Brave Frontier Global

Brave Frontier Global

Tiempos de Frontier Hunter
Vortex temporales
Vortex diarios
Lista de IDs
Grupo de Whatsapp

Ambos ya estais dentro del Clan

Ojo a los 3 dias del Karma Expx2, como todos sabemos coincidira con el evento de 1/2 pero ademas de esos hay otro evento aparte, el Guild exp x2. Si a esto le sumamos los items booster de 1,5 y 2x Exp nos espera una subida guapa guapa xD


necesito saber como conseguir muuuucho karma si no esta el vortex, quiero tener mis omni :C


Con 2 invos en la Divined-dono de los trials pille a Felice huehuehue
Lo mejor ha sido cuando cuando lo han puesto a 8 de energy xD


Al final da igual los item booster e incluso los Zeru/Zel leads, esto es un no parar de subir de nivel incluso para alguien como yo con 355 levels xD

Se viene el Trial de Noel y sus Omnis, que comiencen los lloros :V

Attention Summoners!

We will be performing server maintenance on July 19, 22:00 until July 20, 4:00 PST [July 19, 23:00 until July 20, 5:00 PDT].This process will last for approximately Six (6) hours.

These updates will be available once the servers are back online:

Frontier Hunter EX 28
Noel's Trial: Genius's Challenge

Do finish all your tasks for the day and log out of the game before maintenance starts. Please do not login during maintenance period to avoid possible account issues.

We apologize to any inconvenience this may cause. Then again, we are sure to provide details through Forums, Facebook, Twitter for updates. We will do their best to finish this as soon as possible.

Brave Frontier Global Team


Que cosas mas interesantes nos han dado por quedar entre las 10-50 mejores Guilds jeje

#48900 Diek debería ascender pero me da que si no tiene ni cuenta por aquí no se va a enterar
Mañana le esperamos para que confirme la subida


como funciona eso de las guild?? llevo muuuucho tiempo pero es que no lo he probado, hay alguna buena a la que me pueda unir?


Yo le aviso


tiene q salir de la guild para entrar en la principal o simplemente tiene q esperar una invitacion en la guild box?

1 respuesta

Que tal es la puerta del resummon que hay estos dias, sale facil la omni de fuego?


No entiendo a los de alim, ponen primero vortex de totems y mechagods y despues recien los portales de invocacion de unidades, es q no hay quien los entienda


Por cierto soy Diek, me acabo de crear la cuenta asi que ahora intentaré mirar más la página xD

1 respuesta

Hola a todos!
Para el que le interese, tengo 10 huecos libres para amigos, mi id es 3726597287


alguna guild?

1 respuesta

#48913 Tuturu es la nuestra, sin tildes ni historias raras. Bastante participativos y dándole caña al buff de experiencia para subir como la espuma :)


Attention Summoners!

We will be performing server maintenance on July 27, 20:00 until July 28, 6:00 PST [July 27, 21:00 until July 28, 7:00 PDT].This process will last for approximatelyTen (10) hours.

These updates will be available once the servers are back online:
1.5.3 Patch Release (See release notes below)
Preparation for SNK KOF event

1.5.3 Release Notes

New Features:
Guild Ranking and Events.
Added Battle Fast Forward button for Quest.
Players can set up to 3 Reinforcement Party.
Tap to toggle display of LS and other skills information in Unit View.
Ability to search for Friends around similar level in Friend Search screen.
Menu option to display Player and Opponent ABP on Arena Search screen.
Menu option to display Enemy HP percentage.
Menu option to display Battle Turn.
Enhanced Unit/Item Multi-Sell prompt with sell list summary.

Enemy SP Skills disabled in Arena.
Added rewards for Colosseum.
Added Button to redeem all Colosseum rewards instantly.
Other additions.

Raid Battle:
Increased drop rate and medals acquired when you have Friends or Guild members in the same team.
Added Blacklist function.

Bug Fixes:
Fixed buff duration reduction bug on certain dungeon fight. (One notable example is in Karna Masta battle in Mildran)
Fixed consecutive BB Attack bug.
Fixed game crash in Sphere House when tapping on Material Sphere.
Fixed game crash when using new acquired Elgif.

