Baneadas todas las cuentas de xj9


gg wp

Resumen del ususario #12

resumiendo mucho, eran novios pero xj9 decia que le usaba, solo le queria para subir elo y cuando necesitaba algo de atencion y que llego a fingir que entro en un coma o que se murio (ella) para que el la dejara en paz.

creo que era mentira obviamente xd, ahora le han baneado a su novia, y a el todas las cuentas y la exnovia, la gem esta se ha ido de rositas porque suele jugar con rioters y tal.. o eso me ha parecido leer






todas LOL!!!


Este video es privado.


Me parece correcto tener una Smurf, pero 9... Que se supone que haces con tantas puñeteras cuentas?


Pero es solo por su autismo jugando soloq que hace que el tribunal piense que es un troll, o había vuelto a flamear no?

Osea, que Riot no le ha hecho un Linak o un Incarnati0n no?


video privado wtf


tampoco os habeis perdido nada, solo logea con unas cuantas cuentas y todas baneadas


Joder yo estaba subiendo 10 cuentas a nivel 10 y ahora me da miedo....


lo que no entiendo bien es lo que paso entre xj9 y la tal gem ... eran novios y el le hizo algo pero que .. ?

#12 gracias por el resumen es que lei por encima lo de reddit pero es un tochaco .. y era verdad que entro en coma? o al final lo uso como un trapo?

#13 me parecio leer que la novia tenia amigos en riot y a ella no la han baneado ?

2 respuestas

Le han baneado por elo boost, no por tener 9 smurfs.. sino robertxlee tambien estaria permabaneado.

En reddit teneis lo que ha pasado, si os atreveis.. porque es un ladrillo guapo

#11 resumiendo mucho, eran novios pero xj9 decia que le usaba, solo le queria para subir elo y cuando necesitaba algo de atencion y que llego a fingir que entro en un coma o que se murio (ella) para que el la dejara en paz.

#11 creo que era mentira obviamente xd, ahora le han baneado a su novia, y a el todas las cuentas y la exnovia, la gem esta se ha ido de rositas porque suele jugar con rioters y tal.. o eso me ha parecido leer

2 respuestas

#11 Y ahora que le han baneado a la novia,esta está jodidamente ''cabreada'' con él y Xj9 llorando.

2 respuestas
1 comentario moderado

llorando por un juego xddd


Me gusta mucho como juega, de los junglers mas carrys que he visto pero es retrasado hasta decir basta y flamer 3/4s de los mismo.

Que se meta los ponnys por el culo.


#13 En cierto modo es como si a ti en tu trabajo te rompen un informe que llevas 2 meses haciendo, gracia no te hace.

A él empezar de 0 tampoco.


sinceramente la jungla es mi main y suelo ver a oddone, saintvicious y xj9 ... pero la tia se la jugo como quiso en cuanto la subio a diamante lo dejo tirado como la mierda y encima le banean las 9 cuentas un poco fuerte para el no ?

igual es el karma por como se a portado .. o.O


X9 gran jungla , es una lastima , esperemos se haga otra :P


El post de reddit ha sido eliminado :(

Quien era la novia de este pavo? La Geemiee barbie rubia esa?

1 respuesta

Yo quiero saber quien era la novia, el resto ni fu ni fa, era obvio que le iba a caer antes o despues


un rpv del post de reddit??
q no me he enterado de nada


wp xj9


aqui teneis lo que decia el post de reddit :


NOTES I'm asking you all for help. I don't know how, but read what I am about to type here, and tell me your thoughts. I really need support right now as I've been in the dark for the past 2 weeks, and it's getting to me.

For the past 2 weeks, all 9 of my NA accounts have been perm banned (1st till april 2200, now perm) along with my girlfriend, at the same time and day. I was given no reason on why, and I submit a ticket right away along with my girlfriend. We have not gotten a single response from them about this matter yet. The only response I got from a ticket was one I submitted 2 days prior to my perm ban on my accounts, which was about my Forum ban I got a year and a half ago. Answer was no lol but I don't care about forum bans.

I really didn't plan to make a post about this, as I'd rather not cause drama, but 2 of my tickets have been closed with no response, and it's annoying not being able to play the game I love, and be able to make money to move out and be on my own.


So one day I went on the league of legends forums (once in a life time) and I saw a forum thread made by "gem". The first thing that popped into my mind was "how is she allowed on the forums again" because I thought riot perm banned her off the forums, all she does is spam it with links and disrupts other recruiting threads for her site. I then got really annoyed by that fact that I started to look at her match history (thanks to for that) and notice that in her rank solo queue games, she has a unreal normal score for a "plat" player. (16-3-8 ezreal, consistantly, 350+ cs 35 mins, same thing with jayce, she has only 3 matches with jayce, 3-0). This made me go off doing some quick investigating, and im 99% sure the person boosting her is "Fexir", due to the similarity of champions, and score. He mains ADC, and is diamond 1. She always plays with him quite frequently. I then noticed she played with a rioter, by the name of "riot socrates" recently. I look at his recent matches and see that he plays with someone that doesn't play with gem at all. I add him and ask him to send socrates a message (he did it through skype). The message he sent was this (i blocked out my skype):

add XJ9. He said that you would like this picture as well.

