Ronda de análisis de Fallout 76


La nueva entrega de la saga Fallout, una especie de experimento que Bethesda ha hecho para llevar a la franquicia al terreno del multijugador online, no ha salido precisamente bien que digamos.

A los ya típicos bugs en los trabajos de este estudio (aquí multiplicados al cuadrado), hay que sumar unas misiones absurdas y aburridas hasta el tedio, falta total de una historia que pueda hacernos empatizar un poco con el juego (debido a la ausencia de npcs), un multijugador muy, muy desaprovechado y toda una serie de errores técnicos que nos hacen pensar muy a menudo que estuviesemos ante un juego de una o dos generaciones atrás.

Bethesda tiene un largo trabajo por delante con este Fallout 76, aunque todo puede resurgir de sus cenizas (véase el caso No Mans Sky), pero con un juego tan pésimo a nivel de crítica de prensa y tan odiado por una gran parte de la comunidad de fans de la saga, la cosa está cuanto menos complicada...

OpenCritic - 54
Metacritic - 55

Reviews nacionales

3DJuegos - Álvaro Castellano - 6 / 10

Todavía es pronto para saber si este lanzamiento hará daño a la marca a largo plazo, porque ya sabemos que el usuario muchas veces ni perdona ni olvida y Fallout 76 es la peor entrega de la saga con diferencia: No hay forma de maquillar eso. Así que es imposible recomendar su propuesta RPG multijugador más allá de los hardcore del on-line y los adictos a los botínes y la progresión. Pero si nos liberamos de prejuicios y somos capaces de superar todas sus frustraciones, que a veces son terribles, podemos rescatar una buena evolución, unas divertidas mecánicas de supervivencia y una experiencia entretenida con amigos.

Vandal - Jorge Cano - 6,5 / 10

Es una pena que gran parte del potencial que tenía un Fallout multijugador se haya desaprovechado con un juego que falla en muchos aspectos, y que como experiencia en solitario también se queda corto, al tener una narrativa y un diseño de misiones claramente peor que en anteriores entregas.

Si a esto le sumamos los desgraciadamente ya clásicos bugs y toda una serie de problemas técnicos, además de un apartado gráfico desfasado, tenemos un juego que está siendo machacado, furibundamente criticado, a pesar de que sigue siendo bastante entretenido y disfrutable si te gusta la fórmula Fallout y las aventuras de rol con toques de supervivencia.

Hobby Consolas - Álvaro Alonso - 65 / 100

Detrás de una maraña de defectos técnicos e ideas mal ejecutadas, se esconde un Fallout: un juego de supervivencia post-apocalíptica, con mecánicas de otra era, pero indudablemente divertido. Si sois capaces de ver más allá de sus errores y sois fans del universo puede que lo disfrutéis (sobre todo en compañía), pero hay un gran margen de mejora.

Areajugones - Víctor Rodríguez - 5 / 10.0

Fallout 76 no es un spin-off poco acertado, sino un experimento fallido. Y la diferencia es sutil pero importante, porque aunque de cualquier fracaso se puede aprender algo, del caso de Fallout 76 hay mucho que sacar en claro, tanto para nosotros como para Bethesda Game Studios. Es cierto que esta entrega es de lo peor de Fallout, pero viendo el lado positivo, este fracaso probablemente sea el culpable de todo el progreso que veamos en materia de combate de cara a Starfield, The Elder Scrolls VI y un hipotético Fallout 5.

Generación Xbox - Alberto Rocha - 7.8 / 10.0

En medio de la furia y el fuego es complicado hacerse una idea de qué son realmente algunos juegos, y medir su calidad. Fuera de Appalachia las quejas se cuentan por miles, y probablemente las críticas de la prensa no vayan a acompañar tampoco al juego, y sin embargo hay un grupo de jugadores, no sabemos cuantos, pasándoselo realmente bien con este juego torpe e imperfecto. Los esfuerzos por convertirse en un juego online de Fallout 76 parecen haber sido trasladados al juego directamente de la brainstorm que en algún momento tuvieron en Bethesda para abordar su creación.

