Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade #HO | War Never Changes




Marines Espaciales
Marines Espaciales del Caos

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#840 La CD key la registras en Steam y se te activa el juego para descargarlo y instalarlo. Esos 4K de puntos son dinero en el juego que se utilizan para skins de petrechos y armas.


#839 eso esta hecho. Tienen que ver quien manda en la galaxia ;).
Recordar que los vídeos se guardan un tiempo por si queréis verlos y criticarlos XD.
Un saludo
Suin daellae


Mi ultima duda. esta jugable o crashea mucho?(tema fps y demás)

seria con un 2500k+8gb+1060

2 respuestas

#843 Tengo un i5 2500K, 8GB y una 660 y juego con los gráficos al máximo sin problemas, lo puse en medio y mínimo para probar como en OW pero no me gusto, pierdes mucha calidad.

Deja de hacerte el remolón y venga, que mañana es fiesta y te pegas toda la ludada esta noche.


#843 Estaba indeciso y me gusta, pero lo dicho, siguen faltando modos, mapas y optimización. Lo veo más que una beta pero no como juego terminado.

Si te gusta el universo WH, te echas tus horas y no te importa el contenido inacabado, pero por 30 euros lo pasas un poco por encima.

1 respuesta

#845 creo que mañana caerá xD

Solo una cosa no me gusta según los videos que me habéis dejado.

Las cosas cosméticas solo las puedes pillar pagando o puedes ir comprando cofres para pillar skins con dinero de jugar?

1 respuesta

#846 las skins de pj de momento q yo sepa solo pagando.
Skins de armas en cajas con tokens del juego
Suin daellae


Ostia tio, tienen que tocar a los eldar a la de ya. Los marines del Caos los veo bien porque tienen su historia en el tema de la disformidad y armas embrujadas, pero los Marines espaciales están bastante atrás. Creo que su forma sería mejorarlos en la supervivencia un huevo más.

O meter armas mucho más mejoradas o municiones, Hellfire, Kraken etc..

Ni con la primera armadura y 200 perks de armadura aguanto una mierda.


Por cierto, la actualización esta de 450mb alguien sabe de qué es?

3 respuestas

A mi lo que me quema es que las armas a distancia normales, tienen una precision de mierda.

Te coges un arma a melee, y con estar cerca de un enemigo, spameas el boton de atacar y lo matas incluso acercandote a el.

Podrian al menos requerir algo de skill o presisar un poco mas...

1 respuesta

#849 Nerf a los eldar entre otras cosas


#849 Update + Hotfix 1.0.10a Face/On Edition - Oct 11

Update: Hotfix deployed today at 1PM EST. The Eldar had a Face/Off moment which is addressed and server crashes. We continue addressing server side performance and networks performance till next patch next week that addressed a wealth of performance, balancing, old and new Wargear aligned with our October focus here:

  • Fixes to a rare occurrence of a server-side crash related to Morale Buff from Standards
  • 234000 Adrenaline vial's damage mod was changed to multiplicative instead of additive but the mod was not adjusted to be greater than 1.
  • 234057 tweaked upper body for the eldar
  • eldar reward scene update
  • bug fix for reward scene DOF
  • Fixed issue where the Choppa Blade had a 2x Force multiplier on back attacks (now 1x).
  • Matched asset to icon glows and colors
  • CM reward chests glow
  • Add missing standard builder in Ork Blueprint
  • Morale accuracy standard was increasing accuracy by 95% instead of 5%.
  • Fix for Dire Avenger Helmet
  • Fix for Helmet colors
  • Fix for missing mask
  • Fix for HB mask
  • Fix for change to helmet.
  • Work on Eldar helmets.
  • Created a new Venerable Eldar Power Sword and set it to use the old version's GUID.

Love, Oveur.

---- Original message ----

Steam BuildID: 1378785

(For those who are having issues when patching the game, you can verify that you have the correct version by matching the BuildID above with what you have listed in the "Properties" window, under the "Local Files" tab. If it's the same, you're good! If it's not the same, you would need to force an update by either logging out/in Steam, or choosing "Verify Integrity of Game Cache" from "Local Files" tab.)

