1.19 cambios.



Brilliance aura mana regeneration effect reduced to 0.65/1.3/.1.95 per level down from .75/1.5/2.25 per level

Starting Agility increased by 2
Agility gained per level increased by 0.5

Mountain King
Bash chance increased to 25%/35%/45% up from 20%/30%/40%
Storm Bolt cooldown increased to 11 seconds from 9 seconds

Scout Tower upgrade time to Guard Tower increased to 70 seconds from 50 seconds

Scout/Guard/Cannon Tower armor reduced to 3 from 5

Peasant hit points increased to 230 from 220

Militia now have a passive ability which confers 30% spell damage reduction (similar to Elune’s Grace)

Militia duration reduced to 40 seconds from 45 seconds

Priest’s Heal cooldown increased to 2 seconds from 1 second

Spellbreakers’ Control Magic is now .3 mana per hit point down from .45 mana per hit point

Dragonhawk Rider base armor reduced to 0 from 1

Gryphon damage reduced to 48 average from 50 average


Mirror Image is no longer dispelled with dispel effects
Mirror Image mana cost reduced to 115 from 125
Windwalk bonus damage to heroes reduced to 35/60/85 from 40/70/100
Windwalk cooldown increased to 6.5 seconds from 5 seconds

Far Seer
Intellect gained per level increased by 0.5
Far Sight duration increased to 30/60/120 seconds up from 8/8/8 seconds
Spirit/Dire/Shadow Wolves speed reduced to 300/300/300 from 320/350/350
Spirit/Dire/Shadow Wolves duration decreased to 50 seconds from 60 seconds
Chain Lightning cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 9 seconds

Tauren Chieftain
Starting Agility increased by 1
Speed increased to 280 from 270
Endurance Aura movement speed bonus decreased to 7%/14%/21% from 10%/20%/30%

Spiked Barricades cost decreased to 25/25, 50/50, 75/75 gold/lumber from 25/75, 50/175, 75/275

Spirit Walker is now immune to magic in Coporeal form

Spirit Walker armor type changed to medium

Spirit Walker Disenchant now debuffs enemy units to no longer be the target of friendly unit (non-hero) spells or abilities for 3 seconds; it also buffs friendly units to no longer be the target of enemy unit (non-hero) spells or abilities for 3 seconds

Purge can no longer be cast on heroes, but now does 100 more damage to summoned units and costs 10 less mana to cast (subsequently the orb of lightning can no longer purge heroes)

Bats with liquid fire now cast "roar-like" debuff, which reduces 2 armor to surrounding air units upon using unstable concoction. The debuff is cumulative and so each additional bat further reduces the surrounding units' armor

Orc Burrow hit points increased by 25, but damage dealt reduced by 2

Ensare duration on units/heroes reduced to 10/1.5 seconds from 15/2.5 seconds

Ensnare cost increased to 50 gold, 100 lumber from 50 gold, 75 lumber

Orc Watch Tower build time increased to 80 seconds from 55 seconds

Night Elf:

Demon Hunter
Agility gained per level reduced by 0.5
Mana Burn is now effected by hero resistance (less mana is stolen from heroes)

Keeper of the Grove
Starting Intelligence increased by 2
Entangle mana cost increased to 80 from 75
Force of Nature mana cost decreased to 120 from 125
Tranquility cooldown increased to 90 seconds from 60 seconds

Priestess of the Moon
Starting Strength increased by 2
Scout owl scout sight range increased to 300/300/300 from 100/150/220
Trueshot Aura ranged attack bonus reduced to 9%/18%/27% from 10%/20%30%

Starting Agility increased by 1
Intelligence gained per level reduced by 0.5
Shadow Strike cooldown increased to 9 seconds from 8 seconds

