Mortal Online

2 comentarios moderados

esta madrugada discord a dicho esto :

Dear Community,

Communication has been quiet for the last few months whilst we focus on the upcoming features, we have many tasks in the pipeline, one is that we're currently working on the next Patch. There has already been multiple revisions with significant progress being made, some examples of some key issues being addressed are Ghost horses and flagging issues along with a host of other fixes and additional features.

We're also looking into Nodes and specifically why we are having issues with these and how they affect spawns and we understand that this is causing major issues with the spawning of animals in the world. We do have a number of processes in place to try and identify the root cause of the issue and we do intend to correct this, however time has to be taken to make sure we correct it once and for all.

Current AI and it's development, were seeing that rare spawns like the Nitre queen for example will become very rare like intended and not spawning for a long time. In the past we have had a high spawn rate which hasn't been very realistic, In place now and as further development continues we will see this move to a more dynamic rate which will be based around a number of parameters like location and animal type..

Another area we would like to touch on is Item Reimbursement and where we stand on the situation. Mortal Online is a full loot PVP game and to be fair across the board we have a no item reimbursement policy. Having said that when a situation arises where a GM decides its necessary due to a bug, every action possible will be taken to obtain the items and restore them however there is a very small number of situations where this in fact might be possible.

Again from all of us, thank you for your continued support.


No se porque se me a moderado , dado que la pregunta era curiosidad sin más y sin ninguna mala intención, las paranoias al psiquiatra.

1 respuesta

#1264, basicamente porque no tiene nada que ver con el juego y aunque no sea culpa tuya entras en el trapo de kranick y sus ataques personales xD

Sobre el comunicado, es gracioso lo de "We have a no item reimbursement policy"...que se lo digan a Sakho si lo cumplen bien xDDD


me parece que aun recuerdo cuando le paso eso a sakho, en un puente creo que fue que lo perdio todo y el gm le solto algo asi como que el dawn estaba en version de prueba o no se que jajajaja, ahora tambien te digo una cosa nostros todo lo que perdimos en la casa con al movida del bug del cofre nos lo devolvieron con intereses xDD



Patch Notes - Version

Notice: We can't stress this enough. When the launcher is running the patch installer, let it run its course. It will take some time to apply the patch and it might seem like the installer is doing nothing, but it is working. If you reboot or kill the patcher process you run the risk of corrupting you installation, forcing you to do a full reinstall.

As always, the Patch Notes are posted a little bit ahead of the actual patch.



* You can no longer use AllowSpeedTreeLeaves, AllowSpeedTreeFronds, AllowFogVolumes in the .ini files.
* Player loot is now guild-flagged meaning you can loot your guild-opponent or a guildmate without being flagged.
* You own loot will now be flagged as local-allowed to indicate that you can loot from it without getting flagged.
* Your pets loot will now be local-allowed flaged for you, meaning you can safely interact with it without being flagged.
* Fledglings are no longer affected by the rules of war and can therefore NOT hit an enemy in a opponents guild without getting flagged grey (if they are blue).
* You no longer get flagged for looting a pet that belongs to the same guild.
* You no longer get flagged for looting a pet that belongs to an opponent's guild.
* Your own pet will now be flagged as local allowed for you instead of blue. This means you can hit your own pet without getting flagged.
* Pets are now guild-flagged therefore you do not get flagged for hitting a pet in your own or an opponents guild.
* Made some minor balances to the knockdown that a horse does when you hit a player. It now works like this: You can knockdown a player if your mount is running at atleast 90% of it's max speed. If you double tap "W", telling the horse to move to it's maxspeed, during the time it takes for the mount to accelerate to that max speed you can knock players even if your mount is only running at 40% of it's max speed.
* Added a new "loading characters" message after login, this will timeout the loading if the server doesn't respond (most likely due to a firewall stopping it), and now gives a nice message.
* Added a "auto-retry" when you login and the login server is still rebooting.
* Rewritten the version mismatch message.
* Centerd the login-info text.
* Clients will now get a "connection lost" message if the server is rebooted while they are in character-creation.
* Added a purify-potion, it works just like the spell and can be bought from vendors.
* Made some minor optimizations to the loading-process.
* Optimized large parts of the magic-system on the client.
* Improved the garbage collection of weather-systems.
* Made several improvements to the stability of the server.
* Increased the update-rate of guild-flags.


