Starsector #HG El warbands de piratas espaciales


Lo probe y me decepciono, realmente no tienes nada de interacción con los personajes. Imagino que por estar aun en alpha pero desde luego añoro las personalidades de los distintos nobles del M&B


He hecho esto.

A ver si es posible hacer un AAR entretenido la verdad. Aunque mi manera de jugar no es la mas apasionante. Espero que al menos os anime a hacer lo mismo a algunos.

1 1 respuesta

#32 para el hilo que voy! gracias!


#27 Hoy toca mañana de crear una nueva colonia, voy a empezar partida nueva y a rezar por encontrar un buen planeta. Rumbo al anillo exterior y seguiré los consejos, de verdad que jodido es el juego.


Estoy jugando solo con naves con 30 de profile soy un ninja


Buenas. He empezado a jugar hace poco y el juego es una pasada, pero aun no me hago al combate del todo. Menos mal que el resto de mi flota se encarga de ganarme los combates xD. Recomendadme alguna nave que sea rapidilla, con maniobrabilidad y que tenga algo de rango. Si hay nada asi que sea decente, recomendadme una nave que sea buena para aprender el combate. Y donde comprarla y eso. Gracias de antemano.

1 respuesta

#36 Clase Wolf, la puedes conseguir en uno de los inicios, rápida, maniobrable y con la funcionalidad de teletransporte de fase (Muy bueno para persecuciones o para huir, lo activas con la F)
Tiene 5 espacios de armas si no recuerdo mal, la principal en la que puedes montar un cañón (Son muy útiles al inicio y quizás durante el mid-game), 2 espacios para misiles y 2 para láseres (Defensivos contra misiles), como ya comenté suele ser una nave de choque con suficiente potencia y escudos para mantener un combate contra naves más grandes al inicio del juego (Pero no podrá dar el golpe definitivo a no ser que tenga muchas mejoras ya que su potencia de fuego es limitada, aunque a naves de su tamaño o inferior las aniquila), su única debilidad es que casi siempre necesita de apoyo si se enfrenta a 2 o más naves ya que el área de su escudo es limitada (Aunque puedes mejorarlo), de ahí que también sea una buena opción escoger la nave con drones como acompañante al inicio.
También debo decir que es una nave que se queda obsoleta MUY pronto ya que contra naves más grandes (Mucho más) caen como moscas aún siendo varias, yo suelo ponerles misiles anti-escudos y cañones con daño kinetico (Anti-escudos) a la mitad y al resto los armi hasta los dientes, en mi flota actual suelo llevar como 6 de clase Wolf y el resto naves más grandes de high-tech (Son mis favoritas xD) junto con algún destructor de Mid-tech que vienen bien para barrer naves pequeñas que puedan molestar a las fragatas.

1 1 respuesta

#37 Buah contestacion muy completa thanks, el problema es que estaba con la clase wolf (cogi el inicio de bounty hunter) Y no se, se me hace que tiene poco rango y no disparaba muy rapido, de hecho ayer me la reventaron en un combate y ahora tiene 2 bad mods de esos, asi que seria cuestión de comprar otra. Que otra nave de este estilo me puedes recomendar? Asi tengo mas opciones xD

1 respuesta

#38 Toda nave tiene sus ventajas y desventajas, las High-tech bien utilizadas son las "mejores" naves aunque sus principales debilidades son que el tiempo desplegadas les afecta más negativamente (Puedes utilizarlas durante un tiempo limitado) y sus costes suelen ser ligeramente superiores, pero por otra parte son mucho más sofisticadas y permiten combinaciones más "cómodas" de armas (Que permiten varios tipos de daño etc)
La de clase Wolf como comenté es muy potente en 1vs1 o 1vs2 con apoyo de drones, pero se necesita actuar muy rápido ya que es una nave de choque, golpea y se va, vuelve a golpear y se va (Con cada uno de estos ataques puede acabar perfectamente con cualquier nave pirata del inicio)
Si no recuerdo mal durante el tutorial (Recomiendo hacerlo) puedes conseguir otra de clase Wolf con algún debuff porque básicamente era chatarra recuperada, las naves de esta clase funcionan muy bien combinadas por lo que mi primera recomendación sería otra de clase Wolf (Que básicamente te sale "free"), puedes añadir también 1 o 2 lasher (Naves de choque low-tech) que tienen una potencia de fuego brutal con 5 espacios para armas balísticas (Se quedan obsoletas muyyy rápido pero masacran a naves pequeñas y proporcionan fuego de contención contra naves grandes)
Lo suyo es que concentres el fuego en las naves más grandes al inicio y mandes las Lasher a por las pequeñitas para que sobrecarguen sus escudos y te permitan dar el tiro de gracia (Las de clase Wolf son expertas en eso), las Lasher por sí solas no pueden hacer demasiado más que hostigar a las grandes.


Al final me he comprado una tempest y voy mejorando con ella. Otra duda, ahi alguna nave especializada en solo llevar mucho cargamento? Estoy viendo que ir a sistemas alejados y explorarlos parece productivo por las cosas que sacas pero no puedo pillar todo las cosas que quiero porque me falta capacidad de cargamento, como hay que ir metiendo provisiones y tal, se me queda todo corto xD. Me he encontrado tambien un pristine nanoforge que vale 500k, lo mas caro que he pillado, imagino que es para cuando colonice un planeta, lo guardo o lo vendo?

1 respuesta

#40 Las forjas guárdalas ya que aumentan la productividad de las fábricas de tus colonias.
Lo suyo es que, una vez que puedas mantenerlas y tengas suficiente tripulación, compres naves de carga que aumentan exponencialmente la carga que puede llevar tu flota (Puedes mejorarlas para que puedan llevar más cargamento)
Lo mismo para el fuel.


Me está costando mucho el juego por el inglés, si de por sí es jodido el juego y mi inglés es medio, la combinación hace que me frustre :confused:

4 meses después


9 meses después

Starsector 0.95a (In Development) Patch Notes

« on: October 16, 2020, 01:26:39 PM »
Important: this list of changes is not comprehensive, both because a number of things are still in progress, and because I'm sure I've forgotten to include a few things along the way.

