Parche 4.2


Bueno empiezan los cambios en la 4.2.

Classes: General
Crowd Control
Many crowd control abilities no longer cause creatures to attack players when they are cast. The creature will not attack the player when the crowd control wears off, and nearby creatures will not become hostile to the player either. However, if a visible player gets too close to the target creature, the creature will remember and attack the player when the crowd control effect wears off. The intent is to make it easier for dungeon groups to manage crowd control assignments and pulling packs of hostile NPCs. The abilities affected by this change are: Hibernate, Entangling Roots, Wyvern Sting (will still cause hostility when it begins to deal damage), Freezing Trap, Polymorph, Repentance, Shackle Undead, Blind, Hex, Bind Elemental, Banish, Seduction.

Druid (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
Druids now gain 1 attack power per point of Strength, down from 2. They continue to gain 2 attack power per point of Agility while in Cat Form or Bear Form.
Entangling Roots and the equivalent spell triggered by Nature's Grasp no longer deal damage.
Innervate now grants an ally target 5% of his or her maximum mana over 10 seconds, but still grants 20% of the druid's maximum mana over 10 seconds when self-cast.

Insect Swarm now generates 8 Lunar Energy for druids with Eclipse.
Moonfire now generates 8 Solar Power for druids with Eclipse.
Sunfire now generates 8 Lunar Energy for druids with Eclipse.

Glyph of Innervate now causes the druid to gain 10% of his or her maximum mana over 10 seconds when Innervate is used on a friendly target, in addition to Innervate's base effect.

Mage (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
Ring of Frost now has a 1.5-second cast time.

Paladin (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
Beacon of Light can no longer be dispelled.
Speed of Light now increases movement speed when Holy Radiance or Divine Protection are cast.

Priest (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
Priest Bug Fixes
Players will no longer prematurely cancel a channeled spell when clicking on the Lightwell.

Rogue (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
Blind duration against enemy NPCs is now 1 minute, while the duration against players remains 8 seconds.
Stealth now once again begins its cooldown once the rogue leaves Stealth.

Warlock (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
Warlock Bug Fixes
It is no longer possible to leave combat while channeling Drain Soul.

Warrior (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
Overpower now has a 1.5-second cooldown and global cooldown (Taste for Blood's Overpower cooldown has not changed).
Retaliation, Recklessness and Shield Wall no longer have stance requirements.

Dungeons & Raids
Dungeon Journal is in the process of being implemented. While some UI elements may exist in the current Public Test Realm build, the feature is not yet complete.

The Reins of the Dark Phoenix, purchased from the Guild Vendor, has had its art improved. It's now less transparent and indisputably more awesome.

Eye of the Storm has been added into the rotation as a 10-man Rated Battleground. The tug-of-war style capture points have been replaced with Arathi Basin style capture points to better support 10v10 competition. This change applies only to Rated Battlegrounds. Eye of the Storm is otherwise still a 15-player Battleground with tug-of-war style capture points.

War Games
Many improvements are being made to the War Games interface, though the changes are not yet fully functional.

User Interface
Characters can now be reorganized at the Character Selection screen. This feature not yet fully functional and the reorganization of characters doesn't save at this time.
The cast bar can now be moved to display below the Character frame.
Move Pad is a mouse-click interface for movement which is now built into the base interface.

Por fin las habilidades "potentes" del warrior no necesitan de una stance especifica. Y ring casteado al fin.


si no lo he entendido mal...

"Stealth now once again begins its cooldown once the rogue leaves Stealth"

Nos vuelven a poner cd¿? pfff vaya chusta de blizzard no? ponen una cosa pa volverla a quitar... xD habran caido muchos lloros...

d todas maneras sigue siendo un cd minimo... pero nos habian dado algo muy bueno por fin...


Shield Wall no longer have stance requirements.


veis bien lo de las puntuadas 10 que son originales de 15? yo no


Mage (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
Ring of Frost now has a 1.5-second cast time.

muchos lloros escuchados?
aun asi, para tener 1 min de cd, lo veo excesivo
edit. aunque con la cel que llevemos se acabara quedando en 1 seg o menos asique igual esta bien, no se

1 respuesta

#5 excesivo? =0

1 respuesta

#6 para mi por ejemplo que soy fire si que me parece excesivo....
hay mago mas alla del frost

Pd. hablo de pvp

1 respuesta

cada vez haciendo mas estupido al warrior haahhaahah arenas duras amigos


porque no ponen solo battle stance directamente


#7 Que es tu avatar? un koala?

1 respuesta

#10 es una ardilla..



1 respuesta

Pues mira que lleva tiempo con ese avatar ,no sabia ni que era y ahora que lo se sigo sin verlo XDDD


Es un perro no?




es bastante obvio no? [/irony]

4 2 respuestas



Han tardado en nerfear el daño del UA al dispelear, en fin.

#15 Ya lo sabiamos :clint:


Qué raro que nadie diga nada del absurdo cambio que le van a hacer a los cc's para hacer más retrasada a la gente.


Hay hasta un hilo en wow europe sobre los cc xD


Estamos locos o qué? de toda la vida, el que tira un cc se come el aggro del mob, vamos no me jodas x'DD

Cada vez que veo las notas de un parche ya no sé si ahorcarme o llamar a los ovnis pa que se me lleven o que... ¬¬


Mas nerfs o mas powerups, pa esto que no metan parche


Mage (Forums / Talent Calculator / Skills/Talents)
Ring of Frost now has a 1.5-second cast time.

Y el sentido? DF RING OP? aww ya que me habia acostumbrado a abusar de ello, ahora aparte de que me rebienten tendré que castear 1.7 para una sheep :< felisidades #12 , ahora ya si que no podré hacer nada cuando m rusheais :<


embarasada agradecera el cambio al rof


Están chulísimas.


En MMO-Champion y WoWHeadNews han colocado varias cosas sobre el 4.2

El PTR de la 4.2 (build 14002) ya se puede bajar.

Para los PVPeros como dice Miracle92 han metido un par de monturas, una que se consigue al ganar 100 BGs puntuadas, y otra a las 300 ganadas. Son dos modelos diferentes, uno para cada facción. Así promueven un poco el tema de las BGs rated.

Se han introducido además cerca de 800 nuevos objetos al juegos. Entre los cuales cabe destacar que las profesiones no quedan abandonadas después de la salida de la expansión, las armas crafteadas serán ilvl 363 y el equipo a craftear ilvl 378, este último es el nivel de objeto de las raids en modo normal.

La Sulfuras ha vuelto, y es ilvl 391, que es el nivel de objeto de las raids heroicas.


Eye of the Storm has been added into the rotation as a 10-man Rated Battleground. The tug-of-war style capture points have been replaced with Arathi Basin style capture points to better support 10v10 competition. This change applies only to Rated Battlegrounds. Eye of the Storm is otherwise still a 15-player Battleground with tug-of-war style capture points....


Bastante imba los bonus de tier12 comparado con la mierda que pusieron en este.


Lo mejor del parche 4.2 sin ninguna duda:

The character selection screen has been updated as promised and you can now change the order of your characters!

6 1 respuesta

Pues si, bastante mas.


Ale, PJ en el PTR, a ver si abren Firelands :_

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