Nuevo Modo: Doom Bots


Tambien conocido como Bots de Pesadilla, este es con casi toda certeza el nuevo modo que van a sacar. Por ahora se conoce lo siguiente: Los Bots tendran mejores especiales que los haran increiblemente dificiles de matar.

Doom Amumu’s Despair has started making everything near him sad too. So very sad. All allied units within range of Doom Amumu cry in sympathy with him. His Curse of the Sad Mummy now also reaches further.

Doom Annie can set alight nearby enemy towers and burn everything. She also brought her bear Tibbers. Have you seen him?

Definitely Not Doom Blitzcrank has powered up all his systems, giving him extra Rocket Grabs, a gigantic Mana Barrier and Static Field, and a Power Fist that knocks multiple enemies into the air. But it’s definitely not him, so don’t worry.

Doom Ezreal’s abilities have been fragmented into multiple energy waves.

Doom Fiddlesticks' abilities have fragmented to become even more terrifying, and the his ghosts could be anywhere nearby where you have no vision, waiting to Crowstorm from the darkness.

Doom Galio’s Resolute Smite and Righteous Gust have fragmented, and he will periodically create taunt zones next to nearby enemy champions.

Doom Karthus periodically Death Defies while still alive, and his abilities have fragmented.

Doom Lux’s abilities have been fragmented into multiple light beams.

Doom Malzahar’s abilities have fragmented, and he’s brought extra voidlings with him from the void.

Doom Wukong’s Nimbus Strike creates additional clones which knock enemies into the air when disappearing. His Cyclone also summons Decoys that spin alongside him.

Doom Morgana’s Dark Binding has fragmented and also added to her Tormented Soil.

Bonus Doom: Garen Every brush you can’t see into nearby this champion, could have Garen hiding in it. Demacia!
Bonus Doom: Onslaught of Shadows Spectral riders are summoned alongside this champion, causing enemy champions and minions they touch to flee in terror.
Bonus Doom: Hallucinate Whenever this champion is below 40% health, they create a clone of themselves, which explodes when dying dealing magic damage to nearby enemies.
Bonus Doom: Death Ray This champion fires laser beams in a pattern around themselves, dealing magic damage to every enemy they hit.

Doom Veigar calls down a ring of Dark Matter around himself periodically and his abilities fragment on minions.

Doom Ziggs’ Mega Inferno Bomb has fragmented, and his bombs have started rolling around, chasing enemy champions.

Doom Zyra’s Rampant Growth will spawn extra plantlife near enemy champions within range of her.

Doom Bots Spells Tooltips:
NOTE: Their naming seems to be messy

Amumu Despair - All allied units within range of Doom Amumu, Despair in sympathy with him.

Annie Flaming Buildings - Doom Annie sets nearby enemy towers on fire, dealing magic damage in an area around them.

Fiddlesticks Crowstorm - The ghosts of Doom Fiddlesticks are everywhere! Anywhere nearby where you have no vision, they could be waiting to Crowstorm from the darkness.

Morgana Missile - Doom Morgana spawns an extra Dark Binding which circles around her Tormented Soil.

Garen - Every brush you can't see into nearby this champion, could have Garen hiding in it. Demacia!

Viktor - This champion fires laser beams in a pattern around themselves, dealing magic damage to every enemy they hit.

Veigar W - Doom Veigar periodically drops Dark Matter from the sky in a ring around him.

Also here's the list of so far known Doom Bots of Doom:

Akali, Amumu, Anivia, Annie, Blitzcrank, Cho'Gath, Evelynn, Ezreal, Fiddlesticks, Galio, Garen, Hecarim, Janna, Karthus, LeBlanc, Lux, Malzahar, Morgana, Nocturne, Pantheon, Sejuani, Shaco, Shyvana, Swain, Viktor, Warwick, Wukong, Ziggs, Zyra


Es una buena forma de mejorar las partidas contra bots. A ver lo que tardan en ponerlo en los demás modos.


Si ahora mismo los bots en dificultad media son mejores que todo plata y oro no quiero imaginarme que pasara con estos nuevos.

2 respuestas

#3 bueno si y mejores que platinos y algún diamante

1 respuesta

Dicen que 5 bots ganaran la s4


Si existen bots para subir la cuenta a Diamante no se de que os extrañais.

1 1 respuesta

#3 #4 Bueno sí y mejores que algún challenger también.

Doom Lux’s abilities have been fragmented into multiple light beams.


la gracia va a ser el charco de morganna xDD


#6 Aham. ¿Pruebas?

2 respuestas

#9 Es kawaii, please..

1 respuesta


Googleas y tal.

1 respuesta

le tengo ganas debe molar un huevo xD


#10 #11 Me cambia el avatar y me descoloca, practica malévola querido kawwai


 1 Bomb – Our Doom Bots have been doomed with powerful mutations to their abilities. 

2 Bombs – Congratulations! You’ve unlocked Bonus Doom! On each death, the bots will randomise a new Bonus Doom. 

5 Bombs – Good luck. ^_^


Menuda puta locura con los ultis de Annie y Ez.


La morgana en huevo en el min 9:30... xD

Puede ser entretenido para echarte unas risas con los colegas.


Yo no quiero ese modo, yo quiero jugar en ese mapa, echo de menos el mapa de navidad y el de halloween :(


xdddddddddddddd es brutal.


Tiene buena pinta :D


8:57 Un Garen sale del bush a matarlo xDDDDDD

1 1 respuesta

#20 lol xddddddd


Lol que guapada, dan ganas de probarlo la verdad.


Yo lo que quiero es jugar con lo que tienen los bots... Excesive LoL o algo, madre mía.


Mas fotos:

1 comentario moderado

Esta épico para echarse unas risas y practicar la evasión y reflejos jajaja


Con lo de Garen ya me tienen comprado. Enorme, que ganas de probarlo.


seria mas divertido, si todos, tuviesen los buf de los bot. Al final se hará aburrido.....

1 respuesta

#28 La cosa es que cueste derrotarlos hasta el punto en que a nivel 5 es muy muy dificil ganarles, si ambos equipos tuvieran lo mismo estaria bien pero no representaria dificultad alguna, al fin y al cabo son bots y con una simple estrategia de splitpush les ganas.

Otra cosa es que si triunfa este modo esta mas que seguro que uno de los siguientes modos seran ambos equipos de personas con los buffos. Que supongo que si Rito es listo lo meteran si o si porque se ve a leguas que seria un modo increible


Ganas de probarlo

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