Mortal Online


lol que brutal es el final del segundo video xD headshoot!


Pues al parecer hay mas casas que tirar hehe


pues bueno se tiran por listos xD


anda mirad un video de exploracion en vez de reparto de galletas XD




jejeje mira para variar no esta mal xD


The Caravan of Gems

The Merchant Prince Rosenante has landed at Meduli and seeks a large group of intrepid guards and mercenaries to guard and transport heavily loaded donkey trains from Meduli to Kranesh. These donkeys need to be moved in safety from Meduli first, to the Kranesh bank so that goods can be off-loaded and handed to waiting merchants in the employ of Prince Rosenante.

Guards are to assemble at Meduli; 18:00 GMT on Saturday 1st October in order to swear their oaths and ready for the journey. Each member successfully guarding their donkey team, to Kranesh will earn 100G as a guard and 200G as a team leader from the Prince and a team 'bonus' as yet unspecified should the endeavour be accomplished!

All Donkey Teams will leave together - which will be signalled by a server wide message at approx. 18:15-18:45.

Each donkey team shall comprise 10 Guards (although where a group cannot make this number a minimum of 5 guards will be accepted). Teams will be pre-assigned and pre-arranged before the start of the event - although all Teams shall start the event at the same time as goods are to be offloaded at the main peer where the donkey teams will be waiting for their guards and leaders.

It is up to the individual Team Leader to chose their path to the Kranesh Bank and offload goods.

There is no maximum number of teams however each team will only be able to make one run during the time allotted.

Upon Successful delivery of all the donkeys in the train to Kranesh bank:

TeamLeader will recieve 120G
All Guards within the team will recieved 100G each

The winning or first Donkey Team to make it to Kranesh will recieve an additional bonus of +50G per Team member as well as an unspecified bonus.

Each train will comprise three donkeys all carrying vital goods for the Prince's business empire.

Donkey Teamleaders

Are responsible for:

  • Leading their team (and completeting the forum application for their team) as well as handing over the donkeys(unmolested) to the Prince's representative at Kranesh.
    -All accompanying horses with the donkey train will wear the same colour horse barding as the donkeys and team; The Prince is picky about how his retainers appear when making important deliveries!
    -As well as leaduing the team Leaders will be repsonsible for ensuring all the following are met before the start of the event:
    -Each donkey team shall wear the same color tabbards (first come first serve post below)
    -Each Team Leader will wear a Flag.
    -Nominate the three named members of the team to have a donkey to look after
    -Organise the transferal of goods to the Merchant Prince's staff at each of the drop off points
    -Distribute the Pay - to the team, which will be handed out at the final destination point to the Team leader only.

  • three donkeys, packs, tabbards and flags will be given to each team shortly prior to start - in addition the 'goods' will be given to the team leader to distribute amongst the team - all three donkeys plus the 'goods' need to arrive together and be handed as one single delivery.

Please use this link to fill out the Event Form


bueno pongo el video de como morimos como ratas junto a nuestros aliados los ely xDD jajaja

saludos peñita xDD

PD: cada vez mas población xD

PD:2 el clan Escuadron de las sombras [ES] recluta para ingresar poner aply en cualquier de estas paginas

1 respuesta

buen video aunque sea una derrota aplastante XD


una duda Rage son outs y mercs? enotonces FEAR que es top? esque me lio xD

1 respuesta

estan todos en todos sitios en unos clanes hay gente q nos caia mas o menos bien en otros gente q odiavamos a muerte .... y en todos hay tmb mucha gente nueva


#1360 yo que se, se van abe un follon que no saben ni donde san metioo!!


osease RAge es de erandriel y Fear de aphilas y el resto ya a cascoporro xD

1 respuesta



#1363 erandiel? jajajajaja sera eladriel xDD no estas ni loco xD


ui ui ui mortal online se vuelve un RTS ?


#1358, Escuadrón de las Sombras? ay que me lol! xDDD


en un principio queriamos poner los hombres de Sancho pero se desestimo jajajaja xDD


Territory Control and Prominence Systems

The work on Territory Control has been progressing smoothly, and like promised earlier we are ready to reveal more of the details on Territory Control, and what exactly it will mean to the players. In the past if you have heard us mention "Guild Points", we have decided to change the name to "Prominence Points", as it also gives an idea what this represents in Mortal Online. Currently we are still doing only internal tests, and plan to start external (This involves the focus group) testing next week. As always the individual specifics especially numbers may change during the course of testing.
The Keep

Keeps act as the starting point for any single Guild in territory control. Each owned keep will give the initial Territory Control Points (CP) that can be spent on various things, such as new control towers. Also Keeps have been expanded with two new rooms. One is the World Map, which was shown in the teaser; the map itself provides real-time information about the state of territory control in the game. Another large addition is the Overseer NPC, which comes automatically with all keeps.
The Overseer

The overseer NPC is in charge of all work and displays all of the information about an individual keep. Through the Overseer you can hire new NPC's that will provide extra features for the keep, such as protection, buying and selling of goods and more.
Prominence System

Prominence points (PP) are earned by every player on their own via different methods such as killing enemies, selling certain goods and so on. An individual player can’t use PP, but they will be saved as personal stats, and players will be able to keep track of what earned them what. Prominence points that are earned go towards the player's guild, however if a player has no guild they are just saved as a stat, and all of the points will not contribute towards a Guild's PP Pool once the player joins a guild. Guilds are able to spend PP on upgrades, siege weapons, NPC's and banning players from controlled territory.