Changes as of October 16, 2020


Added a number of story-related missions and a hint of an endgame threat
Data found in derelicts should no longer point to derelict ships that can expire and despawn
Improved cargo screen performance when taking or leaving a VERY large number of items
Ships produced at player colonies will be at 50% combat readiness when retrieved
"Moving slowly":
    Now at half the burn level of the slowest ship rather than being fixed at burn level 2
    "Sensors" skill gives bonus to this burn level
    Go Dark: forces "moving slowly" instead of having a separate movement penalty
    Active Sensor Burst: can move slowly while charging it up
    Still reduces sensor profile while in applicable terrain (rings, asteroid fields, debris fields)
    Asteroid fields: chance for moderately damaging asteroid impacts on ships when not moving slowly
        AI will move slowly through asteroid fields
    Hyperspace storms: slow-moving fleets do not attract storm strikes
        AI will move slowly through storms instead of trying to avoid them
Added campaign tutorial section explaining the "move slowly" key
Emergency Burn, Transverse Jump: may be activated when combat readiness is too low
    Chance for the low-CR ships to suffer moderate damage
Debris fields: can only be scavenged through once; explored fields marked on map
Skill system revamp:
    Four aptitudes
    Each aptitude has 5 tiers of 2 skills each
    Pick one of two skills at each tier
    Can pick other skills after reaching tier 5 and wrapping around
    One skill point spent per skill to unlock its effects
    Maximum level is 15
    Gain story points have a variety of uses in the campaign; 4 per level
        Also keep gaining story points at a steady rate at max level
    Story point uses often grant "bonus XP" which increases XP gain
        "Weaker" uses of story points grant more bonus XP
Story point uses include (but are not limited to):
    "Piloted ship" skills can be raised to "elite" level, unlocking an additional effect
    Building a limited number of permanent hullmods into ships, making the cost 0 ordnance points
    Making improvements to industries
    Disengaging from an aggressive fleet without a fight
    Forcing a fleeing fleet to engage
    Other mission and interaction-specific options
Added a historian you can meet in bars throughout the Sector
    May share possible locations of valuable blueprints or lost technology (requires story points)
    Eventually gives you access to graphs detailing your playthrough
    Maximum level is 5
    Pick one of 4 skills on level-up
    Can mentor, increasing their XP gain, skill selection, and affecting their personality (story point)
    Can raise one skill to "elite" level (story point)
    When an officer joins your fleet, their level is shown (most relevant for officers found in cryopods)
    Can now see an officer's skills' effects when hiring them, instead of just seeing the skill names
    Officers can now be moved around in the officer list using click & drag
Added "personal contacts" mechanics:
    Meet various trade, military, and underworld figures, and build a relationship with them
    Contacts will offer missions/opportunities based on the type of contact they are
    More dangerous missions / higher rewards as relationship improves
    Can prioritize some contacts to get more missions from them
    Maximum of 5 contacts at a time; can be exceeded using story points
    Military contact bounties offer some of the most challenging fights in the game
    All types of contacts allow you to order ships/weapons/fighters, without having a colony
        Trade: use your own blueprints only
        Military: use own, or faction's blueprints
        Underworld: order good stuff regardless of blueprint availability; more expensive
            Underworld contact functions as "arms dealer"; not selling production capacity
            Is a way to get access to rare ships/items that might otherwise be too hard to find
    Over 20 total types of missions/opportunities offered by contacts
Officers rescued from sleeper pods may now occasionally exceed the maximum level and have more elite skills than usual
Added mercenary officers:
    High-level with some elite skills, do not level up, higher signing bonus and salary
    Do not count against normal officer limit
    Require a story point to hire
    Contract is limited-duration (1 cycle); extending it requires another story point
Changed officer and admin spawning:
    More likely to be found overall
    More likely at larger colonies and colonies with spaceports, military bases, etc
    More likely to find "mercenary" type officers at "free port" colonies
    Officers are less likely to be timid
    Reduced number of 0-skill admins for hire, increased number of 1-skill ones
Adjusted AI fleet compositions:
    Less top-heavy (i.e. fewer large ships), more even mix of ship classes on the high end
    Use "mercenary" type officers to augment the fleets and go above the 10 officer limit
REDACTED probe/etc defenses: now use Gamma and Beta AI cores as their strength goes up
REDACTED fleets/defenses: updated use of AI cores as officers; generally considerably stronger overall
Added 10 heavy machinery on game start so some scavenging can be performed right away
Can use a story point to recover an otherwise unrecoverable derelict ship (only applies to derelict ships found in the campaign, not during a combat encounter)
    Some ships (such as REDACTED ships when the player doesn't have the proper skill) are not recoverable this way
Post-combat ship recovery:
    Can recover normally-recoverable ships, as before
    Can spend story points to recover ships that would normally be lost
        Variable amount of bonus experience depending on ship's deployment cost
        Ships from your own fleet always grant 100% bonus XP if recovered
    Number of recoverable ships shown not limited by maximum number of ships in player fleet
Added skill that allows recovery of REDACTED ships
    Can not be directly controlled by the player
    Can only be captained by AI cores
        Added special skill selection and integration mechanics for ships with AI core captains
Added unique capital-class ship that can be acquired by the player. Good luck.
Exploration intel:
    Intel about locations of debris fields should now be removed after they've been scavenged
    Added "delete intel" button to "location of <entity/planet/etc>" and similar types of intel
Added small chance for organics deposits for toxic planets
Hegemony inspection, punitive expeditions:
    Bribe cost drastically reduced
    Bribing now requires a story point
    Goal is to move away from dealing with these via bribes being a pure calculation of bribe cost vs profit brought in
Can now add a stable location to a star system without one, that has a primary star
    Done by interacting with the primary star
    Requires fuel and heavy machinery (consumed) and an Alpha Core (not consumed)
Tech Mining:
    Installing an Alpha Core now increases the amount of finds by 25%
Pirate bases should no longer spawn in systems with neutron stars/pulsars
New ship warp in/out sounds for transiting between systems and hyperspace
Added tooltip to d-mods indicator in fleet screen; also to built-in-mods indicator
Laying in a course for a star in the hyperspace map will now lay in course for the closest jump-point into the system rather than the star's gravity well
Adjusted colony interaction dialog to make it a bit more apparent you can buy ships
Bar delivery mission destination should no longer be dominated by remote player colonies
Changed how maximum number of ships in player fleet works:
    Limit is 30, as before
    Is now a soft limit and can be exceeded - can recover ships, buy them, etc
    Penalties for exceeding it are harsh (more supplies used, lower speed) so it's not viable to exceed it for long
    Once the player has 25 or more ships in their fleet, an indicator is shown in the fleet screen
Salvaging and Scavenging now briefly increase the fleet's sensor profile by 1000 units
Emergency Burn no longer makes the fleet ignore terrain penalties
Increased effect of asteroid impacts on fleet speed
    Emergency Burn, though it doesn't prevent the impacts, is effective at regaining the lost speed
Campaign fleet AI/behavior:
    Increased average reaction time for use of Emergency Burn
    Added extra timeout between repeated uses of Emergency Burn
    Will try to "juke" the player while being pursued; this lets the player catch AI fleets more easily if they react well to the movements
    More natural movement while "maintaining contact"
    Improved maneuvering logic for when a number of small fleets decide to gang up on a larger one
    More aggressive commanders require less of a numerical advantage from nearby allies to engage
    In general a bit worse at avoiding being intercepted; was too good at it
    Now capable of using jump-points inside a star's corona
Added the chance to be able to promote a junior officer to a ship command position after battle, uses a story point
Joining an ongoing battle, winning, and then your allies pursue: leaving (instead of joining the pursuit) will now give you salvage
Now possible for simulated trade fleets (i.e. ones that never got spawned due to player not being nearby) to be lost (and cause shortages etc), depending on enemy activity in relevant star systems
Bombardments will cause other in-system colonies to stops trading with the player for some time, depending on their relationship with the bombarded colony
Adjusted drops:
    Mining stations have more thematic/reliable drops
    Mining stations have a chance to drop a very large quantity of low-value commodities
    Habitats and ruins have a chance to drop a very large quantity of low-value commodities
Adjusted commodity stats - possible to more easily sell large quantities of stuff profitably
Planetary Shield: can no longer be built on gas giants
Ruins in core systems now start out as explored
Person bounties: will now pay out if the target is destroyed by another fleet but the player is nearby
REDACTED fleets weaker than the player will fight when caught instead of trying to run away
Flagging intel as "important" will no longer prevent it from being removed when it expires
Added a new, very rare and powerful enemy
    13 new special weapons specific to this enemy
A very limited number and subset of these can be acquired by the player during each campaign
More types of weapons available for purchase at colonies, in smaller quantities
Ship weapons and fighters now sell for considerably more
When producing ships at a colony, an additional fee will be charged based on the weapons/fighters installed on the ship
    This extra cost does not count against the monthly production capacity
Faction orbital stations in the campaign should have more consistent loadouts
Added "Being tracked by a <faction> patrol" message
    Based on nearest in-system market
    Indicates you won't be able to trade with it
Low-tier pirate bases have at least two modules (i.e. no more 1-module bases)
Greatly decreased pirate base bounty payouts
When engaging in combat with some of your ships at low CR and/or hull levels:
    Added story point option to perform emergency repairs (grants 50% bonus XP)
When recovering ships after combat:
    If an officer was in command, they will be reassigned back to that ship
    The ship will be put in its original place in the fleet roster
Ship recovery: ship tooltip will show ship stats without penalties from the 0% combat readiness
Moderately reduced sell price of ship blueprints and special items such as Nanoforges
Entities / mission targets / etc spawning in the "outer system" will now generally spawn orbiting a far-out jump-point or planet at a medium range (3000-5000 units)
Increased XP gain from fighting more challenging battles; up to 500% more XP gained