Atomix - Alberto Desfassiaux - 55 / 100

No encuentro mejor manera de describir a Fallout 76 que como contrastante. En un momento parece que todo funcionará y que en efecto, las ideas nuevas darán frutos o que al menos tendremos un Fallout 4.5 cuando de la nada, un error técnico o falta de narrativa, nos caen como un rayo para resaltar las malas decisiones que se tomaron en todos los niveles. Fallout 76 es una experiencia frustrante, desesperante y sumamente incómoda de sobrellevar.

Reviews internacionales

Attack of the Fanboy - Kyle Hanson - 2.5 / 5 stars

Fallout 76 is a bold experiment with one of gaming's biggest and most beloved franchises. Unfortunately the experiment seems like a failure so far.

Cerealkillerz - Manuel Barthes - German - 7.3 / 10.0

Although Fallout 76 looks like Fallout 4 right from the start, there are some technical and play-related drawbacks. The V.A.T.S., which acts as the showpiece of the series, comes too short due to the online component, which enormously reduces the RPG portion. Even though this is a multiplayer title that takes place in a huge game world, Fallout 76 looks frighteningly unfinished for a full-price title. Away from these criticisms, you can expect an enormously extensive Appalachia full of adventure, which together with friends offers numerous hours of fun!

CGMagazine - Preston Dozsa - 3 / 10.0

Fallout 76 shows potential, but it can’t quite coalesce into a compelling game due to numerous glaring flaws.

Cheat Code Central - Sean Engemann - 3.7 / 5.0

Bethesda claims that the Fallout 76 servers will last “forever” and, while it may not take that long to patch bugs and improve the experience, my foray with the launch version has left me with an abundance of bullet points that need attention. My biggest hope is that Bethesda will take our suggestions and criticisms as a call to action to tweak the faulty mechanics and build more features into a game that has a ton of potential.

Critical Hit - Alessandro Barbosa - 4 / 10.0

Fallout 76's mundane quest and lifeless story put too much weight on the aged combat and trivial crafting for them to bear. It's a multiplayer experiment with far too many flaws to put up with, both in its limiting player interactions and its woeful technical polish. Fallout with friends is still an idea that could work one, but that's not what Fallout 76 is serving up.

Destructoid - Unknown - No Verdict

This is why I'm ultimately enjoying Fallout 76. Yes, the game's systems push back every opportunity they get and that's oftentimes frustrating. This is certainly the entry that strays furthest from what people loved about Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. But Fallout has created a universe where every region's history is worth learning. It holds true for West Virginia, even if I can't shake the feeling that this will be the least memorable of Fallout's stories. Well, unless you and your friends create your own memories.

DigitalCentralMedia - Jordan Micheal - 16%

Fallout 76 is one of the worst games of this year. It's a huge mess and Bethesda must go back to the basics after this game.

EGM - Nick Plessas - 6 / 10.0

Many of the issues Fallout 76 currently faces could eventually be fixed, which is why this mess is such a pity. The potential is clear, but a reluctance to commit to one direction or another leaves the game in an awkward and broken void.

Eurogamer - Wesley Yin-Poole - Avoid

Bethesda's attempt at Fallout multiplayer is, like so many of the series' vaults, a failed experiment.

Forbes - Paul Tassi - 5 / 10.0

This is a huge, rare, total miss by Bethesda, and even if it’s improved in time, I can only judge it by the hours I’ve lost to it so far.

Gadgets 360 - Rishi Alwani - 5 / 10

Hopefully, Bethesda reboots Fallout 76 like it did with The Elder Scrolls Online. Right now though, the game is hard to recommend to anyone but the most faithful of Fallout fans.

Game Informer - Andrew Reiner - 6 / 10.0

When Fallout 76 is working as intended, it's an easy game to lose yourself in, as meaningful discoveries are everywhere. But those moments are often destroyed by glitches, crashes, and technical issues

Gameblog - Jonathan Bushle - French - 6 / 10

Fallout 76 is a good coop Fallout in a new charming land, but a poor solo Fallout, and a poor survival game, with poor graphics.

