GW2: Último BWE - 20-22/07/2012

Información básica para el Beta Weekend Event

  • Hace falta pre-compra o invitación para poder jugar a la beta

  • Horario: Comenzará el viernes 20 de julio a las 21:00, hasta el lunes 22 a las 08:59

  • Descargas: El cliente anterior se actualizará si no lo tenéis podéis descargarlo aquí (versión funcional)

  • Las novedades más importantes del evento de fin de semana: Por ahora sabemos que estarán los Asura y los Sylvari disponibles para jugar.

Contenido nuevo

  • Asura niveles 1-20

  • Sylvari niveles1-20

  • Nuevo mapa PVP Guild Conquest

  • 2 nuevas ciudades: Rata Sum yGrove


  • Ruins of Surmia (Principal)

  • Sharp's Corner

  • Aurora Glade

  • Boreal station


  • Dirección:

  • Contraseña: mv

  • Canal: Guild Wars 2


Donde irá la gente de aquí entonces, Ruins?

Sin ganas de que abran ya y probar todas las profs. ñañañaña

#152 A las 9 creo

1 respuesta

A que hora se abre la beta?

#151 Thx

1 respuesta

El día de salida habrá que correr para pillar sitio en Ruinas de Surmia XD
Menos mal que casi todos empezamos el 25 :D


16 gigas de beta, la madre, esto promete xD


Un servidor de Guild Wars 2 honrará la memoria de un jugador fallecido


¿Dónde quedamos y a que hora? Tengo mi pene bien cogido.


Alguien tiene una beta por ahí?

Es que me estaba pensando en pillar el juego, pero sin probarlo y tal, y como Guild Wars 1 lo he jugado muy poco, pues no sé.

1 respuesta

#157 Mira que has tenido tiempo para conseguir una eh! xD

Pásate por este hilo a ver si tienes suerte.

1 respuesta


Black Lion Trading Company
The tabs of the panel may load slowly when first opened.
Character Slot Expansions are currently unavailable.
Users can purchase Bag Slot Expansions and Bank Tab Expansions even when the maximum number of expansions have already been purchased.


Brisban Wildlands: In the event called “Help the Priory return the energy core to the Henge of Denravi,” NPC Researcher Elspeth Andryan may not spawn, stalling the event chain.
Metrica Province: On rare occasions, the veteran chaos creature may get stuck in a nearby structure, stalling the “Kill the chaos creature” event.
Metrica Province: During the “Destroy the hylek village and help the Lionguard recover their stolen supplies” event, players may become stuck in a destroyed hylek hut.
Queensdale: On occasion, the centaurs encountered during the “Battle for Beetletun” event may become stuck on the sprinklers.
Queensdale: Guard Barthol may display the event icon before the “Defend Barthol on his way to the Old Armory” event is ready to begin. During the event, he might not engage enemies, in which case the player must eliminate them in order for the event to progress.
Queensdale: Fiona Hastings retains her merchant icon and label after the “Defend the beehives from hungry bears” event restarts, and her ability to buy and sell items is disabled.


The preview feature in the Emblemer panel does not function as intended.

Hardware Compatibility

On older or lower-end machines, it is recommended that you try disabling reflections and shadows to improve frame rate.
Forcing anti-aliasing through AMD Catalyst™ Control Center or AMD VISION™ Engine Control Center typically results in a black screen when playing.
Windows TDR (Timeout Detection and Recovery) will sometimes restart a user’s graphics drivers if they become unresponsive, resulting in a notification that the graphics driver has been restarted.
Currently, adjusting the core clock speed of the GPU or CPU typically results in lower performance.
It is advised that you leave core clock speeds at factory defaults.
AMD CrossFire™ and NVIDIA® SLI™ are not currently supported.
These features should be disabled while running the game.
Enabling NVIDIA 3D VISION® may cause a crash on some systems.
If you experience a crash while this setting is enabled, it is recommended that you disable it in the NVIDIA Control Panel.
AMD Eyefinity Technology is not officially supported at this time, and players using systems with Eyefinity enabled may encounter problems.
If you experience issues while using Eyefinity, it is recommended that you disable the feature in the AMD Catalyst Control Center or AMD VISION Engine Control Center.
Objects in the game world may momentarily render incorrectly or “pop” in and out.
This is a temporary side effect of our ongoing optimization, and should be corrected by moving the in-game camera.


