Hai se va de C9


Al final los rumores se confirman y Hai se va de Cloud9. El midlaner y shoutcaller del equipo era una de las piezas mas destacables de uno de los equipos con mas exito de la scene. También finaliza el run de Cloud9 como el equipo mas longevo de la historia (746 dias). Tl;dr al final.

Cloud9 announced the departure of Hai Lam from the League of Legends team. Hai will continue to play a significant role in the Cloud9 organization and stay heavily focused on the League of Legends space along with all the other growing eSports scenes.

The League of Legends team originated two years ago with Hai leading the team through qualifying for LCS and taking countless victories in multiple splits. We’ve come to a crossroads in the heartfelt journey that Hai has been through with his teammates, the organization, and his fans. We are thrilled to see him start the next chapter of his story.

Hai shared his thoughts openly:

“I am stepping down from being the Mid Laner for Cloud9 effective immediately. I’ll try my best to give you guys some insight into why this is happening and be as transparent as I can.

First and foremost, I want to say thank you to everyone who has supported Cloud9 and myself throughout the years I’ve played. I’m very thankful to have had this opportunity to pursue my dreams and become a professional player. Without Jack, we would not be the team we are today and he has always looked out for the best of each player and the organization/team.

I’m deciding to step down due to the following issues:

  • My wrist injury is something that I simply cannot ignore. It limits my ability to play as much as I need to and my ability to improve. I cannot keep up with the amount of Solo Queue games my teammates play and it’s not fair to them. At best, my wrist injury would have only allowed me to play for another split and that wasn’t even certain.

  • Team environment/morale was at an all-time low since Worlds 2014. We didn’t have the most spectacular 2014 Summer Split and our run at Worlds was not the best we could’ve done. We tried very hard to figure out how to get back into shape for winning Worlds but we struggled and the team atmosphere started to decline. Winning IEM San Jose brought back a bit of that Cloud9 feeling that we know and love, but it left as quickly as it came.
    I want to make this clear to everyone. I am NOT stepping down due to community criticism for my play or myself. I would be lying if I said I didn’t care about it, but I was able to brush it off thanks to my teammates’ confidence in me. Over time, my teammates started to lose confidence in my abilities as a player and a shotcaller. That’s what really hit me hard. I don’t think that is an obstacle I was able to overcome and it really got to me. I’ve always played the role of a Support Carry from the very beginning and with the meta changing the way I think it is, my play style was not going to work anymore.

  • I’m hoping with the addition of a new Mid Laner (which we will announce soon), the issues that we were going through will resolve themselves through hard work and the team can experience a new beginning. Will all the problems be solved? I’m not sure, but if there were ever a time to try it, it would be now. I’m confident they will be able to improve and take back the title of Best in NA and make a presence on the international stage. I hope all of you will continue to cheer for Cloud9 as I know I will.

As far as for what I want to do following my retirement, I’m focused on my new role as the Chief Gaming Officer (CGO) of Cloud9. My duties will focus on acquiring new talent and teams across all relevant games, helping bring in new partners and maintaining our partner relationships. I’ll also be mentoring players in growing their brand, making the most of their time here, and doing everything in my power to expand Cloud9 into a household name as eSports continues to grow.“

Jack Etienne, owner of Cloud9, said, "I’d like to announce that Hai is stepping down from competitive play. This is not a goodbye to Hai but a welcome to Cloud9 management staff. Building Cloud9 with Hai the last two years has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life and I’m thrilled that he has accepted this new position at Cloud9. Hai will play a critical part in the expansion of Cloud9 as we continue to branch out into new and existing games."

It has been an incredible journey and we look forward to continue working with Hai in his new role.


  • Seguira en la scene como Chief Game Officer de C9. Basicamente a chupar del bote
  • Culpa de su bajo rendimiento a su lesion en la muñeca
  • Tanto el como sus compañeros han notado el bajon de rendimiento, causando un bajon en la moral del equipo, lo que le impulso a abandonar definitivamente
  • Pronto se anunciara el substituto


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#2 que esta limitado por su enfermedad y que no puede jugar todo lo que quisiera, que sus compañeros juegan mucho mas que él y que pasa al staff de c9 y que pronto anunciaran el nuevom midlaner, en resumidas cuentas

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#3 C9 Faker.



