HoN: Nuevo héroe: Emerald Warden


Emerald Warden

Hero Spotlight

Fuente: PC Gamer

The Emerald Warden has got to be one of the most WTF heroes I’ve ever seen…and I love him for it. This centaur-bodied, ram-headed caster/summoner hybrid is coming to Heroes of Newerth this Friday, but we know you want to get a look at his abilities now. Check out what this mysterious hero has to offer to crafty players, and why your enemies’ balls may soon be in grave danger. Yes, we said it: balls.

Now, when you think of a hero described as being a summoner, you might call Tremble to mind. On the contrary: the Emerald Warden summons beasts to aid him, but you can’t directly control these animal spirits to do your bidding. The Emerald Warden plays like the perfect intelligence hero pest, constantly interrupting the opposing team’s plans while staying well out of harm’s way. With his auto-attack that can hit from beyond 600 range (more than Flint Beastwood’s default range), you’ll be harassing heroes like no other while you sit back and try to comprehend how the Warden got to looking so awesome. His abilities only compound his pestering potential; let’s give them a look, shall we? Here’s the description of the Emerald Warden’s spell toolkit, straight from S2.

  • Silencing Shot (Q): A straightforward single-target ability that will deal high damage and prevent your target from casting spells for a short duration. Because the Emerald Warden has fairly low health, his ability to shut down enemy spellcasters contributes heavily to his own survival.

  • Hunter’s Command (W): The Emerald Warden summons two spirit wolves that seek out and chase enemy heroes before colliding into them. Unlike most other spells, Hunter’s Command does not require line of sight, allowing Emerald Warden players to figuratively sniff out hiding opponents or detect incoming players well before they see him.

  • Overgrowth (E): The Emerald Warden creates patches of invisible vines that will activate and immobilize enemy units that come within a certain distance while they are dormant. Though they last quite a long time, they may be destroyed to end their grabbing prematurely.

  • Summon Gawain (R): The Emerald Warden summons Gawain, a spirit hawk that will autonomously patrol the sky around the Emerald Warden. Gawain provides several passive bonuses that require no input from the Emerald Warden player whatsoever; it gives “clear vision” around itself, meaning it can see over trees in a limited radius, preventing anyone from hiding so as long as the Emerald Warden is near. It will cast Diving Strike to deal physical damage to enemy heroes, an ability which grows stronger with levels. Later on, it gains Forest’s Touch, an emergency healing spell, and finally Emerald Storm, which will bathe a large area in a snaring thunderstorm.

PC Gamer’s impressions

I’ll just come right out and say it: the Emerald Warden seems like he’ll be the perfect hero for me. It’s a combination of his appearance and his abilities: being able to kill someone as a purple-and-green Ram-man is the ultimate in humiliation, and he looks so incredibly goofy standing next to heroes like Balphagore and Soulstealer that I can’t help but snicker with delight at his bizarre appearance. His abilities seal the deal: being able to constantly harass and last-hit/deny while keeping myself far from the dangers of battle is perfect for HoN players like me—ones that get a little overeager during teamfights and end up getting themselves killed in a hurry. But nothing, and I mean nothing, can top the directive given to the Emerald Warden’s spirit-wolves. When you play as the first hero, in any MOBA ever, that commands his wolf-familiars to attack his target’s scrotum, nothing can stop you.

Silencing Shot is the perfect “oh crap” ability, letting you escape any one-on-one gank with relative ease. Gawain is another fantastic asset: being able to let the AI do the attacking for you lets you focus your attention elsewhere, and Gawain’s clear vision capability means no more enemies playing ring-around-the-rosie with trees or catching you unawares from the jungle. Top it all off with an Overgrowth near/at/on the river runes, and you’ll be a complete and utter pain for your enemies to deal with.

Fuente: Reddit

Fuente: Foro Oficial


Minotauro con aguijon en el brazo y un aguila o_O


#1 Que es el primo de tundra? xD


Ya podría ser el centauro del DotA... menudo epic


/rezandoparaqueseasemicarry (que va a ser que ni de coña pero bueno)


Como dicen en el post oficial, tiene pinta de enchantres / centaur


aun no os habeis dao cuenta que la skin del hon nunca tiene nada que ver con la del dota?

el bicho que menos se le parezca.. pues ese.

1 respuesta

enchantress rules!!! abriendo puertasssssss


enchantress port!!!


Eyaculo si traen enchantress, pero como no los veo con ganas de portear héroes diré que va a ser una mierda OP durante su mes de vida, hasta que lo nerfeen y que sea una basura.


#7 el pugna! >_<

mas cosas que he encontrado

Four legs and attack with 2 claws
So its true just like my speculation post, it called Emerald Warden, maybe he will have a pet?
Next hero should be named MasterofArms

1 respuesta

#11 entonces tiene un pet...! Mmmm de dota no vienen mas heroes igualitos asi que la enchantress no viene d_d!

1 respuesta

another op hero_


#12 pero pueden estar muy inspirados en los del dota (tremble -> broodmother, por ejemplo)


No vendran mas pero este seguro k tiene el ulti de la enchant xddd ya veraaah broh


Hace tiempo vi un post de un gacho que se había metido a buscar las partidas de los Staff. Los muy gañanes no desactivan las replays por lo que se podía ver que héroes habían cogido (sólo el nombre). Y entre uno de ellos de MSPudding estaba el Master of Arms.


Yo tambien veia este hero con pinta de enchan... pero si viene con pet , sera de esos heroes que vienen algo parecido a uno del dota, y todo lo demas nuevo.


bump para actualizar la foto, que ya han puesto la normal


Como soy vidente predigo q tendra un stun de area a melee con radio de 300-500.

editado: y la pet kemara mana.


Que pesados con meter heroes con pet, con el mal control de multiples unidades que tiene este juego.

1 respuesta

#20 y la gente xD

pero bueno, quiza no sea una pet como tal, si no que la pet pueda realizar una de las skills y este de adorno, eso molaria tambien


Yo agradecería un centaur, era de mis tanks preferidos, y falta algo de ese estilo.

1 respuesta

#22 moraxus?? no es igual pero parecido :3 date cuenta que igual ya no van a hacer nada, go dota2 xD`

#24 hombre ya, esta claro xD.
A mi tmb me encantaba el centaur, daga, blade mail y a ver quien te pegaba :P era divertido porque tmb te tirabas las torres que daba gusto ya que tmb le devolvias el damage a las torres xDD.

1 respuesta

#23 Sí pero ya no me refiero al centaur por el stun de area, sino por el ulti de vida, la skill de devolver daño etc.

Era un tank con dos cojones, vida vida vida y armor.

Además cuando eso en dota las hearth stackeaban las regs, te hacías dos, te plantabas con 4000 y pico de vida y eras dios

Sí, me acuerdo que lo del backdoor se llevaba más a rajatabla en dota, y a lo disimulado te ponías a matar creeps al lado de la torre, dejando que te pegase, y te la bajabas en plan.. uy no me di cuenta jajaja

1 respuesta

parece ser que se han filtrado las skills, aunque no es nada oficial


PUes si esas son las skill parece un semicarry hunter de invis xDD


Y ya de paso...


Parece OP... un silencio de 5 segundos, 320 de daño mágico, los lobillos, clearvision etc etc...
Parece ser que S2 escuchó mis súplicas de un semicarry


Va a estar interesante jugar con sc y nh. Btw casi acierto con las skills XDD


lo unico que falta saber es lo que gana el ult con cada lvl, porque ponen el nombre, pero no los efectos

edit: y lo de 625 de range, no creo que sea asi al final, demasiado bestia no? xD

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