Recopilatorio MV (Metal Extremo)



Esta idea fructifico con el R&B, esperemos que la gente heavy sea igual de seria y no nos tomen por mierdas...

El caso es que yo pongo una cancion con el 1. y el que me sigue debe copiar mi cancion mas una suya, eso si, de metal extremo, ya se haran de mas cosas.

Asi cuando llegue al ultimo tendremos el recopilata MV y el que quiera se lo hace y el que no pos lo mira na mas.


  1. In Flames - December Flower
  1. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds

PD: pongo esa por poner solo 1, si no pondría 1000.


Explico de nuevo el tema, copien la del anterior y sigan la cadena.

Quedaria asi por ahora:

  1. In Flames - December Flower
  2. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds


Y #2, Sencillamente por comodidad, no seamos mazocas, porque la gente nueva e incluso yo, no tenemos ganas de buscar en ciento y pico paginas para un recopilatorio, ponemos en el buscador recopilatorio y tan felices si encontramos esto.

Alli hay que seguir todo al dia sino te pierdes, y es mas bien pa actualidad, conciertos, reviews y demas.


  1. In Flames - December Flower
  2. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds
  3. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell

tios pero sigan la cadena....
tanto no cuesta copiar lo del anterior
y poner un puto 3. y el titulo...
asi hasta el final

  1. In Flames - December Flower
  2. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds
  3. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell

Tanto no cuesta hacer esto creo yo, los de R&B lo entendieron perfectamente...

El siguiente que copie y pegue estos 3 y aporte un cuarto...., asi sucesivamente...

  1. In Flames - December Flower
  2. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds
  3. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
  4. Nile - Sacrifice Unto Sebek

¿Vale repetir grupos? Bah, mejor no, así conocemos grupos nuevos.

  1. In Flames - December Flower
  2. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds
  3. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
  4. Nile - Sacrifice Unto Sebek
  5. Sepultura - Inner Self
  1. In Flames - December Flower
  2. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds
  3. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
  4. Nile - Sacrifice Unto Sebek
  5. Sepultura - Inner Self
  6. Orchidectomy - Celestial Excruation
  1. In Flames - December Flower
  2. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds
  3. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
  4. Nile - Sacrifice Unto Sebek
  5. Sepultura - Inner Self
  6. Orchidectomy - Celestial Excruation
  7. Carnaval in Coal - Satanic Disaster
  8. Rompeprop - We Want Gore
  1. In Flames - December Flower
  2. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds
  3. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
  4. Nile - Sacrifice Unto Sebek
  5. Sepultura - Inner Self
  6. Orchidectomy - Celestial Excruation
  7. Carnaval in Coal - Satanic Disaster
  8. Rompeprop - We Want Gore
  9. Unearth - Black Hearts Now Reign
  1. In Flames - December Flower
  2. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds
  3. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
  4. Nile - Sacrifice Unto Sebek
  5. Sepultura - Inner Self
  6. Orchidectomy - Celestial Excruation
  7. Carnaval in Coal - Satanic Disaster
  8. Rompeprop - We Want Gore
  9. Unearth - Black Hearts Now Reign
  10. Pig Destroyer - Piss Angel
  1. In Flames - December Flower
  2. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds
  3. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
  4. Nile - Sacrifice Unto Sebek
  5. Sepultura - Inner Self
  6. Orchidectomy - Celestial Excruation
  7. Carnaval in Coal - Satanic Disaster
  8. Rompeprop - We Want Gore
  9. Unearth - Black Hearts Now Reign
  10. Pig Destroyer - Piss Angel
  11. Suidakra - Decibel Dance
  12. The Berzerker - Death Reveals
  1. In Flames - December Flower
  2. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds
  3. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
  4. Nile - Sacrifice Unto Sebek
  5. Sepultura - Inner Self
  6. Orchidectomy - Celestial Excruation
  7. Carnaval in Coal - Satanic Disaster
  8. Rompeprop - We Want Gore
  9. Unearth - Black Hearts Now Reign
  10. Pig Destroyer - Piss Angel
  11. Suidakra - Decibel Dance
  12. The Berzerker - Death Reveals
  13. Children of Bodom - Wrath Within
  1. In Flames - December Flower
  2. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds
  3. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
  4. Nile - Sacrifice Unto Sebek
  5. Sepultura - Inner Self
  6. Orchidectomy - Celestial Excruation
  7. Carnaval in Coal - Satanic Disaster
  8. Rompeprop - We Want Gore
  9. Unearth - Black Hearts Now Reign
  10. Pig Destroyer - Piss Angel
  11. Suidakra - Decibel Dance
  12. Children of Bodom - Wrath Within
  13. Amon Amarth - Death In Fire
  1. In Flames - December Flower
  2. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds
  3. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
  4. Nile - Sacrifice Unto Sebek
  5. Sepultura - Inner Self
  6. Orchidectomy - Celestial Excruation
  7. Carnaval in Coal - Satanic Disaster
  8. Rompeprop - We Want Gore
  9. Unearth - Black Hearts Now Reign
  10. Pig Destroyer - Piss Angel
  11. Suidakra - Decibel Dance
  12. Children of Bodom - Wrath Within
  13. Amon Amarth - Death In Fire
  14. Dying Fetus - Praise the Lord
  1. In Flames - December Flower
  2. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds
  3. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
  4. Nile - Sacrifice Unto Sebek
  5. Sepultura - Inner Self
  6. Orchidectomy - Celestial Excruation
  7. Carnaval in Coal - Satanic Disaster
  8. Rompeprop - We Want Gore
  9. Unearth - Black Hearts Now Reign
  10. Pig Destroyer - Piss Angel
  11. Suidakra - Decibel Dance
  12. The Berzerker - Death Reveals
  13. Children of Bodom - Wrath Within
  14. Amon Amarth - Death In Fire
  15. Dying Fetus - Praise the Lord
  16. Nicaraguan Death Squad - Seven Days

