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Update 2 de la magia:

18 días después

Parche revamp de la magia lanzado:


New spell book.
Rebuilt the magic system.
Added support for new pre-cast effects.
Added support for temporary light effects.
Added support for decals on spells.
Improved messages you get when you try to cast spells.
Added support for death fx when hit by spells.
Built better animation system for magic.
Spells you have in your mind will now show up as counters in the lower right.
Added support for keybind "last spell" and "last spell self" these default to Q and E. Last spell will trigger the last spell you casted as if you cliked it's icon. So if you have it charged it will release if not it will charge the spell. Last spell self will do the same but also target yourself if it's casting.
Improved spell messages when casting spells.
Re-added death sickness buff icons.
Added death fx support for players.
Added "Trophy Items" to some creatures in Myrand. These items can be sold for a small value. (These items will be further evaluated regarding value and what Ai that drops them.)
Added exceptional armor pieces to armor vendors with slightly better protection.
Added a version of rags that can be bought from the Utility vendor.
Added a warning that items will disappear after 5 minutes when using /droploot.
Added Event versions of some common Ai with slightly higher drop rates and custom loot.
You can now hit mounts with magic, direct damage will be dealt to the mount buffs will be applied to the rider.
Added support for hit groups in the magic system. This means that you now deal 10% more damage/healing if you hit a head.
Added simple electric deathfx
Added extra check when mounting to avoid people getting stuck in ceilings.
Added support for different cast animations depending on magic schools.
Added custom animations for spiritism.

Lowered broker tax to half.
Tweaked stone lizards to create two types, one slower with ranged attack and one faster with no ranged attack.
Salt mine slaves are no longer aggressive toward players.
Ranged Acid attacks are now blockable to reduce the damage taken.
Tweaked some of the loot and enemies in the Risar dungeon.
Tweaked some of the loot and enemies in the Sator dungeon.
Tweaked the chance for getting Amber from woodcutting.
Added Prominence value to Scrolls and Artifacts.
Lowered the magic resist on undeads.
Increased the Pickaxe and Axe durability.
Blunt head crafting changed to secondary skill.
EQ spell will now dismount a player getting hit.
EQ spell damage lowered.
Fulmination spell now has a longer timer.
Fulmination damage increased.
Fulmination can now be purified.
Magic reflect can be casted on other players and will also reflect heals.
Increased the butcher yield on some fishes.
Slightly increased the HP of Metal walls to scale a little better with their pricing.
Character name length increased to 12.
Weight and Armor weight in the paperdoll window now shows one decimal.
No longer possible to get on a mount if armor weight is too high to ride.
Message when trying to mount with too much weight is more informative (clarifies if inventory weight or armor weight is the problem).
Armor pieces dropped by mobs can now be sold to vendors.
Crop farmers now save spawned crops.
Tindrem is now the default starting city.
The compass will now use your view rotation when mounted instead of your bodies.
Purify potions now use a buff.
Turned fulmination into proper debuff.
Turned Magic Reflection into a proper buff.
Turned Transcendental Awareness into a proper buff.
Spiritism school no longer uses pre-cast.
Reduced resources loaded in the engine at every point.
Improved error message when failing to cast spells.
Spells now use use a second phat-trace meaning you need to aim at the model rather then the collision.
Reduced cost of spell messages when casting spells.
Reduced package cost of cast spells.
Lowered magic resist on several mobs.

