[SWTOR] Star Wars: The Old Republic - Legacy 1.2


#59 depende los de legacy son awesomes! x fin un guardian con el traje del que sale en portada!


Yep, yo me terminare de subir el malgus like :D. Mwhaha, me subiré todos en realidad xD.


The Hype is strong on you


Pinta bastante bien la cosa, hay ganas de wz ranked.




A mí ya de por sí me encanta este juego, antes de la release lo critiqué a saco, pero me tuve que retractar totalmente, me lo paso pipa. Y este parche promete muchísimo, especialmente me hace ilusión lo de las warzones rankeadas, ya que este juego es el único que ha conseguido que el PvP no me raye nada. Me gusta tanto que no presto atención al Pve además de algunas flashpoint HM y alguna OP normal mode (aunque tampoco es que tenga muchas oportunidades en mi server de ello xD)

Y por parte de Bioware me parece bien que esté haciendo caso a peticiones de los jugadores, que nos escuchen, y que estén poniendo empeño en resolver problemas como los bajos fps y demás.

Lo único que espero es que esas migraciones previstas para Abril después de las de Asia Pacífico sean ciertas y pueda salir del Rusiatown en el que ando, para disfrutar el juego al 100%


Guapisimo el video real hecho por fans xD http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Ppn89Nc29PQ

1 respuesta

#68 Parece que mejorar bastante los gráficos, no?

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#69 Es una de las mejoras de la 1.2. Texturas HD reales.

1 respuesta

#70 Sólo en los PJ's mejora los gráficos. Los gráficos HD "reales" sólo los ponen ellos en los vídeos de presentación que yo sepa. Los gráficos Full HD se esperan para algo más a largo plazo, según comunicaron.


Lo del Legacy es lo mas awesome visto hasta el momento en un MMO de esta generacion.


a mi el sistema set ranked no me convence...

me pareceria mas justo por nivel de valor

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#73 Por nivel de valor al final se equipa hasta el más manco. Aparte, con el sistema de valor te dan un gear que es farming only, el otro que requiere rating es por skin.

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#74 y el sistema ranked se equipa hasta el alter del clan mas tocho.....siendo nivel 20 pvp tocate los huevos, todos no tenemos clanes de 20 integrantes 24 horas conectados...

el nivel de valor almenos requiere echarle horas, el otro con que estes en un clan chupipandi y te farmeen la bgs ya tienes el mejor set del juego..

al menos este sistema que intentan copiarlo del wow, estan en arenas donde el obejtivo es matar y no puede ir el equipo contrario con alters sin equipo pq lo bajan en 3 sec...

1 respuesta

#75 La idea es hacer un e-sport, no es otra que esa. Y obviamente eso significa jugar con lo mejor que tienes. El equipo que requiere rating dudo mucho que cualquiera pueda cogerlo. Eso sí, lo suyo sería que aparte de pedir rating, pidiera Valor Rank, así todos contentos.

Si estás en un clan chupipandi es que mereces estar en ese clan, ni más, ni menos. Pocos casos serán contrarios a ese.

Nadie intenta copiar al WoW, el WoW tiene su propio e-sport que son las Arenas y BGR, como otros tantos juegos/MMO. Lo suyo sería hacer también un e-sport a más baja escala en el TOR, para así ser más accesible a más gente. Como por ejemplo, un 4vs4.

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#76 no se si sabreis que la unica diferencia que hay en el set war hero normal respecto al set ranked es puramente estético no? vamos de hecho solo cambia el color y fiesta..

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#77 Me dado cuenta. Me hubiera gustado que diera un poco más de Stats, pero es lo que hay para esta season supongo.

PD: Para comprar el equipo de WH se requiere el de BM, con lo que al menos hay que tener Valor Rank 60. Para quien no lo sepa.


no entiendo pq nerfean tanto a los healer para la 1.2 por los foros dicen que es por el pve el nerfeo, sin sentido macho


Por el PVE? Pero si precisamente en el PVE el unico healer en condiciones que hay es el Sorc/sade, el resto pf...

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#80 Por eso, para que estén todos al mismo nivel xD.

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#81 Pues es una pifia, pero habrá que ver los cambios a nivel máximo, equipo, etc... Porque vamos, clases como el IA/Smuggler no necesitaban precisamente un nerf en su rama de healing pura. El Sorc, si.


Update en el PTS 1.2 27/3

Classes and Combat


  • Corrected an issue that prevented healing ability tooltips from taking skill tree investments into account.

Flashpoints and Operations


Lost Island

  • Loot drops in Lost Island have been improved are now more appropriate for this Flashpoint's difficulty.
  • The Putrid Shaclaw's "Rot Gas" attack effect now indicates the attack's radius correctly.
  • The Putrid Shaclaw's Vile Shaclaw minions no longer respawn mid-fight.


Eternity Vault

  • Annihilation Droid XRR-3's "Burning (Physical)" damage over time has been renamed "Burning" to accurately reflect that it cannot be removed.
  • Corrected an issue that could prevent Soa from spawning on the last platform after releasing players from Mind Traps.