Do finish all your tasks for the day and log out of the game before maintenance starts. Please do not login during maintenance period to avoid possible account issues.

We apologize to any inconvenience this may cause. Then again, we are sure to provide details through Forums, Facebook, Twitter for updates. We will do their best to finish this as soon as possible.

Brave Frontier Global Team

#48908 #48911 Obviamente ISK xD, sales de la cantera y pides ingreso en la principal
Quedan 2 plazas en EliteBF y todos los miembros de EliteBF2 tienen la misma prioridad


se supone que ahora el karna mastahhh no nos romperá tanto la cara ? xD


Ok gracias porq no lo tenia claro


Ya he enviado la peticion:)

1 respuesta

#48918 Ya estais dentro, a aprovechar esos bonus de Zel, Karma y Exp jeje
Tambien hay aumento del drop de raids entre miembros de la misma Guild pero dudo que eso pase xD

Contenido para Agosto! BCN 11

Zelnite GGC
Shaly x Zelnite kek

3 Gems, 1mil Zel, 200k Karma
Sphere: Thief's Treasure (Status Boosting)
40% HP, 15% BC/HC Zel drop rate, 10% Karma drop rate, 3% Item drop rate, 3 turn 150% ATK buff when 30 BC collected, 3 turn 150% DEF buff when 15 HC collected

New Frontier Gates
Courageous Assault
Male units only!
2mil points, Elgif: Courageous Memories
20% ATK/DEF/REC, 50% Spark damage, 50% BB Mod, all when HP is above 50%
2.3mil points, Sphere: Versatile Device (Critical Sphere)
30% HP/ATK, 50% Critical damage, 25% mitigation after dealing 100k damage

Graceful Assault
Female units only!
2mil points, Elgif: Graceful Memories
20% DEF, 25% chance to heal 15% - 20% damage when attacked, 50% chance to fill 2-3 BC when hit
2.3mil points, Sphere: Vitality Device (HP Recovery Sphere)
30% HP/DEF, 5-10% HP Drain, 40% chance to heal 20% damage when attacked

Omni Evolutions: Alice and Elza

Brave Exclusives!

Summer Celebration!
1. Summer Login Campaign
Get Gems and other freebies~

  1. Summer Special Bundles
    Details to come in the future.
  2. Buddy Recruitment Campaign
    Recruit a friend, both will be rewarded when your friend reaches a certain level!
  3. Special Events
    Special Elgif Dungeon with Half Energy Event (yaaaaas)
    Chain Challenges Feature
  4. Global Exclusive Content
    FG X2

    Guild: New Ranking Features, Events and Rewards
    Guild and Event Tie-ins
    Enjoy existing events with your guild!
    Certain in-game events will be marked as Guild Events
    Compete with other guilds in the rankings and gain rewards!
    Guild Ranking
    New Series (hmmmm)[/i]


Q: Any updates on Challenge Arena 2.0?
A: Currently in the blueprints stage at the moment, planned to be released after the second phase of the Guild Raid feature, later in the year.
Q: There was a poll about Anime collaborations. What happened with that?
A: Poll was about gauging interest, top choices are currently unavailable to do collaborations with Brave Frontier (possibly in the future), trying for a few of the lower choices and other game franchises.
Q: Any updates regarding the Battle Speed feature?
A: Will have the feature enabled very soon (already in-game at time of posting). Currently only enabled in quests, working on tying it together with auto-repeating quests. With Vortexes, there are some concerns with Parades. With Raids, it would not work due to the game having to constantly re-sync with the server.
(pls add to SKD, gimu. just grant me this one wish)
Q: Any Omni update for the Soul Bound Saga Series?
A: As the first full-fledged GL Exclusive batch, we really want to have upgrades for them. Might be spacing out their releases (not sure if this is a confirmation or not???).
Besides the Soul Bound Saga Series, there will be another GL Exclusive (not Zenia) that will get an Omni in 2-3 months.
Q: Any plans to add new Global Exclusive buffs?
A: Plans to add some new buffs to bosses, to make content more challenging (inb4 Sphere/ES Lock). For units, they will require testing and balancing.
Evasion: adds probability to evade certain amount of hits from an attack
Immunity to BB/SBB/UBB (why are they talking about this like it's a new feature? Ezra from the Eneroth GQ already has this)
Time Stop: no information given because they like being cheeky
Q: Would there be another batch of Global Exclusives for other seasons like Summer Units, Fall Units, or Winter Units that are separate from Holiday Units?
A: We are committed to bringing Global Exclusives around once a month (you guys can slow it down, PLEASE). Currently doing collaborations, but seasonal units will be considered once we have the time to add them.
On the other hand, we are currently considering different themes/alternate arts for existing units (ex; Nyami in school uniform, Allanon with a hood).

