Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


Hello people. Im very boring. Tomorrow I will have exam the Biology. but I didn't study yesterday and today I studied 1 Lesson only, The exam will has 3 lessons .

Im Very tired , I go to sleep. Bye

1 respuesta

#1888 I didn't watch the whole video, but they made a great job for the age they got.

Aside from that, since I left bach I'm not studying English anymore and I feel I'm loosing some skills I used to have. To be honest, I didn't learn too much at school, I have learnt more by reading english webs and stuff.

How could I improve my english without going to an academy?

I think reading some books could be great, but it's hard for me to find good ones.

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#1891: You have some mistakes, I'll try to correct them (but don't trust me since I don't have a high English level).

Hello people, I'm very bored. I'll have a Biology exam tomorrow but I didn't study yesterday, and today I've only studied one lesson (the exam will cover three lessons).

I'm very tired so I'm going to sleep, bye.

Now... people with higher English level, please, correct my mistakes!

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#1893 That seems fine.

#1892 Watch many movies in English, read books, watch TV shows (download them to your PC), try thinking in English, talk in English whenever you can.


Hi everybody!!!

Tomorrow, my mother is going to Galicia, so, I have to accompany her to the train station, and I have to get up early. So that, i'm going to sleep right now.

See you tomorrow! :3


#1893 I would say "I have a Biology exam tomorrow". Because WILL is used when there is no decision to do something before we speak or for predictions. If you say "I'll have an exam tomorrow" I understand that you've decided to make an exam at that very moment, and that's not what he really meant :D.

#1892 I think that watching films or TV series is the best choice you have. Reading books is also very useful but it can be quite annoying sometimes if you don't understand many words and you have to look for them on the dictionary every time you find one you don't understand. I recommend you this book: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon. Is narrated in first-person perspective of a 15-year-old autistic boy. I think it's short and easy to understand. I liked it :D.

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Hello Ladies and Gentlemen. This Saturday I have the First Certificate practise exam, and I'm a bit worried about speaking. I'm usually playing with English players in online games, so I don't have problems at all, but I'm a bit worried about the Part 2 of Speaking (Comparing Photos). I run out of ideas a bit quickly, you have any tip to improve that in a near future?

I'll try to do it the best as I can, but...I' don't think I'm going to get really nice mark.

Anyways, that was my first contact to Mediavida's English Community, so...Nice to meet you all <3

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#1897 i tried to study for this exam last holydays but i didn't presented finally xD sixty points out one hundred... hope you dont fail!!


Hi folks

I was studying English vocabulary when I realized that it could be simpler by make a program ask me, then I started coding.

I achieved something like this at the moment:

Any idea for make it better? thanks mates

3 1 respuesta

#1899 HEY! THAT'S SO COOL! I LOVE IT! Can you lend us the code?

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#1900 Sure, but I need to complete the table of words. At the moment, I have copied the first of the 24 pages of my vocabulary book, and I guess it will take me a few days before I have the complete wordlist.

If you tell me you e-mail I could share to you the code via google drive- If you know any other easy method just tell me.


I would like improve my English skills here!!

1 respuesta


That's very unlikely to happen, this thread has very low activity. Also if you really want to improve, speaking activities are the way to go (unless you have great needs for written English, such as working in a company that makes heavy use of emails written in English).


Well, just finished my FCE Practice. I only have a qualification right now, is Reading Comprehesion and I got 41 out of 45, so was really rally nice. I was quite fine in Speaking and Wriiting, no idea about Listening really.

But I failed massively in Use of english, any kind of tip that I could do to improve in this area? Thanks so much <3

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Use of english???? I mean, I understand being tested in speaking, reading, writing and listening, but what the hell is use of English? Do they throw a zombie herd at you, which you have to repel using a massive English dictionary to hit the zombies heads or what?


Oh, I see, I knew about that kind of testing, but had no idea that it was called "use of English".

1 respuesta

#1905 In Use of English, for example, you have a text with gaps and you have to put whatever you think it's right there. Sometimes you have to rewrite sentences or exercices with phrasal verbs... In my opinion, it's the worst part of the Cambridge exams.

An example:

#1904 Use of English it's all about vocabulary, so I would read a lot. I think it's the best way to learn more vocabulary from a language.

#1907 that's true!! Thanks a lot! :D

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#1906 You should be careful with the use of "it's" when you've already mentioned the subject.
Whatever you think is right there
Use of english is all about...

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About #1896, could it be "I'm having a Biology exam tomorrow? Is that correct?



I suggest you to participate in English spoken forums.


Yes, I think it's perfect, and, honestly, I would said it that way too!

But, since I started my degree (I study Translation) I'm really guided by my skills in Oral English, so maybe someone here, better in grammar, could help you better than I did!

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Me de la impresión de que los hispanohablantes tendemos a calcar nuestra sintaxis, en lugar de expresarnos con mentalidad de angloparlante.

Por ejemplo, se nota que pensaste: "tal vez alguien de aquí, mejor en gramática", y así lo pusiste: "maybe someone here, better in grammar". Pero ¿lo habría expresado así algún angloparlante nativo? Lo dudo. Eso de "better in grammar" suena demasiado conciso. Seguramente un angloparlante hubiera dicho "whose grammar is better than mine", esto es, "cuya gramática es mejor que la mía".

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#1911 Sí, sí, tienes toda la razón. Yo ya te digo que escribiendo en inglés no soy tan buena quizás como hablando, que creo que me expreso mejor, y me sale todo más natural. Además de que la asignatura de Traducción inversa ha hecho mucho daño xD (traduces del español al inglés y depende del profesor nos pedía todo MUY calcado de las estructuras en español, nonsense).

Anyway, it was 6.30am, so I wasn't really thinking... :P

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#1911 #1912

What the hell are you both doing speaking Spanish here?
This thread is for practicing English guys!! This is outrageous!!!

Nah... have it your way. Just kidding.


#1912 So you had a bad teacher.


In an English test of UNED:

The history of museums through the ages is closely linked to the history of society and the evolution of knowledge. There is no doubt that both society and knowledge are important enough matters for raising the interest of normal people, even if both subjects were to be judged from a pessimistic point of view.

Wich is the meaning of "raising" in the text?

I thought was "aumentar" but I was wrong, the correct answer is "provocar". How can I notice the difference between all two meanings in that context? I'm sad :(

Sorry about my retarded English, I'm trying to learn it :/

2 respuestas

#1915 If you are speaking about money, finances, physics... usually the meaning is "aumentar", when you talk about "feelings" like doubts, hopes... then the meaning might be "suscitar, provocar".



Si hubieras pensado todo el párrafo en español, habrías dicho "despertar la atención" o "llamar la atención".

"Aumentar" implica redimensionar algo ya existente, y ése no era el caso. Ahí nos decían que sociedad y conocimiento bastan por sí solas para llamar la atención de la gente normal.

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#1917 El problema es que desconocía que tuviera otros significados además de "aumentar" y otros sinónimos de ésta. Dan opciones a la respuesta pero no tienen por qué ser verdaderas. Al enterarme quería entender bien el porqué de la respuesta correcta.

2 respuestas


Es lo malo: que centraste tu atención en la palabra y no en el contexto. Si hubieras traducido todo el pensamiento, te habrías dado cuenta de que "algo no cuadraba" si ponías "aumentar".

En cuanto a la palabra en cuestión, recuerda la frase "rising Sun", o "Sol Naciente".

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#1918 #1919 Rise != Raise, care with that.

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