PTR 4.0.6


Al final como ha quedado el priest shadow/healer?


Me comentan que en el ptr el priest disci en arenas es algo mas que Godlike..


los que os alegrais y defendeis el cambio al shapeshift es porque no teneis ni puta idea


simplemente con poner un gasto de mana como estaba antes se habría solucionado el tema de el cambio de forma



quien lo ha probado y ha puesto impresiones?



Lo de los pequeños ajustes no los dices a los priests y hunter? ;)


Ojala que el cambio al earth shield lo cambien y lo dejen como esta, bastante nerfs nos clavan como para que encima de 1 solo dispel(clases de 2 magics) se lleven del tiron el riptide y el tidal waves ...

Y me anticipo a las contestacion ... deciros que nadie se pone actualmente a dispelearle el earth shield a un shaman a menos que este se empane y le puedan clavar un opener sin cargas , el earth shield dispeleable es muy util para evitar que te dispeleen cosas importantes como el tidal waves .

PD: Y le veo mas perdida el que nos quiten el tremor actual a poderme quitar fears cada 30 segundos cuando estoy bajo ellos, no entiendo a la gente que habla de ello como si fuese una mejora.


el ciclone ya lleva unos cuantos nerfs y con el bonus tan bonito de los guantes de pvp casi lo tienes que castear a melee


#218 obviamente el bonus de los guantes de druid esta bug en la descripcion , prueba el rango con/sin el bonus , lo aumenta.


Pues yo que estoy casi al 85 con mi druida resto, y no se como será en hc y raids, pero me gustan los cambios que le van a meter.

El buff al crecimiento salvaje y menos gasto de mana para reju... esta de lujo.

Me subí un druida porque me gustaba la forma de curar con hots y muy orientado a party y al principio de esta expa parece que lo quieran convertir en un paladin a medio camino xD


hoy dia el paladin esta muy por encima como healer, y mas teniendo encuenta los nerfs que se vienen.


A cada parche nerfean al pala holy, ya debería de quedarse así, con el nerf de protector of the innocent espero k sea lo ultimo ya....

  • The human racial trait Every Man for Himself has been reverted back to a 2-minute cooldown, down from 3 minutes.
    se rien de la horda o q ?

no , se rien de los ingresos que les va a volver a dar la basura racial , dentro de 3 meses cuando todos seais humans volveran a nerfearla para q volvais a huargen , todo esta pensado!


Fel Armor has been redesigned. It now surrounds the caster with fel energy, increasing spell power and causing the warlock to be healed for 3% of any single-target spell damage he or she deals.

Demonic Aegis now increases the healing effect of Fel Armor by 50/100%.

Fressshhhkisimo Siphon Life + Haunt + Drain Life + Fel armor.


Hay lloros sobre el control de los mages, el burst y el uptime de los warriors, los bleeds y el uptime del feral, pero me hace gracia ver que dos de las clases que hasta ahora eran ya de lo mejor y a partir de 4.0.6 van a ser algo bestial apenas se mencionan, under the radar total. En la 4.0.6 haber quien es el guapo que gana a un shadowcleave.


Buenos dias!


* Once a guild hits level 23, the daily cap on experience gained is removed.


* The gnomish racial trait Escape Artist now has a 1.5-minute cooldown, down from 1.75. In addition, it is now possible to use and waste this ability when not snared or rooted. This is consistent with other dispels.

Druid (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Fungal growth duration has been increased to 20 seconds, up from 10. In addition, it should now be much more responsive when detonating Wild Mushrooms.
* Moonkin Form now grants 15% damage reduction instead of increased armor.
* Starfall will no longer strike targets that are not in combat and will now drop stars at a slightly faster rate.
* Wild Mushroom is now instant cast, down from 0.5 seconds. In addition, the radius of detonation has been increased to 6 yards, up from 3, and damage done increased by 30%.


* Disentanglement (new specialization): Causes shapeshifting to remove roots in addition to snares.

Hunter (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Casting Trap Launcher, Distracting Shot, and Scare Beast now cancel Auto Shot when cast. This is to make it easier to crowd control creatures with Auto Shot while moving enabled.

Paladin (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Divine Storm weapon damage percent increased from 80% to 100%.
* Hand of Light (Mastery): A percentage of the damage done by Templar's Verdict, Crusader Strike, and Divine Storm is done as additional Holy damage. This Mastery now grants a 2.1% increase to Holy damage per mastery, down from 2.5%.

Priest (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Mind Blast damage has been significantly increased. It should be roughly 50% greater than Mind Spike.


* Grace is no longer limited to one target at a time.
* Penance mana cost has been increased by 7%, but healing has been increased by 20%.