Fixed more floating stuff.
Fixed Ai falling through the grates in Sator dungeon.
Fixed Drakhnars Horn giving a lot of heat.
Rare collector now accepts Clothos Maiden Queen eggs as well.
Fixed the Sarducaa spider cave spawns.
Fixed falling off the minotaur cave bridge causing players to get desynched.
Fixed an issue with some fishes always snapping the line. Lines may still break but the chances to landing bigger fishes are much higher.
Fixed the Sarducaa long bridges reverting to unbuilt state.
Fixed the weight on the fishes like Sand rays that had double their weight in inventory.
Fixed collision issues on some grates at the Tindrem sewers.
Fixed some areas in Tindrem where NPC's and loot could fall through the ground.
Fixed an issue with bow crafting where the different shapes like Decurve/Recurve/Flat did not apply their different values correctly. (The bug is fixed but some balance needs to be done before crafting them will have any new effects.)
Chat should no longer get "undefined" entries which screw up the chat log.
Fixed chat messages getting cut off in the middle.
Category items in the paperdoll and keybindings lists will no longer be set to an erroneous appearance when mouse-over'ing while scrolling these lists.
Fixed keybinding bugs: T will no longer result in "invalid command", and an empty row in the bindings list has been removed.
Fixed issue where mounting a horse while moving backwards would make the horse go slower.
Fixed issue where sleeping or sitting down too soon after stopping made you stand right up again.
Fixed issue where trading too soon after stopping canceled the trade.
Creature control skill can now be used while mounted.
It is no longer possible to add un-sellable (crafted) armor pieces to a vendor sale, effectively removing the situation of "one of the items you tried to sell can't be sold" where you have to re-add all the items to the sale.
UI no longer disappears when timer icon reaches its end.
Skills list will no longer get messed up when checking "hide untrained" and then clicking "expand all".
Fixed some typos.
Fixed magic healing achievement.
Fixed magic damage achievement.
Fixed issue where collision wouldn't correctly be reset when Transcendental Awareness ran out.
Fixed a rare item-related client crash.
Fixed a bug in cooking that gave all cooked food the wrong stats.
Fixed The Grave Keeper bugging out.
Fixed some houses that had their Tax managers spawning under the floor.


A redescargar el juego, que decidio que no podia verificar la cuenta al meter el user y el pass XD


Se van a dignar a modificar el sistema de pago algún día o han decidido morir así?


Parece que han parcheado esta mañana:

Sin tener ni puta idea destaco esto:

"Added a general "leash" for spawners. When a creature moves out of it's leash it will teleport back to it's spawn location. (Used on Guards and some other Ai.) "

Me dijeron que alguna vez se llevaron los Guards hasta el cementerio y luego no se iban de allí, jodiendo todo el loot y provocando muchos PK accidentales, parece que ahora no será posible.

1 1 respuesta

#815 ese es muy buen fix si.



Re-added support for blood on armors.
Added support for "/cast lastspell" and "/cast lastspellself" in macros.
The Flamestrike,Spurt,Earthquake and Lightning spell now have their own custom decals.
Krampos Buccus is now visiting Fabernum!
Added message when trying to heal with potions while corrupted.
Added a general "leash" for spawners. When a creature moves out of it's leash it will teleport back to it's spawn location. (Used on Guards and some other Ai.)


Tweaked Spider Queens minion spawner attack.
Lowered some magic FX sounds.
Updated wolf/dog animation speed for walking
Tweaked the effect of Transcendental Awareness
Flag for AI updated to level 1 from 3 meaning it will show you the pets correct flag much earlier avoiding the issues some players have had with seeing pets as grey in the distance that turn blue when close.
Removed decals from spurt
Reduced light brightness effects from spells
Removed custom charge start sound from spurt and replaced it with the default
Tweaked physic collision of players mounted on horses riders.
Made it so that magic animations can tween in foot movement to avoid people gliding when casting and running.
Broker changes: Better loading animation, page number indicator, reduced number of items per page to 8 for less lag
Macro UI revamped.


Fixed Magic reflect only lasting 30 sec.
Fixed horse rotation reset bug.
Fixed some issues with steam achievements for magic.
Fixed issue with death fx not resetting.
Fixed issue with mounts going invisible if you mounted or dismounted too close to another mount.
Fixed broker issue where items that shouldn't could be added as buy orders.
Towns with multiple brokers will now add "I" to their broker name to avoid having several brokers in the broker UI with the same name.
Fixed issue where selling items directly from a bag wouldn't correctly take taxes.
Spell interrupts should now correctly use concentration.
Fulmination and Corrupt now correctly deal magic damage instead of physical.
Fixed error where client would think you had reagents when casting magic even if they were banked.
You can no longer bandage while corrupted.
You can no longer gain HP while corrupted.
Mental focus now correctly impacts the cost of casting spells.
Fixed animation bugging out when spamming a spell.
Fixed issue that gave you the "invalid target for spell" when spamming a spell button.
Fixed typo when starting a war with a guild whose guild stone was too low.
Fixed issue where trying to cancel a war with a guild that you have already canceled gave you a message that it would end in 0 minutes.
Fixed issue where you would get stuck in a odd state if you got knocked down or killed while mounting a mount.
Fixed issue with Thursar outlaws that didn't have the correct weapon.

11 días después

Se a disuelto ES?

