Mortal Online


bueno, decir que Escuadron de las Sombras [ES] , sigue reclutando/ayudando gente a iniciarse al juego, si tenéis alguna duda en el juego o problema podéis agregar amigos mis 2 personajes,



para hacer aply al clan mandar un privado a mi o a sirsancho aquí en mediavida

decir que tenemos 4 personas que han empezado y es una oportunidad para jugar juntos con ellos.



Pero a ver, pobres Wessex. ¿Qué os han hecho esta vez? ¿O todavía la deuda no ha sido saldada?


hace mas de dos años que no juego y sigo queriendo que los revienten, malditos rancios moriririrri!!


Los wsx siempre tropiezan con la misma piedra. jajajaja!


Patch notes:

This update is currently under final testing and tweaking on test server before it goes to live server.


Fixed an issue where vendors would stop trading when their stock got to high.
Librarian now tells you your bags are full before taking your money.
Added the inspect book to the Demonolog in Morin Khur.
Moving NPCs in the overseer should now work a lot better.
Dismissing keep NPCs should now work as intended.
Found and fixed issue where Priests would stop resurrecting.
Library now have a publish tab. On this tab you can buy books written by players or publish a book you have written so that other players can buy it. Once you have sent your book to publish it will be checked by our staff and then OK'd. Once it's OK'd players will be able to buy it.


Nitre workers now correctly have attacks.
Fixed a bug where AI incorrectly wouldn't level past 120 when they should be able to reach 125.
Added Lykiator to the breeding system.
Added Lykiator to the mount system.
Added Molva Beast to the breeding system.
Added Molva Beast to the mount system.
Cleaned up the horse physics a bit.
Fixed issue where Mules wouldn't correctly get their stat bonuses when becoming mules.
Made NPC drops slightly more interesting.
AI will no longer target players that are in the login state.
Reduced the grow size of horses.
Reduced the size of bull Horses a little bit.
Added support for bonus defense on dynamic creatures.
Minion Rock Golems can now be dominated.
Clubs dropped by tribe rat warriors are more valuable when sold to vendors.


Added tooltips in the pet window. These will show you general information on what the stats do as well as in some cases the calculated result.
Breeding the same species of mounts will now give a slight bonus during the death/ calc.
Dynamic stats for mounts now correctly slightly influenced by level.
You can no longer send pets that are level 100 or above to the train in the stables.
Mount INT now also reduces the chance that a Mount will throw you off when being damaged.
Pet window attacks will now show the max damage of the attack instead of the DPS.
Increased the amount of HP a mount loses when doing a knockdown.
Fixed an issue where some pets wouldn't always correctly save when a server went down.
Added check for breeding/training pets to make sure they don't have items on them.
Pet system should now correctly sort the slots in a better way when you lose a pet.
Pet Info screen will now clearly state when a pet is out of range instead of removing the pet from the list.
Pet receipts will now show the pets gender in its tooltip.
Pets that are attacking will now tick their level up timer twice as fast as pets that are not.
Level locks on mounts should now correctly be saved.
Mount breeding now compare the two parents to see how similar they are when breeding. If they are too similar there is a large risk that the newborn won't make it due to inbreeding.
Eye color on base color will now be used when breeding/spawning dynamic mounts.
Reduced the chance for a failed breeding to counter for the new inbreeding.
Fixed up breeding messages.
Breeding messages will now be shown in a popup.
The middle speed of all mounts will now be dynamically calculated so that it's the fastest speed the mount can move at without losing stamina. If this is the same speed as the mounts max speed it will be slightly slower.
Mounts with riders should now get the correct physics when dying.
Mounts with armor now correctly get a boost to their defense.
Mounted mounts with armor now correctly get their defense used and boosted when hit.
Fixed issue where mounts would sometimes lose part of their dynamic look when the rider swapped weapons.
Added more checks when stabling to make sure the pet does not have items on it.
Improved AI follows when they are attacking.
Fixed issue with none-correct release speed being used on mount
Fixed issue with floating mounts.
Fixed issue with mounts being in the ground when mounted.
The "all" buttons in the pet window now works.
    Added support for /pet 0 commands, all pet commands sent to pet 0 will go to all pets you have.
Improved connection between tamed creatures and their owner.
The command menu no longer ask something after sending a stay.


