Amazing: "Nuestra gaming house (OG) se fue a la mierda"


Since I despise twitlonger as a proper venue for anything but actual twitter wars, I figured I'd use my facebook page to really get some thoughts out on what the scene per se has become - take all of this with a grain of EU salt because obviously my recent interactions have all been tainted by the abnormal amount of hate I've received until me and my challenger boys finally qualified for the LCS. This may not quite be a donezo manifesto, but I figured this could be part 1 of an ongoing series about discussions and basically elaborations on what I had subjectively had to deal with within the past year and a half, where objectively my "career" has taken a downwards spiral.

First off - let me apologize for the lack of actual content, haven't really been able to think about what I wanted to write about, and most of my facebook posts have now become my instagram pictures or hails of tweets, hence the lack of actual interaction. Saw a lot of the happy messages that I've received, and I'm pretty happy about my fans and how they have helped me become who I am by now. You guys are great.

Second off - I'm disappointed. I've never been the most popular player, I've never been the easiest to understand, but a lot of the things I obviously do are in order to find fame and make a name for myself - while being the best player that I can be. What is heart breaking is not to be able to talk about a lot of things that have happened since last years Origen disaster, because it seems like people are trying to take away my ability and actual strength as a player, while making me responsible for a lot of things I didn't really take part in, creating a continuous string of ongoing mistreatment that pulled itself into my now ending challenger run. Truth be told, I've done a lot mistakes within my gamer career, but being fake and not supporting my team is not one of them. I will think and tell what's on my mind, so having a lot of fans especially after my Origen departure turn on me because I specifically suppressed that urge just killed me. What a lot of people do not know, or barely know is that I declined offers up to twice as much money to keep up the relationship between me and my teammates as well as the organisation. What was my reward? Nothing. Our gaming house went to shit. We had delays on all sorts of things, including internet payments and power payments which shut us out of practise multiple times that split. We had issues with creating a proper environment for Tristan/PowerofEvil to operate because our coaching staff until the arrival of NicothePico wasn't operational. Peke didn't play until the end of Spring Split when PoE became sick even though we had the agreement that he would share the time so Power could become a teamplayer as opposed to a solo carry threat he was in UOL. All of this on the back of changing the management for the 3rd time in as many splits. Motivation dropped to an all-time low until we were really exposed at IEM Katowice, especially due to my 3rd game throw against TSM which actually made me breaking down infront of my team and apologizing for my lack of performance (and upping it for playoffs). A lot of the things I thought were going to be an issue extended themselves beyond the point that they should have (i.e. coaching staff and Tristan having Peke to play with him) and resulted in a delay of improvement that saw us losing to G2 in the finals, even after an incredible playoff run that sent one of the favourites in H2K back home. Me being mad about Niels and Mithy leaving at that point didn't just come from me being mad at them per se, but being left behind in an environment that didn't promote success nor hard work but rather thrived on hoping things would work out.

To summarize this one split of play: this was/is the average EU level in terms of functioning teams. Every team nowadays comes with egos, issues between the players, bad coaching, undirected conversations. Inexperience across the board. No money to actually pay staff properly. If any of this would have happened at your work place, how would you have handled it? To think about the fact that this may just be the tip of the iceberg in terms of mismanagement, how would anyone used to the level of professionalism of the likes of 2014 TSM and 2015 OG function afterwards? To think that this is the shit an average EU player that is not part of a top tier org has or had to deal with on a daily basis is crazy. Now come to think that they are also never really as loved or hyped as their NA counterparts, but rather bashed for every single one of their bad performances, no matter the player (unless you're insanely popular), no matter the loyalty, how could you come to expect them to actually want to stick around? I'd really wish there was an overhaul in terms of trying to force publicity for the average player, and not just the top tier players and their abilities. I wish there was a third party body allowing for these kinds of complaints to actually run through them, instead of having to voice these things out loud in order to get some kind of recognition. I'm already awaiting the casual "just grow up, that's everyday life" to accomodate the average "yeah ya just gotta grow a thicker skin" that I get to hear time and time again. If anyone had to go through all of this, and still want to continue playing, you'd have to believe that I wouldn't react this way if the stress of being a pro player wasn't already exceedingly great to begin with.
TL; DR; Part 1 of an ongoing series that I hopefully can sustain for a tad longer, figured I'd share some light on why I'm generally so mad at a lot of bad comments I and a lot of my colleagues receive time and time again, especially within Europe where the actual infrastructure is less sustainable than what they should offer.