Prominence is divided into the following subgroups:
Glory – Earned by PvE.
Influence – Earned by different actions to the different races in Nave.
Surplus – Selling goods to get PP.
Panache – Noble life style.
Might – Earned by PvP.
These stats will be saved as a total achievement per guild, and per individual player stat. As we go forward with development it's entirely possible that new subgroups will be added, also the current ones will be expanded to incude more ways to earn PP.

Towers have 3 tiers; each upgrade will add protection and hit points to the tower, which can also be updated with defense/offense points that allows using weapons on the towers. It is important to choose wisely on how to spend CP, do you focus on defense and offense capabilities of a tower or do you chose to strive towards the maximum coverage of a tower. It is important how towers are connected to one another and the keep, as isolated pockets will not generate CP.
Website Political Map

Another thing that we will be adding with Territory Control is a real-time territory map, which will allow you to view the status of all of the territories outside of the game. In addition to the raw territory data, extra information on each tower and the controlling guild will be displayed.


fuuuuuuuua para flipar con lo del territory control, madre mia tengo ganas de que salga ya xD a ver si no revientan el juego de nuevo xD aunque si lo arreglan como el dawn me da igual xDD

poco a poco SV poco a poco xDD


Quizas lo pruebo, tiene muy buena pinta


si lo pruebas tio metete en cualquier de nuestros foros y si te podemos echar una mano a lo que sea, entras al ts y te ayudamos en los primeros pasos xDD


los foros esta anqui #1358


Nuevas informaciones nos llegan sobre esta importante actualización que recibirá Mortal Online.

El Keep sufre varios cambios, se le añaden dos salas más en el sótano, la primera tiene el mapa global donde se muestran los diferentes keeps y torres, en la otra sala encontramos a el Overseer (capataz) que sera el punto de partida para la gestión de las nuevas funciones de los keeps.

Este Overseer nos permitirá contratar distintos NPCs que se repartirán por el keep con diferentes funciones.
El menú con los diferentes NPCs y las ubicaciones:

El menú del Treasurer (tesorero):

El menú del Warengineer(ingeniero de guerra):

El menú de control de las torres:

Los NPCs guardianes estarán equipados con Arbalest(Ballesta pesada) y disparan a los listados en la lista de enemigos.

Prominence points(PP) (puntos de prominencia) serán los encargados de convertir en la moneda de cambio para gestionar y dirigir un keep, seran necesarios para contratar NPCs comprar armas y gestionar la seguridad, hay 5 formas de obtener estos puntos:

Glory(Gloria) – Ganado mediante PvE, un ejemplo puede ser las partes de risars.
Influence(influencia) – Ganado mediante la interacción con las diferentes razas.
Surplus(superávit) – Vendiendo objetos a cambio de PP.
Panache(lustre) – Llevando una vida de noble(seguramente aquí influyan los puntos de sofisticación de los alimentos).
Might(fuerza) – Ganados en PvP.

Una imagen de la pagina web que actualizará la información sobre las torres:


lo primero el tesorero esta mas claro el agua xDD


Pues si, uff y eso de los guardas con ballestas, hypeeeeeeee!


Según comentan en el foro oficial el desarrollo del GUI y de la inteligencia artificial ha quedado detenido hasta que salga el sistema de control de territorio. Entiendo que una vez hayan sacado el parche y arreglen lo que rompan (unos 2 meses), retomarán el desarrollo de estas dos características.

Por lo que la cosa queda en que vais a tener un control territorial de pm, con npc's contratados, guardias contratados, con la inteligencia de una ameba (piñatas con ballesta), no me parece mal la verdad. El juego seguirá siendo lo mismo, pero tendréis un juguetito nuevo para que estéis entretenidos y así no les déis dolores de cabeza.

Esta gente desarrollar no sabrá, pero de psicología entienden un rato largo...

1 respuesta
1 respuesta

#1377 meh


Joder que ganas de ver el nuevo sistema en funcionamiento.



#1376 gracias por tu aporte davets, naaa es broma :)

pero bueno yo que se prefiero por lomenos estar entretenido con el sistema este nuevo que la verdad pinta muy bien, ya se que se cargaran cosas pero bueno ya lo sabemos y tragamos con ello solo con que al final lo dejen igual que el dawn que esta todo arreglado ya me conformo xDD
ademas que ellos mismos lo han dicho que lo hacian para trabajar tranquilos con lo de la ia y la interfaz, engañar no engañan a nadie.

mano puta entra al ts para que te coma la cabeza un rato (la cabeza que quieras tontorron jajajaajajja) , por cierto marioch ya esta jugando juas juas xDD

hay alguna fecha por hay? forcem seguro que tu sabes algo gañan xDD

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