Fixed issue where defensive stance and aggressive stance didn't skill up correctly.
Fixed issue where defensive/aggressive stance wasn't auto-learned.
You now level up armor training and heavy armor training a lot faster when fighting. Note that you only level this up when you have more armor on then you can currently carry.
Added a new skill: inspect. Using this skill on any AI will give you more information on the creature such as stats on a mount.
Made riding slightly more important when riding difficult mounts.
Advanced cooking now correctly give you 7 extra slots.
Armor training total xp have been slightly decreased
Heavy armor training total xp have been decreased
New primay combat skill added, Lances under melee combat


Moving a full stack of items on a stack that it can be stacked with will no longer cause the items to go invisible.
Arrows can now be added to the hotbars.
Further updated the subsystem for UI so that it can now handle a LOT larger books/configs/drawings.
Fixed bug causing problems with hotbar icons not loading on new session.
Compass should now finally remember to stay away.
Chat box opacity and size will now save properly between sessions.
Bottom options bar and modifications bar will now always position properly.
You can no longer split directly into house chests/loot etc.
Fixed an issue where dragging items directly from the paperdoll to a chest/loot would make the item go invisible. Items that are in this state will be fixed in chests and placed at the first slot after patch.
Pet info now uses a GUID for its buttons. This means the buttons if dragged to a hotbar will ONLY work for that pet instead of any pet at that pet’s slot.
    You can still use the index if you want but you would have to write macros to do that.
Fixed an issue where taking items from the house chest wouldn't remove the item from the UI.
Improved UI updating of the keep overseer.
Cleaned up an issue where moving items inside a chest would correctly give you the "can't move this item" but would remove the item from the UI.
Made broker items that time out a lot more exact.
If previous session configuration fails to load on startup, it will keep trying for a minute before giving up and displaying a warning. This should rarely happen and is just a precaution.
Items removed from the inventory, for example when pickpocketed, without the inventory visible will no longer result in "ghost" items.


Fixed chat issue with guild-info messages.
Timer for how often you can call guards increased from 1 sec to 4.
Severely optimized a leak that would cause FPS drop. We would really like to get feedback on this fix.
Fixed lods on all player armor parts that will increase the performance in large scales population by a lot.
Fixed issue where the engine tried to clean up floating loot bags in water by moving them to the bottom.
Fixed up the odd bushes in Meduli.
Added 6 new colors for the common saddle.
Tweaked sun light.
Tweaked post process.
Made some changes to the volumetric fog.
Fixed issue where tables could be interacted with while dead.
Balanced some racial caps:
    Blainn con +2
    Huergar con +2
    Kallard con +1
Mounted players that have their horse killed will now correctly be set in falling mode.
Psyche now impact mounts boost speed.
Having a saddle on a mount will now boost your checks when checking if you fall off. Different saddles give different amounts of boost.
Fixed issue where you couldn't get items out of a wall-chest.
Fixed issues with unequipping directly from paperdoll to bank.
Fixed issues with unequipping directly from paperdoll to pet or bag.
Items can now be moved inside chests.
Items can now be swapped inside chests.
Fixed a bug where towers wouldn't lose HP (due to not being able to pay their CP cost) if it would destroy them.
Cleaned up a lot of guild messages.
Fixed issue where items moved from bag or mount to another bag or mount wouldn't correctly get updated in the UI or become invisible.
Added noticeboards around Nave. Noticeboards are boards that you can post information on. To post information get a book, write something on a page and pull that page out of the book. You can then add that note to the board.
Added blank player books vendors in each city.
You now need to be close to open house chests.
Fixed a typo that made blue kills count as nobleman kills.
Book title increased to 20 chars from 15.
Decreased extraction timer by 15%
First character created can only start in Tindrem.
Inverse kinematics active on legs again. This will adjust feet animations to prevent them passing through the ground.


Cleaned up workbench interaction messages and input.
You now need to be close to the house workbenches to use them.
Fixed issue where you couldn't craft on the bench at the top of a tower.
Added lances to the crafting system.


Fixed an issue where holding a charge using a bow of melee when dismounting would continue to drain stamina after jumping off.
When in combat mode, players on a mount will no longer play additive upper body animations.
Fixed an issue with pressing ctrl while charging a swing.
Built a thrust system when mounted. It works as follows:
    Press alt and left mouse on when mounted and your character will enter thrust mode. While in thrust mode anything your weapon comes in contact with will trigger the release.
    The damage dealt by this attack is heavily dependent on the speed of you and your target. If a target is running away from you when you hit it the damage will be less.
    But if you hit a target that is running towards you the damage can scale by a lot.
    The weapon used will take a fairly large durability based on the speeds of impact.
Clicking and holding right mouse while in ranged mode will make you hold your breath. During this time your aim's wobble will cool down a lot faster but you will drain 40% the amount of stamina.

que bien, cuantas cositas :P

Minion Rock Golems can now be dominated. :)))))))))

haha y los tablones de anuncios por fin


alguna cosa mas interesante?
ya se puede usar bien las pets para farmear y hacer pvp?
aun no esta els skill de veterninary para curar las pets?