1 respuesta

#818 ES no juega al MO, ES nunca se disuelve xDD estamos a otras cosas testeando, algunos al lif, otros al naval action, albion online, cuando encontremos algo que nos encaje entraremos todos, si no con el tiempo volveremos al MO, quien sabe xD

3 1 respuesta

#819 vale, ya me entiendes, me referia al MO XD Pues es una pena.


El MO no está en su mejor momento a ver si meten algo para reenganchar a la peña como dijo kranick estamos desperdigados aun así ya sabes el desarollo del juego va a su ritmo :¬¬:


Yo llevo poco jugando pero me están matando las animaciones de los bichos, te pegan una hostia y luego ves la animación del ataque, o al revés, ves la animación y luego llega la hostia, está muy muy mal hecho y no entiendo cómo lleva tantos años así xD

23 días después

Magic Development Update 4

Progress update
Hey community!
It’s been a while since we updated you folks on what we are doing, but today we break the silence with what the next magic school will be and to no one’s surprise it’s Spiritism!
We do not have much to show you, but we have tons to write about!
At first glance the choice of Spiritism as the next school might sound like a boring school to add to the game.
But spiritism works like no other school, it adds not only new spells to the game but brand new items,concepts and finally the Etherworld is being fully realized.
The Spell Book
First off, mages will now be required to carry a spell book to be able to cast spells.
These books will decide what spells you see in the spell book menu. You can carry several books with different spells and they will all add their spells to the spell book menu.
Basic spell books do not drop on death, but we can make books that do so we could add special spell books that contain spells that are extra powerful but you are at the risk of losing the book if you die.
All spell books can be sold at brokers, opening up for a new type of player trade.
The Scrolls
You guys have been collecting scrolls for over a year and now finally you will get to use them. Well, some of them.
As you can you see on the scrolls you currently have they are sealed with a coloured ring.
When the patch hits, most of the spiritism scroll locks will break and this means they can now be added to spell books.
Some scrolls will however not open automatically and will require more research before the seal can be broken.
Scribing is a new skill that will be introduced with the patch.
This new skill is a secondary skill under studies and gives you an icon in the skill window that can be used to add spells to a spell book.
To add spells players will be required to finish a small mini-game, at this point there is no fail-state other than the fact that you need to redo the mini-game.
The mini-game will be timed and the skill level of Scribing will increase the time you have to finish the game.
The Etherworld a dimension between the living and the dead is getting a massive update.
The Etherworld has been completely rebuilt and now has it’s own coded system.
The idea of a world within another world has been coded into the Unreal Engine core. This was makes it a easier to add and tag things that only show in the etherworld or only in the realm of the living.
What you currently have is code that goes through everything in the world, once you enter the etherworld, and decide if it should be hidden or not. With this functionality built into the engine this is now a much smoother and more reliable process.
It also makes it a lot easier for the art team to add meshes and structures that only show up in the etherworld.

The post-process filter that makes the whole world black and white has been remade so that we now can show specific colors.
This way we can better guide players towards e.g. priest beacons by making it a strong red tint.
Most of the fog has been removed from the etherworld making it a lot easier to see where you are going.

The movement of players in the Etherworld has changed a lot too. It now has its own feel with slightly lower gravity, higher movement speeds and a specific camera system.
This is an attempt to make the downtime while you are running to a priest more fun and reduce the time simply spent pressing W.

Spirit boxes
As a spiritist you will have special skills that make it possible to move items with you into the etherworld, namely spirit boxes.
A spirit box is an item that drops on death as its own loot bag but drops in the realm that you are currently in.
So if you die in the realm of the living it will drop there for anyone to pick up but if you’re banished from the etherworld only other dead players can see it and pick it up.

A new combat system has been added to the etherworld.
Players can now search for and summon lost spirits in the etherworld and battle them using a aim-based combat system.
Once they are defeated their spirit can be trapped inside a spirit box.
The spirit box can then be sold to vendors or used as a reagent for the stronger spells that the spiritist can use as well as being a important component in upcoming schools.