* Tweaked the perfect block sparks a bit.
* Updated the art for the new client-bloodfx.
* Unified the animations used by male and female characters cutting down the amount of animations loaded for players in half.
* Optimized the particle-spawning code.
* Optimized the spawning of the client-sided effects when you get in combat.

AI & Mounts:

* You can now dismount while your mount is swimming..
* Rebuilt the fall-prediction of mounts to make them hug the ground better when you ride up or down a slope.
* Added a similar mount-pitch for people you see riding mounts. It's not as exact as the firstperson version and will be turned off at a distance but makes the mount movement look slightly better.
* Mounts can no longer climb very slope hills the players can still do this thou giving non-mounted players a slight edge in mounted vs unmounted combat.
* All mounts now swim slightly faster.
* Mounts will now move slightly faster when going down hill.
* Mounts will now move slower when moving up hill.
* Mounts that you ride into water that end up with their head under water will now correctly try to reach the surface again.
* Mounts will now turn slower when swimming.
* In addition to having the check for throw off when a mount takes damage it can now also go into panic-mode (do a full stop and sometimes Rear depending on stats/skills)
* Made some slight improvements to the effects when a mount dies with a rider.
* Updated the physics of the campodon model.
* Optimized the mount-manager.

------ BUG FIXES ------

* Fixed issues with the Nymph Herb output.
* Fixed a bug that sometimes made clients time-out while creating a character.

AI & Mounts:

* Mounts will no longer do a "full stop" animation when you swap weapons.
* Mounts will no longer do a "full stop" animation when you mount.
* Fixed an issue that would cause a sound-spam from mounts.
* Made a fix for mount that have a very low/high pitch value (top or bottom of model).
* Fixed the broken attack animation for the new mounts.
* Fixed a bug where mounts would appear on clients without really being "there" (commonly known as ghost horses).
* Fixed a bug that made the mount-manager move in out and out of detail-levels indefinitly.
* Fixed a bug where you would no longer get thrown off your mount if the mount took a lot of damage.
* Fixed a bug where you would end up in a very strange state when getting knocked off your mount whilst in water.


* Fixed a bug in potion making that gave you lore-experience for every unit of material you put in rather then the acctual amount of material you used.


* Fixed a couple of issues when you exit fishing.
* Bashing a archer will now correctly end their charge again.
* You now correctly lose a little bit of stamina when you block an attack.
* Bloodspurts will now correctly work when dual-wielding and hitting with the left weapon.
* Bloodtrails will now correctly work when dual-wielding and hitting with the left weapon.
* Hitting structures will no longer trigger the bloodtrail effect.
* Hitting structures will now always cause the "bounce off" melee-effect.
* Fixed a bug that could put the combat-systems in a wierd state when switching weapons while in combatmode.
* Fixed an issue that made your melee weapon invisible after reloggin on a mount equipped with a bow and then leaving the mount.

usa spoiler mudafuka

nota mal. Mas maneras de matar Carns xD


dioooooo esto me mola mucho xD

  • Added a purify-potion, it works just like the spell and can be bought from vendors.

y por lo que pone se terminaron los caballos fantasma a ver si es verdad xD


Se estan poniendo las pilas ahora en septiembre, ole ole!


bueno primer avance que estamos probando del nuevo parche, ahora cuando le das un hostia fuerte al caballo el caballo lanza al jinete al suelo del tiron xD de momento no hay caballos fantasma y estamos a ver si probamos como van los nodos pero pintan bien, otra cosa ahora cuando se te cae el cliente por internet fallos del juego etc etc ahora en la pantalla de personaje sale un contador para saber lo que falta para que aparezcan los personajes para poder logear xD



Por ahora deacuerdo, va muy bien la verdad, no me lo esperaba!


jeje buen video aunque hace ya 5 o 6 parchecitos de esto :P, ahora ya no se ven ciertas cosas q dañan a la vista XD


Palabras de Matts:

Just posting to let you know I'm in the middle of putting together a short video to explain a bit on what we're working on at the moment; Territory Control.

Video will be up within the next 24h!


o bien falta les hacia, que pongan a lblack opal a hacer videos nao!!


El susodicho video:


hehe el juego con eso sera mucho mejor pero... tardara 1 mes 2 meses o ... 1 año mas ? :P


parece que con los nuevos programadores de Onlegends van un poco mas rapido no xD jajajajjaaj la verdad que eso de poder controlar meduli me pone a 100 xD o si no controlarlo putear al gremio que lo controle xD


Joder que buena pinta.