1 respuesta

#3127 se pueden utilizar las pets para farmear, se pueden curar las pets con una comida especial solo tienes que darla para que coman y se cura, también las puedes curar con el heal, se pueden domar todos los tipos de criaturas tipo arañas, minotauros, golem de roca (eso es nuevo), mangatons que son como unas hormigas gigantes, etc etc

has leído las notas del parche? no se como dices eso de alguna cosa mas interesante.

te muestro nuestras arañas que las tenemos entrenando :P a partir de level 60 pillan una skill que escupen veneno a bastante distancia xD

y unos de nuestros minotauros, aun tiene que crecer un poco jajaja

2 respuestas

#3128 si he leído las notas pero la mayoría de cosas son arreglos cambios, pero cosas nuevas que den nuevo aire al juego no se ven en este parche que haya o no molvas no cambia mucho el juego. que haya una nueva skill puede cambiar cosas por eso preguntaba

1 respuesta

#3129 hay 2 nuevas skills, lanzas de caballeria y la skill de inspeccionar, y por supuesto nuevo tipo de armas para craftear que son las lanzas de caballería, viene el molva y el lykiator que es una montura algo especial, muerde da coletazos etc etc, aunque tu no lo aprecies las cosas que cambian en el parche dan nuevos aires a muchas cosas, hay un montón de cambios en los caballos en los stats, y por fin las armaduras para caballo sirven de algo, y muchisimos mas cambios necesarios que hacen todo mucho mas interesante, no lo voy a nombrar todo por que para eso están las patch notes xD


#3128 ¡Vaaaaaaaamos! Jaurías de bestias asolando Meduli xD ¿Ya se puede llevar más de 1 pet al mismo tiempo?

1 1 respuesta

#3131 hace tiempo de eso mabel :P lo que pasa que ahora si que serán mucho mas efectivas xD


Graficamente sigue siendo una delicia.


Veras cuando veais los molvas...y su tamaño...y especialmente el negro.... :qq:

1 1 respuesta

#3135 molvas negros? vamooosxD que cabrón como las suelta :P


1 respuesta

#3137 ZOMG. ¿Qué tal funcionan las lanzas de caballería? ¿Cuánto daño hacen en pvp?


Lo ponen esta semana el parchem no tenemos ni idea, pero te puedo apuntar que todas las armas pueden atacar en ristre ahora.


¿Cómo en ristre? ¿Cargar golpe y dar en la dirección que quieras?

1 respuesta

#3140 pues estilo mount & blade que le das al ALT y segun la velocidad de tu montura tipo de arma etc pues empalas a la gente pero la durabilidad del arma baja drasticamente con cada carga existosa hecha asi

y el daño va en funcion de la velocidad de tu montura y la del objetivo es decir si tu vas muy rapido pero el objetivo esta escapando de ti le haces poco daño si el esta cargando contra ti le haces una burrada de daño incluso matarlo instantaneo segun me an contado y si esta parado pues un daño segun el arma superior a 100 hp xD, pero tiene pinta que de 2 o 3 cargas asi te cargas el arma


Ya faltaría ver cuánto pesan esos bichos, pero explicado así, parece que entrar en combate en montura tiene una gran razón de ser. Y ya puestos, que la habilidad de lanza de recibir carga funcione xD


la stonewood son los padres.


bueno, parche lanzado y ya tenemos nuestros nuevos juguetes :P el rendimiento del juego es ahora la puta polla sobre todo en ordenadores de gama media baja, pero en general el rendimiento es muchisimo mejor, los caballos por fin van en condiciones no vuelan y esas costia ni hacen extraños cuando vas mirando los caballos de los demas, el juego en si es mucho mas oscuro y tiene mucho mas contraste es mas parecido ha como estaba antes, los que jugaron se acordaran :)

la verdad que el parche es un exito y esta gustando mucho.

saludos :)

PD: hay muchisimos tipos tanto de molva como de lykiator a parte de la misma especie son diferentes unos de otros xD


Y ya no solo eso, los tablones de anuncios en las ciudades, la mejora de la ia de los npc, un parche muy muy guapo.

Recomiendo a la gente que lo taste!


black molva con armadura:

sorry no tengo los graficos al max :)


Miedo da. ¿Siguien siendo como antes los Molvas?

1 respuesta

#3147 si, pero no son iguales del todo, piensa que esta no esta al nivel maximo :P aun tiene que crecer mas jejeje y a parte tenemos varios tipos de molva, el black molva artic molva cada uno con sus caracteristicas especiales :)


Estaba pensando en lo que podía pasar con el super sprint del molva + lanza de caballería...

#3150 :palm:

2 respuestas

#3149 TOMAS!

1 respuesta
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