Maximum post-Collapse colony growth limited to a maximum of colony size 6
    "maxColonySize" in settings.json
Colonies get 1 extra industry slot for each size from 3 to 6, for a maximum of 4
Colonies exceeding maximum number of industries have stability reduced by 5
    Can still only build new industries while under the limit
    This just covers the limit changing after an industry has been built (say, due to a bombardment)
Instability growth penalty only applies at stability less than 5
Growth rate penalty for hazard rating greatly increased; goes up with colony size
Changed "growth incentives" to "hazard pay"
    Can be toggled on and off, like free port
    Monthly cost based on hazard rating; deducted from monthly income
    Growth rate bonus always equal to hazard growth penalty plus a couple of points
Habitable, Mild Climate: now directly increase population growth in addition to reducing hazard
Free Port: reduced minimum growth bonus to 3 (was 5) and maximum growth bonus to 10 (was 25)
Cryosleeper: now has (gradually reduced) effect at up to 10 light-years; spawns in better star systems
Removed income bonus from stability higher than 5; now 100% at stability >= 5
Can "make improvements" to various industries, for a story point cost
    Bonuses range from increased production to more specialized ones for certain industries
    Story point cost doubles with each industry improved at a colony
        Allows for colony specialization with a soft cap
    Increases colony income by 50%, up to 100% with Alpha Core and improvements
    Reduces stability by 3
Added orbital solar arrays: improve planet conditions/farming, can be found around some planets
Nanoforges: add Pollution when installed; becomes permanent after three months
Synchrotron: requires "No atmosphere" condition
Added 10 new items conditionally boosting various industries
    Found where currently you would find a synchrotron or a nanoforge - so, larger pool of items
Eventide: added Orbital Solar Array condition; boosts farming, can be destroyed by a raid
Added megaproject that can be brought back online
Cargo Pods: cheaper to stabilize, stabilization adds 400 days (was: 150)
Salvage effectiveness with no heavy machinery is now 25% (was: 0%)
Fixed issue with pirate bases targeting player colonies respawning without a proper delay after such a base is destroyed

Revamped ground raid mechanics

Marine "units" based on raid effectiveness
    Can select multiple objectives/which commodity etc to target
    Raiding for commodities cause deficits at target colony
    Raiding grants significant XP
    In-system patrols will respond to a colony being raided (or bombarded)
    Different objectives (commodities, special items,blueprints, etc) have different danger levels
        Determines marine casualties
        Source of commodity affects danger level, i.e. looting supplies from a Military Base is more dangerous than if the source is a Spaceport
    Other factors affecting marine casualties:
        Planetary Operations skill, hazard rating, reserves, high raid effectiveness (and very low raid effectiveness, too)
        Repeated raids of the same colony
        Marine XP level
Spaceport: removed "No spaceport" accessibility penalty when under construction or disrupted
Marine availability:
    Marines harder to get in general - fewer available to buy
    Mercs bar event gives 30-50 marines instead of 10 and the marines are elite
    Now possible to find marines in cryopods while salvaging
Marine mechanics
    Have XP, gained from raiding, gives bonuses to RE/reduces losses
        Hiring new marines dilutes XP
    When transferring marines, the ones in your fleet keep all of the XP if possible
        Buying X marines and then selling X marines will not affect experience level
    Can leave marines in storage/cryopods and come back later; they keep any XP excess XP that wasn't kept by the marines in your fleet
    Just selling marines loses their XP
Added story option (50% bonus XP) that removes reputation penalty from raiding