ahora voy a arreglar el desperdicio que ha hecho el traductor, big sorry


Google translator power.
Aunque lo bueno se entiende xDD


Mucho tocho para leerlo en inglés, cuando arregles la traducción me paso y te doy manita.


nada nuevo, que OG era una casa de putas basicamente y el pobre emozing sufria mucho por ello


Buena rajadita, espero que las siguientes publicaciones mantengan el nivel.


Amazing lamentándose, nada nuevo bajo el sol
De verdad había necesidad de sacar lo de OG ahora, tanto tiempo después? Supongo para él será como una especie de terapia de desahogo

1 3 respuestas

#7 un salero siempre es un salero.


#7 A los bipolares lo que mas les gusta es llamar la atencion.


#7 famita famita


Cortes de internet y de luz en la gaming house de un equipo profesional de videojuegos. #average




A mi lo que más gracia me hace es que dice que en NA la fanbase es más amable y comprensiva con el jugador y les dan más hype... pero él se largó de TSM en mitad de season por las críticas. Ahora se da cuenta de que estaba en TSM y lo que era estar ahí. Como siempre llorando, mierdeando y un poquito hipócrita.

10 1 respuesta

Joder como aflora toda la mierda de OG de repente


El chaval es sincero (dentro de su mundo) y siempre es interesante leer a alguien que habla del mundillo tan a las claras.
Pena que todo esté adobado con su dosis habitual de victimismo y que sólo sepa quejarse.


Lo que yo entendí es que le tenía envidia a mithy y zven por su popularidad mientras el se hundía a causa de la organización.
Just emozing


#13 Si queréis os lo mandamos de vuelta con un lazito eh? xD

1 respuesta

#17 me gusta más Slimskeren, además desde siempre. Pero Amazing podría haber durado mucho en TSM.

2 respuestas

#18 Nono en serio, os lo mandamos gratis si hace falta, ya le encontrareis uso, aunque sea de aguador. Cuanto más lejos lo tengamos mejor.


#18 Posiblemente con amazing, le ganaríais a CLG la final de la S5.


Amazing le recordara a sus nietos tambien que rechazo ofertas del doble de lo que le pagaban en OG, que jodido cansino dios mio.


Me being mad about Niels and Mithy leaving at that point didn't just come from me being mad at them per se, but being left behind in an environment that didn't promote success nor hard work but rather thrived on hoping things would work out.

Magnifico parrafo. Importencia pura.

Me gusta leer las reflexiones de Amazing. Si, es un rato prepotente, pero cuenta las cosas como son.


La casa se fue a la puta.


A mucha gente le caera peor y a muy pocos mejor pero que la scene necesita gente como Amazing es una realidad. En un tiempo donde el bienquedismo y la soseria reinan por la LCS es una bocanada de aire fresco que alguien diga "SUS" verdades sin pelos en la lengua.

3 1 respuesta

Pero como no iban a tener a voluntarios si no pagaban ni internet wtf xdd


#24 luego te metes con el griego..

1 respuesta

#26 Amazing no suele meter mierda a jugadores que siempre le han tratado con respeto como el calvo. Aún así el calvo era un tio con personalidad en la scene.


aldarion puede que en lo que halla dicho tenga razon, pero es un attwhore de mucho cuidado, todo esto que ha dicho lo podria haber dicho perfectamente despues de salir de OG, esta dicho a destiempo, no se a mi me parece uno mas de los actos de llamar la atencion del aleman.

2 respuestas

#28 Cuando salio de OG ya solto alguna puyita, que amazing callarse se calla poco


me gustaria saber las charlas que se dieron entre soaz/Emozing con Xpeke el summer split pasado, solo sabemos que hubo uno que no aprendio nada de esas charlas como minimo...

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  • Aldarion_21
  • Galaik
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