Steam feedback changes
It has now been a couple of months since we released on Steam and during this time we have gotten a lot of really good feedback from brand new players.
As you know our game is definitely not for everyone but a couple of complaints have come up that we feel that we can adress and make the game a whole lot easier for new players to get into.
The absolutely biggest issue new players find themselves in is commonly known as blue-blocking. This is when a blue-flagged player intentionally gets hit by another blue player so that he can then freely murder that players.
The best way we can solve this is by adding an option and that’s what we did. The new “Can Attack Blue” option (defaults to false) will protect players from accidentally hitting blue players.
If they do, a pop-up will come up warning them that they did something bad and stuns them for a moment.
Other changes
As usual a ton of minor updates and balance changes have been done. The major changes are to bows.
The current bow crafting doesn’t really give each bow type it’s own pros and cons, this is something the balance people are currently working on and we have taken big steps in the right direction.
That’s all
Please note that all the information here is still information from systems that can change, some even drastically.
But we want to get this information out to you so that we can collect your feedback on it, so please leave all your feedback on the official forums!

1 mes después

Nuevo parche, viene el mundo de los espíritus:


Added support for hiding objects in the ether world in the Unreal Engine core. This should make what you see in the ether worlds and not much more consistent.
Added support for items that can be picked up in the ether world.
Added support for items that drop outside of the loot bag.
Added support for pickables that only show in the ether worlds or only outside of the ether worlds.
Added support for spell books.
Add skill Scribing.
Added Scribing book.
Added different rare unique collector spell books to Ai drops.
Added different size spirit boxes to Ai drops.
Added bunches of icons and fixed some existing ones.
There's now an option in the options menu that lets you turn on a warning when you are hitting a blue player while being blue. This warning will stop the outgoing damage in a attempt to battle "blue blocking".
You will now exit combat mode when hitting a blue player while having the option to damage blue players off.
You can now attack with left mouse button in the ether world.
Built custom collision solution when tracing while dead.
Added one extra row of icons to loot and chests UI.
Added core support for collision in alternative dimensions.
New calculation for value of spirit boxes.
Choosing Acolyte after finishing the tutorial will now give you a basic spell book.
Added a ground guard slot to Watchtowers.
Added a guard slot to TC starting location.
Added a small cave for new players in Tindrem garden.
Added correct values to Flat and Recurve shapes in bow crafting.
Added a new system for bows that has a required strength that's higher than the users strength.
These bows will now use a dynamic draw time and stamina penalty system based on the strength difference between bow and user.
Added a new attack to Ratzar Queen.
It is now possible to sell stacks that were split while then vendor window is open.
Added "Drop loot" button to paper doll window.
Added Inscription.
Added CanAttackBlue in options.
Added custom tool tip info for spirit boxes.
Tool tips for items when selling to vendors will now show value of whole stack, not value of single item in stack.
Messages in chat when pet deals or takes damage.
Added quantity of reagents in spell book.
Built a new class to handle the ether world.
You can now add un-sealed scrolls to spell books.
Added "lock hotbars" option.
Better formatting for spell book tool tip.
A new TC building that block spiritism portals.

Last spell and last spell self will no longer trigger if you are in mouse mode, making it possible to have mouse1 and 2 set to these commands.
None stacking buffs will no longer refresh timers.
Using a bandage will while corrupted will now work but not give any HP until corrupt runs out.
You now need to have a spell book in your inventory to cast spells.
Destroying guild stones in houses will no longer destroy guilds, instead it will defeat them canceling all wars and clearing all guild stones.
Blacklist trigger timer down from 30 to 20 sec.
Items taken out of a blue loot will now be flagged as stolen.
You can no longer cast spells in mercy mode.
AI will no longer attack targets in houses.
Tweaked calculation on knockdown from AI
Tool tips for items when selling to vendors will now show value of whole stack, not value of single item in stack!
No longer possible to interact with inventory when dead.
All windows now closed when transitioning from dead to alive.
AI with knockdown will now knockdown from mounts.
Reduced knockdown velocity when thrown of from a mount.
Updated effects for transcendental awareness
Manifest mechanic has been removed
Help Chat now lasts 10080 minutes (1 week)
Rioting NPCs will no longer try to attack dead players.
Fire arrows now does 25% more elemental damage.
Dead players now get teleported out of locked houses.
Alert towers now report unbuilt siege weapons.
Battering Ram now correctly flag when hitting something.
Increased carcass drop on Clothos Maiden Queen.
Tweaked Kimuru movement attacks.
Changed sell value on Windfish meat that was to low.
Siege weapons now more correctly find the ground if fired from very high ground.
Light shafts when dead are now red and get removed if they are way to far away from you. This could possibly solve the issues some AMD users have with FPS when dead.
Mindblast now causes head explosions.
Tweaked Scythes head tracing for better hit detection.
Increased drop in Elemental Priest.
Elite mages no longer cast fire spit.
Mage NPC's now only prefers ranged attacks rather then going unarmed melee.
Tweaked the Ai bow range.
Tweaked the range on Ai spell thunderbolt.
Reduced the stone throw attack range on Risars.
Removed the TC deed drops.
Balanced heavy and sawtooth daggers heads
Balanced heavy and Triple spear heads.
Balanced lance heads.
Balanced great, hand and Kall great axe heads.
Increased durability on lances.
Spear heads can no longer be fitted on dagger handles.
Only lance heads can now be fitted on Lance handles.
Removed rod slot from fishing UI, because it was meaningless.
Increased Patrol post HP
Slightly lowered respawn timer on TC guards.
Alert Towers now alert for unbuilt siege weapons as well.
Alert Tower Sentinels are now stationary.
Increased Metal wall physic damage resist by 25%
Increased Stone wall physic damage resist by 10%
Made Myrland terrain a bit darker during night time.
The Kimuru is now much more vulnerable to magic.