Weapon hit glow now varies in size depending on how effective the weapon is being
    Considers skills, hullmods, damage type, armor, etc
Fighter oveloads no longer play ship overload sound effects
Phase ships no longer overload when maxing out flux while phased; phase cloak turns off instead
Explosion damage from torpedoes and such no longer affects other modules from a station or ship that was impacted directly
    This is consistent with explosion damage not impacting the ship that was hit (i.e. only the primary impact damage applies; explosion damage applies to other ships only)
When setting a target ('R') ships will be given priority over fighters when nothing is targeted
Improved performance of weapon arc rendering; can result in a 10% overall increase in performance
Combat against REDACTED will have battle objectives (Nav Buoys etc)
    Staton battles and battles against automated defenses of salvageable derelicts still don't
Deployment point distribution between opposing fleets now based primarily on number/level of officers
    Is no longer updated as ships are destroyed; only computed once when an engagement round starts
    Officer contribution does not depend on what type of ship they're in
        But they do have to be on a ship, unassigned officers do not contribute
Battle objectives (Nav Buoys, Sensor Arrays, Comm Relays):
    Now grant bonus deployment points equal to a percentage of battle size
        5% for Nav Buoys and Sensor Arrays
        10% for Comm Relays
    Total with bonus can't exceed 60% of battle size (which is the normal cap for the larger fleet)
        So: no bonus points for a fleet that already vastly outnumbers the enemy
    Placement of objectives adjusted to create mostly "fair" distributions of Comm Relays
    Goal is to give player means to even out a battle where they're outnumbered through aggressive play/splitting their forces
    Objectives also have their current bonuses
Adjusted enemy admiral AI to value controlling points more
Default max battle size reduced to 400 (was 500) to account for various changes
    In particular, battle objectives allowing up to 120% of max to be deployed
    This can still be changed via the settings file


Added Fury-class light cruiser, high tech
Added Champion-class heavy cruiser, midline
Added Phantom-class phase troop transport
Added Revenant-class phase hybrid freighter/tanker
    Changed ship system to Maneuvering Jets (was: Damper Field)
    Increased shield arc to 270 (was: 150)
    Increased supply cost to 6 (was: 4)
    Increased flux dissipation and capacity (200 -> 250, 2500 -> 3000)
High Tech orbital station:
    Fixed issue with wrong type of weapon slot
    Added Fighter Chassis Storage to hangar module
Buffalo (TT): now has high-tech engine glows
    Rear turrets no longer capable of facing directly to the front
    Fixed slight alignment issue for left medium hardpoint, this is Very Important
    Reduced arc of side-facing large turrets
    Added built-in Heavy Ballistics Integration
    Increased armor to 900 (was: 750)
    Increased hull to 6000 (was: 5000)
    Reduced shield flux/damage to 1 (was: 1.2)
Valkyrie: increased deployment/maintenance cost to 5 (was: 3)
Prometheus Mk.2:
    Fighters now properly launch from launch bay visual locations
    Cleaned up extraneous, unusable turrets present in hull file
Afflictor: changed two of the front-facing hardpoints from Universal to Hybrid
    Increased OP to 45 (was: 40)
    Increased shield arc to 120 (was: 90)
    Increased armor to 200 (was: 150)
Shrike: increased OP to 85 (was: 80)
    Shrike (P) has 75 OP
Gryphon: increased OP to 140 (was: 130)
Recall Device: now has a 30 second cooldown
Increased ordnance points to 250 (was: 230)
Increased deployment cost and maintenance to 50 (was: 45)
    Added Civilian-grade hullmod (this is a situational buff)
    Increased OP to 75 (was: 55)
    Increased hull to 4500 (was: 3500)
    AI now treats is as a combat ship rather than a carrier
    Reclassified as "Combat Freighter"
Condor: increased cargo capacity to 120 (was: 40)
    Deployment/maintenance cost increased to 15 (was: 12)
    Cargo capacity reduced to 40 (was: 80)
Reserve Deployment:
    Now adds 1/2/3 fighters above max wing size and affects bombers as well
    Cooldown increased to 60 seconds (was: 30)
    Reduces fighter replacement rate by 25% when used (to standard minimum of 30% at worst)
    Increased flux dissipation to 250 (was: 150)
    Increased flux capacity to 2500 (was: 2000)
    Removed the two less than optimally placed weapon slots
Dedicated freighters and tankers:
    Tweaked values to make sure that larger ones are more efficient in fuel and supply use
    Tarsus: increased fuel use to 3/ly (was: 2)
    Buffalo: increased cargo capacity to 400 (was: 300)
    Colossus (all versions): increased fuel/ly to 4 (was: 3)
    Atlas: reduced fuel use to 6/ly (was: 10)
    Phaeton: increased fuel capacity to 800 (was: 600), increased supply cost to 4 (was: 3)
    Prometheus: increased fuel capacity to 3000 (was: 2500), reduced fuel use to 6/ly (was: 10)
    Valkyrie: reduced max crew to 250 (was: 300)


Made Light AC (but not Light Dual AC) significantly more accurate; reduced OP cost to 4 (was: 5)
Light Dual AC: reduced OP cost to 5 (was: 6)
Swarmer SRM:
    Increased damage to 100 (was: 75)
    Reduced OP cost to 3 (was: 4)
    Fighter version: reduced reload rate slightly to keep similar damage output as before
Thermal Pulse Cannon shots are no longer stopped by hitting missiles
Squall MLRS:
    More accurate target leading
    Second stage of missiles aims in a spread instead of at a single point
Light Needler: reduced OP cost to 7 (was: 9)
Railgun: increased OP cost to 8 (was: 7)
IR Pulse Laser: reduced flux cost per shot to 40 (was: 50)
Paladin PD System:
    Now creates explosions on impact - 100 points of fragmentation damage
    Reduced flux cost to 750/second (was: 1500)
Burst PD Laser: reduced flux cost by 33%
Heavy Burst Laser:
    Reduced flux cost by 40%
    No longer distracted by decoy flares
    Slightly increased explosion radius and core explosion radius and slightly reduced fuse range
    More likely to hit ships, and will do more damage with its explosions due to more targets being within core radius
Assault Chaingun: reduced damage/shot to 75 (was: 90)
Ion Pulser:
    Increased range to 500 (was: 450)
    Increased damage to 100 (was: 75)
    Increased emp damage to 600 (was: 400)
    Replaced Ion Cannon with Ion Cannon (High Delay)
    Increased OP cost to 10 (was: 8)
    Reduced OP cost to 6 (was: 10)
    Replaced IR Pulse Laser with high-delay version to allow for more sustained firepower
Xyphos: reduced roam range to 0 (was: 4000)
Spark Interceptor Drone: now uses "high delay" PD Burst laser which has halved charge regeneration
    Effectively: same initial damage burst, halved sustained damage after that
    Increased wing size to 3 (was: 2)
    Reduced replacement time to 10 seconds (was: 15)
    Reduced engagement range to 2000 (was: the standard 4000)
Mining Laser:
    Reduced flux/second to 10 (was: 35)
    Increased turn rate to 80 (was: 30)
Added Breach SRM (small) and Breach SRM Pod (medium), a new anti-armor missile
    Medium version has high ammo, small version is extremely cheap
Antimatter Blaster: shots now pass through missiles if they do enough damage to destroy them