Esta es la idea..., no mejor no reperit grupo...

  1. In Flames - December Flower
  2. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds
  3. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
  4. Nile - Sacrifice Unto Sebek
  5. Sepultura - Inner Self
  6. Orchidectomy - Celestial Excruation
  7. Carnaval in Coal - Satanic Disaster
  8. Rompeprop - We Want Gore
  9. Unearth - Black Hearts Now Reign
  10. Pig Destroyer - Piss Angel
  11. Suidakra - Decibel Dance
  12. The Berzerker - Death Reveals
  13. Children of Bodom - Wrath Within
  14. Amon Amarth - Death In Fire
  15. Dying Fetus - Praise the Lord
  16. Nicaraguan Death Squad - Seven Days
  17. Mayhem - Funeral fog
  1. In Flames - December Flower
  2. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds
  3. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
  4. Nile - Sacrifice Unto Sebek
  5. Sepultura - Inner Self
  6. Orchidectomy - Celestial Excruation
  7. Carnaval in Coal - Satanic Disaster
  8. Rompeprop - We Want Gore
  9. Unearth - Black Hearts Now Reign
  10. Pig Destroyer - Piss Angel
  11. Suidakra - Decibel Dance
  12. The Berzerker - Death Reveals
  13. Children of Bodom - Wrath Within
  14. Amon Amarth - Death In Fire
  15. Dying Fetus - Praise the Lord
  16. Nicaraguan Death Squad - Seven Days
  17. Mayhem - Funeral fog
  18. Dimmu Borgir - Burn in Hell (Twisted Sister cover)

Tsss a la cola xD


Pos yo pongo 2:

  1. In Flames - December Flower
  2. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds
  3. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
  4. Nile - Sacrifice Unto Sebek
  5. Sepultura - Inner Self
  6. Orchidectomy - Celestial Excruation
  7. Carnaval in Coal - Satanic Disaster
  8. Rompeprop - We Want Gore
  9. Unearth - Black Hearts Now Reign
  10. Pig Destroyer - Piss Angel
  11. Suidakra - Decibel Dance
  12. The Berzerker - Death Reveals
  13. Children of Bodom - Wrath Within
  14. Amon Amarth - Death In Fire
  15. Dying Fetus - Praise the Lord
  16. Nicaraguan Death Squad - Seven Days
  17. Mayhem - Funeral fog
  18. Into Eternity - Spiraling into Depression
  19. Opeth - Master's Apprentice
  1. In Flames - December Flower
  2. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds
  3. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
  4. Nile - Sacrifice Unto Sebek
  5. Sepultura - Inner Self
  6. Orchidectomy - Celestial Excruation
  7. Carnaval in Coal - Satanic Disaster
  8. Rompeprop - We Want Gore
  9. Unearth - Black Hearts Now Reign
  10. Pig Destroyer - Piss Angel
  11. Suidakra - Decibel Dance
  12. The Berzerker - Death Reveals
  13. Children of Bodom - Wrath Within
  14. Amon Amarth - Death In Fire
  15. Dying Fetus - Praise the Lord
  16. Nicaraguan Death Squad - Seven Days
  17. Mayhem - Funeral fog
  18. Into Eternity - Spiraling into Depression
  19. Opeth - Master's Apprentice
  20. Anaal Nathrakh - Pandemonic Hyperblast :D

Posteo para corregir la lista, que os habeis saltado de copiar la cancion de uno.