Trading a pet to a new player will now correctly update the pets flag.
Fixed issue that made it so that seeds would sometimes not save the correct mount on TS farmers.
Fixed a placement bug when placing structures. This gave you a error message telling you the structures was intersecting something when it wasn't.
Fix for stolen items that got none-stolen when "washed" through a second character.
Improved magic targeting system.
Fixed issue where you would always successfully cast spells if you had the minimum required skill.
Optimized some of the item handling.
Fixed possible issue in the code that could cause invisible items.
Fixed spinning issue when you mounted a mount while being bumped by another mounted player.
You will now correctly get prominence when killing mobs with magic.
Stolen items now actually shown as stolen in the inventory.
Stolen items can no longer be placed in banks even in the UI.
Green Spica icon is no longer too big.
Alt to selfcast now correctly works with spiritism.
Fixed icons for Conger Eel and Skull Kua.
Fixed Ratzar Alate not moving when attacked.
Fixed an invisible wall inside Huegar cave, now it's actually visible.
Fixed Keep NPC's falling through the floor in Myrland keep basements.
Fixed so that items don't go missing until you exit fishing mode when un-equipping line/hook/bait.
Equipping a bait is no longer required for fishing.
Equipping a bait that is not in the bait list will now result in a message, and will actually be equipped.
UI for placing a workbench in a house is now much more reliable and consistent.
Fixed chat messages of length between 114 and 128 being cut off at the end.
Skills UI now getting proper XP updates so that bar showing progress to next level works better.
"Reset UI" works better.
New pets no longer show as "DEAD" after a pet has been dead.
Trade broker items sold from a bag inside a bank will no longer go directly to buyer's bank when bought.


¿Pero ya en steam o no? :psyduck:

2 respuestas

#825 Lee el título del hilo, por favor



1 respuesta

#827 :qq: :qq: :qq:

2 meses después

Pongo un vídeo que he montado con clips viejos que tenia guardados.


Sigue siendo pay to win este juego?


Nunca lo ha sido, es un juego con mensualidad, que te ofrece poder probarlo sin limite de tiempo.

2 meses después

Y la nigromancia por fin llego:


Added Necromancy magic school.
Added an arena system to Tindrem Arena with a simple wager system.
Added Rituals
Added Sturdy mount mutation with 20% more HP.
Added Viable mount mutation with higher Health regen.
Added Thick Skin mount mutation with +20% defense.
Added sanity checks to etherworld spirit capturing.
Added 16 new titles.
Added a tracking of some new stats.
Re-added the missing banner flag.
Community capes added to veteran point shop list.
Added an arena banker.


You no longer need to run Mortal Online using the launcher.
Base max stamina increased by 60 on all characters.
Stamina regeneration penalty has been increased for armor above 14 in weight.
Exceptional mount mutation now gives 20% extra stats rather then 10.
Handle hits now deal a lot less damage.
Magic aim now uses more traces.
Sprint will no longer break when falling.
Removed velocity given to players when they where hit.
Spiritist titles are now unlocked using the skill rather then a stat.
Default pet mode is now passive again.
Daggers no longer handle hits.
Tweaked weapon head meshes for better hit detection.