Militarized Subsystems:
    No longer makes deployment cheaper
    Increases flux dissipation and armor value for damage reduction calculation
    Effects greatly boosted by relevant (new) skill
Added: Escort Package, Assault Package
    Mutually exclusive, only installable on civilian-grade hulls
    Effects greatly boosted by relevant (new) skill; same one that affects MS
Phase Field: now also reduces the fleet's sensor profile, in addition to its current effect
    Diminishing returns from multiple ships, based on value from largest phase ship
High Resolution Sensors:
    No longer affect individual ship's sensor strength
    Now increase fleet's sensor range, with diminishing returns based on value from largest ships
Expanded Deck Crew:
    Fighter replacement rate decrease reduction reduced to 10% (was: 25%)
    Fighter replacement rate recovery increase decreased to 20% (was: 50%)
Armored Weapon Mounts: now available at the start of the game
Surveying Equipment: increased bonus for capital ships to 40 (was: 30)
Heavy Armor: reduced maneuver penalty to 10%, moderately increased armor bonus
Shield Conversion - Omni: significantly reduced OP cost
Added: Converted Fighter Bays
    Removes built-in fighter bays, adds cargo capacity and reduces required crew per bay removed
    Ship must only have built-in fighter bays for hullmod to be installed
Added: Shield Shunt; removes shields and increases EMP resistance by 50%
    EMP resistance is multiplicative with other sources
Increased Maintenance: reduced supply cost increase to 50% (was: 100%)

Ship AI:

Fixed issue that caused the AI to be excessively concerned about bomb bays pointing in their direction
Fixed issue that could still cause the AI to occasionally slightly turn away from an enemy ship for no good reason
Significantly improved logic for turning autofire on and off, especially for high-flux weapons
Fixed issue that would cause weapons turning towards a target to fire too early sometimes, missing the first volley
Fixed issue that would prevent the AI from turning on autofire for Plasma Cannons
Minor improvements to ship maneuvering logic, on the "actually carrying out what the ship AI wants" layer
Should be more willing to keep high-flux PD weapons on autofire
Will become much more aggressive and will not back off when battle is clearly lost but it's not retreating
    Meant to mitigate cases where it takes a long time to clean up the last 2-3 enemy frigates
        Especially when facing REDACTED, which can't retreat
Tweaked Mine Strike ship system AI to be more effective vs nearby fighters
Now aware of weapons being set back on its hull and needing to be closer to use them
    Particularly affects setups like Heavy Blasters on the Medusa/Aurora, but all ships/weapons will account for this to some degree
    Only applies to weapons capable of firing forward
Fixed issue causing ships with only missile weapons to close in to point-blank range regardless of weapon range
Adjusted phase ship AI to be more aggressive, especially (but not only) when there are unsupported phase ships
    Should no longer be necessary to wait out remaining phase ships at the end of some fights
Incremental improvements to order obedience
Incremental improvements to burn drive safety
Less likely to get into a bad position when approaching a group of enemies
    The logic for which way to go to avoid being flanked kicks in earlier
Fixed issue causing AI to fire a "manually" controlled group at nearby fighters instead of at a clearly better target
Improved how AI follows the "Capture" order
Made some improvements regarding carrier use of fighters when under threat/overloaded
Made some improvements regarding ships getting too close to an overloaded target and getting damaged by its explosion
    In particular, unshielded ships will be more cautious


Added support for 4k resolutions
    Somewhat experimental; please let me know if there are problems
    Added antialiasing setting
    Added memory management setting
        Not supported on OS X
    Added UI scaling setting
    Added button to set all settings to recommended values
    Improved mod selection dialog
        Supports mod dependencies
        Checks required version of game and required mods
            Does *not* check for whether a mod has been updated; no online functionality
Added "Enable all" button to dialog for selecting which game mods are enabled
Can press Ctrl-K to enter a different activation key if the game has already been activated
Added "useDefaultMouseCursor" option to settings.json
Refit screen, fighter/weapon picked dialogs: changed behavior of filter buttons
    Selecting one of the buttons will enable it and disable the others
    E.G. pressing "2" for energy weapons will only show energy weapons instead of hiding all energy weapons
Can cycle through fighter weapon info in fighter wing tooltip by pressing F1
Added "compare" feature to refit screen - hold Control to compare fighter and weapon stats side by side with what's currently installed
Improved save-game tooltips in the "load game" dialog; better handling of large number of mods
Added check for specific, rare type of savefile corruption (file is all 0s in binary, cause unknown, can't reproduce)
    If it happens, the save process will be aborted without corrupting the previous savefile
    Player will be notified and asked to try saving again
Added check for file renaming failure during saving; player is notified and asked to use "Save Copy"
Added "refreshRateOverride" to data/config/settings.json, commented out by default
Added detection for some kinds of memory leaks (mostly applicable when running with mods)
    Will show a warning to save and restart the game if one is detected
Gameplay settings:
    Battle size slider now goes in increments of 10
    Music/sound volume sliders go in increments of 5%
When running the game with mods: added periodic checks for VRAM/RAM available (thanks, MesoTroniK!)
    Can be turned off using "doRAMandVRAMChecksWhenRunningWithMods" flag in settings.json


