed, I'm so bored and haven't got any friends/have no friends

This part ( the one written in bold )depends on whether it is just another piece of information or the cause to your boredom, if it were the latter, you would have to change it for "because I haven't got friends right after the I'm so bored)

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#1348 Change it to[...]


It's quite nice seeing someone else going through other people's posts, I don't feel so lonely now.


Ok, I've been the whole morning doing CPE exams and in some minutes I'll leave to do the last paper, the listening one.

Use of English has been easy peasy in my opinion, reading wasn't very difficult neither, but writing... I suck at writing :( Well, the first writing exercise was fine, I wrote the exercise two times, had time to revise... But the second one was a complete disaster, the first one took me too long and I didn't have much time left so it was like vomiting random sentences as they came into my mind.

Well, I hope the listening won't be a big problem. Anyway, no matter if I pass, I really need to practise my writing skills. It looks like reading is not enough to become a proper writer.

PS: I almost forgot; the last text within the use of english paper was quite ironic: you had to summarize a text about how some exercises you have to do as school like summarizing discourage proper writing.

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