New and Noteworthy Additions:

-Tons of balance changes!

-PVE tweaks and adjustments (hard mode still hard!)

-Visual updates on character selection screen + Supply box opening!

-Lots of bug fixes!

Gameplay Tweaks/Improvements:

-PVE: Ranged Tyranids were a bit too precise with their shots… this has been tuned slightly.

-The Preset Apothecary now has the Apothecarion Beacon.

-All Wargear 2 items for Space Marines above 50LP have had their costs reduced.

-All time-based and AoE buffs no longer stack (this was a bug). Only channeled heal buffs stack now, and only up to 2.

Weapon Tuning:

Space Marines

-Narthecium Vial effects can no longer stack.

-The Apothecarion Beacon's area of effect radius has been reduced from 10.0m to 5.8m to match the particle effect.

-The Abiding Beacon's area of effect radius has been reduced from 10.0m to 5.8m to match the particle effect.

-Rites of Fire's (Crozius Arcanum) weapon modification slots have been removed.

-Imperial Justice's (Power Fist) point cost increased from 600 to 700 to be equivalent to the Master Crafted Power Fist.

-Rites of Fire's (Crozius Arcanum) ablaze reduced from 60 to 20 per hit.

-Reduced Tier 2 Combat Knife durability from 125 to 75; and durability regen from 25 to 12.5 per second.

-Increased Tier 2 Combat Knife loadout point cost from 40 to 50 to match similar weapons in other factions.

-Adrenaline Vial's damage bonus now applies multiplicatively rather than additively (the value of the bonus was not updated correctly to coincide with the multiplicative bonus).

-Medallion of Vigour's (Wargear 2) point cost has been reduced from 150 to 120.

-Medallion of the Tacticum's (Wargear 2) point cost has been reduced from 150 to 120.

-Refractor Medallion's (Wargear 2) point cost has been reduced from 150 to 120.

-Reductor Medallion's (Wargear 2) point cost has been reduced from 150 to 120.

-Collar of the Pursuer's (Wargear 2) point cost has been reduced from 300 to 240.

-Standard of Solidarity (Standard) and Standard of Prominence's (Founder Captain Standard) damage reduction mod reduced from 10% to 5%.

-Standard of Certainty's (Tactical Standard) stationary and moving spread mods reduced from 10% to 5%.

-Standard of Purgation's (Ground Assault Standard) melee damage mod reduced from 15% to 6%.

-Standard of Blasting's (Tactical Standard) ranged damage mod reduced from 8% to 6%.

Chaos Space Marines

-Hysterical Frenzy's (Psychic Power) area of effect heal around the primary target no longer stacks.

-Reduced Tier 2 Combat Knife durability from 125 to 75; and durability regen from 25 to 12.5 per second.

-Icon of Despair's (Standard) damage reduction mod reduced from 10% to 5%.

-Icon of Excess' (Traitor Standard) stationary and moving spread mods reduced from 10% to 5%.

-Icon of Wrath's (Traitor Assault Standard) melee damage mod reduced from 15% to 6%.

-Icon of Flame's (Traitor Standard) ranged damage mod reduced from 8% to 6%.

-Icon of Vengeance (Standard) and Icon of Terror's (Founder Captain Standard) melee damage mod reduced from 8% to 3%; ranged damage mod reduced from 5% to 3%.

-Icon of Vengeance (Standard) and Icon of Terror's (Founder Captain Standard) ranged damage mod changed from additive to multiplicative.


-Embolden (Psychic Power) can no longer be stacked.

-Protect (Psychic Power) can no longer stack.

-Renewer's (Psychic Power) area of effect heal around the primary target no longer stacks.

-Reduced Tier 2 Ceremonial Knife durability from 125 to 75; and durability regen from 25 to 12.5 per second.

-Warp Hunter's health reduced from 11250 to 8437.5. Health regeneration reduced from 18.75 to 14.0625.

