5000 euros por una espada


pos no abré vendido yo soj del Diablo 2 a los niños del ciber por 2 euros el soj xD


es mu tonto


Agree con #57.


Pues yo si me lo creo, antes cuando jugaba al D2, incluso BLIZARD Vendia objeros.. un garza.. Unas titanes... y llegue a ver precios como de 10.000€ Por un Escudo (No me acuerdo el nombre xDD) En fin.. deprimente...

P.D: Vendo Tecla "A" de mi teclado :D


yo cuando dejé de jugar al diablo estuve pensando en vender la cuenta por ebay, pero la gente de europa no se gasta casi dinero, los que se gastan son los americanos, y como mi cuenta estaba en europa :(

estuve un tiempo mirando cuanto pagaba la gente por según que objetos y calcule que por mi cuenta me podía haber sacado unos 2500€ si hubiese estado en america :( ahora la cuenta esta borrada xD


No es q me lo crea o no (q si me lo creo, se han pagado cosas mas caras y se pagarán) , es q me parece tan triste... El de los 5000 euros seria un puto marginado social aparte de pijo q no tendria en q gastar la pasta q en eso. Yo q el me hubiese gastado el dinero en irme a comprar amigos e irme con ellos de putas despues para que su amistad conmigo fuese eterna


a un colega mio le estubieron pagando 50€ al mes durante 1 año y algo por darle noseq mierdas en el tibia ese...


Yo cogi una colt del suelo en dust2 q mete unas xolas de cagarse, la pulo por 1000 euros aunque no se en q cfg la guarde :D


Tendriamos que hacer un clan de MV only en algun MMORPG y SOLO personajes para pillar objetos, y despues venderlos xd.

Os imaginais que pillamos un objeto de esos que solo hay 2 o 3 en todos los reinos?
Jaja, se vende al ebay por 93893€ y se reparte xd


Un día le hice un inventario de sus cuentas a KoneX (http://www.media-vida.net/perfil.php?id=34817) y según los precios de venta de las webs que venden objetos de Diablo II, las suyas venian a valer como que 3000 € xDD

PD: En realidad, p0rp0c0 te sacas esa pasta


Hace poco salio esto en la pagina oficial del wow.

Selling World of Warcraft In-Game Content for Real Money
Game Masters, 01/03/2005
It has come to our attention that certain individuals are selling Blizzard's in-game property for cash on auction sites such as eBay and on personal websites. The World of Warcraft Terms of Use clearly state that all of the content in World of Warcraft is the property of Blizzard, and Blizzard does not allow "in game" items to be sold for real money. Accordingly, Blizzard Entertainment will take any and all actions necessary to stop this behaviour. Not only do we believe that it is illegal, but it also has the potential to damage the game economy and overall experience for the many thousands of others who play World of Warcraft for fun. In order to promote a fun and fair environment for all our customers, we are actively investigating those individuals who engage in this inappropriate activity and reserve the right to take legal action against these individuals to protect World of Warcraft for all those who "play by the rules." If you are found to be selling in-game property (such as coins, items, or characters), for real money, you will lose your characters and accounts, and Blizzard Entertainment reserves its right to pursue legal action against you as well.

We also want to remind potential buyers in the game to please refrain from buying in-game property with real money. We understand the temptation to purchase better items, but Blizzard, and not the seller, does own all in-game property. In addition, we feel that characters can find ample equipment and money within the game through their own adventuring and questing. Please understand that if you do purchase in-game property from sellers on eBay and personal sites, we may temporarily suspend your account, and at the very least, delete the offending items.

Since the start of the beta Blizzard Entertainment Europe have followed up on our zero-tolerance policy for this type of activity, and all of those individuals found to have breached our terms of use have lost their characters and accounts. We will continue to take such action against all such transgressions to protect the sanctity of the game environment.

Thank you for understanding our position. Blizzard Entertainment is committed to maintaining the atmosphere of fair play and fun in World of Warcraft.

Mas de un friqui se puede llevar sorpresa xD

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