Game of Thrones [Hilo antiguo]


#96 estoy como tu xDDD me voy a comprar los libros y leermelos xk el hype que hay montado no es ni normal!


os los deborareis facilmente :)


Otro reportaje sobre Paint Hall:

"I’ve be given 2 roles as a ‘Tournament workman’ and a ‘Kings Landing Peasant’ for which I’ll be shooting for 5 days in August. It won’t be at the Paint Hall but it is a cool location that I’ve never filmed at before and is only 20 minutes away from me and has been hinted at before on here. The group of people that silverjaime saw were probably extras who were there for a costume fitting. Unlike the Pilot, all the costume fittings are happening at the Paint Hall. I know the fittings began last Tuesday (there was a sign in the costume marquee that said ‘Prepare for fittings on Tuesday!’) and I imagine that they will carry on right up to the beginning of filming. Of course, there will be fittings throughout the shooting schedule as at the moment they are only prepping extras for the first 3 episodes (they are prepping/filming in 3 episode blocks). Given that there are going to be loads of extras I was pleasantly surprised at the time and attention they gave my costume when I went for my fitting. I think I was the first ‘Tournament Workman’ that they had done so they were getting the look right on me. They would occassionally bring in the head of costume to look at me and make any changes. I am really happy with the look and the costume is comfortable which is a big deal when you have to wear it all day for 5 days! The costume department had racks full of costumes all in various sections (Dothraki / Wood People / Peasants / Pentos Slaves etc). I can’t describe them but they look cool!"


Una pregunta, aun no se sabe quien interpretará a Shae, no? Leí que Martin estuvo viendo audiciones para este personaje, pero por lo que parece en el último repertorio masivo de actores, no se encuentra la que interpretará a nuestra puta favorita...


Vamos, que Martin se está poniendo las botas haciendo audiciones "privadas" para Shae, no?

Menudo picarón.


Fijo, se estará poniendo morao con las aspirantes a Shae... la verdad, me extraña que no se sepa aún quién la interpretará, se supone que ya debería estar todo el reparto confirmado... por favor, que hayan confirmado a Ser Hugh del Valle y no confirmen a Shae...

Me choca.


Cuantísimos personajes ¿no? Me da miedo que al final la serie se les vaya de las manos en cuanto a presupuesto y no pasen de una segunda temporada.

Y que bien leer que GRRM está ocupado escribiendo Dance with dragon, que a este ritmo, con tanto dar vuetas por la serie no lo iba a terminar en la vida.


#967 estas hablando de la HBO, no te preocupes por el presupuesto xD


Por mucho presupuesto que haya, como pase a lo "Rome" que se lo gastan en dos temporadas....pero bueno, yo confio en la HBO en cuanto a calidad, pero lo de que el dinero se gaste antes del tiempo lo veo tan claro.


#967 Cuestan más los trajes y decorados que los sueldos del 80% de los actores. La mitad de ellos no van a tener ni 5 líneas la primera temporada.


Actualización de la HBO con casi todo el reparto:


Aclaraciones de GRRM:

George again, with a few closing comments.

Yes, we will be filming in Malta, rather than returning to Morocco. The Knights Hospitaller were kind enough to build some great sets for us.

"Mhaegan" is little Barra's mother. She has no name in the novel.

Two more directors have been named. This was news to me as well. I'm excited too.

Lysa's son has been renamed for the series. "Robin" instead of "Robert," as in the books. He's still Sweetrobin.

Marillion has not been renamed, though I offered to do so. I was tired of people assuming he was named after the band. I had never heard of the band when I named him, though I've heard a lot about them since.


Que bueno Lilja, 10 esta mal, es un buen comienzo, podran meter todo el libro de juego de tronos en 10 episodios?son 10 horitas...O va ha haber cambios con respecto a lo de que cada temporada es un libro diferente?


#972 Ya dijo Martin que haran lo que puedan, pero que seguro que quitaran cositas, pues en 10 horas era imposible meter todo el libro, pero no dejaran de intentar meter todo lo posible.


#972 De momento se sabe, si no lo han cambiado, que el primer capítulo contará las 60 primeras páginas del libro. Si siguen ese ritmo y asumiendo que exluirán algunos detalles irrelevantes para la historia, creo que podría salir algo muy fiable.


Espero que mantengan algunas frases célebres del libro, para algunos será una tontería pero para los que nos guste mas de una de sus conversaciones sería un detalle muy muy de agradecer.

PD: Por cierto, edito, donde están Tywin Lannister y Shae?


Shae en el primer libro no sale,no?
y tengo ni idea ahora mismo, la verdad es que la historia esta toda en un hilo seguidita en la cabeza..ajajaj


Diría que Shae en el primer libro no llega a salir y Tywin poquito, así que menos ansias.
Además si no cojen Alan Dale, al actor q hace de Charles Widmore, para hacer de Tywin ya me da iwal a quién cojan.