-Khaine's Censure Banner (Standard) and Reclamation Banner's (Founder Captain Standard) damage reduction mod reduced from 10% to 5%.

-The Glory & Pride of Asuryan's (Dire Avenger Standard) stationary and moving spread mods reduced from 10% to 5%.

-The Last Hope's (Dire Avenger Standard) armour regen delay mod reduced from 30% to 5%.

-Cegorach's Lesson's (Eldar Howling Banshee and Striking Scorpion Standard) melee damage mod reduced from 15% to 6%.

-The Unsleeping Eye's (Dire Avenger Standard) ranged damage mod reduced from 8% to 6%.


-Syringes Vial effects can no longer stack.

-The Dok Bomb's area of effect radius has been reduced from 10.0m to 5.8m to match the particle effect.

-Ork Knuckle visuals (except the Founder version) have been revised.

-Reduced Tier 2 Spiked Knuckle durability from 125 to 75 and durability regen from 25 to 12.5 per second.

-Shieldy Bosspole (Standard) and FOUNDER BANNAAA's (Founder Captain Standard) damage reduction mod reduced from 10% to 5%.

-Choppy Bosspole's (Slugga Standard) melee damage mod reduced from 15% to 6%.

-Shooty Bosspole (Shoota Standard) ranged damage mod reduced from 8% to 6%.

Weapon Mods

-Melee weapon damage mods reduced from a 20% damage increase to 5%.

-Melee weapon strong attack damage mods : Tuned down from a 200% damage increase to 175% (of base damage).

Vehicle Changes:

-All siege vehicles have had their health reduced by 25%: health reduced from 11250 to 8437.5. Health regeneration reduced from 18.75 to 14.0625.

Menu/UI/Chat Window Improvements:

-Modified the message when buying RTC on UAT so it's obvious to players it won't get transferred on LIVE. UAT RTC is for testing, LIVE RTC is for fighting!

Art/Visual Improvements:

-Each faction has their own base/platform on the character select screen!

-Improvements were made to Eldar running animations.

Audio Improvements:

-Interactive music now resets when killed inside this interactive music zone (e.g. Cap point areas).

-Melta /Fusion weapon wind-ups now have SFX!

-Psychic spells that use hand movements now have improved audio.

Server/Backend/Steam Improvements:

-A warparty leader was no longer in a warparty after cancelling a queue. This should no longer happen with our recent changes to matchmaking!


-Another sweep of corrections/adjustments to translations across all supported languages.

Bug Fixes:

-Agnathio: Fixed an exploit that allowed Eldar tanks inside Point B. Tanks/vehicles of any kind are not intended to be inside cap points and is considered an exploit! We may need to start taking action on players doing this regularly …

-Agnathio: Fixed a small ledge that was preventing proper navigation near the attacker spawn area.

-Blackbolt: The maglifts on the exterior wall next to Point A were partially inside the wall base. This has been fixed!

-Blackbolt: Fixed an exploit that allowed Eldar tanks inside Point C.

-Harkus: Fixed an LOD bug when playing as the Orks (the two giant Ork standards on Capture Point A were aggressively popping into view).

-Harkus: The maglifts at the wall across from Point A were partially inside the wall base. This has been fixed!

-Maggon: Fixed a hole in the lower section of the bridge between Point B and C where players could become trapped in.

-Olipsis: Fixed a bug that prevented players from shooting through the barred archway near Point A.

-Olipsis: Fixed a vaulting bug with the barricades near the electrical pits in the middle of the map.

-All maps: Fixed a number of navigation/vaulting issues in areas that look like they should be vault-able/climb-able across several maps.

-All maps: Fixed lots of visual/cosmetic bugs with LODs, floating objects, visible seams and one-sided textures.

-All maps: Addressed a lot of missing/excess/misaligned collision.

-All maps: Fixed the over-bright effect in certain spots in several maps.

-Fixed Ork Trukks that would sometimes spawn non-functional and would be out of bounds.

-Fixed incorrect leader Standard buffs being applied in specific circumstances.