Si que se notan los nuevos programadores, ya van 2 parches metiendo cosas sin romper nada, que gustazo.

Aunque sigo esperando el nuevo UI, hace un año que nos dijeron que lo estaban cambiando, xD.


Pues la verdad tiene muy buena pinta, el caso es que pasa si alguien es capaz de controlar todo el mapa? se que es dificil, pero si ocurriera hay posibilidad de rebocar dicho control?

1 respuesta

pasaria lo de siempre se unirían la mayoria de los clanes de nave para derrocar al tirano xD y ya ha pasado con AQ y volveria a pasar xD


#1281 cada clan solop uede tener un keep y controlar una zona.

porfin se dignaran los de AI a cambiar el mapa basdo en uno real poruqe macho tiene mas fallos que el copon!! y no lso cambian!


miraos las preguntas con sus respectivas respuestas en un post que ha hecho Mats Persson


Originally Posted by Scarecrovv

So, I wasn't entirely sure, does this system include being able to turn off "guards" in the town of your choosing? As in "Your town, your rules"



como mola jajajaja ahora tendra algo mas de gracia tener un keep, bueno algo mas no, mucha mas gracia xDD



The key behind the territory system we are implementing now is to give a real reason for keeps, and a reason to fight for control and power.

Where Keeps and houses are long term goals/sieges c towers are more of a "short"/ongoing term goals, They are meant to be somewhat cheap to build and somewhat fast to construct. As easy to destroy. However they can be upgraded to be stronger of the costs of CPs.

I also want to clarify that we are still building and focusing on AI, GUI and magic. Which also will give more features to the territory system.

We have carefully been planning the territory system to be fun for not only largest guilds and best pvpers, since there is a guild pool everyone contribute with anyone can help in the conquering. We believe this will make the game more interesting for all kind of players also those not interesting in conquering land but contribute in what they are best in. But of course being good at pvping is always a solid way to earn control and guild pool on.

Something that is challenging for us at this point is the amount of keeps and space between them. We think we are going to try to continue with the amount we have today and see how that works. As you know we are looking for more testers for our test server, so sign up for that to help us !
You are not forced to hit the keeps to stop the enemies, that’s one way though, but to focus on the control towers that allows them to spread in Myrland that way you shut down the control of anothers keep.

We have managed to build a dynamic placement system for towers, and we may be able to use similar function for house placement, but this will not be in for now, and we are not if we want to use that for Myrland continent yet. As someone also said, the world could end up in one major city, if that’s good or bad is another question. We will most likely prevent some areas to build able in when it comes to housing. Towers are more free however, easy to knock down, both by players and AI in some cases.

The political real time map is there to show the conflicts and updates, so anyone can participate and alert when something is under attack.

We are also looking to let players that pve/craft contribute to the guild pool.
The guild pool is important when it comes to setting and using special rules/functions, such as "banning" a certain player from a city. (Making him grey when entering the zone) this is not the same pool as the control pool you get from building a control tower.

There’s been an interest in alliance system as well, which wont be in the first iteration, but it will be in, as soon as we have a moment over for that.

I’m hoping to be able to share some more info in details about this system later. The video was released early and gave a lot of questions, but I think it was interesting enough to get it before all details cleared out over time.

We have come far in a very fast pace with this system, and we are excited to hear the feedback from the external tester group. As soon as it is stable and the balance is within the range we are aiming for we will go live with the system. It is built to be very expandable with new features as soon as our AI/GUI/Magic is in order as well.



¿Cuanta gente se podría decir que juega a diario actualmente al mortal? 100 , 200..?

1 respuesta

#1288 si llega a 100 puedes dar gracias xD, pero bueno cuando puedas contratar mercenarios IA y cosas de esas pues tmb parecera que juegue mas gente, y cuando aya contenido PvE supongo que mucha gente que no a jugado a mortal por ser full pvp se lo pensaran la cuestion sera... ¿llegara mortal online a tener todo eso sin quebrar antes?

PD: hace 1 mes y poco hubieron batallas de mas de 150 personas y el servidor no estaba preparado para tanta gente o a saber que cosas pasarian en problemas de programacion que no cargaba completamente a los personajes ni animales cercanos al conflicto XD

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quieres la version oficial, la de los trolls o la de como yo no juego esto no lo juega nadie?

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