Added new star system theme tags, used to help pick right target systems for missions:
    "theme_unsafe" - for systems that have major hostile presence, such as REDACTED. Easy missions or missions that spawn fleets that need to survive avoid these
        Does *not* cover dynamic conditions such as a pirate base being established there
    "theme_interesting", "theme_interesting_minor" - system has some objects of interest
        For example ruins, REDACTED systems, etc
        Used to help missions point player to systems that are of interest in their own right
Providing an empty json array in a merged file no longer causes that array to be cleared out entirely
    This was causing a bunch of issues/bugs in mods
    Can still get same effect by providing an array the first element being "core_clearArray"
    If the array has multiple elements, the subsequent elements will be added to the cleared master array
Fixed NPE when Hegemony inspection targets a colony in hyperspace
Punitive expeditions and inspections no longer target colonies in hyperspace
Added to LabelAPI:
    void italicize();
void italicize(float shear);
    void unitalicize();
Added to ShipAPI:
Vector2f getShieldTarget();
    void setShieldTargetOverride(float x, float y);
        Sets direction for omni shield to face
        Needs to be called every frame
    float getShipExplosionRadius();
Added to MissileAPI:
    boolean isForceAlwaysArmed();
    void setForceAlwaysArmed(boolean forceAlwaysArmed);
Added: EmpArcEntityAPI
    float getCoreWidthOverride();
    void setCoreWidthOverride(float coreWidthOverride);
    void setTargetToShipCenter(Vector2f sourceSlotPos, ShipAPI ship);
Added to CombatEngineAPI:
    void spawnMuzzleFlashOrSmoke(ShipAPI ship, WeaponSlotAPI slot, WeaponSpecAPI spec, int barrel, float targetAngle);
    void applyDamageModifiersToSpawnedProjectileWithNullWeapon(ShipAPI source, WeaponType type, boolean isBeam, DamageAPI damage);
Changes to signatures of some methods, including spawnEmpArc()
Added isPhaseCloak column to ship_systems.csv (determines which cooldown stat mod it uses)
Added to MutableShipStatsAPI:
    StatBonus getSystemCooldownBonus();
Added PlayerColonizationListener
Fixed issue that caused beam weapon damage modifiers to not apply to energy-slot-type weapons
Fixed issue where SHIP_WITH_MODULES ships with only a single non-active module remaining would be immediately disabled on deployment
Added to DamagingProjectileAPI:
    float getBrightness();
Person bounty intel will properly show ship modules on ship icons
Fixed issue with SHIP_WITH_MODULES retreating causing the battle to not end with a victory, for real this time
    Removed getPlayerPriceMod()
    Added getPlayerDemandPriceMod() and getPlayerSupplyPriceMod()
(Hopefully) fixed graphics driver crash during saving a game with a large number of mods
Added $captain_unremovable to person memory, makes them permanently assigned to a specific ship
    Ships with an unremovable captain can not be transferred command to
Added "auto_fighter" tag; only fighters with it can be installed on player-fleet automated ships
Added "auto_rec" tag; UNBOARDABLE ships with it can be recovered by the player fleet with the proper skill
Added to BeamAPI:
    void setFringeTexture(String spriteName);
    void setCoreTexture(String spriteName);
Added GenerateFleetOfficersPlugin; add implementations to Global.getSector().getGenericPlugins()
Added to FleetParamsV3: maxNumShips
    Used to override maxShipsInAIFleet setting on a per-fleet basis
Added to SettingsAPI:
    ShipSystemSpecAPI getShipSystemSpec(String id);
    List<ShipSystemSpecAPI> getAllShipSystemSpecs();
Added a lot of methods to ShipSystemSpecAPI
Added "campaignSpeedupMult" to settings.json; has to be an integer value >=2
    Determines time multiplier when "speed up time" control is activated
    Large values may cause fps drop when control is activated
tips.json: tips can now be a json object, with a "freq" field to control the frequency with which its shown (default: 1) and a "tip" field for the actual string. Tips can also still be strings as before.
Markets with NO_DECIV_KEY can now be destroyed by saturation bombardments
Made changes to mod_info.json, see:
Added to SettingsAPI:
    float getScreenScaleMult();
    int getAASamples();
    void setAutoTurnMode(boolean autoTurnMode);
    boolean isAutoTurnMode();
    float getScreenWidthPixels();
    float getScreenHeightPixels();
    int getMouseX(); // returns value adjusted for screen scaling
    int getMouseY(); // returns value adjusted for screen scaling
    getScreenWidth/Height() now return virtual screen width, i.e. divided by getScreenScaleMult()
    Screen pixel size should only be relevant for OpenGL operations that work with pixels, such as glViewport() etc, not for any in-game/in-engine calculations
    Input coordinates from events are in virtual pixels already; use getMouseX()/getMouseY() methods if those are needed where an input event isn't available
Added to FleetLogisticsAPI:
    float getExcessShipsSupplyCost();
Ships with no entry in default_ship_roles can now be custom-produced
Added to SoundPlayerAPI:
    void playLoop(String id, Object playingEntity, float pitch, float volume, Vector2f loc, Vector2f vel, float fadeIn, float fadeOut);
IndustryAPI.generateCargoForGatheringPoint() can now generate mothballed ships
Added "canNotCauseOverload" to .system files; defaults to false, used by type:PHASE_CLOAK systems only
Flat range bonuses (such as from Advanced Options) are now affected by range multipliers (but not percentage modifiers). For example:
    Affected by: Electronic Warfare, Unstable Injector, etc
    Not affected by: Integrated Targeting Unit and similar
Added to MutableShipStatsAPI:
    CombatListenerManagerAPI getListenerManager();
    void addListener(Object listener);
    void removeListener(Object listener);
    void removeListenerOfClass(Class<?> c);
    boolean hasListener(Object listener);
    boolean hasListenerOfClass(Class<?> c);
    <T> List<T> getListeners(Class<T> c);
Added WeaponRangeModifier "listener" - can be added to ships and modifies weapon ranges arbitrarily, i.e. can be based on individual weapons and not pre-set groups (such as "all energy" etc)
Added WeaponOPCostModifier, FighterOPCostModifier "listeners", can be added to MutableShipStatsAPI
    Can arbitrarily modify OP costs, apply after all other modifications
    Only intended for use from built-in hullmods
    Hullmods adding these should override affectsOPCosts() and return "true" there
Title screen should now support ships with modules
Added to CombatFleetManagerAPI:
    boolean isCanForceShipsToEngageWhenBattleClearlyLost()
    void setCanForceShipsToEngageWhenBattleClearlyLost(boolean canForceShipsToEngage);
        By default, set to true for enemy side and false for player side
        Set to false to restore parity (useful for e.g. fleet tournament)
Fixed issue where transferring command between ships with modules did not properly unapply/reapply skill effects
    Skills were only properly applied for the initial captain the ship-with-modules was deployed with
Autofit will now only use fighters with auto_fighter tag for automated ships, matching refit screen behavior
Ships/weapons/fighter wings with "no_bp_drop" will no longer reduce the chance of other blueprints dropping while raiding that faction's colonies
Added CommoditySpecAPI.setBasePrice(float price)
Added to WeaponSpecAPI:
    float getAutofireAccBonus();
    void setAutofireAccBonus(float autofireAccBonus);
Added to weapon_data.csv: autofireAccBonus column
    Improves target leading for autofiring weapons; 0 = no bonus, 1 = best possible
Added to SettingsAPI:
    int getShippingCapacity(MarketAPI market, boolean inFaction);
    JSONObject getSettingsJSON();
    void resetCached(); // must be called after making any changes to result of getSettingsJSON()
    void setFloat(String key, Float value);
    void setBoolean(String key, Boolean value);
Added to ShipAPI:
    void setCaptain(PersonAPI captain);
BaseSalvageSpecial.setExtraSalvage() now adds extra salvage if extra salvage already exists instead of replacing it, so that multiple sources can easily add extra salvage to the same entity
Added baseRaidDanger column to commodities.csv, see MarketCMD.RaidDangerLevel enum for valid values
"fighterBays" can now be specified in .skin files
Added "market_no_industries_allowed" tag to markets that makes all standard industries unavailable to build
Using the MANEUVERING_JETS AI with a ship system that has alwaysAccelerate:true now throws an exception
    That AI assumes the system is useful for backing off
Can provide custom name, description, icon, and rank icon for all commodities using CommodityTooltipModifier, CommodityIconProvider, and CommodityDescriptionProvider
Can provide custom raid objectives and modify existing ones, see: GroundRaidObjectivesListener
All options with ids starting with "cutCommLink" and "defaultLeave" automatically get Escape as a shortcut
Added to PersonAPI: get/setMarket()
Set by market.add/removePerson(), allows easily checking what market a person is at
Added to Industry:
    boolean canInstallAICores()
Added MemFlags.MEMORY_KEY_MAKE_AGGRESSIVE_ONE_BATTLE to automatically unset MEMORY_KEY_MAKE_AGGRESSIVE after a battle so that a defeated fleet doesn't keep trying to be aggressive
Fixed issue where not auto-generating gas giant jump points would also not autogenerate them for stars
Refactor of how items that can be slotted into industries works. Old code should still work, but industries now much more easily (i.e. with less code) support a single item slot for an arbitrary item
    Added "doNotShowInCombat" to planet definitions
    Set to false by default, in vanilla set to true for lava and lava_minor
    Meant for planets that that are too bight and difficulty to see stuff on top of, so they don't get shown in combat even if it takes place nearby
Fighters and drones *should* now support right-click ship systems. Note that many vanilla system AI's don't support being used this way and this generally requires a CUSTOM system AI
AutofitPlugin: modified doFit() method to accept parameter for number of s-mods
Added onExplosionEffect to proximity fuse behavior spec, see:
Added "onFireEffect" to projectile and missile specs; see OnFireEffectPlugin
Added "dudProbabilityOnFlameout" to missiles, defaults to 0.5 (same as what was hardcoded before)
Added "fizzleOnReachingWeaponRange" to missiles
    Allows missiles to have a higher flight time to allow a bit more maneuvering time while within range, without extending their range
Added "useProjectileRangeCalculation" to missiles; will use projectile range calculation that considers range threshold (from SO etc)
OnHitEffectPlugin: added ApplyDamageResultAPI to parameters
    API-BREAKING CHANGE (but should be easy to fix by adding the parameter to the method)
HYBRID, COMPOSITE, SYNERGY, and UNIVERSAL are now supported weapon types
    Fit into that type of slot, or into a slot of a matching primary type
    E.G a HYBRID weapon fits into a hybrid, ballistic, or energy slot, but not into a synergy slot
Added fighter wing tags:
    rapid_reform - lagging wing members catch up more quickly
    leader_no_swarm - leader will start a new attack run on reaching target
    wingmen_no_swarm - wing members will keep their position in the wing on reaching target
    match_leader_facing - wing members will not face towards target but will match wing leader
    attack_at_an_angle - aim to pass near target instead of directly over it, based on weapon range
    independent_of_carrier - combat won't end when only these are left on the field
Added to WeaponSlotAPI:
    List<Vector2f> getLaunchPointOffsets();
Added to FighterLaunchBayAPI:
    WeaponSlotAPI getWeaponSlot();
Added "no_sell" tag for fighters/weapons that prevents them from being sold at colonies
    Does *not* prevent them from showing up in battle salvage
EMP Emitter ship system now properly renders EMP arcs when used on ships with modules and stations
Added to WeaponAPI: setTurnRateOverride(float turnRateOverride)
Added EveryFrameWeaponEffectPluginWithAdvanceAfter interface with advanceAfter() method that's called at the end of the weapon's advance() method rather than at the beginning
Added CONSERVE_FOR_ANTI_ARMOR weapon hint, used for missiles with limited ammo
    Will fire less against targets with stripped armor on side facing the ship
Added DIRECT_AIM weapon hint, makes missiles not weave while approaching target
Added MISSILE_SPREAD weapon hint, makes missiles aim randomly off the target's center
Fixed issue with PROJECTILE-type MIRV missile submunitions that was causing them to not properly calculate their maximum range
    Issue did not affect MISSILE-type submunitions
    "projectileRange" is now properly adhered to
    Speed of projectile is no longer higher than it should have been
    To retain the same speed as with the old behavior, double "spreadSpeed"
        But NOT spreadSpeedRange
Added to CombatEngineAPI:
    void setCustomExit(String buttonTitle, String confirmString);
    String getCustomExitButtonTitle();
    String getCustomExitButtonConfirmString();
    Makes combat exitable by the player at any time, as if it were a simulation
Added "voices" section for factions (determines which conversation text gets picked at certain points)
ship_data.csv: when supplies/rec or supplies/mo are unspecified, it will now default to 0 instead of a hull-size specific default value
EMP arcs no longer target decorative weapon slots
AI Cores will now be dropped by fleets if the fleet uses these AI cores as officers
    Probability determined by drop_prob_officer_<ai core id> in settings.json
    Multiplied by another value based on ship size (also specified in settings.json)
    "no_drop" tag in commodities.csv makes core not drop this way
    "no_ai_core_drop" tag on variant prevents it from getting dropped as well
Added "mission_item" tag for special items
    Item can't be removed from player inventory (sold, ejected, or put into storage)
Added PLAY_FIGHTER_OVERLOAD_SOUNDS ship hint to force specific types of fighters to play overload sounds
    "text" column: trailing whitespace will be removed when loaded
    Assignment operator ("=") in conditions: error when loading
    Equals operator ("==") in script: error when loading