-Seems like the Hell's Breach Plasma Cannon decayed a little too much and was missing some parts... This has been fixed!

-Fixed up some incorrect lore reference text in some weapon/item descriptions, along with spelling/grammar errors on a few others.

-Fixed a few incorrect or missing icons for items/weapons.

-Fixed a bug with the Mark of Khorne where it wasn’t working correctly with some loadout setups.

-Fixed some Advancement’s placement/layout, based on rank or requirements.

-Fixed a LP budget bug on a certain item for the Apothecary.

-The Ork Pokkit Rokkit Launcha was able to be braced on railings. This was not intended and has been fixed!

-Fixed a bug that prevented certain wargear/trinkets from being equippable on some classes.

-Fixed the stats tracking for some of the “Scout” series of achievements that weren’t unlocking correctly.

-Fixed a couple of potential exploits with certain weapon + mod combinations along with other specific items.

-Fixed a really bad vulnerability to the Plasma Cannon when using shields.

-PVE: Fixed Mark of Khorne still denying healing effects after switching loadouts.

-PVE: There was a progression blocker that would happen in one of the PVE paths caused by Tyranids crawling out of the map. This has been fixed!

-Potentially fixed the crash on the Guilds screen with very highly populated guilds! PG, you’re gonna have to tell us if it’s fixed :p

-Fixed a display bug where the XP shown on the Battle Report was not the same as XP on the HUB screen.

-Addressed an aiming bug with the Eldar when peeking-and-shooting with certain weapons.

-The burning rune item for the Dark Reaper did not illuminate the entire sign of the shrine on the character's helmet. This has been fixed!

-Fixed a few incorrectly aligned Torso appearances for CSM and SM.

-Fixed an audio bug that could occur when using the jump pack then cancelling it by attacking.

-When using a consumable item, Eldar would not make sound. This should now be fixed!

-Execution music now triggered for victims!

-You should no longer hear audio artifacts during the loading screen (e.g. distant gunshots, cannon exploisions, etc).

-The out of bounds warning now has its audio indicator back!

-Fixed the missing heavy weapon ammo belt in menus and after spawning from a vehicle.

-Fixed a crash that would occur when pulling out headphones while in-game.

-Downing an enemy with a melee weapon and then killing him with a gun after they've been resurrected will show incorrect info on the Death Screen. This has been fixed!

-Fixed an audio volume bug when deploying during the end of a match (the character's taunt/deployment line was hard to hear over the music).

-Fixed a couple of incorrectly priced LP on some RTC weapons, that were not matching their play-to-earn equivalent. Yay to preventing P2W!

-Addressed a few incorrect animations when using pistols from behind low cover with certain factions.

-Fixed the missing Squad Leader icons for Orks and Elder.

For a list of all past patch notes and to see new patch notes posted first/faster than on Steam, have a look at our ->official forum<-[forum.eternalcrusade.com].


#850 autolock y spameo, fest points.


#849 El nerfeo ya fue el viernes pero fue general y sobre todo el Stakeo de buffs. Este míni hotfix son arreglos de animación sobre todo y poco más. Es la primera parte que pone 4aug.
Pero no os preocupéis, los marines lloraran más y nos nerfearan más ;).
Un saludo
Suin daellae

1 respuesta

#854 Supuestamente nerfean a los Eldar y el melee en general y después de unas partidas lo sigo viendo igual de op.

No veo tanto a los Caos o los Orkos (ojo que los orkos también tienen lo suyo) De las 4 razas, los marines están los ultimos, innegable eso.

2 respuestas

#855 si el viernes pasado fue por que pone la build del viernes también. Pero nerfearan muchas cosas almenos no se ve mucho el nerfeo Eldar pero ya te digo que se nota ;).
Suin Daellae


#855 Los Eldars ya están bastante nerfeados y se nota bastante, tienes que moverte muy bien para no morir de un golpe. En cambio los orkos son inmortales y nadie se queja de ellos.