Tree of Life can no longer build wisps while entangling a gold mine

Tree of Life cost increased to 350 gold, 190 lumber from 340 gold, 185 lumber

Druid of the Claw build time increased to 35 seconds from 30 seconds


Crypt Lord
Strength gained per level reduced by 0.5

Death Knight
Strength gained per level reduced by 0.5
Death Coil range reduced to 70 from 80
Death Pact provides a passive bonus of 2/4/6 Strength per level for 120/180/240 seconds after this skill is used
Unholy Aura movement speed bonus decreased to 7%/14%/21% from 10%/20%/30%

Starting Agility increased by 1
Dark Ritual provides a passive bonus to Intelligence of 2/4/6 per level for 120/180/240 seconds after this skill is used
Frost Armor mana cost reduced to 35 from 40
Frost Armor armor bonus increased to 4/6/8 from 3/5/7
Frost Nova target damage reduced to 75/75/75 from 100/100/100

Banshee’s Curse chance to miss effect increased to 37% from 33%

Skeletal Longevity upgrade removed, its effects are now provided in Skeletal Mastery

Statue's Essence of Blight and Spirit Touch cooldown increased to 2 seconds from 1 second

Destroyers' Orb of Annihilation skill no longer effects buildings

Destroyers’ Devour Magic now has an area of effect of 40 up from 20

Orb of Corruption now reduces armor by 4 for 4 seconds down from 5 for 5 seconds


Dark Ranger
Starting Strength increased by 2
Greater Dark Minions are now immune to magic
Drain Life hit points drained per second increased to 35/55/75 from 25/40/55
Silence cooldown reduced to 10/10/10 from 15/15/15
Silence area of effect increased to 25/30/35 from 20/27.5/35

Soul Burn is no longer dispellable

Goblin Alchemist
Starting Strength increased by 2
Healing Spray now works like Frost Nova. It is a single target skill that does nova healing to the units surrounding the target. Heals for 100/100/100 target healing and 100/200/300 nova healing. It only effects friendly units.

Goblin Tinker
Cluster Rockets can now hit air units

Naga Sea Witch
Mana Shield now grants the Naga Sea Witch spell immunity while in use

Pit Lord
Starting Strength increased by 2
Howl of Terror damage reduction increased to 40%/50%/60% from 30%/40%/50%


All armor/damage upgrade structures have a new upgrade which provides spell resistance to combat units, which has three levels. Each level reduces spell damage taken by all combat units by 10%/20%/30%

Experience given for killing for all hero summoned units (water elementals, lava spawns, quilbeast, etc.) increased by 20% (excluding feral spirit which already received a xp change last patch)

All siege units (excluding Mortar Teams) have 10% more hit points

Magic damage now does 25% less damage to light armor

Piercing damage now does 25% less damage to heavy armor

Heroes now take 5% further reduced damage from hero single-target damage spells (ie storm bolt, shadow strike, etc)

All mechanical units are no longer valid targets for buffs/debuffs


Healing Wards moved to level 5 from level 4

Amulet of the Wild moved to level 5 from level 6

Ice Shard moved to level 5 from level 6

Infernal Stone moved to level 7 from level 6

Mana Stone moved to level 3 from level 4

Potion of Divinity moved to level 4 from level 5

Potion of Greater Mana moved to level 2 from level 3

Potion of Restoration moved to level 4 from level 5

Red Drake Egg moved to level 4 from level 5

Scroll of Animate moved to level 5 from level 6

Spiked Collar moved to level 3 from level 5

Boots of Speed moved to level 4 from level 3

Claws of Attack +6 moved to level 1 from level 2

Cloak of Flames moved to level 4 from level 5

Crystal Ball moved to level 4 from level 5

Kelen’s Dagger of Escape moved to level 5 from level 6

Ring of Protection +2 moved to level 1 from level 2

Ring of Protection +4 moved to level 5 from level 6

Ring of Regeneration moved to level 2 from level 3

Staff of Silence moved to level 5 from level 6

Ring of Protection +5 moved to level 6 from level 7

Tome of Power moved to level 7 from level 8

Clarity potion, Greater Rejuvination Potion, Lesser Scroll of Replenishment, Greater Scroll of Replenishment, Scroll of Mana are now valid creep drops

Scroll of Healing cost increased to 300 gold from 250 gold

All items of the same level which drop from creeps changed to the same buying/selling costs (especially Ankh of Reincarnation, Periapt of Health)

Runes have been put back into many creep camps instead of items



¿Y cuando dices que sale?


vais a comer spirit walkers ahora , putos elfs humans y uds xDD , que me sacas destros te saco spirts, mass caster? spirits, talons??m... spirits!!! xDD como realmente pongan esto en el siguiente parche vais a llorar.