GameCrate - Christopher Atwood - 7.5 / 10.0

Fallout 76 might have a bright future ahead of it, but ultimately, Fallout 76 is a multiplayer survival game set in the Fallout universe, not a Fallout game where you get to play with your friends.

Gamefa - Mohammad Mahdi Hossein Zadeh - Persian - 6.5 / 10.0

Fallout 76 is not the game that we expected from Bethesda and its high quality standards of its games (specially with the name of Fallout), but it does not mean that it's completely a bad game. Fallout 76's world is so beautiful with unique art style of Fallout games but on the other hand it's really bad in the story-telling and design. Gameplay is fun but also it isn't perfect. The point is, None of these is the main problem of the game. The main problem with Fallout 76 is that it lost its identity.The problem is that the game has not been able to maintain the boundary between a multiplayer game and a single player game, specially a Fallout. Fallout 76 does not disappoint fans of the series, but those who expected Bethesda to create an amazing game (like almost every Bethesda's games) with the label of Fallout, have to wait more.

GameMAG - ASarafanov - Russian - 5 / 10

Fallout 76 requires serious rework. Strange decisions of game designers make it difficult to comfortably explore an interesting world of the game. Interaction with other players is minimal and absolutely unjustified for an online project. Sometimes it feels that there is no online at all. New mechanics do not look as impressive as we were promised during the early presentations, and the lack of optimization, ton of bugs and a terrible economy spoil the experience. Bethesda needs to rethink its production process, do serious work on all the errors, add normal PvP and full-fledged quests with NPCs.

Gamers Heroes - Johnny Hurricane - 5 / 10

Fallout 76 feels like an early access title and should have been labeled as such. The game was not ready for launch, and even hardcore Fallout fans will have a hard time ignoring its problems.

Gamersky - 楚楠 - 7.6 / 10.0

Exploring is still the most interesting part in Fallout 76, but your adventure tour is limited by empty open-world, and outdated graphics performance. It is more like a MMO mod of Fallout 4, rather than a brand-new work.

GameSpace - Robert Baddeley - 7.2 / 10.0

Fallout 76 would have been best served by a longer, continuous B.E.T.A. cycle. Numerous small issues like bugs, stash size, push-to-talk, and other quality of life issues could have been identified before asking people to spend $60 and working on them after release. Despite this faux pas, there is still a tremendous amount of fun to be had either solo or with friends. Multiplayer is a wonderful addition to the Fallout franchise and the world created in West Virginia is unique, gorgeous, and fun to explore. It may not be in line to win any awards but if you enjoyed the previous installation, Fallout 4, it's quite likely you'll find the same fun in Bethesda's Fallout 76.

GameSpot - Edmond Tran - 4 / 10

Fallout's mutation into an online multiplayer hybrid leaves it weak and soulless.

GamesRadar+ - Zoe Delahunty-Light - 2.5 / 5 stars

Fallout 76 has glimmers of the trademark series' sci-fi splendour, but they're few and far between.

GamingBolt - Shubhankar Parijat - 4 / 10.0

Fallout 76 is not a completely broken game. It's not absolutely devoid of enjoyment, and every once in a while, it can live up to the franchise name it bears. The problem is that that enjoyment is buried under a mountainous pile of long stretches of boredom and emptiness, tedious and mind-numbing quests, baffling design choices, unbelievably bad technical issues, and a host of other problems that turn this into an experience that, frankly, has no business being out on shelves as a full-priced AAA game in its current state. What's concerning is that even if the issues that can be fixed through patches and updates are ironed out, the core fundamentals of the game are deeply flawed.

GearNuke - Humad Ali Shah - 5.5 / 10.0

If I had to describe Fallout 76, I will say it is a flawed idea that never works well. It is simply broken and feels boring but offers a redeeming factor with the open world exploration in some well-crafted environments. The buggy nature of the game is its biggest hurdle and some quality of life changes will go a long way in molding it into something enjoyable in the future. - Patryk Manelski - Polish - 5.5 / 10.0

Fallout 76 is a broken, unfinished and "un-SPECIAL" game that consists of many cut-down elements. Despite that, it can be enjoyable for players who love to explore the post-apocalyptic world and invent their own, private role-playing story. F76 looks so constrained that it should have been released as a paid DLC to Fallout 4. Shame.

