From Software está trabajando en 3 proyectos


#60 mierda? Te reviento la puta vida, cabron, (a mi me encantó hostia)

1 respuesta

Espero que dejen caer algo en el TGS, necesito ponerle nombre y cara a la próxima obra maestra de Miyazaki




3D Dot Game Heroes no es un juego desarrollado por From, solo era publisher. De hecho el dev es Silicon Studio, los de Bravely Default


Con que saquen un AC y este sea multiplataforma, me voy contento y os dejo a los demas discutiendo por los otros dos proyectos.

A fin de cuentas, un AC es muy dificil fastidiarlo....creo :s


Yo tenia entendido que no sacarian secuelas de bloodborne, es mas, el final del juego no deja nada abierto, queda todo como


A menos que se saquen una precuela de la manga y rasquen mas sobre el origen del primer cazador y la ida de olla de los dioses.


Kotaku tradujo la entrevista no hace mucho

“With this latest release, we’re going to put the Dark Souls series on hold for a while,” Miyazaki said. “This is because it was never our real motive for From Software to be the Dark Souls-only company.” This isn’t the end of the line for the popular series, though. “It’s not my intention to say that the [Souls] series is completely finished,” he said. Miyazaki then added that currently he’s just not thinking about Dark Souls sequels or spin-offs. In the future, From Software could certainly return to the series.

Miyazaki added that since the Souls series and Bloodborne IPs are not owned by From Software, it’s possible that remastered versions of Dark Souls games or Bloodborne will be released, depending on what the publishers decide.

“Right now, rather than making a Dark Souls sequel, we have a strong feeling that we’d like to leverage our development experience into making new titles,” Miyazaki explained.

When asked what kind of games they were, here’s how Miyazaki explained one of them is “an Action RPG, and even though it’s not Dark Souls, it’s possible that the in-game world will be dark fantasy.” He added that the game would have a different approach than the Souls titles.

“Another one [of the new projects] is a reboot of titles we previously worked on, but taking that as a leaping off point to make a new game,” he said. The last one is different from what the studio has done before. Miyazaki added, “With all due respect, it’s a slightly odd one.”

When asked about Armored Core, Miyazaki said the series isn’t finished and From Software devs are keen to make more, so we can probably look forward to that. “We don’t have a choice not to make it,” Miyazaki explained, going on to say that it was a series that began his career as a game developer.

En resumidas cuentas:

1 - (probable) Dark Fantasy con setting distinto de Dark Souls
2 - Reboot de algo que han trabajado, llevándolo a su terreno (suena a juego donde colaboraron pero que ahora lo hacen ellos al 100% ¿ideas?)
3 - Algo nuevo
4 - Remasters de IP's ajenas a From (Demon's o Bloodborne)

La duda que me asalta es si la marca Dark Souls es de From o de Namco. Por dude eso no me ha sonado bien, a no ser que se hiciera referencia a Demon's


Proyecto 1: Bloodborne 2

Proyecto 2: Reboot de Dark Souls

Proyecto 3: Algo nuevo, fresco... Bloody Souls

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