Los actores que interpretarán a Shae y Tywin aparecerán en unos días.

"'nuff said. This should give you plenty to chew on for a few days... while casting continues and we nail down a few more parts. Lots more still to come, including Osha, Shae, and Twyin."


Si pueden meter las pelis de ESDLA en 3 horas, se puede meter tranquilamente Juego de Tronos en 10.


Tywin y shae si salen el primer libro aunque no demasiado...


#979 El señor de los anillos quitan cosas y cambian otras, no obstante no es una mala adaptación aun así como dice #975 seria muy muy de agradecer que se conversaran algunas conversaciones por que los libros tienen algunas conversaciones bestiales


#980 Cierto, de hecho


Las pelis de ESDLA me gustaron, y mucho, pero les faltan una horita u horita y media de metraje a las tres para hacer unas pelis verdaderamente fieles a los libros, y hablo de la version extendida,y a mi personalmente me gustaria que la serie de CdHyF fuera "awesome" aunque esto es una hoja de doble filo, pues a mas calidad mas presupuesto gastado...y no quiero que se nos haga un "Rome"...

1 comentario moderado

Ya han empezado a montar el castillo negro (y se puede ver lo que utilizarán para crear el muro).

Esta foto me ha gustado por el cartel de GoT xD

Todo el reparto está volviendo a Belfast para las preparaciones.

Finn Jones (Loras Tyrell): "just seen a drawing of my tourney armor, it’s actually breathtaking, excited to wear the real thing!"

Sophie Turner (Sansa): "having sooooo much fun… good to be back"

Nilhenwen (Una extra): "Just realised the guy I was standing 3feet from was Harry Lloyd from BBC Robin Hood. Didn’t recognise him with white hair"

"Lots of comings and goings – a lot of swish cars and taxis pulling up and people getting out and some ( confusingly) getting back in 10 mins later. I don’t really know the actors to see but I recognised a few – Jamie Sives (looking gorgeous) Finn Jones, Rory McCann, Kristian Nairn ( I think – he was huge anyway), Josef Altin, Sophie Turner (very blonde and cute) and Derek Halligan with a big guitar case who went in and then came back out shortly after. Maybe it wasn’t his day. There were also about 4 girls all with dark hair but they were laughing and so on and I couldn’t see who was who. Everyone was carrying their stuff (scripts?) in boxes or M&S bags etc."


Miltos Yerolemou (Syrio Forel) y Maisie Williams (Arya Stark) han estado preparandose juntos para sus escenas en la serie.

"i have spent the week rehearsing our ‘lesson’ together. she is a genius and a bright little star! (& a fast learner)"

"hello there,
just ‘loitering’ the posts and wanted to say that Bill Hobbs discussed the Rob Roy fight with me at length when we were working together. although he isn’t officially the fight choreographer for GoT he is working very closely with me to create the water dance style and the lessons that i will teach Arya. the stunt coordinator and fight tutors for GoT however are all people Bill has worked closely with and he assures me they are the best in their field. to add to this i have just returned from Belfast after rehearsing and putting maisie through her paces (and i have to admit, vice versa!) and the guys are creating some awesome choreography.
anyway just wanted to say hi, and thanks for your amazing dedication and interest in this journey we are all going to begin. the books, the stories, the characters and your own hearts and minds are in very good hands…

slips back into the shadows…quiet as a shadow…calm as still water…."

Ambos comentarios son de Miltos Yerolemou.


#985 mentira, la última frase no es suya. Juas.


#986 Demuestrame que GRRM no se la robó a Miltos y te daré la razón :P

Brynden Tully no aparecerá en la primera temporada por "falta de presupuesto".

"A few last words about a part that has NOT been cast. Since the release of the HBO fact sheet last week, I’ve gotten several emails wanting to know about a role that was not listed — another knight of the Vale, Ser Brynden “Blackfish” Tully, uncle to both Lady Lysa and her sister Catelyn. Some of you wanted to know if he’d been dropped.

Not dropped, no. But, alas, his appearance has been postponed. Even with such a huge project as ours, there are budgetary constraints that require some characters to be cut, combined… or deferred to later seasons. That’s what is happening with the Blackfish. The plan, I am told, is to delay the introduction of the Tullys (Lord Hoster and Ser Edmure as well as Ser Brynden) until the second season. Brynden’s part in the events of A GAME OF THRONES will be filled in part by Ser Vardis Egen, and in part by Ser Rodrik Cassel.

This will upset the purists among you, I know. I regret that. But some changes of this sort are necessary whenever a book as big as mine is adapted to television or film. You will get your Blackfish eventually (assuming we get that second season). Just not now."[/i]

¿Ya empezamos con las "faltas de presupuesto"?




Me cago en las faltas de presupuesto


Lo dejan para la próxima temporada.

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