Fixed issue where Luddic Path Cells sabotage only succeeded at very low stability colonies
Fixed rare issue where fighting a solo enemy station could result in no salvage
Solar Shielding now reduces energy damage taken by shields
Fixed issue where ships with Converted Hangar, a fighter wing, and no other weapon would show an incorrect "X ordnance points left" message on game load
Low-tech and midline star fortress mines now have the proper amount of hitpoints (2x)
Fixed minor issue with ship restoration costs
Fixed issue that made the pirate/Luddic Path Gremlin versions unable to be produced by the player
Fixed some bugs related to ship CR values and the ship tooltip in the fleet/storage screens
Fixed issue with planet rotation in very long games
Fixed bug that caused beam weapons to deal 6x less damage to asteroids
Fixed bug that caused fleet to go backwards when releasing S ("move slowly") and left mouse button at the same time
Fixed issue that let Sustained Burn instantly stop the fleet if toggled off and back on
Fixed issue where a fleet with every ship mothballed could move at normal speed when carrying no cargo
"Decivilized Subpopulation" market condition no longer removed when a colony is abandoned
No longer possible for a colony to decivilize when it has non-zero stability
Pause/play widget no longer renders while showing video feed
Fixed issue where the effects of a special item removed by a raid continued to apply to the colony
Fixed issue where "Full Assault!" would need to be ordered twice to take effect in some cases
Fixed bug where accidents could cause (non-impactful) crew loss higher than current number of crew
Fixed issue where it was possible to manage AI cores/items at an industry remotely by clicking on the planet from the map
Faction commissions now pay out bounties instead of just saying they pay out bounties
Fixed issue where the "free" Spaceport on colonizing a planet could be refunded for some credits
"Transmitter trap" ambush fleets now have low reputation impact and fighting them will no longer make you insta-hostile with their faction
No longer possible for same entity/planet to be targeted by multiple analyse/survey missions, making some of them impossible to complete
Fixed issue with being able to accept an "analyze entity" mission after salvaging its target, making it impossible to complete
Fixed ship systems not being used on station modules/ships with modules
Fixed bug where Automated Repair Unit and similar effects could have double the stated effect
Disabled weapons no longer have their cooldown reset when coming back online
When destroying enough enemy ships to disengage without pursuit, the enemy will no longer be able to harry your forces, causing additional CR loss
Fixed music-playback-related campaign memory leak
Fixed occasional sound buzzing issue during combat; most noticeable right after deployment