.< I feel like a messenger boy.
or you can add ______ on skype.

I told him to send more then that, but that's what he told me he said. The whole point of that was to show that it was obvious, 7-8 months ago back in season 2, I elo boosted gem from 1200-2200 elo, with mostly skarner, vayne, and hecarim. You can look at the winrate and k/d ratio and it's no way its a silver player just stomping people.

The next day comes, I talk to my girlfriend and she tries to log onto league and she gets a "you have been perm banned until april 2200" (it was changed to "you have been perm banned" a day later"). I then am just in shock, because I know for a fact my girlfriend doesn't do anything bad. She just plays normals and duo queue's with me. I then try to login myself and I get the same message... on all 9 of my accounts.

I am then really confused, and I don't get why I'm perm banned. I then remember the other day, I told that guy to send a message to socrates. I asked him what did socrates say to you after you said that, and he said he told him on league "I took care of it". Apparently taking care of the situation is banning all 9 of my accounts AND my girlfriend for no reason.

I look at the account "gem" to see if anything happened to her, and nope. She has her diamond border I got her, she has everything. Hell she played a few games that day too. Why did I get perm banned on all 9 accounts, as well as my girlfriend, and nothing done to her?

I talked to a rioter named "riotjay" who is also someone who played with her, and he is a tech in riot, but he said he emailed some support people about the issue. This was 3 days ago. He deleted me off the acc I added him on so...

This post, clearly says if you boosted, you get a 2 week ban, lose all rewards, ect. 7-8 months ago, I openly made a dozen tickets about me boosting her, and nothing happened, not to me or her.


The reason I even boosted her in the 1st place, was because it's something she wanted, she wanted to be a "diamond" to match her name. She toyed with my love... and if you use someone and pretend to love them like that. That's really fucked up... The type of person she is is a leecher, a attention whore, only keeps you around if she needs you for something (attention, elo, ect.) and if you give her any shit, she blocks you and says "how could you ever say that to me" and acts like shes a better person then you. It disgusts me.

She also caused me to drop out of school by pretending to be dead for a week to hide from me after she got her 2200 elo which is the reason I even have to use streaming as a job for now, is because I am not emotionally stable. I have days I am fine, I have days I am so stressed out due to people like this.

More info on her pretending to die. She pretty much did that to hide from me after using me, and as a human with a heart, I was in tears, I was crying because I honestly thought I killed her, due to what she said and she never came online. The whole time, I was in a skype chat with her friend and this random guy, and I kept saying "i want to die, i think i killed her" and he kept going "shh dead people dont talk, go kill yourself kid". The whole time, he had her phone number, and knew she was alive. They played drawmything for that week too.

Her account came on, and she pretended she was her sister mourning about the loss of gem. Saying "oh she wouldn't ever lie, how could you, your such a horrible person" (read text log for proof).

Her account came on a week or so later and she said she woke up from a coma, and was in love with someone else. And then I just deleted her and looked for help.

You can read the text logs here for all proof of our conversations so you know I'm not bull shitting you:

Text log 1:

Text log 2:

If you don't have the time to read it. All you will learn "the important things" is that she lies, doesn't care about others at all, proof I elo boosted her and she just used me and didn't even love me. Also pretended to die for more then a week and and comes on after and says she woke up from a coma and is in love with someone else.

Just today, I joined her vent server, and I talking to a "recruiter" of hers about what type of person she is. Knowing society, the horrible place it is, full of horrible people, I already knew nothing would happen. Gem ends up coming on the vent and talks to one of the mods privately. She and the other mod come the channel and they keep asking if I am there, and I refuse to speak infront of her, so I just stay silent. She then goes "oh thank you guys for recording his voice I will send this to the riot representatives" and then I get banned, and I got banned from her site as well (easily change IP though so it doesn't do anything lol). The funny thing is, she won't send that, and even if she did, all I said was what I'm telling you now, and what I've been telling riot. So all that would do is help me or do nothing. It's creepy that a community like that would even record your voice. It's a bunch of actors that pretend they are nice but are all corrupt.

I don't really know what else to type, maybe I will put more later, but I really can't do anything right now. Please leave a comment on what you think and I hope you all support me after reading all this!

Also, this "gem" person should be perm banned because she is still getting boosted. And if I am somehow wrong and "fexir" isn't boosting her, atleast rewards taken away, elo reset, 2 week ban, and baron icon gone.


No mentero de na


Hay fotos del pavo ese? es que quiero ver cual es la cara de un pagafantas sube-elos.

1 3 respuestas

#26 no quieres verla

1 respuesta

#27 quiere verla


#26 No quieres ver su cara.

2 respuestas

#29 xjscoliosis.jpg?


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