No se sabe se supone que esto ha sido robado,como ha sucedido otras veces,es de suponer q sea en los proximos dias y venga acompañado del reset.

Y yo quiero ver esas torres orcas q se acaben de hacer antes de que termine el game xDD.


Por fin T_T_T_T_T


Poca trama a NE y UD,poca.


Esto tiene pinta de ser mas falso que un billete de 3 euros. Son demasiados cambios, en cada parche que sale hay menos cambios y me quereis decir que de repente van a hacer todo eso? que mas que nada traera muchos imbalances porque son demasiados cambios.


#7 Ojala lleves razón,ojala...


yo esos kambios no me los kreo xD lo ke no sale en la web de blizzard no es real... aunke no me parece ke esten mal pensados


estan muy bien pensandos, mejor de lo que me esperaba

No se si es oficial pero la verdad viendo lo bien hecho que esta medio me lo creo

Ojala fuesen verdad


hombre yo creo q seran esos cambios, no creo q haya alguien q se invente esas cosas


si hombre destroyers sin afectar a los edificios el splash, si hombre y q mas??, tonces un hu se mete 2 torres en su base y ya no entras o q , pssss


Voi a intentar traducirlo aer si asi m entero mejor, pq lo e releido por encima y m parecia some imba.

Aer cnto tardo cn mi ingles imba T_T


el martillo es de 11 segundos ahora


Es una traduccion kasera pero mas o menos:


Le bajan la reg. d mana por la aura d brillantez

Empieza cn 2 mas d agilidad, y gana 0,5 mas en kada level.

Mountain King
Le sube el % d aturdir
Cooldown d bolt sube 2 seg.

Upgradear una torre tarda 20 seg. mas
Bajan la armor d las torres
Suben 30 la vida d los peones
La milicia aora tiene una habilidad pasiva para aguantar atakes magikas (como la gracia d elune)
Tiempo d transformacion en milicia decrece 5 seg.
Cooldown del heal d los priests sube un seg.
Spellbreakers’ Control Magic is now .3 mana per hit point down from .45 mana per hit point
Dragonhawk le bajan 1 d armor
Media d daño d los gryfos baja d 50 a 48


Ilusiones no s pueden dispelear
Baja el mana d acer ilusiones
Bajan el daño d atake a los heros mientras va cn ww, y suben su cooldown

Far Seer
Gana 0.5 mas d inteligencia por level
Sube MAZO el tiempo d vista q tiene la skill esa d ver el mapa
Bajan la velocidad d los lobos
Bajan el tiempo invokado d los lobos
Un seg. mas d cooldown para el chain

Tauren Chieftain
Empieza cn uno mas d agilidad
Le suben la velocidad
Baja el efecto d su aura

Bajan el koste d upgradear las casas
Sw inmunes a atakes magikos
Sw tienen armor media
Spirit Walker Disenchant now debuffs enemy units to no longer be the target of friendly unit (non-hero) spells or abilities for 3 seconds; it also buffs friendly units to no longer be the target of enemy unit (non-hero) spells or abilities for 3 seconds
No s puede purgar heros, pero sube el daño q hace a los summons
Bats with liquid fire now cast "roar-like" debuff, which reduces 2 armor to surrounding air units upon using unstable concoction. The debuff is cumulative and so each additional bat further reduces the surrounding units' armor
Suben la vida a las kasas, y bajan su daño
Ensare duration on units/heroes reduced to 10/1.5 seconds from 15/2.5 seconds
Suben el coste y cooldown d la red d los riders
Suben 25 seg. el tiempo d creacioin d las torres