* Vampiric Embrace now lasts until canceled.

Rogue (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Blade Flurry is now a toggle that can be turned off by pressing the button again. In addition, this ability no longer has a fixed duration, but will go on cooldown for 10 seconds after being canceled (similar to Stealth).

Shaman (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Spiritwalker's Grace duration has been increased to 15 seconds, up from 10.

Warlock (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Fel Armor has been redesigned. It now surrounds the caster with fel energy, increasing spell power and causing the warlock to be healed for 3% of any single-target spell damage he or she deals.


* Demonic Aegis now increases the healing effect of Fel Armor by 50/100%.

Warrior (Forums / Cataclysm Talent Calculator / Beta Skills/Talents)

* Slam weapon damage percent (at level 80+) has been increased from 125% to 145%.


* In addition to its current effects, Bloodsurge now also causes the next Slam to deal 20% more damage.
* Raging Blow weapon damage percent (at level 80+) has been increased from 110% to 120%.


* The sell value of all common artifacts has been doubled, while a small subset of common artifacts have had their sell value increased far beyond that.


* Mystic Cogwheel is a new Engineering Cogwheel gem which provides resilience rating and can be purchased from the Engineering vendor for 55 Honor Points.


* The Honor Commodities and Justice Commodities Vendors now sell raw tradeskill materials. These are not intended to be a cost-effective source of these materials, but an option for players with lots of Justice or Honor Points who have already purchased all of the gear that interests them.
* Lich King trinkets with bonus armor values have been adjusted using the new Cataclysm formula, reducing their armor values substantially.

Set Bonuses

* The PvE hunter 4-piece set bonus has been redesigned. It now reduces the cast time of Steady Shot and Cobra Shot by .2 seconds.
* All PvP 4-piece bonuses have had their flat stat values cut in half. Primary stats are very powerful in Cataclysm, so much so that players were considering using PvP gear in PvE just because of these primary stat bonuses.
* PvP hunter bonus change reverted
* PvP enchants are properly valued and attached to Honor Quartermasters and Tol Barad/Baradin Hold Quartermasters.

Quests & Creatures

* Chief Engineer Scooty moved from Booty Bay to Grom'gol

Nueva especializacion del druid resto.

Un saludo


Disentanglement (new specialization): Causes shapeshifting to remove roots in addition to snares.

La primera vez que blizzard pìensa con la cabeza..


#228 si bueno... el caso es que eso va a estar para los resto, te lo dan cuando tu spec es resto :/. Vamos que se lo dan a los que ya podian dispelearse los roots gg.

* Moonkin Form now grants 15% damage reduction instead of increased armor.

Muy buen cambio aunque lo veo mas ulti para PvE que PvP, pues en PvP nuestro mayor problema es que no podemos hacer daño.


#229 Lo que pasa es que el cambio era absurdo en si, es como si le quitan los totems al xamy, pierden su roll.

  • The gnomish racial trait Escape Artist now has a 1.5-minute cooldown, down from 1.75. In addition, it is now possible to use and waste this ability when not snared or rooted. This is consistent with other dispels.

Se refiere a que se puede usar la racial aunque no hay nada que disipar no?


#231 Si


y nerfeo al bonus de 4 piezas de pvp a la mitad porque son POWERFUL xD!

  • Disentanglement (new specialization): Causes shapeshifting to remove roots in addition to snares.

Vaya puta broma, van a matar al feral, haciendolo injugable a altos ratings cuando tiene muchisima menos representacion que el resto, y blizzard les da ese talent encima? pero que coño fuman?

Mientras tanto los mages, locks y DK's dominando el puto juego, goodjob.


Es que ese talento se lo deberian de dar al pollo,no al resto que se puede dispelear y al feral ponerselo con un cd de 10 segundos,o que con el gasto de mana con 3 o 4 veces que lo hiciese se quedara seco.


A los pollos han dicho que nos van a dar algo, asi que en relacion a eso yo ya estoy tranquilo :P


#224 human mage ftw

#212 lo que han quitado del parche, (el 30% mas de absorb en el shield propio) y la protección contra interrupts del pws no está aplicado al ptr. Por lo menos ayer ya habían cambiado los patch notes, pero en el PTR seguía el priest imba.


son útiles las setas nuevas del druid en pvp?


tal y como estan ahora mismo, no son utiles ni en pvp ni en pve, con el parche tienen muy buena pinta


#237 Quieres decirme que han revertido los cambios de:

  • Improved Power Word: Shield now also increases the amount absorbed by an additional 15/30% when cast on oneself.

Usuarios habituales

  • Blinky
  • scrrpz
  • Chaotic
  • Knelo
  • Triku
  • Ligia
  • QueTzaL