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I wanted to write about why ADs are much weaker than they were before since the Season 3 changes, but I would much rather outline which champions I feel are much too strong at the moment. Riot will at some point direct nerfs at them, but I don’t think it will happen anytime soon. I am talking specifically at the highest levels of competitive play that these champions are much too strong.

Nunu is simply an omnisupport alongside Lulu. While Lulu has no weaknesses at any point in the game, Nunu has a few notable weaknesses. Long-range ADs such as Kog’maw and Caitlyn can outrange his snowball in lane, and his natural lane counters are high-burst supports such as Lulu and Sona. However, outside of lane, he is by far the most reliably impactful support in the game. I don’t want to go into what each support can do, and I’m fully aware that Blitzcrank and Leona can very easily change a game. However, Nunu has no skillshots and ensures that if the AD gets to 30 minutes, the game is over.

Kha’zix is obviously overpowered and the recent nerfs that I’ve seen have not targeted what is actually broken about him. There is something really wrong with the game when assassins are given poke. Katarina, Akali, Talon, and Evelynn don’t have poke. They have to go all in and their movement is very predictable as such. When you see one of these assassins on the enemy team, you are priming a pink ward and an Exhaust in an attempt to outplay them. When you’re up against Kha’zix, he never has to move forward to do ridiculous damage. The fact that his E has insane range alongside a reset is the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen them give a champion.

Trundle is the sleeper OP at the moment. He’s the counter to tanky bruisers, insane early skirmish, and amazing synergy with almost every champion in the game. He is nearly unkillable at a certain point in the game when his CC reduction and mobility coupled with how ridiculously overpowered his Pillar is will never allow him to die. He gets way too many stats for free, scaling off of purely tank/support items such as Warmog’s, Shurelia’s, and FH extremely well. Pillar can be taken to a 6.6 second cooldown with a 6.5 second duration. You can essentially shut down the enemy team’s back line completely if you play Trundle correctly.

Lastly, Twitch needs to be nerfed before we see him become the new Ezreal. He will be picked and banned in almost every game in NA. He is broken. He is a bully in lane, he has stealth, movement speed increase, attack speed steroid, AoE slow, true damage, burst, the highest range in the game, and the highest scaling in the game of any AD. There is never a downside in picking Twitch. You don’t need high mobility like Vayne or Ezreal has when you have so much range raw damage. You will see protect-the-Twitch comps with mass AoE CC, and essentially any team that gets Nunu and Twitch in the same game should win at 30 minutes.

I have the problem of typing too much because I think about this game all day and it’s hard to articulate through text for me. The next blog I hope will be much more concise.


1 respuesta

Esto es una mierda lo de la puta vida, una katarina warmog, capa solar y solo con 100 de ap haciendo destrozos en el minuto 35 de partida.

3 1 respuesta

#15662 Y ya he visto varias así.... vergonzoso.


#15661 Trundle sleeper op, sisisis, twitch mejor AD, sisisis..

Luego aparece una ulti de MF que baja a todo el team al 50% de vida y no pasa nada.


DL es un bocas y solo habla mierdas. Pero es un NA "pro" XD

1 respuesta

El próximo champion podría ser Quinn

#15665 si te pones a pensar no es ninguna broma lo que dice de Trundle

2 respuestas

#15666 no solo por eso.


A ver cuando sacan un campeón con un nombre de mas de 2 sílabas.

1 respuesta

Que 3 evoluciones habria que hacer en Kha'Zix? creo que la W y la E estan claras, pero luego que es mejor, la Q o la ulti?

1 respuesta

#15669 segun la verdad, esque siempre es segun, si quieres destrozar , la Q , si quieres quiza salvarte o durar un poco mas la R , segun como lo estes buildeando en esa partida.


#15668 elise ? miss fortune ?

1 respuesta

#15671 No digo que no haya, sino que no sacan, siempre son de 2 o 1 sílaba. Elise en inglés solo tiene dos silabas en su pronunciación, miss fortune también(sin contar el miss xD).
Desde Hecarim no han sacado un champ con un nombre mas o menos largo xD

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#15672 Malphite, nocturne, hecarim, heimerdinger, katarina, fiddlestick, leona, etc etc

1 respuesta

#15673 Desde Hecarim no han sacado un champ con un nombre mas o menos largo xD

#15675 Que tendrá que ver una cosa con la otra...

1 1 respuesta

#15674 Pero eso es una tonteria lo de los nombres, porque mismo en las personas es lo mismo xdd

David, luis, miguel, juan, marcos, ramon, tomas, lupe, oscar, clara, etc etc

El caso esque lo que deberian hacer es hacer unos champs acorde a los que ya estan, y los que ya estan dejar de romperlos, khazix, katarina, olaf, twitch.. porque ahora sacan al tresh este y es lo mas roto jamas visto, ryze ahora igual en cuanto llegas a late GG, vi para mi sigue estando rota, xin zhao ahora mismo creo que es de lo mas viable en jungla, no se es actualizar algo para arreglar a 2 y romper a 6, indiferentemente de que se llamen vi etc etc ahora el Quinn este veras en cuanto salga GG.

2 respuestas

#15675 Ahora mismo cualquier campeon con una warmog esta op jejeje


¿Vladimir o Jarvan IV?
Estoy dudando en quien comprarme de los dos.

4 respuestas

#15677 J IV YA TU SABE


#15677 Vladimir Putin


#15677 Jarvan mola de support


#15677 vlad no esta de moda, le falta cc y para su función ya está elise o kayle. A por J4 y cuidado donde metes la bandera!


#15666 Another one bites the dust


[–]Alex_ich 134 puntos 2 horas atrás
I don't really like speaking like that. It is still team game. I really like Najin Sword SSong plays lately. He stopped throwing and started carrying :)

se nota que Alex Ich está viendo la OGN, Ssong es una bestia


¿Por qué nadie utiliza a Syndra? desde que salió no la he visto por ningún lado....

2 respuestas

#15684 porque aunque hace un daño retrasado no es nada facil de usar.


#15684 porque no es un bruiser. A modo de resumen.

1 respuesta

#15686 ya sabes, el sábado hay que ver a Ssong vs Frost!

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#15687 A que hora ?

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Por si nadie conoce esta app:

Te timea la jungla pulsando un boton. Pero pregunto: es legal?

1 respuesta

#15688 9:00 de la mñn

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