Night Elf:

Demon Hunter
0.5 mas d agilidad por level
Roba menos mana cn el burn a los heros

Keeper of the Grove
Empieza cn 2 mas d intelig.
5 mas d mana el entangle
5 mas d mana los treants
30 seg mas el cooldown d trankilidad

Priestess of the Moon
Empieza cn 2 d fuerza mas
El rango d vision del buho s overpoweriza
Bajan un poko el efecto d la aura

Empieza cn uno mas d agilidad
0.5 d inteligencia mas por kada level
SS 1 seg mas d cooldown

El arbol d vida no s puede reparar mientras enkanta una mina
Tree of Life vale 10 d oro y 5 d madera mas
5 seg mas en fabricar talons


Crypt Lord
0.5 s fuerza mas por kada level

Death Knight
0.5 d fuerza mas por kada level
Baja el rango del coil
El pacto añade 2/4/6 d fuerza
Baja la veloc. q daba su aura

Empieza cn 1 mas d agilidad
Dark ritual, añade 2/4/6 d intelig.
Frost Armor baja 5 d mana su coste y añade mas armor
Baja el rango d nova

Banshee’s Curse inkrementa el % d fallar
Skeletal Longevity upgrade removed, its effects are now provided in Skeletal Mastery
Sube el cooldown d la skill d las estatuas
Destroyers' Orb of Annihilation no afecta a edificios
Rango del dispell d los destros aumenta el doble
Orb of Corruption kita menos 1 menos d armor y dura 1 seg menos


a los raiders les bajan la red, ademas de que vale mas cara, leerlo todo joder

pd.: mirando la traduccion casera veo muchisimos errores, que hacen cambiar el significado de las cosas...


No sabia q lo d lo d ensare era la red d los riders :/

Ya digo q mi ingles es bastante penoso.

Rodra si kieres edita los errores q veas, para q la gente q lea mi post no piense kosas raras.


jandorz pero no van a subirse esa abilidad :)


mmm, la verdad es q es demasiado pesado para traducir, prefiero el ingles

Seria un tema meterle al fs lobos y vision... no se no se

Por otro lado lo de los breakers que cojan summon no me parece mal. Piensa q han bajao mucho las summons (dan mas experiencia, los breakers las convierten mas, los shamanes las purgan mas etc)

Lo que no me ha molado nada es que las torres orcas tarden tanto tiempo, ahi se han pasado un poco, se acabarán los tr?¿


si hacen esos cambios paro de jugar al wc3 xd putos orcs beneficiados


la verdad lobos y vision contra ne esta un poco mucho pro


Yo kreo k los Nes kreen k los orks salen beneficiados por q barajan la posibilidad de un rush subiendo lo de vision lejana, aora os lo digo: Ni de coña sale vs ne...
Cmo muxo salen beneficiados en 2on2 , puesto ke el fs se sube de primera o segnda abilidad lo de vision lejana y asi pueden pillar a las archers o hunt escondidas......
Por cierto an bajao muxo al fs, demasiado para mi gusto. i an bajao tb al Bm.

Por cierto los orks aora suxearan vs toas als razas al menos el fs. lo de los sb no lo entiendo 3 de mana-----


lo de los .3 de mana es sencillo. La vida restante de la invocacion (no la total, sino la que le quede) multiplicado por .3 es lo que le cuesta al sb conseguir convertir esa unidad a su bando


gracias a dios k ponen algo de dispell aceptable en orks


el BM lo bajan bastante diria yo... demasiado por mi parecer


PD: en serio, esa habilidad es bastante basta ya... para ke la suban aun encima T_T!!
PD2: darle 5 ostias a Blizzard es poco
PD3: Destroyers' Orb of Annihilation skill no longer effects buildings <-- como diria M4nuPr0, L 0 L


el bash del enano a mi no me quita el sueño eh... si a cambio no se ponen el pisoton por mi encantado

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