CoD: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

Nuevo thread para Dudas y Problemas Técnicos en PC aquí

Grupo MV en steam.


Les muestro un video donde se puede ver el pésimo respawn de este juego. Yo soy el que aparece solo al principio. Estoy en la acción con dos rivales y me aparece otro justo a mi lado. Pienso que ese respawn no esta bien porque yo estoy ahí y se que no hay nadie detrás mia, asi que me veo sorprendido y me acaba matando.


#1168 y #1169 tengo que matar al tio del que cojo el arma que ademas se supone que no se quien es xD xq tengo q coger un arma cualquiera

Bueno si es asi le veo mas sentido que este en humillacion aunque complicado de cojones xD

No lo veo muy claro en la descripcion no pone matar a su propietario 5 veces como pone en el tiro por la culata pone conseguir 5 bajas con ella sin morir

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#1172 Te lo acabo de explicar, tienes que matar a alguien, pillar su arma y matarle otra vez.

1 respuesta

#1173 eso es para el tiro.por la culata, por lo que he leido tienes que hacerte una clase sin armas ni granadas y hacer las 5 bajas con un arma del suelo


Estoy ya un poco hasta las pelotas de como han puesto la ventaja Fantasma en este juego. Tu vas corriendo y si te paras ya te detecta el UAV. Yo veo bien que hayan hecho esto para evitar el camperismo pero joder por lo menos que pongan que te detecten cuando paras al menos 5 segundos.


en la ps3 y xbox360 pusieron el plarche que reducian los subfusiles y aumentaban los puntos para conseguir el UAV entre otras cosas.... en PC veo que aún no está implementado dicho parche... Se sabe algo al respecto?


Una pregunta para los de ps3. Los que usais el auricular bluetoth con micro, las voces dejan de escucharse en la tele? Por los auriculares solo se oyen las voces o todos los sonidos?


Ya esta puesto el parche en PC, además del doble XP y Nuketown 24/7

1 2 respuestas

#1178 bnbn, tendré que testearlo :)


#1178 todo eso solo 28mb?


Nadie lo va a poner?

December 14, 2012 Update for Singleplayer, Muliplayer, and Zombies

Global Changes:

Improved loadtimes when using AMD hardware
Fix for issues when binding mousewheel to fire
Using arrow keys to adjust Mouse sensitivity will increment the value by .01
Fix for some instances of “Error quit was not requested in the main thread”
Fix for issues with 16:10 displays
Fix for TXAA not disabling when an unsupported card is detected
Improvements to ambient occlusion
Increased Friends list limit to 300
Joinable friends now sort to the top of the friends list
Users now have the ability to unlink youtube accounts.
Added SFX to sliders in options menu
Fix for knife lunge not working when a gamepad is connected
Improved film rendering stability and made progression bar more accurate while rendering a film.
Improved audio/rumble responsiveness when hitting enemies with gunfire.
Fix for issues with changing the gamepad Button Layout in theater
Fix for Party host receiving infinite “Reconnecting to Party” message when clicking on “Bring Party” in a post-match lobby.

Campaign Changes:

Fix for crash that could occur during credits
Fix for freeze when unlocking Death From Above achievement

Multiplayer Changes:

Matchmaking improvements
Added Hardcore Kill Confirmed playlist to the Hardcore category
Game now resets the Care Package for a non-owner if the owner re-rolls the package using the Engineer perk.
Fix for incorrectly being able to purchase an 11th Create a Class slot
Collision and clipping fixes on all maps
Fixed a number of new UI error messages reported by users.
Improved CoDTV sort filters for browsing content
Players can now render films in addition to clips
Removed incorrect SFX for placing from party games
Fixes for issues with codtv images not loading in
Bots no longer count towards the party size limit in Custom Games
Added the ability to “View League Teams” from any player’s Playercard.
Added the ability to “View Playercard” from League solo leaderboards.
Map exploit fixes in Meltdown
Fixes for errors on Express when the train arrives
“Drop Shot” medal is no longer awarded after standing back up.
Fix for escort drone cuing incorrect audio
Added voice chat volumn controls
CoDTV video playback improvemnts
Fixes for out of sync audio issues in rendered videos
Fixes for rendered clips showing the wrong length on youtube
Fixes with “Hacked” items not targeting the correct team
Shadows seen through sniper scopes now render more correctly.
Fix for Hijacked minimap displaying incorrectly
Fix for some equipment not being destructible by Friendly Fire in Hardcore mode
Fix for final killcams not displaying properly if it is an “Assisted Suicide” kill.
Fix for Bomb Defuser Challenge not progressing properly
Fix for Hero Medal not appearing in game at the correct time.
Fix for XP bar in League Play not displaying correctly
Fix for teams being kicked from league play when matched against a previously played team
Fix for crash when getting disconnected while viewing the like/dislike menu of a screenshot
Fix for partial loss of functionality when theater is started while a party member is in emblem editor
Fix for Arch Nemesis challenge unlocking incorrectly
Addressed issues which prevented some master challenges from being completed.
Fix for friends list showing the wrong rank icon for players
Fix for Escort Drones spawning under the map
Added a fail-safe to prevent spawn trapping in CTF.
Fix for floating corpse models on some maps
Players can now copy a custom class to the extra prestige slot.
Improved overall communication of Double XP when enabled.
AAR better communicates how much XP was earned in each match.
Fix for issues with having Assault Shield and no secondary weapon
Thermal vision overlay no longer appears using the VTOL glitch.
Fix for players not being able to capture their own Care Packages when using the Black Hat PDA in FFA
Fix for Camera Marker slide bar not functioning correctly
EMP grenades no longer affect the CODcaster HUD.
Fix for SFX that plays when player gets in the top 3 in FFA
Increased sight checks on turrets to improve spawning algorithms.
Multi-team games no longer count as a tie if an entire team quits.
Players with Black Hat PDA can no longer hack a Care Package faster than the owner can capture it.
Addressed a number of issues that would cause friendly/enemy color indicators on equipment and scorestreaks to display as the wrong team.
Precision challenge “Wet Work” will now unlock with 10 kills.
The wins challenge will now account for all FFA modes when ending a match with a tie (if you are in the top 3).
Players that help with the “Synchronized Attack” challenge now get credit for it.
Players will not be able to manually take control of their AGR if they die at the exact moment that their AGR deploys.
Players using Ghost will no longer be invisible at all times in Custom Games with the mini-map option set to “constant”.
Players using Ghost and a Suppressor attachment will no longer appear on the enemy’s minimap while shooting and moving while a UAV is up.
The median for the K/D graph in the AAR is set to 1.0 instead of 0.0.
Players can no longer get on top of the shrubs in Nuketown 2025.
Kills from the explosion on the explosive crossbow bolt now count towards challenges.
Clan tag is no longer locked immediately after prestige.
Fixed an area in Express where K9 Unit dogs could get stuck.
Party Privacy count no longer affects how many bots will spawn in Combat Training.
Players can no longer stand on invisible collision in Carrier.

MP Gameplay Balancing:

The following is a list of numerous gameplay balancing tweaks that were made after thorough review of statistical data from player usage of weapons, equipment, perks and scorestreaks since launch.

UAV: cost increased from 350 to 425.
Lightning Strike: added 750ms delay
Bouncing Betty: increased the grace period between trigger and activation by 200ms.
Sensor Grenade: increased the range (now 1000 units), frequency (now 800ms between pings), and amount of time (now 6s) that players appear after explosion.
Concussion Grenade: decreased movement penalty and turn speed penalty when hit.
All: increased hip fire recoil.
All: increased max hip fire spread from 4.75 to 5.
All: reduced bullet penetration.
MSMC: increased recoil slightly.
PDW-57: increased recoil slightly.
Assault Rifles:
All: reduced idle sway for more reliable long-range aiming.
M8A1: reduced lethal range of 3-hit kills from 250 to 50 inches.
M8A1 + Select Fire: increased recoil.
FAL OSW + Select Fire: increased recoil.
SWAT-556 + Select Fire: increased recoil.
Sniper Rifles:
All: increased hip fire spread.
All + Laser Sight: increased hip fire spread.
XPR-50: increased recoil slightly.
R870: reduced one-hit kill range by 45 inches.
B23R: reduced headshot multiplier from 1.4 to 1.
KAP-40: reduced headshot multiplier from 1.4 to 1