Brave Poll

Nyami colegiala is coming :V


Hola a todos!
Alguien podria decirme algun truco para vencer a lucius?
Por mas que lo intento en su segunda forma estoy usando mi tercer equipo y no me dura gran cosa, me fijo en los videos del chino y no hay manera
Gracias de antemano!

2 respuestas

#48920 mi problema fue en la segunda forma, saber a quien ataca, cada dos o tres turnos te quita estados y te mata a una unidad, si tienes el mismo problema intenta recordar a quien ataca, aunque a mi me cambiaba de objetivo cada dos por tres, lleva 5 reviveres, en la primera forma te lanza un ataque en el 50% y en el 20% de vida que quita estados y te mata a todo el equipo, con un equipo fuerte no tendrías que hacer ni un ubb, es lo único que tendrías que tener en cuente en esta forma, en la segunda, lo que te e dicho antes, y en la tercer, que yo recuerde no tiene ningún ataque complicado, es mas, esta última forma lo mate con 5 unidades, te diría los equipos q llevé, pero no me acuerdo, lo único que se, es que lleve en los dos a kulyuk y eze de lideres.

1 respuesta

#48920 que equipo llevas para enfrentarte a lucius?

1 respuesta

Enjoy a sizzling adventure by taking part in Brave Summer Festival 2016!

Special events and rewards for the taking! Enjoy the fun for the whole month of August! (August 1, 0:00 PST - September 7, 23:59 PST) [August 1, 1:00 PDT - September 8, 0:59 PDT]

I. Log in and get prizes!

Log in during the campaign period to get amazing prizes! Say YES to Gems, Fusion materials, and Rare Items!
Share our Facebook Brave Summer Festival news (COMING SOON) to unlock surprise prizes!!

Day 1 - 1 Gem
Day 2 - Set of Crystal Gods
Day 3 - 1 Gem
Day 4 - Imp Set x2 & Burst Frog x3
Day 5 - 1 Gem
Day 6 - Exp Badge x5, Fortune Coffer x5
Day 7 - 1 Gem
Day 8 - Set of Mecha Gods
Day 9 - 1 Gem
Day 10 - Crescent Dew x3
Day 11 - 2 Gems
Day 12 - Imp Arton x2 & Burst Emperor x2
Day 13 - 2 Gems
Day 14 - Legend Stone x1
Day 15 - 3 Gems

Extended! Days 16 - 21 = 1 Gem per day (total of 6 Gems) if the milestone is reached!

II. Recruit new friends this Summer!

From August 10, 0:00 PST until September 7, 23:59 PST [August 10, 1:00 PDT - September 8, 0:59 PDT]
Recruit up to 3 friends and earn attractive prizes for you and your friends when your friends register and level up!

III. Summer Chain Challenge!

Watch our for 6 new Chain Challenges this Summer! (August 4, 0:00 PST - August 17, 23:59 PST) [August 4, 1:00 PDT - August 18, 0:59 PDT]
Earn Elgifs, Imp Artons, and tons of Merit Points!

IV. Summer Elgif Challenge!

Watch out for special Elgif related events~
Level 5, 7, 10 Special Elgif Dungeons will be opened! (August 18, 0:00 PST - August 21, 23:59 PST) [August 18, 1:00 PDT - August 22, 0:59 PDT]
Normal Elgif Dungeons will present the chance to get 5-star Elgifs! (August 18, 0:00 PST - Aug 21, 23:50 PST) [August 18, 1:00 PDT - August 22, 0:59 PDT]

V. Summer Colosseum!

Boost your rank thanks to the awesome 3x ABP/CPB Event that will be held this Summer! (August 24, 0:00 PST - August 30, 23:59 PST) [August 24, 1:00 PDT - August 31, 0:59 PDT]

VI. NEW Guild Updates!

Get ready for new Guild updates! (August 17, 0:00 PST) [August 17, 1:00 PDT]

  • Guild Level extended to 120
  • New Guild Insignias unlocked

Guild Ranking Event: Endless Corridor
Event period: August 10, 0:00 PST - August 17, 23:59 PST [August 10, 1:00 PDT - August 18, 0:59 PDT]

Watch out for exclusive rewards when your Guild gets top Endless Corridor points!