Guardian - Holly Nielsen - 2 / 5 stars

Half-baked conflict ideas and witless quests to unearth the dead – this soulless sequel is perfect if you enjoy picking up rubbish in a wasteland

IGN - Brandin Tyrrel - 5 / 10.0

The rich wasteland map of Fallout 76 is wasted on a mess of bugs, conflicting ideas, and monotony.

Just Push Start - Oliver East - 3.5 / 5.0

Whether swapping NPC conversations for other players works is a bit subjective, though the change is not as severe a detriment to the experience as expected. While the roots of Fallout 76 are firmly in Fallout 4 the final gameplay experience is quite different and so there's no guarantee that fans of that game will enjoy it. Fallout 76 is worthy of recommendation with two caveats. You have to go in expecting a light multiplayer survival game in an interesting setting, rather than a deep story-focused role-playing game. On top of this, Fallout 76 is a game that really is better with friends, as that is the real replacement for the NPC dialogue in the world – if you're going in as a solo player you might come away dissatisfied.

Merlin'in Kazanı - Furkan Sakoğlu - Turkish - 65 / 100

Fallout 76 is one of the games which makes us uncertain. I can't call it a complete trash, but can't call it a good game either. But somehow, I believe in it. If Bethesda keeps working hard on the game, in a year, it will become a game which deserves to be played.

Metro GameCentral - GameCentral - 3 / 10

A disastrous failure whose technical shortcomings may one day be fixed but whose design failings, and obliviousness to its own potential, suggests a game that is irrevocably broken.

Nexus - Sam Aberdeen - 6 / 10.0

Fallout 76 boasts an impressive open world in West Virginia, but it's a lonely journey on the country roads. It's greatest aspects are buried under a myriad of nagging technical issues.

Niche Gamer - Brandon Orselli - 6.5 / 10.0

All in all, Fallout 76 comes off as the core gameplay experience you’d find in Fallout 4, only with multiplayer sort of tacked on somehow. There’s no real overarching story and no NPCs to really speak of, and yet there’s a giant map to explore and collect things while just getting stronger. It’s the modern Bethesda Fallout experience, distilled to that core gameplay loop.

NoobFeed - Adam Siddiqui - 55 / 100

Fallout 76 entices that same feeling of exploring a vast open world full of unknown locations in a vast world. Constantly uncovering hidden areas and finding exotic items is here but it's hindered by the game's massive technical problems and multiplayer balancing problems. Fallout 76 is a technical mess that will have you fighting the game itself.

Oyungezer Online - Emir Ataç - Turkish - 6 / 10.0

Different, confused but still a Fallout game in its essence. I really hope updates will help Fallout 76 to reach its potential one day.

PC Gamer - Christopher Livingston - 60 / 100

A beautifully crafted but ultimately repetitive world, and a disappointment when it comes to options on PC.

PCGamesN - Julian Benson - No Verdict

Many of Fallout 76’s systems are clunky, and seem to actively get in the way of its fun, but the longer I spend in West Virginia, the more I’m taken by its eccentricities.

PlayStation LifeStyle - Dylan Bishop - 6 / 10.0

I want to love Fallout 76, namely for its addition of co-op play and the representation of a region dear to my heart. I simply can't. I wouldn't say the latest Fallout title is abysmal or even bad, just very middling. It removes many of the series' strong suits and attempts to make up for it by adding in new mechanics or strengthening lesser ones. That move creates interesting situations, but they don't always pay off for the player. The story falters, the crafting and building doesn't fulfill, and the exploration means next to nothing. Fallout 76 is just barely good at best, when you're jaunting around with your friends. But at its worst, it's vapid, basic, and boring, meaning I'd rather see co-op and the wild and wonderful West Virginia in any other adventure.

PlayStation Universe - Garri Bagdasarov - 7 / 10.0

Fallout 76 is a blast to play. It's easily my favorite Fallout title to date. Fallout 76 has it's fair share of problems but they don't make the game unplayable. Fallout 76 isn't for everyone but for those who stick with it will definitely find what it has to offer.