Explosive Conflict

  • Transmission dialogues now play correctly in this Operation.
  • Tanks who use Force Leap or similar abilities no longer have the "standing on a hovertank" buff removed when leaping from the Firebrand to the Stormcaller.
  • The Stormcaller Tank's damage output has been reduced, making healing slightly easier during this encounter.
  • Imperial Demolitions Droids no longer target players using the probe scanner.
  • Several tooltips related to NPC and boss abilities in this Operation have been updated to provide more information.



  • Most War Hero gear now requires a piece of Battlemaster gear for purchase.
  • The War Hero (Rated) chest, head, legs, hands, and feet items now come with empty modification slots. They can be purchased for Ranked Warzone Commendations. The wrist and belt items are still purchased by trading in the equivalent non-ranked item and spending Ranked Warzone Commendations, and cases of non-equivalent stats have been corrected.


  • Champion PvP vendors are now labeled as "Recruit" PvP vendors.


  • The character model in the Legacy tree now continues to animate if the player closes and re-opens the window.
  • The "Companion Dance" Legacy emote now causes the companion to dance upon first use after summoning that companion.
  • Corrected an issue that could cause hair or facial features of Species unlocked via Legacy to clip through headgear.

Missions and NPCs


  • Adjustments have been made to some cinematics that had minor issues.
  • Some missions that had improper or missing map notes have been updated.

World Missions


  • Chasing the Shadow: The boss in this mission no longer becomes stuck in a looping animation if players stand in a particular location during this encounter.
  • The End of Torvix: Corrected an issue that prevented all players in a group from completing this mission.
  • Nightmare Pilgrim (World Boss) now drops loot quantities appropriate for 16-player groups.



  • Corrected an issue that prevented kill credit (for the kill count statistic) from being granted to all players participating in a PvP encounter.
  • Level 50 players are no longer eligible for leveling PvP missions.


  • The amount of medals needed to perform a medal streak has been increased to 8, 14, and 18.
  • Corrected an issue that could prevent some Huttball and Voidstar matches from ending on the Public Test Server.
  • The number of Attacker Objective Points gained for capturing turrets in Alderaan Civil War and the emplacements in Novare Coast have been reduced, but the number of points granted for defeating players who are defending an objective have been increased.
  • Players now receive Defender Objective Points more frequently while defending doors in the Voidstar, but receive a smaller number of points each time they are granted.
  • Corrected an error in ratings calculation for players who leave a Warzone early or join one in progress.
  • Players now correctly receive Dauntless medals for winning a Warzone within a certain timeframe.
  • Experience gained from Warzones has been decreased to bring it in-line with other activities.
  • Players who leave a Ranked Warzone before the end of the match are no longer able to queue for another Warzone for 5 minutes.

Alderaan Civil War

  • Turret audio no longer "stacks" on itself during this Warzone.

Novare Coast

  • Control region names now correctly match objectives.


  • Voidstar matches now wait until the pre-match is over before starting the countdown to close if there are too few players.

World PvP

  • Items with Mercenary Commendation purchase costs have been removed or converted to have Warzone Commendation costs.
  • Players can still trade Mercenary Commendations for Warzone Commendations. 10 Mercenary Commendations can be traded for 10 Warzone Commendations.


  • The Battle for Ilum Daily and Weekly missions can no longer be shared.

The Outlaws' Den (Tatooine)

  • PvP treasure chests on Tatooine now drop Warzone Commendations, with a chance to drop Recruit PvP gear.
  • The Ilum PvP Territory Control Tutorial no longer displays.



  • Character portraits no longer appear completely black in some instances while using the Very Low shader complexity option.
  • Corrected an issue that prevented some chat errors from displaying properly.

Galactic Trade Network

  • Players can now compare items on the GTN or in mail to items equipped by their companion.

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes

  • Several text errors (missing or incorrect text) have been fixed.
  • Some minor art issues have been addressed.
  • Corrected an issue that could cause the camera to become jittery when colliding with objects in the world.
  • An issue that could cause character models to appear invisible while wearing some armor models with the Very Low Shader setting enabled has been addressed.
  • Corrected an issue that could cause weapons to shift incorrectly in character hands while moving.
  • An issue that could cause cloth to stretch incorrectly while riding speeder bikes has been fixed.
  • Corrected an issue that could prevent conversation audio from playing.

Alderaan Civil War
The speeder bikes that transported players to the East and West turrets have been removed.




2 respuestas

PvP 1.2: http://www.swtor.com/news/blog/20120330.

Un poco más de aclaración.

#85 ¿Esto será del April's Fool Day no? Vaya tela, como se lo han currado XD.


#85 Que hdp xDDDDDDDDD


Que tal el motor grafico en la 1.2? por que yo en bg's mi pc muere

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#88 http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=387008

Una mejora de entre 5 y 10 fps en warzones con un pc modesto ( dual core, 4gb , ATI 6850 )

1 respuesta

#89 imaginate un i7... que ganas

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