More details for the various events will be revealed before the events start.

The Brave Frontier Global Team


Heroes with specialized strength overwhelm the Summon Gates! Seize their strength with a special Gem Discount for first 3 Summons Daily!

Divine Summon Gate

Costs 3 GEMS (Discount) for first 3 Divine Summon Daily.
Make sure to UNCHECK "Use Summon Ticket" while summoning with the Gem discount.
Succeeding summon costs 5 gems.
Each summon will net you a minimum of 5✯ unit or 7✯ for Omni Evolution units.
Every 2 summons will net you 1 Bonus Rare Elgif.
Summon count resets for every new Divine Summon Gate.
This limited summoning pool will feature Units from Alpha's Batch and beyond, Demigods (Zenia and Deimos), World of Eneroth (including, and up to Azurai and Nyala) and Feudal Heroes.
The following heroes will have their Increased Summon Rates on the following schedule/date:


Rare Summon Gate

Costs 1 GEM (Discount) for first 3 Rare Summon Daily.
Make sure to UNCHECK "Use Summon Ticket" while summoning with the Gem discount.
Succeeding summon costs 3 gems. Each summon will net you a 3✯ Units at the minimum.
This limited summoning pool will feature: units before Alpha's batch release, Seasonal Units (Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's Day, and Easter) and Units from Soul Bound Saga.
The following heroes will have their Increased Summon Rates on the following schedule/date:


The Brave Frontier Global Team


#48921 Lo intentare con lo que me dices
#48922 Pues por lo que me dixe la tablet, estos son los ultimos personajes que use:
Lider Krantz
Lider Paris
Lider Gazia
La ultima vez no tenia las esferas personales de cada uno y mi unica unidad de 8 estrellas era selena


Acabo de empezar el juego(querial algo para engancharme), y como he visto que tenía evento y me llamaba el juego he decidido empezarlo.

He hecho 3 tiradas (he gastado un ticket porque sigo sin ver lo de desactivarlo a la hora de hacer tiradas) y me han tocado estos pj.
Dolk 5*
Aaron 5*
Melchior 4*

Como acabo de empezar el juego no se si esas unidades están bien o hago algún reset de cuenta para ver si consigo algo mejor. Os agradecería que me aconsejarais un poco ya que no entiendo mucho.

2 respuestas

#48926 Te recomendaria que te vinieses al grupo de wassap que esto esta muy muerto

Esas 3 invos son de la Divine-dono? Porque Melchio no deberia estar ahi
Dolk es un mitigador que aun sigue siendo util, Aaron tambien es miti pero mas antiguo. Melchio es un antidebuffer, por ahora ya tienes 2 de los buffos mas importantes xD (aunque son 7* y hoy en dia ya estamos con las Omnis,eso si hay pocas)

En este juego no hace falta hacer rerrol, sobretodo cuando salen las Limited-sama o las Divine con rate

1 respuesta

#48926 Por las units que has puesto, has empezado a jugar en el server EU (el que sale en la store) o en el Global?
Aunque sea el mismo juego hay bastantes diferencias en cuanto a contenido y unidades y este hilo es del Global (y se supone que también del server japo).

1 respuesta

#48927 #48928 Pues me lo descargue de la store pensando que está sería la versión global (no tenía ni idea de que había una versión EU).

Ya que no he jugado apenas nada, me recomendáis la versión EU o la global?


Son 2 mundos xD

De hecho por aquí nadie juega al eu, si te animas tienes a #20000 , básicamente es bajarse el Qooapp e ya

1 respuesta

Usuarios habituales

  • javolo
  • davidgvidal
  • killthemall
  • Ulquiorra4
  • QuiliN
  • Zaetha
  • Jarmusch