Push Square - Robert Ramsey - 3 / 10

Fallout 76 is a seriously shoddy attempt at trying to cash in on the multiplayer survival market. Fallout with friends is an intriguing concept on paper, but we can't think of many more ways that Bethesda could have screwed it up.

RPG Site - Bryan Vitale - 5 / 10

Fallout 76 offers a large playground with some potential, but is heavily lacking in purpose. - Branislav Kohút - 7 / 10.0

New Fallout is atypical game in series but online survival is not bad at all. Just full of bugs and technical issues.

Softpedia - Andrei Dobra - 6 / 10.0

With some more time and more inspired gameplay design, it could have been a much better experience. Right now, unfortunately, its great world feels like a missed opportunity that's mostly not fun, only in very few scenarios and for very few people. Bethesda proved with The Elder Scrolls Online that it can turn things around but 76 may require some sweeping changes until it's ready to be recommended to others.

Stevivor - Steve Wright - No Verdict

So far, Fallout 76 seems like a half-baked, early access entry, equal parts buggy as ugly

The Digital Fix - Stephen Hudson - 5 / 10.0

Despite Appalachia's appeal, Fallout 76 is broken mess of a game that, in its current state, feels nothing more than a shamefully unfinished cash-grab that isn't fit to use the Fallout name.

The Games Machine - Daniele Dolce - Italian - 6.2 / 10.0

Putting aside the many technical issues, Fallout 76 offers an empty world in which, paradoxically, there are many things to do, but everything appears to be an end in itself. There is something good in this game, but it's crippled by a bland world design and a non-existent plot. This is a game that may be able to entertain, but boredom is always dangerously around the corner.

The Jimquisition - Jim Sterling - No Verdict

Quote not yet available.

TheSixthAxis - Jason Coles - 3 / 10

Fallout 76 had a lot to say when it was revealed. It was multiplayer, it had the largest world of any Fallout, it was going to be fun. The trouble is that it just doesn't work, the world is too big and empty, and the quest design as uninspired as it gets. If the only way for a game to be entertaining is by having your friends make jokes about it as you journey together, then it has failed at one of the things that most games should be. It has failed at being fun, it has failed at being entertaining in its own right. If you want to hang out with some friends in an a post-apocalypse, then just go to a pub and watch the news.

TrustedReviews - Alastair Stevenson - 3.5 / 5 stars

Fallout 76 is one of the most interesting entries to the series since Fallout 3. The addition of multiplayer elements to the apocalyptic wasteland should on paper make for a wonderfully immersive, tense experience, and for a good while it does. Playing with buddies looting collapsed shopping centres and derelict towns is a blast and the robust crafting and character development mechanics are excellent.

Twinfinite - Chris Jecks - 2.5 / 5.0

The wasteland of West Virginia is a dangerous one, filled with interesting things to uncover off the beaten path and the potential to improve. But right now, it's hard to recommend it to anyone outside of die-hard fans of the series.

USgamer - Mike Williams - 2 / 5 stars

Fallout 76 is not a great Fallout game, but it's also not a great online survival experience. In failing to do either, Fallout 76 consigns itself to a mire of mediocrity.

VideoGamer - Joshua Wise - 4 / 10

Fallout 76 is an ambitious game that's burned by it. The online features hamper what could have been a great Fallout game.

Wccftech - Chris Wray - 5 / 10.0

Fallout 76 lacks the heart and soul of what is a Bethesda RPG. The exclusion of NPC's and, in general, decent quest givers makes an emotional (or any) connection to the world near-on impossible and manages to shatter any immersion. The inclusion of other humans does nothing to remedy the fact that these core elements are missing. What it does do right, though, is having built by far the most varied and engaging Map yet, which is a pleasure to look at and explore - even if it looks dated up close. Furthermore, teaming up with other people to take on high-end creatures, particularly after the launch of a nuke, makes for compelling gameplay. As can be expected from a Bethesda title, it's riddled with bugs and glitches, many are game breaking, though Bethesda is already working on fixing them. What Fallout 76 really needs is an infusion of NPC's, even if only at a single hub, to give the game purpose.