  1. In Flames - December Flower
  2. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds
  3. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
  4. Nile - Sacrifice Unto Sebek
  5. Sepultura - Inner Self
  6. Orchidectomy - Celestial Excruation
  7. Carnaval in Coal - Satanic Disaster
  8. Rompeprop - We Want Gore
  9. Unearth - Black Hearts Now Reign
  10. Pig Destroyer - Piss Angel
  11. Suidakra - Decibel Dance
  12. The Berzerker - Death Reveals
  13. Children of Bodom - Wrath Within
  14. Amon Amarth - Death In Fire
  15. Dying Fetus - Praise the Lord
  16. Nicaraguan Death Squad - Seven Days
  17. Mayhem - Funeral fog
  18. Into Eternity - Spiraling into Depression
  19. Opeth - Master's Apprentice
  20. Anaal Nathrakh - Pandemonic Hyperblast
  21. Dimmu Borgir - Burn in Hell (Twisted Sister cover)

ajjaj me colao (jdt)

  1. In Flames - December Flower
  2. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds
  3. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
  4. Nile - Sacrifice Unto Sebek
  5. Sepultura - Inner Self
  6. Orchidectomy - Celestial Excruation
  7. Carnaval in Coal - Satanic Disaster
  8. Rompeprop - We Want Gore
  9. Unearth - Black Hearts Now Reign
  10. Pig Destroyer - Piss Angel
  11. Suidakra - Decibel Dance
  12. The Berzerker - Death Reveals
  13. Children of Bodom - Wrath Within
  14. Amon Amarth - Death In Fire
  15. Dying Fetus - Praise the Lord
  16. Nicaraguan Death Squad - Seven Days
  17. Mayhem - Funeral fog
  18. Into Eternity - Spiraling into Depression
  19. Opeth - Master's Apprentice
  20. Anaal Nathrakh - Pandemonic Hyperblast
  21. Dimmu Borgir - Burn in Hell (Twisted Sister cover)
  22. Hypocrisy - Warpath

Gracias #26, pero yo la puse antes... :_ sois todos unos perrys... rofellos sufrirás mi ira u_u

  1. In Flames - December Flower
  2. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds
  3. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
  4. Nile - Sacrifice Unto Sebek
  5. Sepultura - Inner Self
  6. Orchidectomy - Celestial Excruation
  7. Carnaval in Coal - Satanic Disaster
  8. Rompeprop - We Want Gore
  9. Unearth - Black Hearts Now Reign
  10. Pig Destroyer - Piss Angel
  11. Suidakra - Decibel Dance
  12. The Berzerker - Death Reveals
  13. Children of Bodom - Wrath Within
  14. Amon Amarth - Death In Fire
  15. Dying Fetus - Praise the Lord
  16. Nicaraguan Death Squad - Seven Days
  17. Mayhem - Funeral fog
  18. Into Eternity - Spiraling into Depression
  19. Opeth - Master's Apprentice
  20. Anaal Nathrakh - Pandemonic Hyperblast
  21. Dimmu Borgir - Burn in Hell (Twisted Sister cover)
  22. Hypocrisy - Warpath
  23. Susperia - Wild Child (WASP cover xD)
  1. In Flames - December Flower
  2. Death - Flesh And The Power It Holds
  3. Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
  4. Nile - Sacrifice Unto Sebek
  5. Sepultura - Inner Self
  6. Orchidectomy - Celestial Excruation
  7. Carnaval in Coal - Satanic Disaster
  8. Rompeprop - We Want Gore
  9. Unearth - Black Hearts Now Reign
  10. Pig Destroyer - Piss Angel
  11. Suidakra - Decibel Dance
  12. The Berzerker - Death Reveals
  13. Children of Bodom - Wrath Within
  14. Amon Amarth - Death In Fire
  15. Dying Fetus - Praise the Lord
  16. Nicaraguan Death Squad - Seven Days
  17. Mayhem - Funeral fog
  18. Into Eternity - Spiraling into Depression
  19. Opeth - Master's Apprentice
  20. Anaal Nathrakh - Pandemonic Hyperblast
  21. Dimmu Borgir - Burn in Hell (Twisted Sister cover)
  22. Hypocrisy - Warpath
  23. Susperia - Wild Child (WASP cover xD)
  24. Kreator - Phobia

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