Zombies Changes:

Fix for Reviving text remains on screen during scoreboard after game ends
Fix for Mystery Box beacon disappearing after host migration
Fixes for players getting inside of or clipping into objects in all ZM maps
Improved zombie AI pathing in all maps
Fixes for players falling outside of the map for all maps
Players will now take damage while holding buildable parts
Fixes for issues obtaining the Jet Gun
Removed debug text that sometimes appears after host migration
“You Have No Power Over Me” achievement is now awarded at the correct time
Fix for infinite loading screen when uploading short clips
Fix for errors that may occur when viewing long clips
Fixes for Green flashes appearing when exiting Nuketown Zombies
Dead players can now text chat with living players
Added voice chat volume controls
Fix for players having unbreakable zombie shield
Fix for issues with multiple players buying the same door
Fix for incorrect character audio while holding breath with sniper scopes
Fix for rare issue with players getting stuck in custom game lobby
Fix for players getting permanent perks
Fix for persistent upgrades never going away.
Fix for players not dying when falling from extreme distances after purchasing juggernog in survival modes

2 respuestas

#1181 wow, parece mentira que ocupe 30mb


o me vuelto un manco o san cargao lo de las conex.


a mi lo que me pasa desde el parche es que no me ecuentra partida con conexion mejor, aunque en normal ya puedo jugar partidas sin problemas es raro
x cierto habeis probado las ametralladoras ligeras, yo las estoy jugando ahora y madre miaaa que maquina de matar, me canse de las escopetas en cuanto las consegui n diamante


#1177 Bueno, me voy a contestar yo mismo. Me he comprado el headset safari:

y las voces de los jugadores dejan de oirse en la tele para escucharse solamente en el headset.

PD: Y por cierto, al que le interese, lo venden en GAME por 19,95 y en MEDIAMARKT por 7,90

1 respuesta

#1185 Como puedes no jugar con cascos y no sentirte sordo?

1 1 respuesta

#1186 a q te refieres?

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A alguno le va en PC? Me desconecta de los servidores de steam cada minuto... :/

1 respuesta

#1181 Gracias ToRA, mañana por la mañana lo traduzco al español.


#1188 En nuestro grupo le estaba pasando a uno antes.


#1187 Que soy incapaz de jugar sin cascos, comprate unos triton o algo de eso para ps3, vas a flipar.

1 respuesta

#1190 ah vale. Yo tenia la camara de la ps3 q tenia micro. Pero la verdad que esta muy bien el headset. Ahora escucho a todos perfectamente y el resto del sonido por el home cinema.


Yo juego con cascos, te mete mas en el juego, pero a nivel de saber donde esta la gente y demas deja mucho que desear. Si quieres saber alguien por donde anda con los pasos vas listo.

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#1192 Claro, por eso todos los progamers usan home cinema xddddd, lo que hay que leer.

1 1 respuesta

que el sonido no sea el del cs vale... pero...

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Como diablos se graba en consola ( xbox ) y se pasa a un usb para subirlo a youtube?

2 respuestas

#1195 Con una grabadora con entrada RDB o HDMI. Desconozco modelos.


#1193 #1194 No se al que jugáis pero yo en xbox me entero de una mierda... Y si no explicarme como conecto los cascos para escuchar...

#1193 Y si te das cuenta digo que los cascos son mejores, así que si hay que aprender a leer.


#1195 Necesitas una capturadora de video.

Modelos: Hauppauge HD PVR/ Hauppauge HD PVR 2

1 1 respuesta

#1198 tiene una pintaza... Y algo mas baratito?

2 respuestas

#1199 Si Tienes el pc cerca busca alguna capturadora PCI por componentes.

Usuarios habituales

  • ReYzell
  • benitogb
  • acerty
  • ToRA
  • RobiiVk
  • sONFIL
  • ToxicAvenger