Made sure bred mounts never become exceptional.
Fixed step-up issue with gates where you could end up on top of the gate when it opened.
You can no longer control your mount while changing gear etc
Fixed several issues with bags on the trade broker timing out.
Fixed issue with mercy shown stat not correctly updating.
Fixed issue with cooking stat not correctly increasing.
Fixed issue where you couldn't decline friend requests.
Fixed issue where you could hit a blue mounted players mount while having the "don't damage blue" option on.
Fixed possible issue with local flags and duels where players could spawn kill their opponent over and over.
Sorted issues with etherworld spirits on node lines.
Fixed issue where constitution wasn't controlled by the cap when breeding mounts.
Green (but actually red) loin cloth removed from veteran point shop list.
Fixed typo in whisper notifications.
The Sarducaa bug carcasses now have their correct Zoology lores.
Fixed 100's of floating items.


Uno de los mejores parches en años!


Lo poco que he leido pinta bien, puede que me de por. Olver, aunque sea un mes.


En las notas faltan muchas cosas que han añadido, eventos nuevos npc y tal pero bueno eso entra dentro de las sorpresas, el nuevo balanceo es la polla, lets go!

1 comentario moderado
9 meses después

Parche importante con housing muy desarrollado, haz la casa de tus sueños.

1 año después

Ayer lanzaron el battle royale xD

1 mes después

Buenos días!! Como he decidido volver al mortal ya que no hay nada ni remotamente parecido voy a intentar mantener esto actualizado con los nuevos parches y contenido, primero de todo anunciar que están trabajando en un newbie island donde podras desarrollar tu personaje con una cierta tranquilidad y algunas quest de guía al principio, han cambiado desde ya la distribución de las skills, ahora puedes hacer muchas más cosas con un solos personaje, osea que será mucho más viable, están empezándo con el revamp gráfico, en este caso han empezado con las ciudades kurite,



The Khurite villages have gotten a graphical update!


Breathing Technique no longer has a minimum prerequisite to learn the skill.
Footspeed no longer has a minimum prerequisite to learn the skill.

Athletics is now a secondary skill.
Sprinting is now a primary skill.

Sprinting is now a parent skill to footspeed.
Sprinting is now a parent skill to Armor Training.

Riding skill is now a secondary skill.
Controlled riding is now a primary skill.
Controlled riding is now a parent skill to Swift riding.
Controlled riding is now a parent skill to Mounted Combat.
Controlled riding is now a parent skill to Mounted Archery.

Mining is now a secondary skill.
Woodcutting is now a secondary skill.
Butchery is now a secondary skill.

Handle and pole crafting is now a secondary skill.
Weapon crafting is now the parent skill to handle and pole crafting.
Advanced Blade Crafting is now a secondary skill.

Mammal Skin Lore is now a secondary skill.
Skeleton Lore is now a secondary skill.
Flesh Lore is now a secondary skill.
Advanced Metals are now a secondary skill.
Primata is now a secondary skill.

Dairy Products Lore is now a secondary skill.
Arthropod Produce Lore is now a secondary skill.


Moved the Khurite Scout Armor set to Armor crafting.
Moved the Tindremic Scale Armor set to Soft Armor crafting.

Woodcutting trinket skill is now changed to Advanced Cooking skill.
Mining trinket skill is now changed to Fishing skill.
Riding trinket skill is now changed to Controlled Riding skill.
Athlethic trinket skill is now changed to Sprinting skill.


Decreased the effective aggro range on Ritual Pets such as Tupilaks, Death Knights and Shades by half,
making them not chase players extreme distances without having the owner following as these pets
don't use loyalty, and to also give normal Pets something they do better than Ritual pets.


Fixed an issue where TC NPC’s sometimes flew up in the sky.
Fixed a bug where the Beast Influence skill would give insane range to pets.

PD: si alguien necesita algo podéis contactar conmigo por privado, saludos!

7 meses después

buenas noticias, para todos aquello que probaron mortal y se sintieron un poco frustrados, mortal a cambiado para los nuevos jugadores, han lanzado una nueva isla llamada heaven, donde el pvp esta desactivado y podras desarrollar tu personaje amasar riquezas y experiencia en este nuevo mundo, cuando estes listo todo tu invenario a si como banco y personaje pasaran al mundo normal, este mundo es extenso y contiene muchos secretos no es una simple zona de inicio, saludos y os dejo todos los detalles en este enlace:

1 respuesta

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