Official thread to practise English (whine = punish)

Normas básicas de funcionamiento del hilo

1- nada de pedir que se te hagan/corrijan redacciones o se ocultará.
2- postead sobre el tema antes de preguntar alguna duda o se ocultará.
3- nada de preguntar sobre resources o se ocultará.


#2010 as your final edit on : Your reading comprehension is not so good also

nice to meet u

#2012, with edit's everyone can swank of that, not use scareware tactics on them then.

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#2011 I have never pretended that I don't make any mistakes, which is something that you have :)

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I had a great idea. ? xDDDDDDDDD

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Use me as you will
Pull my strings just for a thrill
And I know I'll be okay
Though my skies are turning gray

I will never let you fall
I'll stand up with you forever
I'll be there for you through it all
Even if saving you sends me to Heaven

OSOM :qq: :qq: :qq: :qq:


Don't tell me I'm going to be the only one guys...

If your problem is that your pronunciation is bad and you're embarrased that's exactly the reason to do it. Come on, I suck a lot too and my voice sounds really weird but this is the way to improve.

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#2015 We let you alone!!! xD

Sorry but i won't do that, i'm so embarrased about my "internet" voice is like a 8 years old boy don't deffir much about my real voice but...i can't xD

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Your justification is simply stupid. In every country there are ignorant people who lack knowledge even of their own language. You can't justify wrong grammar because there are native people who can't speak properly.

The point is not to have a perfect English, I don't even have a perfect Spanish, of course you can have mistakes and still claim that you know the language, but there is a line, if you are below it others will consider you ignorant. That people you talk about probably are seen as uneducated in their countries.



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#2018 deffir = difiere // defer = diferir (vb)

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#2016 I think that everybody thinks their voice is too strident when they hear it in tv or something like that.

PD1: Anyone can help me about the word "that". Everytime i use it i think i use it continuously and there surely is a better option but i dont know it. I dont know if I explained well enough.

PD2: Is is it PD for "postdata" in english?

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#2015 I'm with you: The last summer I travelled alone to Manchester and Liverpool just to get in touch with the language. I haven't got certificates of my english level like "Cambridge", the bit of english I can understand, write and speak is what you are teached till you finished the "Bachillerato". It was a great experience for me because if you are alone the only way to "survive" ( I know, it's a very dramatic expression for this global world) is to talk with everyone as you can, they don't laugh about you, they just try to help you speaking slowlier so I recommend everyone who can afford it to make a trip like that alone.

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That would be a bad idea, nobody wants to see a thread full of posts with just one link, however it would be funny if every post ends with a link to that, speaking whatever you have written.

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#2022 Could be good. You can start then ^^

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#2020 Trust me, when i'm talking on TS3 or something like that and suddenly i heard my voice i just wanna run away. Although the people say to me "you've a normal voice" but my thought are backwards, dunno why.

I compare my vocie with friend's voices and I concluded i don't have a 20 years old voice xD.

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#2020 You use "PS" instead of "PD".

You can remove "that" in some sentences, but I don't think I can explain it... any specific sentence that you want to clarify?

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#2023 yeah!! come on you boys, if you don't do that you "aren't a real spanish".


#2025 How is it said?

"I think that horses are beautiful"


"I think horses are beautiful"

Can anyone explain me how to use the word "that"? I know it means "que", but when someone speaks in english they aren't saying "that" continuously, unlike we do in spanish with "que". Is there any kind of trick or rule i can use to know when to use "that"?

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#2027 In that case you can use or not use it.

I think that in most cases that means "que" you can remove it. You obviosuly can't when it's the subject, like in "That is nice".

I personally use it a lot too.

Get a look

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#2028 Yeah, I am concerned about that because i think it makes me sound like a moron xd


#2011 #2012

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#2028 Why this sentence needs a "that"?

The governor announced his new tax plan would be introduced soon.

For me, the only posible interpretation is that the governor will introduce the tax plan soon. So you wouldn't need a "that" to explain anything.

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#2030 xDDDDDDDDDDDDD I'm loving your accent.

#2031 That is pretty simple. In spanish the sentence has the same problem, try to translate it:

"El gobernador anunció sus nuevos nuevos impuestos se introducirían pronto."

It makes no sense. It absolutely need "que" after "anunció".

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#2032 It makes no sense in Spanish, but following (is it said "following?) the page you linked before, it says that, without a "that", you can get confused and think the governor has already introduced the tax plan and i don't get it.

PS: I start remembering why I stoped entering in this post. I ask to many questions.

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#2033 The sentence has a slight different meaning with and without that.

The governor announced his new tax plan would be introduced soon. - he said that the plan will be introduced soon

The governor announced his new tax plan that would be introduced soon. - he introduced a plan, and as a clarification, it will be introduced soon

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#2033 If you read it for first time without "that" you can understand that "the governor announced his new tax plan " and that's completely different of the real meaning with "that" which is: "he announced THAT the new tax plan will be introduce soon"., I hope my explication is clear enough.

PS: Don't worry, all of us learn making questions and answering.

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#2030 Go back to the what? Hahaha, sorry, I just missed out on that last tiny bit.

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#2033 Oh nevermind, I understood the problem in other way, but they have answered you already and they are right.

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#2037 [...] but they have already answered you, and they are right.

#2034, look, im becoming like u

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#2038 You wish.

#2040 Of course, writing like a mentally challenged person is way more fun! Just don't bother quoting me anymore, I can't be arsed to answer you any longer.

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#2039 like boring corrector i meant, at least u accept it.

#2039, TYPING, learn from ur common mistakes plx

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