Anunciado nuevo campeón: Lulu, hada hechicera


Si algo hemos aprendido a lo largo de los años es que el arte de calidad puede adoptar muchísimas formas y colores. Con tantos medios creativos distintos, es imposible predecir de dónde puede venir la inspiración necesaria para crear un campeón. Y hablando de este tema de cambios inesperados, el otro día nuestro artista Kienan Lafferty nos contó que había dado con un flamante nuevo aire para Lulu, hada hechicera, y su característico poder de polimorfismo.

¡Disfrutad de esta versión en alta velocidad de Kienan enseñándonos cuán impredecible puede llegar a ser Lulu!


Pix, Faerie Companion (Passive) - Pix fires magical bolts of energy whenever his owner attacks another enemy unit. These bolts are homing, but can be intercepted by other units.

Glitterlance - Pix and Lulu each fire a bolt of magical energy that heavily slows all enemies it hits. An enemy can only be damaged by one bolt.

Whimsy - If cast on an ally, grants them movement speed and ability power for a short time. If cast on an enemy, turns them into an adorable critter that can't attack or cast spells.

Help, Pix! - If cast on an ally, commands Pix to jump to an ally and shield them. He then follows them and aids their attacks. If cast on an enemy, commands Pix to jump to an enemy and damage them. He then follows them and grants you vision of that enemy.

Wild Growth (Ultimate) - Lulu enlarges an ally, knocking enemies away from them and granting them a large amount of bonus health. For the next few seconds, that ally gains an aura that slows nearby enemies.




A few people have been asking when we?ll be adding another support champion to League of Legends. I?m happy to answer that with a resounding ?now!? Join me in welcoming Lulu, the Fae Sorceress, as our newest support champion.

As a yordle (or ?suppordle,? in this case), Lulu brings a sense of twisted mischief to the League. With the help of her fairy companion Pix, she is equally adept at disabling foes as she is assisting and supporting allies.

Is the enemy Nocturne being a big jerk and killing your friends? Is that Alistar just not squirrelly enough for you? That?s an easy fix with a quick cast of Whimsy, which will make an enemy champion 100% more adorable and 100% more harmless by turning them into a fuzzy critter that can run around, but can?t attack or use abilities.

Let?s not forget the support aspects, either. Lulu features high-impact, short-duration buffs and enhancements that can save a teammate?s bacon or help to secure a kill. Making an enemy move quickly can pull their feet out of the fire quickly, while Pix can lend his own aid by flying next to a friendly champion, attacking in concert and providing protection. Her ultimate, however, is the final word in allied buffs -- granting a size increase along with a health bonus to match. The rapid increase in size briefly stuns nearby enemies, as well as granting the affected champion an aura that slows enemies in a nearby area. This buff can be just what the doctor ordered if a fully grown Cho?Gath simply isn?t big enough!

Finally, Lulu?s bag of tricks encompasses the ability to use some of her spells on either allies or enemies. While Lulu?s fairy companion Pix can support a friend, he can also harass an enemy by flying around them and acting as a major hindrance.

We?ve worked hard to not only create an impactful and satisfying support champion, but also one that fits well within League of Legends . We?re confident that there are still a lot of support styles that are yet to be explored in League of Legends, and that one of them combines buffs and disables together in one package to help your team turn the tide of battle. Lulu will provide you with exciting new options as a support player on the Fields of Justice.



Support por dios...


con esa pinta de mago que trae dudo que sea support enserio xD pero quien sabe :P


Y otra señora de nuevo ...


por cierto, lo del tema support... veo gente que pide supports como loco, pero luego entras a cualquier partida y ves instalocks seguidos de "MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID" o "TOOOOOOOOOP" (léase con voz de retrasado). ¿Dónde están ahí los supports?

Es raro ver un grupo en el que falten esos 2 puestos, yo siempre espero a ver qué necesita el team

6 3 respuestas

#5 Igual que solo exista un support divertido tiene algo que ver...

PD: Quien dice uno dice dos, me olvidaba de la vaca xDDD

1 respuesta

Confirman que es support, suportdle


No tiene tetas, antes molabas Riot...



Hola juapo.

21 3 respuestas

#9 dios en qué pensaban cuando diseñaron ese skin????

1 respuesta

#9 jajajaja buenisimo


Lo que va soltando Xypherious sobre el personaje

Pacified - The target cannot attack or cast spells, minor cosmetic slow (15%) due to decreased model size. Te transforma en un bicho y te jodes vivo porque es silencio+blind

She has 3 offensive spells and 3 defensive spells. (Del palo, caste a aliado, hace x, castea a enemigo hace y). La mayoria supongo que sera de free stats (armadura y tal)

Puede ir a jungla

Apuestas sobre Phreak yendo a junglacon un support y haciendose 10-2-1 (o sin ir a jungla xD) ?


A Riot se les va de manos. No digo más.


Lulu is a support but I play her as a jungler because i do tons of damage.


Como todos los que hacen ultimamente, tendrá un gap closer, un disable, un ulti en area...


espero que sea support :3


No importa lo que sea , con mis bruisers solotop que hacen tons of damage le destrozaré

Antipunish: Ojala sea un support

#18 Al vuelo xD

#18 xDDD reserva energias para la campus!

1 respuesta

#17 primero gana al top contrario y luego te replanteas ganar al bot o mid

#17 verdad que si...maldito tiempo en clase con sueño :(

1 respuesta

Será tank.

2 respuestas

#19 Sera offtank, no has visto la varita?

Ahora en serio, ya era hora de que sacaran un support, espero que sea divertido de jugar y tenga tons of cc and tons of damage


Si es support yo que nunca me compros los nuevos haré una excepeción con este


No sé si será mid, support o pulpo, lo que sí es seguro es que es otra basura infantiloide más.


Joder antes no sacaban los campeons tan seguido no?


Yo creo que los sacan demasiado rápido...deberían darle más tiempo


Tons of damage.


ohhh que adorable.


Nueva imágen de la hechicera lulu:


Claramente un jungler, tal y como salen arboles y alimañas caracteristicas de los bosques. A ver si salen las skills, entonces decidire si guardar mis espadicas o gastarlas en alcohol y drojas.


Es la hermana gemela de poppy


que narices pasa en el min 2:22 que derrepente aparece acabado el dibujo xD menudo timo


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