La mitad de la comunidad juega Marines y tienes de todo, de buenos a muy malos jugadores, cuando te tocan estos últimos en tu equipo, cualquier raza te parecerá op.

1 respuesta

#857 Haber, tengo el mejor bolter que se puede tener al parecer, y hablo de gastar 30 de las 40 balas, a melee, sin fallar nada a un brujo o espectro aullante y a veces no morir. No me joder. Que los orkos están jodidos también, pues si, pero veo más normal que un orko no meta tanto y aguante bastante.

Fallos para mi en el juego, el plasma está op, los eldar están op, y el melee está roto y op.

1 respuesta

#858 Ya te digo yo que no has dado con 30 balas a nadie y ha seguido vivo, problemas con hit detection puede haber pero no tan grandes.

1 respuesta

#859 El hitbox de los eldar es más raro que el de el resto, a parte de que es el más pequeño. Son los más ágiles, pero no implica que tengan que sobrevivir más, no deberían.


Acabo de hacer el tutorial y un par de partidas con mi marine espacial, matando a los malditos eldar "ninjas chetaos" y la verdad que esta bastante bien el juego.

Por ahora mi única pega es el rendimiento ya que me va peor en low que en ultra xD. Pero eso es una cosa que imagino tienen pensado en solucionar.

Como puedo probar el modo pve? necesito algún requisito?


2 respuestas

#861 No, simplemete ves al mapa y desde alli podrás darle a lo del PvE, pero te advierto que es una soberana mierda, ademas no merece la pena la experiencia que dan.


#861 en mapa del mundo ----> Ir a guerra -------> Tercera opción empezansl por arriba. Es un modo difícil y es cierto no dan mucha experiencia pero cambia. XD.


Me encanta el juego, pero me matan muchísimo xD y además con los últimos drivers de nvidia el drop de fps se reduce bastante. (pero aun le falta optimización al juego)

Una duda.

Como os defendéis de un atacante melee? algunos me matan de dos toñas y no consigo hacer nada.

3 respuestas

#864 No hay defensa posible. Las armas a melee tienen una mecanica horrible


#864 la teoría es..... Los ataques fuertes detienen los bloqueos, los bloqueos detienen los ataques rápidos y los rápidos a los fuertes.
Se supone XD
Suin Daellae


#864 Si no entras en un trance de lag horrible y eres capaz de pillarle la dinámica de los golpes puedes hacerle counter usando bloqueo contra ataques rápidos y ataques rápidos contra sus ataques fuertes.
Por suerte la melée es tan para tontos que normalmente la gente se dedica a machacar el ataque rápido y cuando les bloqueas siguen machacando. Si llevas un personaje que dispare (no de armas pesadas) contra un personaje de melée prueba a bloquear, rodar hacia atrás y disparar. No tendrás oportunidad contra alguien con un arma de verdad con tu lamentable cuchillito.


¿Como puedo hacer el tutorial? Me tuve que ir cuando estaba en cola para entrar y ahora no tengo ni idea de cómo volver a apuntarme para hacerlo.

Por cierto, ¿es normal que cuando dispare con el bolter la precisión sea una basura? Es decir, cuando disparo, me da la sensación que la mitad de las balas que disparo no van hacia donde está la mirilla del ratón. No sé si es porque tengo el bolter básico que te dan nada más o empezar o si son cosas mías.

Un saludo :D


Deberíais tener en cuenta que es vuestro counter natural, es normal que os ganen 1vs1 cuerpo a cuerpo.

Link al foro oficial por si queréis presentaros y buscar gente: https://forum.eternalcrusade.com/threads/lista-de-jugadores-hispanohablantes.31770/page-19

Id poniendo vuestras ID's por si hacemos un grupo de MV, en patrulla te diviertes mucho mas.

1 respuesta

https://forum.eternalcrusade.com/threads/twitch-october-14.59567/ Primeras imagenes de los terminator mañana en stream.

Usuarios habituales

  • NaRcO
  • Vandalus
  • Thaemir
  • 4ug
  • Agaliareph
  • JoramRTR
  • Celonius