Xbox Achievements - Dan Webb - 65%

Fallout 76 is effectively about base-construction, survival and world-building, not the story and your part in it, which isn’t a bad thing. The execution is though.


Se viene el GOTY.


Menudo ostión, no?


esta de madre


A 33€ ahora en MediaMarkt

2 respuestas

c4s1 no se veía venir.





Pues se han llevado un pico vendiendo un mod del 4, ni tan mal. free money


Debería tener un 2/10


Recién sacado de Twitter


Si querían sacar unas perras mientras llegan Starfield y TESVI, lo hubieran tenido muy fácil simplemente haciendo de este juego un Fallout normal, con su historia etc y para un solo jugador. Aunque apenas hubiesen innovado, pero al menos así habrían contentado a los fans de la saga, al menos mucho más que con este juego.

1 respuesta

#5 Ostia jajajaja eso si que no lo habia visto yo en un juego que lleva a la venta 10 dias o así.


Se veia venir de lejos


Dice mucho de la prensa que un juego de 1 o de 3 como mucho, le pongan 5 o 6'5.

Eso hace que entiendas como juegos que son de 6 o de 7, tengan 8 y 9. Deberían quitar las notas ya, es una mierda.

3 2 respuestas

Failout 76


#15 Yup, totalmente de acuerdo.

No entiendo en qué mundo paralelo Fallout 76 es un 7. Gráficamente es un ñordo, está lleno de bugs, y el mundo está completamente vacío. ¿Y eso merece un 7?


Vaya destrozo ufff


Un 0 debería tener si tenemos en cuenta el precio, a ver si Bethesda si espabila, que se deben pensar que los compradores somos gilipollas.


Fallout 4 salió llegando a tener 0fps en XO, al menos ahora ya va a 20fps :shutup:


Mucho criticarlo pero ninguno en España tiene huevos a darle el suspenso, la prensa siendo la prensa.

2 2 respuestas

Todos sabemos que en la vara de los videojuegos, si bajas de un 75 eres una mierda.


Cualquier reviewer que le de más de un 4 para mi ya pierde el valor en todas sus reviews. €€€€


Pues que queréis que os diga, aparte de los bugs que tenga (cosa que ya se arreglaran) me parece super entretenido con colegas, ya me esta dando el triple de horas que cualquier otro AAA. El problema es que es un Early Access y lo han vendido como un juego terminado y de ahí es el gran fallo, de haberlo vendido como toca otro gallo cantaría.

1 2 respuestas


Y para qué lo van a venderlo como toca si lo compran igual


#25 Y más barato... ya que es un juego sin terminar, que lo saquen por 20€ xD
Y ya luego cuando lo tengan acabado y en condiciones que le suban el precio como hacen otros juegos.

Tengo que decir que a mi me llamaba mucho la idea de este juego pero despues de ver gameplays no me gustó nada.


Muy acertado (para Bethesda) no haberlo sacado en steam, ya que las críticas en la puntuación habrían sido sonadas.

Esperaba este juego con ilusión y lo tengo comprado, pero no le estoy echando horas de juego más allá de las del alpha y día de lanzamiento. Voy a esperar a que solucionen cosas y jugaré entonces, ya que el juego me gusta porque soy un Fallout Fanboy y con amigos es entretenido, pero esta entrega es un fallo por su parte que no acabo de comprender. Solo espero que no repercuta negativamente en futuros títulos que esperamos con gran ilusión como Elder Scrolls.

1 respuesta

ayer en game, escuché a un matrimonio con su hijo cagarse en dios pero bien en medio de la tienda por que decían que se habían comprado el juego y ni se podia jugar sin tener online xD
decia: Que hijos de puta, la ultima vez, vaya facilidades dan, me cago en su puta madre y así jajaja

1 respuesta

Está guay con colegas, pero ha salido con muchos bugs, y con contenido aún por sacar, sin hablar de los dlcs

Notas merecidas, Bethesda no se ha enterado de la película

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