Occasionally, multiple NPCs may overlap with each other while walking.
Interacting with walking NPCs may cause them to stop, disappear, and then reappear at another point in their path.
Occasionally, parties may not function as expected.


On rare occasions, teams may be redirected to the PvP lobby while participating in a PvP tournament.
If this occurs during a paid tournament, members of the affected teams will each be given a tournament ticket.
Some PvP reward items are mislabeled or cannot be placed in the PvP Locker.

Renown Regions

Queensdale: On rare occasions, the shell game in the "Support the citizens of Beetletun " renown region may not function correctly.
Queensdale: Players cannot engage the Sword Drill Sergeant NPC in the “Train with the militia” renown region.


On very rare occasions, player progress in tutorials may be blocked before reaching the boss encounter.
In an attempt to be placed into a new instance of the tutorial, players should leave the map before continuing, either by exiting to the character-select screen or by logging out and logging back in to the client.
Occasionally, the Destroyer Matriarch in the asura story chapter “Gadd’s Last Gizmo” will fail to destroy all of the containment vessels, blocking player progress.
If this occurs, players should leave the instance and try again.

World Transfer

After performing a world transfer, players are taken to the log-in screen, but are unable to log back in.
Players must close the client and reopen it in order to log in again.


Keeper of the Orb NPCs cannot be engaged in combat and Orbs of Power cannot be captured.
In the green team’s Borderland map, Bluebriar tower is initially controlled by the red team instead of the blue team.
Zealots granted by some objective upgrades may be mislabeled as guards.
In the Eternal Battlegrounds jumping puzzle, torches and skills do not emit light.

Black Lion Trading Company
Some tabs of the panel are only partially localized and will be displayed in English.
Some text in the panel is cut off.
Some audio has not been updated to match the corresponding subtitles.
Some French and German audio has not yet been recorded and will play in English, particularly in the asura and sylvari regions.
In the asura and sylvari regions, some text has not yet been translated and will display in English.
Anytime female player characters address themselves or are addressed by an NPC with nouns like “friend,” “shaman,” “hero,” etc., the voiced audio may not reflect the gender correctly. The subtitles should, however, reflect the correct gender.
The names and descriptions of some skills and items may be inaccurate.


#158 Pues sí, es que no me he interesado por GW2 hasta ahora.


beta abiertaaaaaaaaaaa a viciaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar


YA HAN ABIERTO! YAYY! En qué server estáis la mayoría?


pues a mi no me rula


yo e entrado pero una pregunta, no estaba ya en español? a mi me sige saliendo en ingles

2 respuestas

#164 Stoy igual que tu... donde sta el supuesto español??

1 respuesta

A que servidor hay que jugar el juego? duda....please


A que servidor entonces ?!?!


#164 #165 El juego no soporta oficialmente el español todavía, lo he comentado por aquí anteriormente.

Un saludote

2 1 respuesta

server por deity!!!!!


#168 Entonces ya tendremos que esperar a la salida del juego para disfrutarlo en castellano?


Una putada lo del idioma la verdad, yo esperaba poder jugarlo en español, toda una decepción en ese aspecto.


Stoy en el ts3 de media vida si alguien quiere jugar que avise y entramos en un mismo server


Guardiana Máxima Defensa a mandar kooakodskoado


algun servidor para ir todos al a par ?


Yo estoy en Ruins of Surmia. Vairk.


Espero que cuando salga en el juego este totalmente en español si no este menda no se lo compra aunque sea un juegazo, ellos mismo pierden muchos porque seguro que ahi muchos españoles,argentinos,mexicanos etc etc que le gustan jugar en castellano...

1 respuesta

He notado una subida de rendimiento salvajísima, 25-30fps con todo en Medium cuando en la última BWE sólo conseguía esas tasas con todo en Low. Ahora con todo en Low voy a 35-40.


#176 El juego estará localizado al español en el lanzamiento.

Un saludo.


Necesito ayuda, estamos dos amigos en el mismo server y en party y no nos vemos. Que hacemos mal? xD


Me acaba de tirar del server?

1 respuesta
Tema cerrado

Usuarios habituales

  • StumKrav
  • HeXaN
  • unidad2pt
  • Spacelord
  • AnuBiSiLLo
  • autlos
  • slakk