En resumen:

·No lo deja por las criticas de los fans

·Dice que su lesion de muñeca le ha afectado mas de lo que pensaba a su nivel, bajando su rendimiento

·Que tambien lo deja porque el ambiente en la casa no era el mismo que antes desde los Wolds de 2014, que no habia el mismo entusiasmo, que despues de la IEM y ganarla se recupero pero no fue suficiente

·Sus compañeros ya no tenian la misma confianza en el como shotcaller y en su nivel de habilidad

·Su estilo de juego suppor carry no entra en este meta y le ha hecho bajar el nivel y no podra
recuperarlo con este estilo de meta porque no ha sabido adaptarse


falta que confirmen a incarnation


#2 Que se ve limitado para entrenar y que es injusto para sus compañeros, que el ambiente no era el mejor porque dudban de el y que el nuevo mid será anunciado pronto, que no sabe si el team volverá a despuntar pero que por algo hay que empezar a cambiar


Llega tarde el cambio , tras perder medio pulmón y sus wrist estaba donisimo ,aún así uno de los mejores midlaners que ha dado NA , fue el único que llego a Challenguer en Kr no?


C9 Incarnation! It's happening!


C9 Link y explota el foro

6 1 respuesta
1 comentario moderado

incarnati0n plis



(largate de CLG, cacho carbroooooooo....n)

edit: #10 juro que no vi tu mensaje :D

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#13 CLG link vitalicio como messi


Era algo que se sabía y era cuestión de tiempo que lo anunciara.
Estaba obligado a jugar con dolor, entrenar con dolor, etc etc...
Que se tenga que retirar por la lesión es GL y que aun dijera alguno por el subforo que era "postureo" xD, bueno C9 pierde un midlaner, un caller y un capitán, es mucha cosa de golpe así que ahora tendrán que anunciar el que se supone todos sabemos que tienen fichado xD

Supongo que el capitán pasará a Balls y el caller a Limones.

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Me encanta como la noticia mas gorda del lol accidental en el ultimo año se leakea porque Charlie tenia la polla caliente y tenia que ganarse el afecto de un chochete random. En fin..


C9 Pepiinero y me estoy riendo hasta mañana xd


Pues se va lo que es para mi uno de los mejor shotcallers que tiene occidente de largo, a ver a quien ponen para suplir el rol, aunque la mayoria suponemos a quien van a poner xD


Sin duda era algo que se veía venir visto el rendimiento del colega durante los últimos meses. Es una lástima que se deshaga el roster que más tiempo lleva sin cambios :(


Pues es lo que le hacia falta a C9, a ver a quien se traen, porque tienen todas las oociones disponibles.


Esto es incarnati0n fijisimo mas que fijo


Ya es hora de que C9 pille un jugador de KR/EU si quiere ganar la Worst LCS


Como ya comente, se retiraba por la muñeca y fichaba Incarnation xD


Si fichasen a incarnation y les fuese bien y el sobrevalorado incarnation partiera anos en na tampoco doleria tanto ya que dijesen na>eu ya que sus mid laners serian europeos. Si fuera Xpepi que es imposible seria un puntazo xD


pls que fichen a Link, pls que fichen a Link, pls que fichen a Link...


C9 Nientonsoh y puedo llorar sangre


A estas altura imagino que no habra dudas de que C9 Incarnati0n es casi un hecho.


Al final aquel tweet de Meteos en el April's Fool de que estaban scrimeando con incarnation va a ser verdad y la broma era que la gente pensara que esa imagen era la verdadera broma

Mastermind Meteos :psyduck:


Las únicas 2 opciones con lo que me insta cambiaría el avatar el de C9 seria:
C9 Peppinero
C9 Innox


Estaba bastante claro, ahora a ver cuanto dura Dyrus.

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