La Segunda mayor amenaza de MV Returns


Sin paranoya xD


<ARG|mEN1> You now who is tigretin el del maletin?
<Eepxio> Nay
<Eepxio> A Media-Vidian, I presume?
<ARG|mEN1> The greatest knight of Media-Vida
<Eepxio> Knights trouble us not
<Eepxio> But pray, answer
<Eepxio> Is Kartalon a High Elf?
<ARG|mEN1> Yes
<Eepxio> And he is loyal to Letto I
<Eepxio> aye?
<ARG|mEN1> yes
<Eepxio> Only a High Elf may challenge a Maia
<ARG|mEN1> you are a Maia?
<Eepxio> Yea
<Eepxio> Willst thou flee?
<ARG|mEN1> But if you aren't Sauron or Morgoth you can't destroy Media-Vida, the Maias doesn't influence in mortals troubles
<Eepxio> My friend, the Sixth Age is about to end
<Eepxio> Rumour has it, the Seventh Age will be the last one
<ARG|mEN1> And the destroy of MV is the beginning of the Sevent Age?
<Eepxio> Aye, Media-Vida must be destroyed for this Age to end
<Eepxio> There is a doom at work which is mightier than the power of the Valar, and I tried to convince Media-Vida's chieftains
<Eepxio> that there should be no resistance
<Eepxio> but they will fight, they can not see, or will not see, that 'tis unavoidable
<Eepxio> Now I am cometh hither to save innocent people's lives
<Eepxio> for those who will forsake Letto and his folly, and flee, will be saved
<Eepxio> They will be lead by Miss Jinx, the Chosen One
<Eepxio> When a crimson sky cometh, beware! For the Eagles shall be nigh
<ARG|mEN1> Miss Jinx is our savior? if we don't leave Letto?
<Eepxio> She will lead those who leave Letto
<ARG|mEN1> We are ready to fight the Doom, we have the power of the Pichurrina with us
<Eepxio> those who remain with him, will perish
<Eepxio> now I must leave. Thereat I have included more tidings:
<Eepxio> farewell now, be wise and save thyself!

Madre mia jajajaja mola este friki! xDDDDD


#122 recuerda, los que quieran escapar deben ir al lado de la Chosen One xD


Aporto mi granito de arena..xD:

<Eepxio> I am returned, and I shall come to this Earth, and take human shape
<Eepxio> For Kartalon is a Noldo, and his Oath shall make him fight the hardest against the Valar
<Eepxio> I shall face him

Eso me ha puesto hoy.


no es por nada pero en el 2003 nos amenazaba con destruir todo.. 3 años despues sigo esperando sentado xDDDDDDD asi todo eepxio esta entre nosotros lo presiento


Te a OWNEADO, y antes de que lo posteara el, lo has posteado tu : o

PD: no será un bot?
PD: Billy spleen
PD: Post sin sentido, ban


<B> Hi motherfucker
<Eexpio> Thu power of valar kill Media-vida thu day
<B> Ok i've your ip address
<Eexpio> WTF?
<B> suck my cock pretty xDD
<Eexpio> Is real or a prankster?
<Eexpio> ...
<B> i've you, your power don't sink because the shit float
<Eexpio> The power of valar increasing thu the end is started.
<B> visit and found new friends xD
<B> RememBelaphorer this !
<Eexpio> WTF?
<B> Remember this motherfucker !!
No such nick


(00:30:25) (Eepxio) I want information abuot Kartalon. He is a High Elven Lord of the Noldo
(00:30:38) (Eepxio) I will fight him, for he stil holds to Feanor's oath, and he is loyal to Letto I
(00:30:48) (Eepxio) Tell me anything about him and I shall reward thee with gold
(00:34:18) (BLISZ) I don't know Kartalon
(00:36:15) (Eepxio) He is one of the mightiest Media-Vidians, but he shall meet a foe he can not defeat

Kartalon, este te busca xD se pasa el dia preguntando por ti


Que alguien compruebe, si cuando os habla el bicho este, Ironicus esta on-line, porque mucho me temo que tienen "algo" de relación. Saludos.


Y yo pensando que tenía que ver con el juego de rol de MV... ya se ve que no.

Ya he tenido yo una larga conversación con éste, la verdad es que es bastante divertido, y no negaré que su inglés es excelente (me sobrepasa con creces)


#130 jajaja ;D ahi ahi tan mis fans :)





3 meses después

¿Nadia ha vuelto a saber nada de Eepxio? :(


Estoy en el grupo selecto de baneados de #media-vida sin motivo, asi q a saber


Pues no me entero de na como no traduzcais :(


Jaj el chemical sin mamon.

Edita el post del 2003 y dice que Francia eliminara a España en el 2006, con goles de Zidane. :P

El amo.


Solo he leido los primeros post pero su inglés (como alguno dice de la Tierra Media) me recuerda a algunos de mis compis de curro alemanes y austriacos...
En cuanlquier caso me he reido un rato, está como una p. cabra, xD




thou? este es tonto o nose


ver para creer :|

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