5 2 respuestas

#44 Hip, márcate un par de espoilerinos, que se me ha gastado en scrol xD

4 1 respuesta

#44 #45 Yo lo prefiero así, que se vean la de cosas que meten por parche xD


Todavía no lo han metido pero yo estimo que en menos de dos meses lo tenemos.


voy a tener que ponerme crema en el dedo


Se puede jugar con una nave pirateando por ahí o tienes que ir con varias para poder hacer algo?

2 años después

Starsector version 0.96a is now out!

  • Take on new missions exploring the story of the Luddic Church and the Sindrian Diktat
  • Cut deals Warlord Kanta’s pirates or Luddic Path fanatics to stop their attacks… though peace may come at a high price
  • Fly new ships, including 5 new capital-class hulls and numerous smaller vessels
  • Acquire new weapons, including a lineup of missiles that shoot lasers (“Directed Energy Munitions”)
  • Face faction fleets with distinct identities driven by the new ships and weapons
  • Deal with hostile activity at your colonies and master hyperspace navigation using the new “Event” system
  • Build hullmods into ships to gain unique bonuses
  • Additional illustrations, portraits, descriptions and encounters help bring the Sector to life
  • In addition to these, there are a slew of smaller changes and addition, including balance adjustments, bugfixes, modability improvements – along with a new exploration music track, and faction music for the Persean League!


No me acordaba de que había hilo en MV...xD

1 mes después

Descubrí el juego hace unas semanas y me ha encantado: la banda sonora, la jugabilidad, la libertad para jugar como te dé la gana, la exploración, la cantidad de mods, lo pulido que está (no he encontrado ningún bug), lo increíblemente bien diseñadas que están las naves y las armas... Salvo contadas excepciones, no hay armas mejores o peores, sino que son armas distintas que se usan para distintos propósitos. Con las naves pasa algo similar: por lo general, no puedes llevar una nave X y de repente encontrar una nave Y "mejor" que haga obsoleta a la nave X, todas las naves tienen sus ventajas y desventajas.

El hecho de que las armas y las naves estén diseñadas así es a la vez una de las mejores cualidades del juego, pero también su talón de Aquiles: para un jugador novato (y no tan novato), cuando encuentras un arma o nave nuevas, es prácticamente imposible decidir a ojo si mejora o no tu equipo actual. La única manera de averiguar esto por ti mismo es pasar mucho tiempo en el simulador, probando combinaciones, lo cual a mí se me hizo un poco pesado (aunque es muy satisfactorio encontrar la combinación de armas que hagan que tu nave pase de ser mala/mediocre a útil en el combate). Si a esto le sumas que hay que jugar con una flota (no con una única nave), el resultado es que es un juego increíblemente abrumador cuando empiezas a jugar por primera vez.

Concluyendo: un juegazo como la copa de un pino, pero con una curva de aprendizaje muy alta.

PD: ¿qué otros juegos de este estilo (exploración espacial) recomendáis en los que se maneje una sola nave, en lugar de una flota? Hace mucho tiempo me pasé el Space Pirates and Zombies y me encantó y, si no recuerdo mal, llevabas una flota, pero muy pequeña. Pero aparte de ése no conozco ninguno más. En algún momento probaré el Endless Sky, que es software libre, aunque creo que en ése empiezas con una nave y al final acabas con una flota.

1 respuesta

#52 no es igual, pero siempre puedes tirar por clásicos y no tan clásicos (aunque no son con la misma vista ni mapa táctico)


Se que hay más, pero la memoria ya no me da para tanto

Usuarios habituales

  • LR
  • Hipnos
  • Perico97
  • SirNomeD
  • IceMelon
  • NueveColas
  • GaN2
